1,537 research outputs found

    A study of the break-up characteristics of Chena River Basin using ERTS imagery

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The Chena River Basin was selected because of the availability of ground truth data for comparison. Very good agreement for snow distribution and rates of ablation was found between the ERTS-1 imagery, the snowmelt model, and field measurements. Monitoring snowmelt rates for relatively small basins appears to be practical. The main limitation of the ERTS-1 imagery is the interval of coverage. More frequent overflights providing coverage are needed for the study of transient hydrologic events. ERTS-1 data is most useful when used in conjunction with snowmelt prediction models and existing snow course data. These results should prove very useful in preliminary assessment of hydrologic conditions in ungaged watersheds and will provide a tool for month-to-month volume forecasting

    Break-up characteristics of the Chena River watershed, central Alaska

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The snow melt for a small watershed (5130 sq km) in Central Alaska was successfully monitored with ERTS-1 imagery. Aerial photography was used as supporting data for periods without satellite coverage. Comparison both with actual measurements and with a computer model showed good agreement

    Energy levels and far-infrared spectroscopy for two electrons in a semiconductor nanoring

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    The effects of electron-electron interaction of a two-electron nanoring on the energy levels and far-infrared (FIR) spectroscopy have been investigated based on a model calculation which is performed within the exactly numerical diagonalization. It is found that the interaction changes the energy spectra dramatically, and also shows significant influence on the FIR spectroscopy. The crossings between the lowest spin-singlet and triplet states induced by the coulomb interaction are clearly revealed. Our results are related to the experiment recently carried out by A. Lorke et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2223 (2000)].Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, revised and accepted by Phys. Rev. B (Dec. 15

    Order-disorder transition in nanoscopic semiconductor quantum rings

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    Using the path integral Monte Carlo technique we show that semiconductor quantum rings with up to six electrons exhibit a temperature, ring diameter, and particle number dependent transition between spin ordered and disordered Wigner crystals. Due to the small number of particles the transition extends over a broad temperature range and is clearly identifiable from the electron pair correlation functions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, For recent information on physics of small systems see http://www.smallsystems.d

    Optical Response of Grating-Coupler-Induced Intersubband Resonances: The Role of Wood's Anomalies

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    Grating-coupler-induced collective intersubband transitions in a quasi-two-dimensional electron system are investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Far-infrared transmission experiments are performed on samples containing a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas quantum-confined in a parabolic quantum well. For rectangular shaped grating couplers of different periods we observe a strong dependence of the transmission line shape and peak height on the period of the grating, i.e. on the wave vector transfer from the diffracted beams to the collective intersubband resonance. It is shown that the line shape transforms with increasing grating period from a Lorentzian into a strongly asymmetric line shape. Theoretically, we treat the problem by using the transfer-matrix method of local optics and apply the modal-expansion method to calculate the influence of the grating. The optically uniaxial quasi-two-dimensional electron gas is described in the long-wavelength limit of the random-phase approximation by a local dielectric tensor, which includes size quantization effects. Our theory reproduces excellently the experimental line shapes. The deformation of the transmission line shapes we explain by the occurrence of both types of Wood's anomalies.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures. Physical Review B , in pres

    Localized magnetoplasmon modes arising from broken translational symmetry in semiconductor superlattices

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    The electromagnetic propagator associated with the localized collective magnetoplasmon excitations in a semiconductor superlattice with broken translational symmetry, is calculated analytically within linear response theory. We discuss the properties of these collective excitations in both radiative and non-radiative regimes of the electromagnetic spectra. We find that low frequency retarded modes arise when the surface density of carriers at the symmetry breaking layer is lower than the density at the remaining layers. Otherwise a doublet of localized, high-frequency magnetoplasmon-like modes occurs.Comment: Revtex file + separate pdf figure

    A possible cooling effect in high temperature superconductors

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    We show that an adiabatic increase of the supercurrent along a superconductor with lines of nodes of the order parameter on the Fermi surface can result in a cooling effect. The maximum cooling occurs if the supercurrent increases up to its critical value. The effect can also be observed in a mixed state of a bulk sample. An estimate of the energy dissipation shows that substantial cooling can be performed during a reasonable time even in the microkelvin regime.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Mean parameter model for the Pekar-Fr\"{o}hlich polaron in a multilayered heterostructure

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    The polaron energy and the effective mass are calculated for an electron confined in a finite quantum well constructed of GaAs/AlxGa1−xAsGaAs/Al_x Ga_{1-x} As layers. To simplify the study we suggest a model in which parameters of a medium are averaged over the ground-state wave function. The rectangular and the Rosen-Morse potential are used as examples. To describe the confined electron properties explicitly to the second order of perturbations in powers of the electron-phonon coupling constant we use the exact energy-dependent Green function for the Rosen-Morse confining potential. In the case of the rectangular potential, the sum over all intermediate virtual states is calculated. The comparison is made with the often used leading term approximation when only the ground-state is taken into account as a virtual state. It is shown that the results are quite different, so the incorporation of all virtual states and especially those of the continuous spectrum is essential. Our model reproduces the correct three-dimensional asymptotics at both small and large widths. We obtained a rather monotonous behavior of the polaron energy as a function of the confining potential width and found a peak of the effective mass. The comparison is made with theoretical results by other authors. We found that our model gives practically the same (or very close) results as the explicit calculations for potential widths L≥10A˚L \geq 10 \AA.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, including 5 PS-figures, subm. to Phys. Rev. B, new data are discusse

    Jahn-Teller stabilization of a "polar" metal oxide surface: Fe3O4(001)

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    Using ab initio thermodynamics we compile a phase diagram for the surface of Fe3O4(001) as a function of temperature and oxygen pressures. A hitherto ignored polar termination with octahedral iron and oxygen forming a wave-like structure along the [110]-direction is identified as the lowest energy configuration over a broad range of oxygen gas-phase conditions. This novel geometry is confirmed in a x-ray diffraction analysis. The stabilization of the Fe3O4(001)-surface goes together with dramatic changes in the electronic and magnetic properties, e.g., a halfmetal-to-metal transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Inelastic light scattering and the excited states of many-electron quantum dots

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    A consistent calculation of resonant inelastic (Raman) scattering amplitudes for relatively large quantum dots, which takes account of valence-band mixing, discrete character of the spectrum in intermediate and final states, and interference effects, is presented. Raman peaks in charge and spin channels are compared with multipole strengths and with the density of energy levels in final states. A qualitative comparison with the available experimental results is given.Comment: 5 pages, accepted in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte
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