33 research outputs found

    The hatching larva of the priapulid worm Halicryptus spinulosus

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    Despite their increasing evolutionary importance, basic knowledge about the priapulid worms remains limited. In particular, priapulid development has only been partially documented. Following previous description of hatching and the earliest larval stages of Priapulus caudatus, we here describe the hatching larva of Halicryptus spinulosus. Comparison of the P. caudatus and the H. spinulosus hatching larvae allows us to attempt to reconstruct the ground pattern of priapulid development. These findings may further help unravelling the phylogenetic position of the Priapulida within the Scalidophora and hence contribute to the elucidation of the nature of the ecdysozoan ancestor

    ”A difficult and delicate process that is not simply a matter of the head, but more so of the heart” : Om försoning

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    Reconciliation research consists of two practices, one focusing on the emotional and healing aspects of the process and another that focus on the political and legal actions. Yeudith Auerbach created a theory, the reconciliation pyramid, which aims to manage both aspects. The purpose of this thesis is to apply Auerbach's theory to the reconciliation process in two empirical cases, the Rwandan genocide and the war in former Yugoslavia, Bosnia-Hercegovina. The aim is to assess the empirical processes' functionality on an individual level. By the concept of functionality we refer to the extent to which individuals have achieved reconciliation in reference to steps in the reconciliation pyramid. The reconciliation pyramid consists of seven different steps, each step brings the individual closer to reconciliation: 1. Acquaintance with Clashing Narratives 2. Acknowledging the Other’s Narratives, Without Necessarily Accepting Them as True 3. Expressing Empathy for the Other’s Plight 4. Assuming (at Least) Partial Responsibility for the Other’s Alleged Plights 5. Expressing Readiness for Restitution or Reparation for Past Wrongs 6. Publicly Apologizing and Asking for Forgiveness for Past Wrongs 7. Striving to Incorporate Opposite Narratives into Accepted Mutual Accounts of the Past By analyzing scientific texts and interviews with locals in Rwanda and Bosnia-Hercegovina their individual narratives of the conflict and reconciliation process, are made clear. The narratives are interpreted in order to deduce the degree of functionality of the process among the locals. Thus, the reconciliation process in Rwanda is constructed in a manner that requires participation by the local population, e.g the Gacaca courts. The extent of individual functionality in Bosnia-Hercegovina is less due to international actors, who designed the reconciliation model in Bosnia-Hercegovina, lack of resources and their inability find a way to incorporate the local population in the process. Auerbach's reconciliation pyramid and the functionality analysis can, however, be used to explain why the individual functionality in the Bosnia-Hercegovina model is so low. Keywords: reconciliation, Rwanda, Bosnien-Hercegovina, functionality, individual, narrative Words: 6 99

    Konflikt eller samarbete i skogen? : Om förutsättningar att minska betesskador orsakade av älg

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    Samarbete mellan jägare och markägare är en grundläggande förutsättning för att uppnå en långsiktigt hållbar förvaltning av älg. Det visar inte minst en historisk översikt över älgförvaltningens utveckling. Genom att skapa spelregler vilka gynnade samarbete räddades älgstammen från att i det närmaste vara utrotad till att utgöra en värdefull jaktbar resurs. Älgförvaltningen har med andra ord varit framgångsrik, till och med alltför framgångsrik menar de som numera drabbas ekonomiskt av betesskador orsakade av älg. Främst markägare som därmed också väljer att plantera gran istället för tall.Tidigare forskning och offentliga utredningar har pekat ut ett antal brister med nuvarande förvaltning. Istället för samarbete uppstår konflikter bland annat till följd av att förvaltningen i dess nuvarande form inte tar tillräckligt stor hänsyn till älgens rörelsemönster i landskapet. Förvaltningens gränser är helt enkelt inte anpassad till hur älgen rör sig mellan olika betesområden. Det försvårar möjligheten att styra älgpopulationens utveckling i förhållande till exempelvis uppkomsten av betesskador. Regeringen har därför föreslagit att det ska införas en ny nivå i förvaltningen, så kallade älgförvaltningsområden, som har ungefär samma geografiska utbredning som en älgpopulation. På så sätt ska jägare och markägare i högre utsträckning än tidigare kunna göra avvägningar mellan de positiva och negativa effekterna av att vi har älg i våra skogar. Samarbetet förväntas därmed också kunna öka och konflikterna minska.I den här rapporten, den första av två, analyseras förutsättningarna att implementera ett nytt älgförvaltningssystem. Med utgångspunkt från en undersökning av jaktens organisering i Kronobergs län och jägarnas och markägarnas incitament till samarbete analyseras brister och förtjänster i dagens system, samt vad som måste åtgärdas om regeringens förslag till ny förvaltningsnivå ska kunna etableras. Analysen sker på basis av ett antal så kallade designprinciper som anses fundamentala för att öka förutsättningarna för samarbete och minska graden av konflikt.Studien visar att det finns en rad fördelar i dagens älgförvaltningssystem, särskilt att samverkan sker på frivilig basis. Av intervjuerna med markägare och jägare i Kronoberg framkommer emellertid även en rad brister vilka måste åtgärdas om förvaltningssystemet ska ha förutsättningar att vara långsiktigt hållbart. Det gäller särskilt: - Den orättvisa fördelningen av nytta och kostnader mellan markägare och jägare - Bristen på inflytande av de som berörs av förvaltningen samt avsaknaden av konfliktlösningsmekanismer. - Bristen på kunskap om resurssystemet (älg & skog) till följd av bristfälligt nyttjande av vedertagna inventeringsmetoder.Det framkommer även av intervjuerna att det saknas mekanismer för att fördela ansvar och uppgifter mellan olika förvaltningsnivåer, vilket i sin tur påverkar såväl förutsättningarna att fastställa mål med förvaltningen, men även vilka medel som ska nyttjas för att nå målen. I nästa rapport konkretiseras de förslag till lösningar på punkterna ovan som framkommit av intervjuer och fokusgruppintervjuer med jägare och markägare i Kronobergs län

