514 research outputs found

    Constraining Dark Energy with X-ray Galaxy Clusters, Supernovae and the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    We present new constraints on the evolution of dark energy from an analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background, supernova and X-ray galaxy cluster data. Our analysis employs a minimum of priors and exploits the complementary nature of these data sets. We examine a series of dark energy models with up to three free parameters: the current dark energy equation of state w_0, the early time equation of state w_et and the scale factor at transition, a_t. From a combined analysis of all three data sets, assuming a constant equation of state and that the Universe is flat, we measure w_0=-1.05+0.10-0.12. Including w_et as a free parameter and allowing a_t to vary over the range 0.5<a_t<0.95 where the data sets have discriminating power, we measure w_0=-1.27+0.33-0.39 and w_et=-0.66+0.44-0.62. We find no significant evidence for evolution in the dark energy equation of state parameter with redshift. Marginal hints of evolution in the supernovae data become less significant when the cluster constraints are also included in the analysis. The complementary nature of the data sets leads to a tight constraint on the mean matter density, Omega_m and alleviates a number of other parameter degeneracies, including that between the scalar spectral index n_s, the physical baryon density Omega_bh^2 and the optical depth tau. This complementary nature also allows us to examine models in which we drop the prior on the curvature. For non-flat models with a constant equation of state, we measure w_0=-1.09+0.12-0.15 and Omega_de=0.70+-0.03. Our analysis includes spatial perturbations in the dark energy fluid, assuming a sound speed c_s^2 =1. For our most general dark energy model, not including such perturbations would lead to spurious constraints on w_et which would be tighter by approximately a factor two with the current data. (abridged)Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Two new figures added: Fig.9 shows the effects of including dark energy perturbations and Fig.10 compares X-ray cluster data with 2dF dat

    Treatment for erectile dysfunction among older men in Northern Ireland

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    Background Erectile dysfunction is common among older men; however, diagnosis and treatment compared to reported prevalence is low. We aim to identify the degree to which older men are offered treatment for the condition and determine the level of unmet need within Northern Ireland (NI). Methodology Analysis of data collected using a cross‐sectional survey was conducted for men aged ≄60 years with data weighted to the NI population by age and deprivation. Respondents answered questions on sociodemographic factors, health‐related characteristics, ability to function sexually, level of sexual interest and activity, and any treatment offered to improve erections in the last 3 years. Results are presented as proportions reporting treatment receipt, with differences by respondent characteristics assessed using chi‐square tests and multivariable logistic regression. Results Among 2597 respondents, 46.5% reported erectile dysfunction. One quarter (25.8%) recalled being offered either medication, devices, or specialised services to improve erections. The offer of treatment was associated with younger age, being separated or divorced, higher number of long‐term conditions, and greater interest in sex. Of men reporting erectile dysfunction and offered medication, 28.8% found them helpful and currently use them. Conclusions As a result of not being offered treatment or not finding treatment useful, 93% of men reporting erectile dysfunction have no help with the condition. This is a likely consequence of treatment availability through the NHS in NI, but also suggests that healthcare professionals need to engage more proactively with older men, discussing sexual health routinely and following up those treated for the condition

    Changes in the Vegetation and Wildlife Use of a Small Prairie Wetland Following a Drought

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    Several transect methods were used to study marsh vegetation resulting from drought-induced mud flats of a 1.7-ha wetland in northwestern Iowa. All three methods produced comparable results, but point-count and interval transects were most rapid and reflected submergent and floating as well as emergent plants. Most wet meadow plants were eliminated in about three years, whereas shallow marsh and deep marsh species survived until muskrats eliminated all emergent plants. Both vegetation and wildlife responses were typical of shallow prairie wetlands of the region

    Nontargeted biomonitoring of halogenated organic compounds in two ecotypes of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the Southern California Bight.

