68 research outputs found


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    Adaptive Neighborhod Based Modified Backpropagation (ANMBP) merupakan salah satu metode untuk klasifikasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengklasifikasikan data mammogram menggunakan ANMBP. Klasifikasi dibagi menjadi tiga kategori, yaitu normal dan tidak normal, massa dan mikrokalsifikasi, jinak dan ganas. Klasifikasi data mammogram meliputi preprocessing, ektraksi fitur dan klasifikasi. Preprocessing menggunakan thresholding dan histogram equalization. Ekstraksi Fitur menggunakan transformasi wavelet dan klasifikasi menggunakan ANMBP. Hasil dari transformasi wavelet berupa koefisien energi. Koefisien energi yang digunakan 100, 500, 1000 dan 5000. Hasil klasifikasi menunjukkan bahwa massa dapat dikenali dengan baik menggunakan koefisien energi 100 dan mikrokalsifikasi dapat dikenali dengan baik menggunakan koefisien energi 5000. Hasil training dengan artificial neural network untuk mikrokalsifikasi jinak dan mikrokalsifikasi ganas iterasi berhenti pada epoch ke-666 dengan error sebesar 0.00096204 sedangkan hasil training dengan neural network belum konvergen sampai iterasi 1000000 dengan error 0.0546007. Kata Kunci : Klasifikasi, ANMBP, massa, mikrokalsifikasi

    The Use of Debate Method to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill

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    Speaking is a crucial part of the language learning process. However, many students find speaking as one of the most difficult skills in English. Therefore, the researcher wants to improve the students’ speaking ability through the suitable teaching method, in this case the debate. The objective of this research referring to the research problem is to find out how the debate method can improve speaking ability. Based on the research problem and the relevant theory, the hypothesis of this research is described as follows: Debate method improves the speaking ability of the fifth semester students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember in the 2017 / 2018 academic year by developing their activeness in expressing oral argument logically in a systematic way. The design of this research is classroom action research. The research subject is the fifth semester class consisting of 34 students. Test and observation are used to obtain the data. The data collection involved a number of instruments namely Test of Speaking English and Speaking Rubric. It was then evaluated by using speaking rubric covering fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Debate method improves the students’ speaking ability in two cycles from M = 61.84 in Cycle 1 to M = 70.34 in Cycle 2 and the percentage of students scored  (E = 66.67%) in Cycle 1 to (E = 83.34%) in Cycle 2. The observation result from 56.15% students’ activeness in Cycle 1 to 85.29% students’ activeness in Cycle 2. Based on the data above, there was significant impact of Cycle 2 implementation on the students’ speaking ability. It can be concluded that debate method is able to improve the students’ speaking ability

    Lotion Ekstrak Daun Zodia (Evodia sauveolens) Sebagai Repellent Nyamuk Aedes sp

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    AbstractDengue fever is vector borne disease by Aedes sp. mosquito. Insecticide was used widespreadly to control this vector. The use of insecticide in long periode will arise problemssuch as polluting the environment, killing non-target organism, and causing vectorresistant. It is need to looking for natural ingredient to use as the repellent of mosquitoescontact. Zodia plant (Evodia sauveolens) is contain active substances among otherlinanool and a-pinene which are natural active ingredients as mosquitoes repellent. Thestudy aimed to determine the influence of lotion from Zodia leaves extract against Aedessp. mosquitoes. The study design was post test only control. The result showed the highestprotection lotion zodia leaf extract (Evodia sauveolens) against Aedes sp. was atconcentration of 50% and 60%, ie 90% in the first hour. Long time protection longestpower was concentration 60%, that can reached up to 6 hours at 16%. We can concludethat there was an influence of the application of lotion from Zodia leaves extract to theprotection against Aedes sp. Abstrak Demam berdarah adalah penyakit yang ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk Aedes sp.Penggunaan insektisida merupakan cara yang sering digunakan. Namun demikian,penggunaan insektisida dapat menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan. Salah satutindakan pencegahan kontak nyamuk adalah dengan pemakaian repellent yangumumnya berbahan aktif kimia sintetis. Untuk itu perlu dicari bahan alami yang lebihaman, diantaranya penggunaan tanaman zodia (Evodia sauveolens) yang mengandungbahan aktif linanool dan a-pinene yang merupakan bahan alami penolak nyamuk.Metode penelitian ini post tes only control design. Pembuatan ekstrak dengan metodedestilasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian lotionekstrak daun zodia terhadap daya proteksi nyamuk Aedes sp. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan daya proteksi lotion ekstrak daun zodia (Evodia sauveolens) terhadapnyamuk Aedes sp. paling tinggi pada konsentrasi 50% dan 60% pada jam pertama yaitu90 %. Daya proteksi terlama diperoleh pada konsentrasi 60% yang dapat mencapai jamke-6 sebanyak 16%. Berdasarkan hasil dapat disimpulkan ada pengaruh pengolesanlotion ekstrak daun zodia terhadap daya proteksi nyamuk Aedes sp

