596 research outputs found

    Generalized negligible morphisms and their tensor ideals

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    We introduce a generalization of the notion of a negligible morphism and study the associated tensor ideals and thick ideals. These ideals are defined by considering deformations of a given monoidal category C\mathcal{C} over a local ring RR. If the maximal ideal of RR is generated by a single element, we show that any thick ideal of C\mathcal{C} admits an explicitely given modified trace function. As examples we consider various Deligne categories and the categories of tilting modules for a quantum group at a root of unity and for a semisimple, simply connected algebraic group in prime characteristic. We prove an elementary geometric description of the thick ideals in quantum type A and propose a similar one in the modular case

    On centralizer algebras for spin representations

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    We give a presentation of the centralizer algebras for tensor products of spinor representations of quantum groups via generators and relations. In the even-dimensional case, this can be described in terms of non-standard q-deformations of orthogonal Lie algebras; in the odd-dimensional case only a certain subalgebra will appear. In the classical case q = 1 the relations boil down to Lie algebra relations

    Mapping spot blotch resistance genes in four barley populations

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    Bipolaris sorokiniana (teleomorph: Cochliobolus sativus) is the fungal pathogen responsible for spot blotch in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and occurs worldwide in warmer, humid growing conditions. Current Australian barley varieties are largely susceptible to this disease and attempts are being made to introduce sources of resistance from North America. In this study we have compared chromosomal locations of spot blotch resistance reactions in four North American two-rowed barley lines; the North Dakota lines ND11231-12 and ND11231-11 and the Canadian lines TR251 and WPG8412-9-2-1. Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT)-based PCR, expressed sequence tag (EST) and SSR markers have been mapped across four populations derived from crosses between susceptible parental lines and these four resistant parents to determine the location of resistance loci. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) conferring resistance to spot blotch in adult plants (APR) were detected on chromosomes 3HS and 7HS. In contrast, seedling resistance (SLR) was controlled solely by a locus on chromosome 7HS. The phenotypic variance explained by the APR QTL on 3HS was between 16 and 25% and the phenotypic variance explained by the 7HS APR QTL was between 8 and 42% across the four populations. The SLR QTL on 7HS explained between 52 to 64% of the phenotypic variance. An examination of the pedigrees of these resistance sources supports the common identity of resistance in these lines and indicates that only a limited number of major resistance loci are available in current two-rowed germplasm

    Влияние ширины реза на радиальную проекцию силы резания

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    В статье обосновывается влияние ширины реза на проекцию составляющей силы резания на плоскость, перпендикулярную оси вращения геохода. Рассмотрена актуальность исследования. Для постановки цели и задач исследования определена проекция составляющей силы резания на плоскость, перпендикулярную оси вращения геохода. На основании проведенного исследования построена зависимость радиальной проекции силы резанию ножевого исполнительного органа геохода (RИО.СВ) от от x до Rг

    On the Representation Theory of an Algebra of Braids and Ties

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    We consider the algebra En(u){\cal E}_n(u) introduced by F. Aicardi and J. Juyumaya as an abstraction of the Yokonuma-Hecke algebra. We construct a tensor space representation for En(u){\cal E}_n(u) and show that this is faithful. We use it to give a basis for En(u){\cal E}_n(u) and to classify its irreducible representations.Comment: 24 pages. Final version. To appear in Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics

    Исследование влияния давления в реакторах на процесс каталитического риформинга бензинов

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    Freeman-Sheldon syndrome is defined as a combination of microstomia, deep set eyes, small palpebral fissures, arthrogryposis with ulnar deviation of the hand, talipes equinovarus and generalized muscular hypertension. Respiratory and swallowing problems are frequently encountered in these patients due to small orifices of mouth and nose. Obstruction of the upper airway tract resulting in tracheostomy has only been described twice. The described child manifested the typical dysmorphic features of Freeman-Sheldon syndrome and suffered from serious respiratory distress and swallowing difficulties from birth. The boy died at the age of 7 months after accidental decannulation of the tracheostoma during sleep. He did not show anatomical or histopathological abnormalities in the pharyngeal, laryngeal or tracheal regions. We assume that the only explanation of the repeated obstructive episodes is a functional muscular obstruction. Copyright © 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

    The Nakayama automorphism of the almost Calabi-Yau algebras associated to SU(3) modular invariants

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    We determine the Nakayama automorphism of the almost Calabi-Yau algebra A associated to the braided subfactors or nimrep graphs associated to each SU(3) modular invariant. We use this to determine a resolution of A as an A-A bimodule, which will yield a projective resolution of A.Comment: 46 pages which constitutes the published version, plus an Appendix detailing some long calculations. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1110.454

    Representation-theoretic derivation of the Temperley-Lieb-Martin algebras

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    Explicit expressions for the Temperley-Lieb-Martin algebras, i.e., the quotients of the Hecke algebra that admit only representations corresponding to Young diagrams with a given maximum number of columns (or rows), are obtained, making explicit use of the Hecke algebra representation theory. Similar techniques are used to construct the algebras whose representations do not contain rectangular subdiagrams of a given size.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, to appear in J. Phys.

    A New Young Diagrammatic Method For Kronecker Products of O(n) and Sp(2m)

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    A new simple Young diagrammatic method for Kronecker products of O(n) and Sp(2m) is proposed based on representation theory of Brauer algebras. A general procedure for the decomposition of tensor products of representations for O(n) and Sp(2m) is outlined, which is similar to that for U(n) known as the Littlewood rules together with trace contractions from a Brauer algebra and some modification rules given by King.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, no figure