    Overview of ongoing cohort and dietary studies in the Arctic

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    Published version. Source at http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/ijch.v75.33803 This article gives an overview of the ongoing cohort and dietary studies underlying the assessment of population health in the Arctic. The emphasis here is on a description of the material, methods and results or preliminary results for each study. Detailed exposure information is available in an article in this journal, whereas another paper describes the effects associated with contaminant exposure in the Arctic. The cohort descriptions have been arranged geographically, beginning in Norway and moving east to Finland, Sweden, Russia and the other Arctic countries and ultimately to the Faroe Islands. No cohort studies have been reported for Alaska or Iceland

    The United Nations Does (Not) Wage War : The Role of Hostility and Commitment in UN Peace Enforcement Missions

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    While there exists a considerable body of literature on the development of UN peace operations: from traditional peacekeeping operations to today’s robust enforcement missions; scrutinizing their efficiency and the challenges they face – little attention has been paid to why various levels of military action are used by a mission. This study addresses this research gap by comparing three UN enforcement operations: MONUSCO in the Democratic Republic of Congo, UNMISS in South Sudan, and MINUSMA in Mali. This study specifically investigates how the level of hostility in the conflict and commitment from the troop-contributing countries affect the level of enforcement actions taken in each conflict. The arguments are tested using a Structured Focused Comparison. The study finds that increased levels of hostility generated an increase in the level of enforcement in all three cases studied, while the level of commitment did not have the same distinct effect

    The United Nations Does (Not) Wage War : The Role of Hostility and Commitment in UN Peace Enforcement Missions

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    While there exists a considerable body of literature on the development of UN peace operations: from traditional peacekeeping operations to today’s robust enforcement missions; scrutinizing their efficiency and the challenges they face – little attention has been paid to why various levels of military action are used by a mission. This study addresses this research gap by comparing three UN enforcement operations: MONUSCO in the Democratic Republic of Congo, UNMISS in South Sudan, and MINUSMA in Mali. This study specifically investigates how the level of hostility in the conflict and commitment from the troop-contributing countries affect the level of enforcement actions taken in each conflict. The arguments are tested using a Structured Focused Comparison. The study finds that increased levels of hostility generated an increase in the level of enforcement in all three cases studied, while the level of commitment did not have the same distinct effect

    The tenability gap: A study of Just War Theory and intervention justifications in Syria.

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    Moral and ethical considerations have always been important in discussions about warfare and the development of the international community and body of international humanitarian law, laws whose fundamental ethics that can be attributed to Just War Theory. With the changing nature of conflicts and due to the lack of internationally declared principles of just and unjust wars, this thesis argues that there is a gap which creates difficulties in the justifications of contemporary conflicts. The aim of this study is to describe, explain and analyze the flawed tenability between the classic Just War Theory and its implementation in actual conflict justifications. In order to do so, the study conducts an argumentation analysis on France, the USA, and Russia's justifications for their involvement in the Syrian conflict to identify the argued data, warrants, claim, qualifiers, rebuttals, and backing. Afterward, the premisses of the justifications are related to the theoretical background to identify what it is that creates the lacking conformity. The key finding of the study is that it is the different designs of the justifications that create the gap. Hence, the difference of basing ones’ justification on generally accepted warrants or allowing the warrants to establish themselves by the logic link between the data and claim. Due to this difference in the argumentations, the thesis argues that there needs to be a separation between legitimate justifications and lawful justification

