20 research outputs found

    Teachers' perceptions of school climate in inclusive schools

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    Teachers are important figures in forming the school climate, including in inclusive schools. Their perception will influence the learning process and indirectly affect students’ achievements. This study aimed to identify teachers’ perceptions of school climate in inclusive schools. Mixed method was used in this study. Quantitatively, questionnaires were given to 127 teachers from 2 inclusive vocational schools and 4 inclusive high schools in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surakarta, using accidental sampling technique. In each class, there were 2 – 3 students with special needs, which encompassed different types of disability such as physically disabled, low vision, slow learner, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and autism. Qualitatively, school observations and interviews were conducted with 10 teachers. The results showed that their perceptions of the school climate in high schools and vocational schools tended to be positive although the knowledge and application of inclusive education still needed to be improved. There were differences in several perceptual aspects due to the duration of teaching and the type of school

    Teachers' perceptions of school climate in inclusive schools

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    Teachers are important figures in forming the school climate, including in inclusive schools. Their perception will influence the learning process and indirectly affect students’ achievements. This study aimed to identify teachers’ perceptions of school climate in inclusive schools. Mixed method was used in this study. Quantitatively, questionnaires were given to 127 teachers from 2 inclusive vocational schools and 4 inclusive high schools in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surakarta, using accidental sampling technique. In each class, there were 2 – 3 students with special needs, which encompassed different types of disability such as physically disabled, low vision, slow learner, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and autism. Qualitatively, school observations and interviews were conducted with 10 teachers. The results showed that their perceptions of the school climate in high schools and vocational schools tended to be positive although the knowledge and application of inclusive education still needed to be improved. There were differences in several perceptual aspects due to the duration of teaching and the type of school

    Teaching Approach and Teacher Self-Efficacy during Early Childhood Distance Learning

