9 research outputs found

    Getting into the water with the Ecosystem Services Approach: The DESSIN ESS evaluation framework

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    Driven by Europe's pressing need to overcome its water quality and water scarcity challenges, the speed of innovation in the water sector is outpacing that of science. The methodologies available to assess the impact of innovative solutions to water-related challenges remain limited and highly theoretical, which sets boundaries on their application and usefulness to water practitioners. This hampers the uptake of new technologies and innovative management practices, thus foregoing potential gains in resource efficiency and nature protection, as well as wider benefits to society and the economy. To address this gap, the DESSIN project developed a framework to evaluate the changes in ecosystem services (ESS) associated with technical or management solutions implemented at the water body, sub-catchment or catchment level. The framework was developed with a specific focus on freshwater ecosystems to allow for a more detailed exploration of practical implementation issues. Its development, testing and validation was carried out by conducting ESS evaluations in three different urban case study settings. The framework builds upon existing classification systems for ESS (CICES and FEGS-CS) and incorporates the DPSIR adaptive management scheme as its main structural element. This enables compatibility with other international initiatives on ESS assessments and establishes a direct link to the EU Water Framework Directive, respectively. This work furthers research on practical implementation of the Ecosystem Services Approach, while pushing the discussion on how to promote more informed decision-making and support innovation uptake to address Europe's current water-related challenges

    Lösungsstrategien zur Verminderung von Einträgen von urbanem Plastik in limnische Systeme - PLASTRAT - Synthesebericht

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    Der Einsatz von Plastik gehört zu den großen Errungenschaften unserer Zeit. Die Nutzung von Plastik in unseren verschiedenen Lebensbereichen ermöglicht uns heute Vieles. Dabei setzen wir Plastik oft ein, ohne dass uns dies bewusst ist. Wieviel „virtuelles Plastik“ war allein notwendig, um diesen Synthesebericht zu erstellen? Wieviel Plastik benötigen Sie gerade, um diesen Synthesebericht zu lesen? Wie so oft, so hat auch der Einsatz von Plastik zwei Seiten: den positiven Errungenschaften stehen negative Auswirkungen gegenüber, vor allem nach der Nutzung von Plastik. Im Fokus stehen hierbei Fragestellungen der Toxikologie sowie der Abfallverwertung. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Stoffen, mit denen wir täglich in Berührung sind, hat Plastik die Eigenschaft, dass sich kleinste Partikel bilden. So ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass sich mittlerweile in allen Umweltmedien Mikroplastikpartikel finden lassen. Die Idee von PLASTRAT war es, in einem interdisziplinären Team Ansätze für die Verminderung von Einträgen von Plastik in Gewässer zu untersuchen. Dabei standen über den Ansatz der systemischen Risikoanalyse die unterschiedlichen Sektoren im Fokus, angefangen von der Erzeugung, über die Nutzung bis hin zu den Eintragspfaden und die toxikologische Bewertung. Der Synthesebericht fasst die Ergebnisse von PLASTRAT zusammen. Vor allem zeigt der Synthesebericht die großen Herausforderungen sowie Lösungsansätze zum Thema Mikroplastik auf. Dabei wird auch deutlich, dass wir bei vielen Fragestellungen zum Umgang mit Plastik erst am Anfang stehen. Die ersten Ideen zu PLASTRAT entstanden 2016. In den vergangenen fünf Jahren stand das Thema Plastik im Fokus von Öffentlichkeit und Presse. In dieser Zeit gab es bereits wichtige Veränderungen beim Einsatz von Plastik bei diversen Produkten, beispielsweise durch die Substitution durch alternative Materialien. Dies zeigt deutlich, dass eine Bewusstseinsveränderung stattgefunden hat, die sich sicherlich in der Zukunft fortsetzten wird. Die Arbeiten und Diskussionen im Projektteam von PLASTRAT waren spannend. In vielen Projektbesprechungen wurde an den Forschungsfragestellungen gearbeitet und nach Lösungen gesucht. Es gab einen intensiven persönlichen Austausch mit allen am Projekt beteiligten Personen, so dass uns die seit 2020 geltenden Einschränkungen durch die Corona-Pandemie nicht immer leichtgefallen sind. Wir möchten uns bei allen bedanken, die bei PLASTRAT mitgewirkt haben. Allen Lesern des Syntheseberichts wünschen wir viele Freude beim Lesen und hoffen, dass wir Ihnen einen Impuls für den zukünftigen Umgang mit (Mikro-)Plastik geben können

    Approaches for the evaluation of future-oriented technologies and concepts in the field of water reuse and desalination