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    Targeted environmental monitoring reveals contamination by known chemicals, but may exclude potentially pervasive but unknown compounds. Marine mammals are sentinels of persistent and bioaccumulative contaminants due to their longevity and high trophic position. Using nontargeted analysis, we constructed a mass spectral library of 327 persistent and bioaccumulative compounds identified in blubber from two ecotypes of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) sampled in the Southern California Bight. This library of halogenated organic compounds (HOCs) consisted of 180 anthropogenic contaminants, 41 natural products, 4 with mixed sources, 8 with unknown sources, and 94 with partial structural characterization and unknown sources. The abundance of compounds whose structures could not be fully elucidated highlights the prevalence of undiscovered HOCs accumulating in marine food webs. Eighty-six percent of the identified compounds are not currently monitored, including 133 known anthropogenic chemicals. Compounds related to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) were the most abundant. Natural products were, in some cases, detected at abundances similar to anthropogenic compounds. The profile of naturally occurring HOCs differed between ecotypes, suggesting more abundant offshore sources of these compounds. This nontargeted analytical framework provided a comprehensive list of HOCs that may be characteristic of the region, and its application within monitoring surveys may suggest new chemicals for evaluation

    Risk factors for fatality in HIV-infected patients with dideoxynucleoside-induced severe hyperlactataemia or lactic acidosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Lactic acidosis (LA) and severe hyperlactataemia (HL) are infrequent but serious complications of antiretroviral therapy that have been associated with a high fatality rate. METHODS: In a multinational retrospective cohort study, LA was defined as arterial blood pH5 mmol/l. Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with fatality. Sensitivity and specificity of different case definitions as predictors of death were compared. RESULTS: The overall case-fatality rate was 19/110 (17.3%), but among acidotic patients it was 33% (16/49 cases). There were 10 asymptomatic patients and none of them died as a consequence of the event. The median lactate for fatal, non-fatal and all patients was 8.3 mmol/l (IQR 7.2-13.1), 6.4 mmol/l (IQR 5.4-7.8) and 6.7 mmol/l (IQR 5.5-8.1), respectively. After adjusting for age and current CD4(+) T-cell count, lactate >7 mmol/l (OR 6.27, 95% CI 1.13-34.93), blood bicarbonate 18 mmol/l, 95% CI 1.33-75.65) and concurrent opportunistic infections (OR 8.69, 95% CI 1.45-52.22) were independently associated with case fatality. Blood lactate >7 mmol/l showed a sensitivity of 84% for fatality with a specificity of 60%, whereas bicarbonate 7 mmol/l and blood bicarbonate <18 mmol/l appear to predict death and might help clinicians in selecting patients who may benefit from more intense monitoring

    Mapping QTL associated with resistance to avian oncogenic Marek’s Disease Virus (MDV) reveals major candidate genes and variants

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    Marek's disease (MD) represents a significant global economic and animal welfare issue. Marek's disease virus (MDV) is a highly contagious oncogenic and highly immune-suppressive α-herpes virus, which infects chickens, causing neurological effects and tumour formation. Though partially controlled by vaccination, MD continues to have a profound impact on animal health and on the poultry industry. Genetic selection provides an alternative and complementary method to vaccination. However, even after years of study, the genetic mechanisms underlying resistance to MDV remain poorly understood. The Major Histocompatability Complex (MHC) is known to play a role in disease resistance, along with a handful of other non-MHC genes. In this study, one of the largest to date, we used a multi-facetted approach to identify QTL regions (QTLR) influencing resistance to MDV, including an F population from a full-sib advanced intercross line (FSIL) between two elite commercial layer lines differing in resistance to MDV, RNA-seq information from virus challenged chicks, and genome wide association study (GWAS) from multiple commercial lines. Candidate genomic elements residing in the QTLR were further tested for association with offspring mortality in the face of MDV challenge in eight pure lines of elite egg-layer birds. Thirty-eight QTLR were found on 19 chicken chromosomes. Candidate genes, miRNAs, lncRNAs and potentially functional mutations were identified in these regions. Association tests were carried out in 26 of the QTLR, using eight pure lines of elite egg-layer birds. Numerous candidate genomic elements were strongly associated with MD resistance. Genomic regions significantly associated with resistance to MDV were mapped and candidate genes identified. Various QTLR elements were shown to have a strong genetic association with resistance. These results provide a large number of significant targets for mitigating the effects of MDV infection on both poultry health and the economy, whether by means of selective breeding, improved vaccine design, or gene-editing technologies
