804 research outputs found

    Unconventional Modulation of Diarylethene Photoswitches

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    Light can be manipulated and modulated to fit a particular need or application, such as overcoming a spectral mismatch when facilitating a high energy photochemical reaction. This can be of use in various applications, including solar energy conversion and biological contexts. Photochromic molecules, or molecular photoswitches, undergo photoisomerization reactions when subjected to light of different wavelengths, which can be tracked in situ by spectroscopic techniques such as UV-vis absorption and fluorescence. In this thesis, the photoisomerization and fluorescence of diarylethene photoswitches are modulated by three unconventional methods. The methods are unconventional in the sense that the photochemical processes are not induced by direct excitation. Instead, the photochemistry in the three included papers is respectively facilitated by rapid modulation of light that is not absorbed by the fluorescent isomer, triplet sensitization using hybrids of nanocrystals and organic mediators, or triplet-triplet annihilation photon upconversion. While further improvements are needed for these methods to reach their full potential, the findings in this thesis brings us closer to visible-light control of high energy photochemical transformations

    Genetic analysis of historical human remains – what ancient bones can tell if questioned with optimized methodology

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    Poster presented at Human Identification Solutions (HIDS) Rome, 3rd-4th May, 2018, Rome, Italy

    Is Scholarly Communication Possible in a So-called “Artificial” Language?

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    Important for the status of any language is its function as a scholarly language. Are “artificial” languages, i.e. “international planned languages”, available for such a function? This article demonstrates that they are. Among planned languages, language planning, and research on scholarly language there are several connections, particularly demonstrable through the example of Esperanto. This language, from as early as the beginning of the 20th century, has had available to it scholarly texts in journals and other publications, and oral scholarly discourse through individual communication among individual scholars and in the context of organizations and other communities of discourse on various subjects, today also web-based. Characteristics of the language, particularly its word-formation, tend to favor the flexible naming of notions and the creation of terms in line with the criteria of ISO/TC 37. Such stabilized scientific vocabulary is recorded in over 200 dictionaries covering some 90 fields. The Universal Esperanto Association seeks to coordinate work on terminology and collaborates with the principal international terminological institutions. Outside their own range of discourse, planned languages have served to stimulate work, for example, in decimal classification, in nomenclature, and in terminology science. There is a broad scholarly literature in the field

    Tata Rias Wajah Dengan Aplikasi Eyeshadow Bold Eyes Dipadu Eyeshadow Gliter Untuk Koreksi Kelainan Mata Pseudoptosis.

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    Abstrak: Teknikkaplikasi eyeshadow bold eyes dipadu dengan eyesshadow gliter untuk koreksi mata pseudoptosis adalah tata rias korektiffyang menutupi suatu kekurangan dengan ilmu tata rias yang mengalami inovasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1.) Pengaplikasian aplikasi eyeshadow bold eyes dipadu dan eyesshadow gliterruntuk koreksi mata pseudoptosi. 2.) Untuk mengetahui penilaian ahli terhadap hasil jadi tata rias wajah dengan teknik aplikasi eyeshadow bolddeyesk dipadu dan eyesshadowngliter untuk koreksi mata pseudoptosi. Jenis penelitian ini diskriptiffkualitatif data yang didapat berupa hasil pengaplikasian aplikasi eyeshadow bold eyes dipadu dan eyesshadow gliter untuk koreksi mata pseudoptosi yang digunakan pra penelitian dengan rekayasa desain, pendapat ahli, pelaksanaan penelitian, penilaian ahli terhadap hasilm tata riasswajah aplikasi eyeshadow bold eyes dipadu dengan eyesshadow gliter untuk koreksi kelainan mata pseudoptosis.,.Metode pengumpulan data wawancara, dan observasi.Hasil penilaian observer terhadap tata rias wajah dengan aplikasi eyeshadownbold eyes dipadu eyeshadow glitter untuk koreksi kelainan mata pseudoptosis menyatakan bahwa keseluruhan pengaplikasianmini sesuai diterapkan di pengantin Sunda Siger muslim ditinjau dari hasil eksperimen yang pernah dilakukan dan dinilai dengan para ahli. Kata Kunci: Aplikasi Eyeshadow Bold Eyess Dipadu Dengan EyesshadowwGliter Untuk Koreksi Mata Pseudoptosis. Abstract: Bold eyes eyeshadow application techniques combined withheyesshadow eye correction to gliter pseudoptosis is corrective makeup that covers a lack with the science of Cosmetology who experience innovation. This research aims to find out: 1.) Application Deployment) eyeshadowwbold eyes combined and gliter eyesshadow pseudoptosi eye for correction. 2.) To find out the results of the expert assessment against so makeup eyeshadow application techniques with bold eyes combined and gliter eyesshadow pseudoptosi eye for correction. This type of research is qualitative diskriptif the data obtained in the form of bold eyeshadow application deployment results eyes combined and eyesshadow eye pseudoptosi correction to gliter used pra research with engineering design, expert opinion, implementationnof research, expert assessment against the results of the application of eyeshadow makeup bold eyes combined with eyesshadow for the correction of the eye disorder gliter pseudoptosis on Sunda Siger muslim bride. Methods of data collection, interview and observation. The results of the assessment of the observer towards the makeup with bold eyes eyeshadow application combined eyeshadow glitter for the correction of eye disorders pseudoptosis stated that overall this deployment applied in Sundanese Siger muslim bride reviewed the results of experiments ever conducted and assessed by the experts. Keywords: Bold Eyes Eyeshadow Application Combined With Eyesshadow Eye Correction To Gliter Pseudoptosis