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    Child Distance Learning (CDL) during the pandemic has led to an optimal development of children and effective teaching and learning processes in kindergartens. To overcome this, teachers need to apply a teaching approach in accordance with the principles of kindergarten education. In addition, teachers' self-efficacy of their ability to teach is also important for developing children's skills. This study aims to describe the teaching approach and the efficacy of kindergarten teachers during the CDL process and to identify the relationship between the two. The research method used is quantitative through document analysis as a source of data findings. A total of 116 Public Kindergarten (PK) teachers in DKI Jakarta participated in filling out the Classroom Management Scale and Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale online. All data were processed using descriptive statistics and correlation. Furthermore, there is a document analysis carried out on the Daily / Weekly Learning Program Design in PK Jakarta. The findings identified that the teaching approach of kindergarten teachers during CDL included only two principles of kindergarten education, namely thematic teaching and developing life skills. Furthermore, PK teachers in the Jakarta area showed low self-efficacy during CDL. The teaching approach and self-efficacy were caused by teachers' unpreparedness in facing challenges during CDL. In addition, other findings indicate that there is a relationship between teaching approaches and teacher self-efficacy. Another CDL model Interventions to increase teacher self-efficacy and the extent to which the relationship between the two variables can be studied further in future studies.  Keywords: Early Childhood, Distance Learning, Teaching Approach, Teacher Self-Efficacy References: Agustin, M., & Wahyudin, U. (2011). Penilaian perkembangan anak usia dini. Refika Aditama. Agustin, M., Puspita, R. D., Nurinten, D., & Nafiqoh, H. (2020). Tipikal Kendala Guru PAUD dalam Mengajar pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 dan Implikasinya. Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 5(1), 334. https://doi.org/10.31004/obsesi.v5i1.598 Ayu, N. (2015). Pengelolaan Kurikulum 2013 Di Tk Negeri Pembina Semarang. Program Sarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang. Bullock, A., Coplan, R. J., & Bosacki, S. (2015). Exploring links between early childhood educators’ psychological characteristics and classroom management self-efficacy beliefs. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 47(2), 175–183. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0038547 Cheung, S. K., Fong, R. W. tsz, Leung, S. K. Y., & Ling, E. K. wei. (2019). The Roles of Hong Kong Preservice Early Childhood Teachers’ Creativity and Zest in Their Self-efficacy in Creating Child-centered Learning Environments. Early Education and Development, 30(6), 788–799. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2019.1586224 Choi, J., Lee, J., & Kim, B. (2019). How does learner-centered education affect teacher self-efficacy? The case of project-based learning in Korea. Teaching and Teacher Education, 85, 45–57. Dimyati, J. (2016). Pembelajaran terpadu untuk taman kanak-kanak/ raudhatul athfal dan sekolah dasar. Prenamedia Group. Dinçer, Ç., & AkgĂĽn, E. (2015). Developing a classroom management skills inventory for preschool teachers and the correlation of preschool teachers’ classroom management skills with different variables. Egitim Ve Bilim, 40(117). Duffin, L., Patrick, H., & French, B. (2012). The teachers’ sense of efficacy scale: Confirming the factor structure with beginning pre-service teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 28(6), 827–834. Essa, E. (2011). Introduction to early childhood education. Wadsworth. Harwati, D., & Mariyanti, S. (2014). Hubungan antara self-efficacy dengan burnout pada pengajar taman kanak-kanak sekolah “X” di Jakarta. Jurnal Psikologi, 12(2), 54–60. Ismawati, D., & Prasetyo, I. (2020). Efektivitas pembelajaran menggunakan video zoom cloud meeting pada anak usia dini era pandemi covid-19. Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 5(1), 665-675. DOI: 10.31004/obsesi. v5i1.671 Jackman, H. (2011). Early education curriculum: A child’s connection to the world. Delmar Thomson Learning. Jalal, M. (2020). Kesiapan guru menghadapi pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa covid-19. Smart Kids: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usa Dini, 2(1), 35–40. Johar, R., & Hanum, L. (2016). Strategi belajar mengajar. Penerbit Deepublish. Klassen, R. M., & Chiu, M. M. (2010). Effects on teachers’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction: Teacher gender, years of experience, and job stress. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(3), 741–756. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0019237 Lee, C., & Davis, H. (2014). Teacher self-efficacy. In W. Scarlett (Ed.), The sage encyclopedia of classroom management (Vol. 2, pp. 811-812). SAGE Publications Inc., https://www.doi.org/10.4135/9781483346243.n341. Masdudi, M. (2016). Karakteristik perkembangan pendidikan anak usia dini. Jurnal Pendidikan Anak, 1(2), 1-26. Moran, M., & Hoy, A. (2001). Teacher efficacy: capturing an elusive construct. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17, 783-805. Mulyani, S., Nasution, E., & Pratiwi, I. (2020). Hubungan efikasi diri dan keterikatan kerja guru taman kanak-kanak. JP3SDM, 9(1), 74-89. Ndari., & Chandrawaty. (2018). Telaah kurikulum pendidikan anak usia dini. Edu Publisher. Nindiati, D. (2020). Pengelolaan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang memandirikan siswa dan implikasinya pada pelayanan pendidikan. Journal of Education and Instruction, 3(1), 14-20. Restyningtyas, D. (2013). Penerapan Child Centered pada Anak Usia Dini di Taman Anak (TA) Sanggar Anak Alam (SALAM). Fakultkas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Saifulloh, A. M., & Darwis, M. (2020). Manajemen pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan efektifikas proses belajar mengajar di masa pandemic covid-19. Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. 3(2).  Saptaningrum, ernawati & wiwik, & refiane, fine. (2012). Model pembelajaran aktif kreatif efektif menyenangkan melalui pendekatan tematik untuk pembelajaran sains. Jurnal penelitian pembelajaran fisika. 2. 10.26877/jp2f.v2i1/april.125. Scarlett, W. (Ed.) (2014). The sage encyclopedia of classroom management. (Vols. 1-2). SAGE Publications Inc., https://www.doi.org/10.4135/9781483346243 Schweinhart, L. (2016). Child-initiated learning. In D. Couchenour, & J. Chrisman (Eds.), The sage encyclopedia of contemporary early childhood education (pp. 231-233). SAGE Publications, Inc, https://www.doi.org/10.4135/9781483340333.n61 Shaukat, S., & Iqbal, H. (2012). Teacher self-efficacy as a function of student engagement, instructional strategies, and classroom management. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 9(3), 82-85. Soedjono, 2008. Pembelajaran Sains Moderen. http://www.guru-scn/pakem.html. Syarah, E. S., Mayuni, I., & Dhieni, N. (2020). Understanding Teacher's Perspectives in Media Literacy Education as an Empowerment Instrument of Blended Learning in Early Childhood Classroom. Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 14(2), 201-214. Tiara, D. R., & Pratiwi, E. (2020). Mengukur Kesiapan Guru Sebagai Dasar Pembelajaran Daring Di Lembaga PAUD. Jurnal Golden Age, 4(02), 362-368. Utami, dkk. (2014). Modul PLPG pendidikan anak usia dini, Buku I. Konsorsium Sertifikasi Guru. Yusnita, N., & Muqowim. (2020). Pendekatan student centered learning dalam menanamkan karakter disiplin dan mandiri anak di TK Annur II. Jurnal Ilmiah Potentia, 5(2), 116–126. &nbsp


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    The amount of stay-at-home dad is increasing, although it is still considered as something unusual especially in traditional gender roles and patrilineal culture. Stay-at-home dad is a man who is married, does not work, works part time, or works by owning his own business, who chooses to be the primary caregiver of his children and spends a minimum of six hours per day for interacting with his children. Self-concept is an individual's self-image of beliefs that shape one's own nature. The aim of this qualitative study is to make an objective description about self concept of stay-at-home dads. Data was collected from three main subjects whom are in early adulthood and three triangulation subjecs, using an interview guidelines based on Fitts’ theory of self concept. Result shows that the self concept of stay-at-home dads have positive sides, especially in physical, moral-ethics, and family dimensions of self-concept, and negative sides, especially in personal and social dimensions of self-concept