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    Against the background of drastically rising global water demand and increasing pollution and overexploitation of regional water resources, the demand-driven water supply of households and industry is of central importance. Water reuse and desalination are seen as key technologies to overcome potential regional and local water shortage. In the joint projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) ‘Future-oriented Technologies and Concepts to Increase Water Availability by Water Reuse and Desalination (WavE)’, evaluation approaches for analysing innovative technologies and concepts are being developed and assessed. All evaluation methods and criteria used were selected based on the decision situation at hand and the decision-makers preferences. Based on the analysis of six multi-criteria evaluation concepts used in selected WavE projects, this paper presents a general approach for comparative multi-criteria evaluation of water reuse systems consisting of prerequisites, minimum requirements, evaluation criteria (qualitative, semi-quantitative or quantitative) and a final aggregation of results. Exemplary sets of criteria for the application in a more industrial, municipal and/or international context are presented as an aid for the application of holistic evaluation approaches for (process) concept and technology selection in the context of water reuse and desalination

    Approaches for the evaluation of future-oriented technologies and concepts in the field of water reuse and desalination

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    Against the background of drastically rising global water demand and increasing pollution and overexploitation of regional water resources, the demand-driven water supply of households and industry is of central importance. Water reuse and desalination are seen as key technologies to overcome potential regional and local water shortage. In the joint projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) ‘Future-oriented Technologies and Concepts to Increase Water Availability by Water Reuse and Desalination (WavE)’, evaluation approaches for analysing innovative technologies and concepts are being developed and assessed. All evaluation methods and criteria used were selected based on the decision situation at hand and the decision-makers preferences. Based on the analysis of six multi-criteria evaluation concepts used in selected WavE projects, this paper presents a general approach for comparative multi-criteria evaluation of water reuse systems consisting of prerequisites, minimum requirements, evaluation criteria (qualitative, semi-quantitative or quantitative) and a final aggregation of results. Exemplary sets of criteria for the application in a more industrial, municipal and/or international context are presented as an aid for the application of holistic evaluation approaches for (process) concept and technology selection in the context of water reuse and desalination

    Getting into the water with the Ecosystem Services Approach: The DESSIN ESS evaluation framework

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    Driven by Europe’s pressing need to overcome its water quality and water scarcity challenges, the speed of innovation in the water sector is outpacing that of science. The methodologies available to assess the impact of innovative solutions to water-related challenges remain limited and highly theoretical, which sets boundaries on their application and usefulness to water practitioners. This hampers the uptake of new technologies and innovative management practices, thus foregoing potential gains in resource efficiency and nature protection, as well as wider benefits to society and the economy. To address this gap, the DESSIN project developed a framework to evaluate the changes in ecosystem services (ESS) associated with technical or management solutions implemented at the water body, sub-catchment or catchment level. The framework was developed with a specific focus on freshwater ecosystems to allow for a more detailed exploration of practical implementation issues. Its development, testing and validation was carried out by conducting ESS evaluations in three different urban case study settings. The framework builds upon existing classification systems for ESS (CICES and FEGS-CS) and incorporates the DPSIR adaptive management scheme as its main structural element. This enables compatibility with other international initiatives on ESS assessments and establishes a direct link to the EU Water Framework Directive, respectively. This work furthers research on practical implementation of the Ecosystem Services Approach, while pushing the discussion on how to promote more informed decision-making and support innovation uptake to address Europe’s current water-related challenges.publishedVersio

    Lösungsstrategien zur Verminderung von Einträgen von urbanem Plastik in limnische Systeme - PLASTRAT - Synthesebericht

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    Der Einsatz von Plastik gehört zu den großen Errungenschaften unserer Zeit. Die Nutzung von Plastik in unseren verschiedenen Lebensbereichen ermöglicht uns heute Vieles. Dabei setzen wir Plastik oft ein, ohne dass uns dies bewusst ist. Wieviel „virtuelles Plastik“ war allein notwendig, um diesen Synthesebericht zu erstellen? Wieviel Plastik benötigen Sie gerade, um diesen Synthesebericht zu lesen? Wie so oft, so hat auch der Einsatz von Plastik zwei Seiten: den positiven Errungenschaften stehen negative Auswirkungen gegenüber, vor allem nach der Nutzung von Plastik. Im Fokus stehen hierbei Fragestellungen der Toxikologie sowie der Abfallverwertung. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Stoffen, mit denen wir täglich in Berührung sind, hat Plastik die Eigenschaft, dass sich kleinste Partikel bilden. So ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass sich mittlerweile in allen Umweltmedien Mikroplastikpartikel finden lassen. Die Idee von PLASTRAT war es, in einem interdisziplinären Team Ansätze für die Verminderung von Einträgen von Plastik in Gewässer zu untersuchen. Dabei standen über den Ansatz der systemischen Risikoanalyse die unterschiedlichen Sektoren im Fokus, angefangen von der Erzeugung, über die Nutzung bis hin zu den Eintragspfaden und die toxikologische Bewertung. Der Synthesebericht fasst die Ergebnisse von PLASTRAT zusammen. Vor allem zeigt der Synthesebericht die großen Herausforderungen sowie Lösungsansätze zum Thema Mikroplastik auf. Dabei wird auch deutlich, dass wir bei vielen Fragestellungen zum Umgang mit Plastik erst am Anfang stehen. Die ersten Ideen zu PLASTRAT entstanden 2016. In den vergangenen fünf Jahren stand das Thema Plastik im Fokus von Öffentlichkeit und Presse. In dieser Zeit gab es bereits wichtige Veränderungen beim Einsatz von Plastik bei diversen Produkten, beispielsweise durch die Substitution durch alternative Materialien. Dies zeigt deutlich, dass eine Bewusstseinsveränderung stattgefunden hat, die sich sicherlich in der Zukunft fortsetzten wird. Die Arbeiten und Diskussionen im Projektteam von PLASTRAT waren spannend. In vielen Projektbesprechungen wurde an den Forschungsfragestellungen gearbeitet und nach Lösungen gesucht. Es gab einen intensiven persönlichen Austausch mit allen am Projekt beteiligten Personen, so dass uns die seit 2020 geltenden Einschränkungen durch die Corona-Pandemie nicht immer leichtgefallen sind. Wir möchten uns bei allen bedanken, die bei PLASTRAT mitgewirkt haben. Allen Lesern des Syntheseberichts wünschen wir viele Freude beim Lesen und hoffen, dass wir Ihnen einen Impuls für den zukünftigen Umgang mit (Mikro-)Plastik geben können

