9,354 research outputs found

    Experimental investigation of the effects of pulse pressure distortions imposed on the inlet of a turbofan engine

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    Pulse pressure distortion effects imposed on inlet of turbofan engin

    A method to account for variation of average compressor inlet pressure during instantaneous distortion analyses

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    A method is presented to calculate the available surge margin as a function of time and incorporate it into an instantaneous distortion analysis. Results show that inlet pressure variations which cause only a small change at the compressor exit can cause a significant variation in the available surge margin

    Interactive Simplifier Tracing and Debugging in Isabelle

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    The Isabelle proof assistant comes equipped with a very powerful tactic for term simplification. While tremendously useful, the results of simplifying a term do not always match the user's expectation: sometimes, the resulting term is not in the form the user expected, or the simplifier fails to apply a rule. We describe a new, interactive tracing facility which offers insight into the hierarchical structure of the simplification with user-defined filtering, memoization and search. The new simplifier trace is integrated into the Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE.Comment: Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 201

    Analytical investigation of nonrecoverable stall

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    A lumped parameter model of the TF34 engine is formulated to study nonrecoverable stall. Features of the model include forward and reverse flow, radial flow in the fan, and variable corrected speed. The purpose of the study is to point out those parameters to which recoverability is highly sensitive but are not well known. Experimental research may then be directed toward identification of the parameters in that category. Compressor performance in the positive flow region and radial flow in the fan are shown to be important but unknown parameters determining recoverability. Other parameters such as compressor performance during reverse flow and in-stall efficiency have relatively small impact on recoverability

    Analysis of dynamic inlet distortion applied to a parallel compressor model

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    An investigation of surge was conducted by using a parallel compressor model of the J85-13 compressor implement on an analog computer. Surges were initiated by various types of dynamic disturbances in inlet pressure. The compressor model was less sensitive to disturbances of short duration, high frequency, and long duration where the compressor discharge pressure could react. Adding steady distortion to dynamic disturbances reduced the amount of dynamic disturbance required to effect surge. Steady and unsteady distortions combined linearly to reduce surge margin

    Performance of a J85-13 compressor with clean and distorted inlet flow

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    The results presented are of a series of experimental tests in which a J85-13 turbojet engine was subjected to both distorted and undistorted inlet total pressure conditions. A distinctive feature of the data base obtained is that it includes compressor interstage information not previously recorded for a J85-13 engine. Each of the eight compressor stages was instrumented to obtain the characteristics of the individual stages for undistorted inlet conditions, and these data are documented in the report along with the undistorted compressor overall performance. Also included in the report is the overall performance of the compressor exposed to 14 different distorted-inlet conditions - 10 circumferential patterns and 4 radial patterns. The distortion patterns were introduced using screens that spoiled from 8 to 50 percent of the compressor face area; the distortion screen density, or the area blocked by the screen wire per unit area of screen, varied from 26 to 69 percent

    Experimental program for the evaluation of turbofan/turboshaft c conversion technology

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    A TF34 turbofan engine is being modified to produce shaft power from an output coupling on the fan disk when variable inlet guide vanes are closed to reduce fan airflow. The engine, called a convertible engine, could be used on advanced rotorcraft such as X-wing, ABC (Advanced Blade Concept), and Folding Tilt Rotor, and on V/STOL craft in which two engines are cross-coupled. The engine will be tested on an outdoor static test stand at NASA Lewis Research Center. Steady-state tests will be made to measure performance in turbofan, turboshaft, and combined power output modes. Transient tests will be made to determine the response to the engine and a new digital engine control system for several types of rapid changes in thrust and shaft loads. The paper describes the engine modifications, the test facility equipment, proposed testing techniques for several types of tests, and typical test results predicted from engine performance computer programs

    Frequency response of an axial-flow compressor exposed to inlet pressure perturbations

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    Experimental results of a series of engine tests designed to obtain the stage dynamics of an eight-stage axial-flow compressor over the frequency range of 0.5 to 200 hertz are presented. The total pressure at the compressor face was varied by means of a secondary air jet system installed in the engine inlet and positioned to oppose the primary airflow. Total-pressure probes located at each compressor stage were used to obtain the frequency response of each compressor-stage total pressure to the average compressor-inlet total pressure. The engine operating conditions were chosen to illustrate the effects of changing the rotor speed, changing the exhaust nozzle area, and isolating the compressor discharge pressure perturbations from the fuel control and hence, the fuel flow