    Komparasi Hasil Belajar Matematika Ditinjau Dari Status Sosial Ekonomi Orang Tua dan Motivasi Belajar pada Siswa Kelas XI Semester Ganjil SMK Bhina Karya Karanganyar Tahun 2015/2016

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    The background of this study is the low result of learning mathematics in SMK Bhina Karya Karanganyar. The cause may come from within the students that the students' motivation and socio-economis status of parents. The aim of research to describe and analyze: (1) the differences in mathematics learning outcomes of socio-economic status of parents, (2) the differences in mathematics learning outcomes of the level of student motivation, (3) the interaction between socio-economic status of parents and the level of students motivation to learn math results.The type of this research is comparison. The population of the research was all students of XI grade of SMK Bhina Karya Karanganyar of odd semester of academic year 2015/2016. The researchsample consisted of three classes. The sampling technique use random sampling. Methods of data collection use questionnaire and documentation. . Data analyzed by analysis of variance with two different cell lines. The results of data analysis with a significance level of 5% was obtained: (1) there is differences in mathematics learning outcomes of socio-economic status of parents, with (2) there is differences in mathematics learning outcomes of the level of student motivation, with (3) there is no interaction between socio-economic status of parents and the level of students motivation to learn math results, with FAB=1,33

    Mat elektrik

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    Mat anti nyamuk elektri

    Saluran Air Tertutup sebagai Faktor Penekan Populasi Tikus di Daerah Bekas Fokus Pes Cangkringan Sleman Yogyakarta

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    Sub-district Cangkringan of Sleman District is an focus area of Plague surveillance at the slopes of Merapi Mountains. Eruption montains was interested alert of rats to insert surrounding villages mountain. Surveillance such as monitoring of rats population was doing for early warning Plague and other disease such as Leptospirosis disease. Sub-district Cangkringan consist of five villages, Wukirsari village is one of former focus. The purpose of study was to determine home environment conditions contributed to trap success. Study design was observational with cross sectional, size of sample as 66 samples (home). Data analyzed with univariat and bivariate. The number of rats caught in the village of Wukirsari are 36 rats with 27.7% trap success with type of rats by Rattus rattus diardi with number of “Xenopsylla cheopis” are 5. Index flea was calculated of 0.13. based on bivariat analysis just closed water channel variabel was significantly correlated with trap success

    The Use of Identity Card to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill

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    The study aimes to describe how a communicative activity through the useof identity card influences speaking skills of junior high schools students inBondowoso. Classroom Action Research (CAR) was implemented using a modelby Elliot to the first graders; 10 males and 15 females. It was done in two cycles;each of which consisted of two meetings. The researcher used collaborativeaction research with some of the English teachers. The data collection involvedTest of Speaking English and Speaking Rubric which evaluated fluency,pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. The finding showed the mean scoreof pretest reached 67.8 and that of posttest reached up to 70.2, resulting in asignificant improvement of 42 % in posttest 1 and 64% in posttest 2. Therefore,the criteria of success was achieved, indicated by the improvement of students’active participation, confidence and their fluency positively in speaking inpeer-interaction and discussion through the contents of Identity Card beforepracticing in front of the class. Hereby proposed some suggestions addressedto teachers and other researchers who wish to pursue related topics in futureresearch, concerning the importance of communicative activities using IdentityCard that can improve students’ enthusiasm and motivation