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran utuh mengenai kemampuan membaca permulaan yang dimiliki oleh siswa disleksia kelas satu di SD Inklusi X. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh metode multisensori terhadap keterampilan membaca pemulaan siswa disleksia di kelas satu SD Inklusi X. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua tahapan, pada penelitian tahap I merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa kelas satu di SD Inklusi X. Penelitian tahap I diikuti oleh seluruh siswa kelas satu SD Inklusi X. Dari penelitian tahap I diketahui saat ini terdapat 6 orang siswa dengan kemampuan membaca permulaan pada kategori kurang. Penelitian tahap II merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang dilakukan pada satu kelompok dengan menggunakan pre-test – post-test (one group pre-test – post-test design). Penelitian tahap II diikuti oleh 5 orang siswa yang kemampuan membaca permulaannya berada pada kategori kurang. Instrumen pengumpulan data adalah screening kemampuan membaca permulaan dan lembar observasi pre-test serta post-test. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif dan deskripsi kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan keterampilan membaca permulaan siswa disleksia kelas satu di SD Inklusi X antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan dengan metode multisensori (Assymp. Sig. .043 Pre-test. Artinya, peningkatan ini dapat dilihat dari selisih post-test sebesar 38,200 dan pre-test sebesar 21,800, dan terjadi peningkatan sebesar 16,400. Peningkatan ini juga dapat dilihat dari hasil observasi yang meningkat pada setiap pertemuan penelitian tahap II (proses eksperimen). Keberhasilan penelitian ini perlu dipertahankan dengan membiasakan diri untuk menggunakan metode multisensori pada kegiatan belajar mengajar di SD Inklusi X. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini diakhiri dengan membuat sebuah pelatihan yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan guru SD Inklusi terhadap metode multisensori, khususnya pada kegiatan belajar membaca


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    Late adolescent aged 18-25 are expected to overcome obstacles and make decisions as transition to adulthood. Self-regulation is needed that adolescents had to have self-control. Self-regulation is an individual's ability to consider goals, commitments and rewards to respond environmental demands. Maternal parenting style is an important thing to form selfregulation. Maternal parenting style is mother’s set rules, reward, punishmet and respond to children’s behavior. This quantitative study aims to describe the relationship between maternal parenting style and late adolescent’sself-regulation. The participants were 134 teenagers aged 18 to 25 living with their mother. The instruments are Self-Regulation Questionnaire and Scale of Parenting Style. The data was analysed using Pearson correlation techniques. The results showed significant correlation between maternal parenting style and late adolescent’s selfregulation (r = .348, p<.01, two tailed). This result fitted with previous research which stated that primary environment is considered to have great role in late adolescent’s self-regulation than other factors

    Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Saudara Kandung Penyandang Autism Spectrum Disorder (Penelitian pada Remaja Akhir di Jakarta)

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in families affect sibling’s quality of life. Quality of life is an individual's perception of life in cultural contexts and values in the environment. It consists of subjective and objective domain. This study used a qualitative approach. Interviews with two subjects were implemented. The results showed that siblings generally have a good quality of life; but not in dimensions of joint activity and environmental acceptance. Factors affecting the quality of life is parenting practises, disability level, the values, and economic status


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    The amount of stay-at-home dad is increasing, although it is still considered as something unusual especially in traditional gender roles and patrilineal culture. Stay-at-home dad is a man who is married, does not work, works part time, or works by owning his own business, who chooses to be the primary caregiver of his children and spends a minimum of six hours per day for interacting with his children. Self-concept is an individual's self-image of beliefs that shape one's own nature. The aim of this qualitative study is to make an objective description about self concept of stay-at-home dads. Data was collected from three main subjects whom are in early adulthood and three triangulation subjecs, using an interview guidelines based on Fitts’ theory of self concept. Result shows that the self concept of stay-at-home dads have positive sides, especially in physical, moral-ethics, and family dimensions of self-concept, and negative sides, especially in personal and social dimensions of self-concept

    Post-Covid Adaptation: Students' Mental Health and Higher Education System in Indonesia

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    The pandemic brought many changes, including for students. Various negative things experienced by students have an impact on their mental health. However, there are coping mechanisms that can bring positive changes to students' lives and help them survive the post-pandemic period. This research aimed to explore: the problems, level of stress, coping mechanisms carried out by students, and resilience level during the pandemic; the student's mental health situation during post-pandemic; and the recommendation for higher education (HE) institutions to support students' mental health. The research included 5018 students in bachelor's programs from 20 universities of APTIK members via quota sampling method on gender and class year (stage 1); and reports from students about their psychological symptoms during classes (n =  5 classes) and counseling (n = 10 cases) and literature review from explore 13 articles via Google scholar and Google search engine (stage 2). The study results show that students had many learning and social life challenges. Students who can develop positive coping with stress will be resilient and benefit from the experience during the pandemic, such as increased online learning skills, health awareness, and good time management. A positive coping strategy empowers the students to develop good mental health and survive during the pandemic, together with the support of the education system in higher education institutions. The institution should provide leadership, a good governance system, conducive teaching and learning system, and an appreciation for diversity and inclusivity to support students' mental health. The system should support the various changes experienced by students. With a good strategy and governance, there will be clarity and comfort so that it does not exacerbate the mental health problems encountered by many students. The impact is that students are more prepared and confident to connect with the industry world