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    Pendidikan karakter saat ini sangat diperlukan bukan hanya di sekolah, tetapi juga di rumah dan lingkungan masyarakat. Rasa kasih sayang antara masyarakat Indonesia saat ini diganti dengan kebencian yang dilancarkan oleh berbagai kelompok etnis, pemeluk agama, anggota partai politik, bahkan oleh komunitas yang secara historis terkenal memiliki jiwa gotong royong yang tinggi, yakni masyarakat desa atau kampung. Sehingga untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, diperlukannya penanaman karakter di lingkungan sekolah, di rumah dan di lingkungan masyarakat. Hal tersebut dapat memberikan pengertian yang lebih dalam kepada anak mengenai pentingnya pendidikan karakter. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini untuk mengetahui implementasi 12 Prinsip Dasar UPI YPTK Padang terhadap Mie Cipeh Cafe Uniang. Metode yang dilakukan dengan mewawancarai pemilik usaha dalam menerapkan implementasi 12 Prinsip Dasar UPI YPTK Padang. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa Umkm Mie Cipeh Cafe Uniang dianggap sesuai dengan implementasi 12 Prinsip Dasar UPI YPTK  Padang karena di Umkm ini menunjukkan sikap dan sifat yang ada pada 12 Prinsip Dasar UPI YPTK Padang.. Berdasarkan kegiatan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Umkm Mie Cipeh Cafe Uniang akan memberikan pemahaman pentingnya implementasi 12 Prinsip Dasar UPI YPTK Padang agar UMKM yang dijalankan mempunyai ciri dan karakter yang baik bagi masyarakat mauapun lingkungan sekitar

    Sexing sub-adult human remains with osteological and DNA-analysis based methodology

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    Poster presented at FIRN Midlands Regional Student Forensic Science Conference, Staffordshire University, 20 April 2012

    Social Network Analysis Pergerakan Ternak Babi Terhadap Penyebaran Penyakit Classical Swine Fever atau Hog cholera di Kabupaten Sikka Pulau Flores Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timor, Indonesia

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    Classical Swine Fever (CSF) is a serious and highly infectious viral disease of both domestic pigs and wild boar. The disease was classified as a pestivirus within the family Flaviviridae that forms a group of economically important pathogens. This disease has become endemic in some districts in Nusa Tenggara Timur. However, it gained entry into the district of Sikka in 2016. This disease was suspected to gain entry into Sikka by the movements of pigs (pig trading). However, it was not certain how this disease introduced and transmitted into the region. This research was aimed to identify and analyze the movement of pigs through the trade chain as a pathway to spread the disease within farms in the district of Sikka. A total of 57 respondents were interviewed in this study involved sellers and buyers in the markets (4 buyers and 4 sellers in each market-a total of 32 people), suppliers of pigs (10 people), and pig farmers as many as 5 respondents per village (3 villages selected purposively). A face-to-face interview was conducted to obtain information from the respondents. The results of the study found that market sellers and buyers are actively moving through the market network, and therefore could potentially contribute to the spread of CSF in Sikka, if an outbreak occurred in the region. The in and out-degree values in the current study suggest that pigs were moving in and out of the areas through the movement of sellers and buyers. This study also found that Node S5 plays a key role in transmitting information to all other nodes in the network of pigs in Sikka. This study also found that there was potential movement of pigs in different villages in Sikka through the directed links or ties, which could contribute to the transmission and spread of CSF

    Genetic analysis of historical human remains - what ancient bones can tell if asked the right questions using optimized methodology…

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    Poster presented at Human Identification Solutions (HIDS) 2016, 10th-11th May, 2016, Barcelona, Spain


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    In the title compound, C15H10O4, the benzene ring is twisted at an angle of 20.7 (1)° relative to the 4H-chromene skeleton. In the crystal, adjacent mol­ecules are linked via a network of O—H⋯O and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. The mean planes of adjacent 4H-chromene moieties are parallel or oriented at an angle of 20.9 (1)° in the crystal structure

    PF-6 Risk Factors Investigation of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) in the District of Sikka, Flores Island Indonesia

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    The existence of CSF in an area and the potential for introducing the disease into a new area can be associated with the presence of certain risk factors. Identification of these risk factors is important in understanding the transmission of disease and for the development of effective prevention, control and eradication programs. An epidemiological investigation will be carried out on small-holder farmers in the District of Sikka Flores Island, Indonesia. The study is designed to identify factors associated with seropositivity to Classical swine fever (CSF). Classical Swine Fever is a serious and highly infectious viral disease of domestic pigs and wild boar (1). It remains one of the most important transboundary viral diseases of swine worldwide (2)