    Getting into the water with the Ecosystem Services Approach: The DESSIN ESS evaluation framework

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    Driven by Europe’s pressing need to overcome its water quality and water scarcity challenges, the speed of innovation in the water sector is outpacing that of science. The methodologies available to assess the impact of innovative solutions to water-related challenges remain limited and highly theoretical, which sets boundaries on their application and usefulness to water practitioners. This hampers the uptake of new technologies and innovative management practices, thus foregoing potential gains in resource efficiency and nature protection, as well as wider benefits to society and the economy. To address this gap, the DESSIN project developed a framework to evaluate the changes in ecosystem services (ESS) associated with technical or management solutions implemented at the water body, sub-catchment or catchment level. The framework was developed with a specific focus on freshwater ecosystems to allow for a more detailed exploration of practical implementation issues. Its development, testing and validation was carried out by conducting ESS evaluations in three different urban case study settings. The framework builds upon existing classification systems for ESS (CICES and FEGS-CS) and incorporates the DPSIR adaptive management scheme as its main structural element. This enables compatibility with other international initiatives on ESS assessments and establishes a direct link to the EU Water Framework Directive, respectively. This work furthers research on practical implementation of the Ecosystem Services Approach, while pushing the discussion on how to promote more informed decision-making and support innovation uptake to address Europe’s current water-related challenges

    Getting into the water with the Ecosystem Services Approach: The DESSIN ESS evaluation framework

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    Driven by Europe's pressing need to overcome its water quality and water scarcity challenges, the speed of innovation in the water sector is outpacing that of science. The methodologies available to assess the impact of innovative solutions to water-related challenges remain limited and highly theoretical, which sets boundaries on their application and usefulness to water practitioners. This hampers the uptake of new technologies and innovative management practices, thus foregoing potential gains in resource efficiency and nature protection, as well as wider benefits to society and the economy. To address this gap, the DESSIN project developed a framework to evaluate the changes in ecosystem services (ESS) associated with technical or management solutions implemented at the water body, sub-catchment or catchment level. The framework was developed with a specific focus on freshwater ecosystems to allow for a more detailed exploration of practical implementation issues. Its development, testing and validation was carried out by conducting ESS evaluations in three different urban case study settings. The framework builds upon existing classification systems for ESS (CICES and FEGS-CS) and incorporates the DPSIR adaptive management scheme as its main structural element. This enables compatibility with other international initiatives on ESS assessments and establishes a direct link to the EU Water Framework Directive, respectively. This work furthers research on practical implementation of the Ecosystem Services Approach, while pushing the discussion on how to promote more informed decision-making and support innovation uptake to address Europe's current water-related challenges

    Challenges and technological approaches for tackling emerging contaminants in drinking and wastewater

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    In recent decades, emerging contaminants (ECs) have surfaced as one of the key environmental problems threatening ecosystems and public health. Most emerging contaminants are present in low concentrations, and therefore often remain undetected and are also referred to as ‘micropollutants’. Despite this, many ECs raise considerable concerns regarding their impacts on human and environmental health. DEMEAU (Demonstration of promising technologies to address emerging contaminants in water and wastewater), a European Seventh Framework Programme (EU-FP7, 2013-2015) project, aimed to tackle ECs in drinking and wastewater by advancing the uptake of knowledge, prototypes, practices and removal technologies. The project followed a solutions-oriented approach using applied research and demonstration sites, and explored four promising technologies for EC removal and/or degradation: Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR), Hybrid Ceramic Membrane Filtration (HCMF), Automatic Neural Net Control Systems (ANCS) and Advanced Oxidation Techniques (AOT). Furthermore, Bioassays (BA) were investigated as an effect-based monitoring tool. This article shares new findings for each approach and their potential for widespread integration in the drinking- and wastewater sector. Research results from DEMEAU demonstration sites show that opportunities for synergies among these developments offer the most promising and effective methods for tackling ECs in the water sector