108 research outputs found

    Plasmodium vivax chloroquine resistance links to pvcrt transcription in a genetic cross

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    Mainstay treatment for Plasmodium vivax malaria has long relied on chloroquine (CQ) against blood-stage parasites plus primaquine against dormant liver-stage forms (hypnozoites), however drug resistance confronts this regimen and threatens malaria control programs. Understanding the basis of P. vivax chloroquine resistance (CQR) will inform drug discovery and malaria control. Here we investigate the genetics of P. vivax CQR by a cross of parasites differing in drug response. Gametocytogenesis, mosquito infection, and progeny production are performed with mixed parasite populations in nonhuman primates, as methods for P. vivax cloning and in vitro cultivation remain unavailable. Linkage mapping of progeny surviving \u3e 15 mg/kg CQ identifies a 76 kb region in chromosome 1 including pvcrt, an ortholog of the Plasmodium falciparum CQR transporter gene. Transcriptional analysis supports upregulated pvcrt expression as a mechanism of CQR

    A high-throughput method to detect Plasmodium falciparum clones in limiting dilution microplates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Molecular and cellular studies of <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>require cloning of parasites by limiting dilution cultivation, typically performed in microplates. The parasite's slow replication rate combined with laborious methods for identification of positive wells has limited these studies. A new high-throughput method for detecting growth without compromising parasite viability is reported.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>In vitro </it>parasite cultivation is associated with extracellular acidification. A survey of fluorescent pH indicators identified 5-(and-6)-carboxy SNARF-1 as a membrane-impermeant dye with a suitable <it>pK<sub>a </sub></it>value. Conditions for facile detection of viable parasites in 96-well microplates were optimized and used for limiting dilution cloning of genetic cross progeny and transfected parasites.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>5-(and-6)-carboxy SNARF-1 is a two-emission wavelength dye that accurately reported extracellular pH in parasite cultures. It readily detected parasite growth in microplate wells and yielded results comparable to labour-intensive examination of Giemsa-stained smears. The dye is non-toxic, allowing parasite detection without transfer of culture material to additional plates for separate assays. This dye was used with high-throughput limiting dilution culture to generate additional progeny clones from the HB3 × Dd2 genetic cross.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This fluorescence-based assay represents a low-cost, efficient method for detection of viable parasites in microplate wells; it can be easily expanded by automation.</p

    Dissecting the Loci of Low-Level Quinine Resistance in Malaria Parasites

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    Quinine (QN) remains effective against Plasmodium falciparum, but its decreasing efficacy is documented from different continents. Multiple genes are likely to contribute to the evolution of QN resistance. To locate genes contributing to QN response variation, we have searched a P. falciparum genetic cross for quantitative trait loci (QTL). Results identify additive QTL in segments of chromosomes (Chrs) 13, 7 and 5, and pairwise effects from two additional loci of Chrs 9 and 6 that interact, respectively, with the QTL of Chrs 13 and 7. The mapped segments of Chrs 7 and 5 contain pfcrt, the determinant of chloroquine resistance (CQR), and pfmdr1, a gene known to affect QN responses. Association of pfcrt with a QTL of QN resistance supports anecdotal evidence for an evolutionary relationship between CQR and reduced QN sensitivity. The Chr 13 segment contains several candidate genes, one of which (pfnhe-1) encodes a putative Na+/H+ exchanger. A repeat polymorphism in pfnhe-1 shows significant association with low QN response in a collection of P. falciparum strains from Asia, Africa and Central and South America. Dissection of the genes and modifiers involved in QN response will require experimental strategies that can evaluate multiple genes from different chromosomes in combination

    Artemisinin-Resistant Malaria: Research Challenges, Opportunities, and Public Health Implications

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    Artemisinin-based combination therapies are the most effective drugs to treat Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Reduced sensitivity to artemisinin monotherapy, coupled with the emergence of parasite resistance to all partner drugs, threaten to place millions of patients at risk of inadequate treatment of malaria. Recognizing the significance and immediacy of this possibility, the Fogarty International Center and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the U.S. National Institutes of Health convened a conference in November 2010 to bring together the diverse array of stakeholders responding to the growing threat of artemisinin resistance, including scientists from malarious countries in peril. This conference encouraged and enabled experts to share their recent unpublished data from studies that may improve our understanding of artemisinin resistance. Conference sessions addressed research priorities to forestall artemisinin resistance and fostered collaborations between field- and laboratory-based researchers and international programs, with the aim of translating new scientific evidence into public health solutions. Inspired by this conference, this review summarizes novel findings and perspectives on artemisinin resistance, approaches for translating research data into relevant public health information, and opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration to combat artemisinin resistance

    Detection of simple and complex de novo mutations with multiple reference sequences.

