
Performance of a J85-13 compressor with clean and distorted inlet flow


The results presented are of a series of experimental tests in which a J85-13 turbojet engine was subjected to both distorted and undistorted inlet total pressure conditions. A distinctive feature of the data base obtained is that it includes compressor interstage information not previously recorded for a J85-13 engine. Each of the eight compressor stages was instrumented to obtain the characteristics of the individual stages for undistorted inlet conditions, and these data are documented in the report along with the undistorted compressor overall performance. Also included in the report is the overall performance of the compressor exposed to 14 different distorted-inlet conditions - 10 circumferential patterns and 4 radial patterns. The distortion patterns were introduced using screens that spoiled from 8 to 50 percent of the compressor face area; the distortion screen density, or the area blocked by the screen wire per unit area of screen, varied from 26 to 69 percent

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