    Aspects of priapulid development

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    The phylum Priapulida is a small group of marine worms that is allied with the nematodes, kinorhynchs, loriciferans and nematomorphs in a clade called the Cycloneuralia or Introverta. Together with the arthropods they are generally considered to comprise the Ecdysozoa, a clade of moulting animals. A number of recent priapulid species possess features that resemble the predicted Ecdysozoan ancestor. In addition, recent molecular studies have also shown that they are basal within the Ecdysozoa/Cycloneuralia (Garey 2001, Webster et al. 2006). Their putative basal position thus makes priapulids highly interesting research objects for understanding the evolution of Ecdysozoa. Earlier investigations of the early embryology of the priapulid Priapulus caudatus are critically revised with the aid of modern techniques and equipment, confirming earlier studies that the early cleavages are highly symmetrical, total, subequal, radial and stereotypical. New results show that up to the sixth cleavage, the spindles are oriented along the animal/vegetal axis at both poles. This unique cleavage pattern has only limited similarities to other animals. During the sixth cleavage two cells move inwards and gastrulation commences. If the mesoderm is derived from both cells, its origin differs from that of many other protostomes. Two previously undescribed larval stages of P. caudatus; the light bulb shaped hatchling and the first lorica larva are described. The second lorica larva superficially resembles the previously described type 2 lorica larva (Higgins et al 1993). Differences between the second lorica larva and the type 2 lorica larva, with respect to possible ecophenotypical variation and sub-specialization, are described. Preliminary data are presented on musculature development of P. caudatus. Preliminary data have also been obtained on the early development of a second priapulid, Halicryptus spinulosus. Comparison of Halicryptus and Priapulus may help to resolve developmental ground pattern of the priapulids

    Natural resource management in an institutional disorder : the development of adaptive co-management systems of moose in Sweden

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    The overall aim of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the development of adaptive co-management systems and of the role the State plays in promoting or hampering such a development. Natural resource issues are often characterised by conflicting interests and in general implemented by conventional, top-down management systems. Therefore this thesis also investigates the effect conflicting interests and institutional path dependencies have on the development of adaptive co-management systems. The Swedish moose management system was established in the beginning of the 20th century as the State was trying to rectify a "tragedy of the commons" situation since moose at the time was almost extinct. The administrative system erected can be characterised as a conventional, top-down, single- species management system, and had features of both corporate arrangements and legal-rational bureaucratic administrative models. Due to high administrative costs and the explosion of the moose population in the late 1970's which resulted in significant grazing damages on commercial tree species, the State changed its policies. One change in formal rules allowed for hunting rights owners to establish so called Moose Management Units (MMU) which entailed that they gained management rights, and thereby could decide on their own the number of moose to be shot in a hunting season. This is a critical right since approximately 1/3 of the moose populations are decimated during a hunting season and this right is therefore an efficient tool for controlling the size of the moose populations. The State also made alterations in the corporate arrangement, from primarily only including the hunting interest organisation SAHWM to increase landowner interests' influence in the public administration. A quantitative study of the MMUs revealed that these can not be characterised as adaptive co-management systems to a high degree due to inadequate monitoring, inability to meet management goals, and failure to apply ecosystem management. Part of the reason for this is that there is an ecological and social misfit since MMUs are too small to contain its own moose populations. Another reason is inadequate knowledge regarding population dynamics on behalf of the local resource users. However, there were variations not only among MMUs but also on the regional level as to the extent of adaptive co-management characteristics. Two counties were selected for further study due to the fact that the MMUs in one county had more characteristics of adaptive co-management systems than in the other one. The case studies revealed that high levels of conflicts in a corporate arrangement hampered the development of adaptive co- management systems. In the county with low conflict levels regarding the moose question, a key steward holding a key position in the moose administrative system was a critical actor in promoting the development of adaptive co-management systems. It is concluded that devolution of management rights does not automatically foster adaptive co-management. Nor is a centralized system easily converted to a bottom-up system. The study shows that institutional change is path dependent but also that the State has an important role to play in developing adaptive co-management systems. This is particularly decisive if an ecological and social misfit is likely to arise since the State then can provide linkages both on an organisational level but also on a geographical level and thereby mitigate potential negative effects of local resource systems. However, this role differs significantly from that in conventional resource management and therefore it is also important that the organisation and tasks of the State is ensured legitimacy among both the public and affected resource users.Godkänd; 2008; 20081120 (ysko)</p