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    The characterization of de novo mutations in regions of high sequence and structural diversity from whole-genome sequencing data remains highly challenging. Complex structural variants tend to arise in regions of high repetitiveness and low complexity, challenging both de novo assembly, in which short reads do not capture the long-range context required for resolution, and mapping approaches, in which improper alignment of reads to a reference genome that is highly diverged from that of the sample can lead to false or partial calls. Long-read technologies can potentially solve such problems but are currently unfeasible to use at scale. Here we present Corticall, a graph-based method that combines the advantages of multiple technologies and prior data sources to detect arbitrary classes of genetic variant. We construct multisample, colored de Bruijn graphs from short-read data for all samples, align long-read-derived haplotypes and multiple reference data sources to restore graph connectivity information, and call variants using graph path-finding algorithms and a model for simultaneous alignment and recombination. We validate and evaluate the approach using extensive simulations and use it to characterize the rate and spectrum of de novo mutation events in 119 progeny from four Plasmodium falciparum experimental crosses, using long-read data on the parents to inform reconstructions of the progeny and to detect several known and novel nonallelic homologous recombination events

    X-Linked G6PD Deficiency Protects Hemizygous Males but Not Heterozygous Females against Severe Malaria

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    BACKGROUND: Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is important in the control of oxidant stress in erythrocytes, the host cells for Plasmodium falciparum. Mutations in this enzyme produce X-linked deficiency states associated with protection against malaria, notably in Africa where the A− form of G6PD deficiency is widespread. Some reports have proposed that heterozygous females with mosaic populations of normal and deficient erythrocytes (due to random X chromosome inactivation) have malaria resistance similar to or greater than hemizygous males with populations of uniformly deficient erythrocytes. These proposals are paradoxical, and they are not consistent with currently hypothesized mechanisms of protection. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We conducted large case-control studies of the A− form of G6PD deficiency in cases of severe or uncomplicated malaria among two ethnic populations of rural Mali, West Africa, where malaria is hyperendemic. Our results indicate that the uniform state of G6PD deficiency in hemizygous male children conferred significant protection against severe, life-threatening malaria, and that it may have likewise protected homozygous female children. No such protection was evident from the mosaic state of G6PD deficiency in heterozygous females. We also found no significant differences in the parasite densities of males and females with differences in G6PD status. Pooled odds ratios from meta-analysis of our data and data from a previous study confirmed highly significant protection against severe malaria in hemizygous males but not in heterozygous females. Among the different forms of severe malaria, protection was principally evident against cerebral malaria, the most frequent form of life-threatening malaria in these studies. CONCLUSIONS: The A− form of G6PD deficiency in Africa is under strong natural selection from the preferential protection it provides to hemizygous males against life-threatening malaria. Little or no such protection is present among heterozygous females. Although these conclusions are consistent with data from at least one previous study, they have not heretofore been realized to our knowledge, and they therefore give fresh perspectives on malaria protection by G6PD deficiency as an X-linked trait

    A Variant PfCRT Isoform Can Contribute to Plasmodium falciparum Resistance to the First-Line Partner Drug Piperaquine

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    Current efforts to reduce the global burden of malaria are threatened by the rapid spread throughout Asia of Plasmodium falciparum resistance to artemisinin-based combination therapies, which includes increasing rates of clinical failure with dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine (PPQ) in Cambodia. Using zinc finger nuclease-based gene editing, we report that addition of the C101F mutation to the chloroquine (CQ) resistance-conferring PfCRT Dd2 isoform common to Asia can confer PPQ resistance to cultured parasites. Resistance was demonstrated as significantly higher PPQ concentrations causing 90% inhibition of parasite growth (IC90) or 50% parasite killing (50% lethal dose [LD50]). This mutation also reversed Dd2-mediated CQ resistance, sensitized parasites to amodiaquine, quinine, and artemisinin, and conferred amantadine and blasticidin resistance. Using heme fractionation assays, we demonstrate that PPQ causes a buildup of reactive free heme and inhibits the formation of chemically inert hemozoin crystals. Our data evoke inhibition of heme detoxification in the parasite’s acidic digestive vacuole as the primary mode of both the bis-aminoquinoline PPQ and the related 4-aminoquinoline CQ. Both drugs also inhibit hemoglobin proteolysis at elevated concentrations, suggesting an additional mode of action. Isogenic lines differing in their pfmdr1 copy number showed equivalent PPQ susceptibilities. We propose that mutations in PfCRT could contribute to a multifactorial basis of PPQ resistance in field isolates

    Quinine Treatment Selects the pfnhe-1 ms4760-1 Polymorphism in Malian Patients with Falciparum Malaria

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    Background. The mechanism of Plasmodium falciparum resistance to quinine is not known. In vitro quantitative trait loci mapping suggests involvement of a predicted P. falciparum sodium-hydrogen exchanger (pfnhe-1) on chromosome 13. Methods. We conducted prospective quinine efficacy studies in 2 villages, Kolle and Faladie, Mali. Cases of clinical malaria requiring intravenous therapy were treated with standard doses of quinine and followed for 28 days. Treatment outcomes were classified using modified World Health Organization protocols. Molecular markers of parasite polymorphisms were used to distinguish recrudescent parasites from new infections. The prevalence of pfnhe-1 ms4760-1 among parasites before versus after quinine treatment was determined by direct sequencing. Results. Overall, 163 patients were enrolled and successfully followed. Without molecular correction, the mean adequate clinical and parasitological response (ACPR) was 50.3% (n = 163). After polymerase chain reaction correction to account for new infections, the corrected ACPR was 100%. The prevalence of ms4760-1 increased significantly, from 26.2% (n = 107) before quinine treatment to 46.3% (n = 54) after therapy (P = .01). In a control sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine study, the prevalence of ms4760-1 was similar before and after treatment. Conclusions. This study supports a role for pfnhe-1 in decreased susceptibility of P. falciparum to quinine in the field.Howard Hughes Medical Institute [55005502]; Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health; European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership [EDCTP IP_07_31060_002]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio