528 research outputs found

    Environmental Determinants of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among Adults: A Systematic Review

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    The current ecological approach in health behaviour research recognises that health behaviour needs to be understood in a broad environmental context. This has led to an exponential increase in the number of studies on this topic. It is the aim of this systematic review to summarise the existing empirical evidence pertaining to environmental influences on fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption. The environment was defined as ‘all factors external to the individual’. Scientific databases and reference lists of selected papers were systematically searched for observational studies among adults (18–60 years old), published in English between 1 January 1980 and 31 December 2004, with environmental factor(s) as independent factor(s), and fruit intake, vegetable intake or FV intake combined as one outcome measure as dependent factor(s). Findings showed there was a great diversity in the environmental factors studied, but that the number of replicated studies for each determinant was limited. Most evidence was found for household income, as people with lower household incomes consistently had a lower FV consumption. Married people had higher intakes than those who were single, whereas having children showed mixed results. Good local availability (e.g. access to one's own vegetable garden, having low food insecurity) seemed to exert a positive influence on intake. Regarding the development of interventions, improved opportunities for sufficient FV consumption among low-income households are likely to lead to improved intakes. For all other environmental factors, more replicated studies are required to examine their influence on FV intake

    Moisture adsorption and desorption behavior of raw materials for the t-rtm process

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    The use of fiber reinforced plastics (FRPs) has significant potential to reduce the weight of components. As regards the sustainability of these components, thermoplastic matrices offer more potential for recycling than thermoset ones. A possible manufacturing process for the production of thermoplastic FRPs is thermoplastic resin transfer molding (T-RTM). In this very moisture-sensitive process, Δ-caprolactam in addition to an activator and catalyst polymerizes anionically to polyamide 6 (aPA6). The anionic polymerization of aPA6 is slowed down or even completely blocked by the presence of water. This study analyses the sorption behavior of the matrix, fiber, binder and core materials for the production of anionic polyamide 6 composites, which are processed in the thermoplastic RTM process. Water vapor sorption measurements are used to determine the adsorption and desorption behavior of the materials. The maximum moisture loading of the materials provides information about the water adsorption capacity of the material. This knowledge is crucial for correct handling of the materials to achieve a fast process and good properties of the final product

    Environmental determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among adults: a systematic review.

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    The current ecological approach in health behaviour research recognises that health behaviour needs to be understood in a broad environmental context. This has led to an exponential increase in the number of studies on this topic. It is the aim of this systematic review to summarise the existing empirical evidence pertaining to environmental influences on fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption. The environment was defined as 'all factors external to the individual'. Scientific databases and reference lists of selected papers were systematically searched for observational studies among adults (18-60 years old), published in English between 1 January 1980 and 31 December 2004, with environmental factor(s) as independent factor(s), and fruit intake, vegetable intake or FV intake combined as one outcome measure as dependent factor(s). Findings showed there was a great diversity in the environmental factors studied, but that the number of replicated studies for each determinant was limited. Most evidence was found for household income, as people with lower household incomes consistently had a lower FV consumption. Married people had higher intakes than those who were single, whereas having children showed mixed results. Good local availability (e.g. access to one's own vegetable garden, having low food insecurity) seemed to exert a positive influence on intake. Regarding the development of interventions, improved opportunities for sufficient FV consumption among low-income households are likely to lead to improved intakes. For all other environmental factors, more replicated studies are required to examine their influence on FV intake

    Environmental determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among adults: a systematic review

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    The current ecological approach in health behaviour research recognises that health behaviour needs to be understood in a broad environmental context. This has led to an exponential increase in the number of studies on this topic. It is the aim of this systematic review to summarise the existing empirical evidence pertaining to environmental influences on fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption. The environment was defined as ‘all factors external to the individual’. Scientific databases and reference lists of selected papers were systematically searched for observational studies among adults (18–60 years old), published in English between 1 January 1980 and 31 December 2004, with environmental factor(s) as independent factor(s), and fruit intake, vegetable intake or FV intake combined as one outcome measure as dependent factor(s). Findings showed there was a great diversity in the environmental factors studied, but that the number of replicated studies for each determinant was limited. Most evidence was found for household income, as people with lower household incomes consistently had a lower FV consumption. Married people had higher intakes than those who were single, whereas having children showed mixed results. Good local availability (e.g. access to one’s own vegetable garden, having low food insecurity) seemed to exert a positive influence on intake. Regarding the development of interventions, improved opportunities for sufficient FV consumption among low-income households are likely to lead to improved intakes. For all other environmental factors, more replicated studies are required to examine their influence on FV intake

    Klimatische StabilitÀt von Mittelgebirgsmooren

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    Inwieweit bisherige und prognostizierte KlimaĂ€nderungen Mittelgebirgsmoore beeinflussen, wurde am Beispiel der MothhĂ€user Haide im Mittleren Erzgebirge untersucht. Mit den angewandten moorkundlichen Methoden und dem Vergleich von drei Landnutzungsszenarien (IST, pnV, PalĂ€ovegetation) mit drei Klimaszenarien (Messdaten 1981 - 2000, WEREX IV 2041-60, PalĂ€oklima) lassen sich die ÖkotopverĂ€nderungen der MoorflĂ€che ableiten. Im Ergebnis wird ein RĂŒckgang an nĂ€sseren Ökotopen prognostiziert, wobei der Charakter eines Moores aber erhalten bleibt. Anthropogene EinflĂŒsse wie Straßenbau, EntwĂ€sserung und Torfabbau haben grĂ¶ĂŸere VerĂ€nderungen bewirkt als durch den Klimawandel zu erwarten sind. Die Wiederherstellung der hydrologischen DurchgĂ€ngigkeit des Moores, d.h. die Beseitigung von GrĂ€ben und Barrieren, kann die negativen Folgen eines zukĂŒnftig wĂ€rmeren Klimas abpuffern. Hinweise des Herausgebers (Stand: 4. April 2011): Zu Seite 18, Abbildung 4: Die Temperaturreihe vom Hohenpeißenberg und die Temperaturrekonstruktionen nach Glaser (2001), welche diese Reihe mit berĂŒcksichtigt hat, weisen in der verwendeten Form InhomogenitĂ€ten auf. Nach einer Homogenisierung durch den DWD wird deutlich, dass das mittlere Temperaturniveau um 1780 eher dem von 1970 entspricht. Die Folgejahre sind von einem Anstieg um ca. 1 °C gekennzeichnet (Glaser 2008). Zu Seite 20, Abschnitt 4.3.2: Die genannten Datenfehler wurden inzwischen behoben. Weil vergleichbare UnplausibilitĂ€ten nie ganz ausgeschlossen werden können, sind QualitĂ€tsprĂŒfungen von Beobachtungs- und Projektionsdaten vor jeder Datenanwendung durchzufĂŒhren. Zu Seite 20, Abschnitt 4.3.3: Das Regionalisierungsverfahren WEREX simuliert im Betrachtungszeitraum 10 Realisierungen. Statistische KenngrĂ¶ĂŸen sollten aus allen 10 Realisierungen fĂŒr vorzugsweise 30-jĂ€hrige ZeitrĂ€ume abgeleitet werden. Abweichungen der statistischen KenngrĂ¶ĂŸen in Modelldaten von denen des beobachteten Datenkollektives sind modellimmanent und deshalb zu erwarten. Die dargestellten Ergebnisse ermöglichen keine abschließende Bewertung der statistischen Eigenschaften der Projektionsdaten. Klimaprojektionen liefern generell nur Annahmen einer möglichen Klimazukunft. Neben der PlausibilitĂ€tsprĂŒfung sollte die Bewertung der Aussagen eines Modells möglichst immer in die Bandbreite der Ergebnisse vieler Modelle erfolgen

    Measurement of the Beam Asymmetry ÎŁ\Sigma in the Forward Direction for pi0 Photoproduction

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    Photoproduction of neutral pions has been studied with the CBELSA/TAPS detector for photon energies between 0.92 and 1.68~GeV at the electron accelerator ELSA. The beam asymmetry~ÎŁ\Sigma has been extracted for 115∘<Ξc.m.<155∘115^\circ < \theta_{\rm c.m.} < 155^\circ of the π0\pi^0~meson and for Ξc.m.<60∘\theta_{\rm c.m.} < 60^\circ. The new beam asymmetry data improve the world database for photon energies above 1.5~GeV and, by covering the very forward region, extend previously published data for the same reaction by our collaboration. The angular dependence of ÎŁ\Sigma shows overall good agreement with the SAID parameterization.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, published in Phys. Rev. C, included LEPS data and MAID 2007 predictions for comparison with our dat

    Measurement of polarisation observables in Ks0ÎŁ+K^0_s\Sigma^+ photoproduction off the proton

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    The reaction γ p→KS0 Σ+\gamma \, p \rightarrow K^0_S\,\Sigma^+ is studied in the photon energy range from threshold. Linearly polarised photon beams from coherent bremsstrahlung enabled the first measurement of photon beam asymmetries in this reaction up to EÎł=2250E_\gamma = 2250 MeV. In addition, the recoil hyperon polarisation was determined through the asymmetry in the weak decay ÎŁ+→pπ0\Sigma^+ \rightarrow p \pi^0 up to EÎł=1650E_\gamma = 1650 MeV. The data are compared to partial wave analyses, and the possible impact on the interpretation of a recently observed cusp-like structure near the K∗K^* thresholds is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. References [8,9,10,11] which were not on the original submission are now include

    Photoproduction of Neutral Pions off Protons

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    Photoproduction of neutral pions has been studied with the CBELSA/TAPS detector in the reaction Îłp→pπ0\gamma p\to p\pi^0 for photon energies between 0.85 and 2.50 GeV. The π0\pi^0 mesons are observed in their dominant neutral decay mode: π0→γγ\pi^0\to\gamma\gamma. For the first time, the differential cross sections cover the very forward region, Ξc.m.<60∘\theta_{\rm c.m.}<60^\circ. A partial-wave analysis of these data within the Bonn-Gatchina framework observes the high-mass resonances G17G_{17}(2190), D13D_{13}(2080), and D15D_{15}(2070).Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, minor modifications to PWA sectio

    Photoproduction of {\omega} Mesons off the Proton

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    The differential cross sections and unpolarized spin-density matrix elements for the reaction Îłp→pω\gamma p\to p\omega were measured using the CBELSA/TAPS experiment for initial photon energies ranging from the reaction threshold to 2.5 GeV. These observables were measured from the radiative decay of the ω\omega meson, ω→π0Îł\omega\to\pi^0\gamma. The cross sections cover the full angular range and show the full extent of the tt-channel forward rise. The overall shape of the angular distributions in the differential cross sections and unpolarized spin-density matrix elements are in fair agreement with previous data. In addition, for the first time, a beam of linearly-polarized tagged photons in the energy range from 1150 MeV to 1650 MeV was used to extract polarized spin-density matrix elements. These data were included in the Bonn-Gatchina partial wave analysis (PWA). The dominant contribution to ω\omega photoproduction near threshold was found to be the 3/2+3/2^+ partial wave, which is primarily due to the sub-threshold N(1720) 3/2+N(1720)\,3/2^+ resonance. At higher energies, pomeron-exchange was found to dominate whereas π\pi-exchange remained small. These tt-channel contributions as well as further contributions from nucleon resonances were necessary to describe the entire dataset: the 1/2−1/2^-, 3/2−3/2^-, and 5/2+5/2^+ partial waves were also found to contribute significantly.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Physics Letters
