1,571 research outputs found

    Supersolutions for a class of semilinear heat equations

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    A semilinear heat equation ut=Δu+f(u)u_{t}=\Delta u+f(u) with nonnegative initial data in a subset of L1(Ω)L^{1}(\Omega) is considered under the assumption that ff is nonnegative and nondecreasing and ΩRn\Omega\subseteq \R^{n}. A simple technique for proving existence and regularity based on the existence of supersolutions is presented, then a method of construction of local and global supersolutions is proposed. This approach is applied to the model case f(s)=spf(s)=s^{p}, ϕLq(Ω)\phi\in L^{q}(\Omega): new sufficient conditions for the existence of local and global classical solutions are derived in the critical and subcritical range of parameters. Some possible generalisations of the method to a broader class of equations are discussed.Comment: Expanded version of the previous submission arXiv:1111.0258v1. 14 page

    Vacuum ultraviolet radiation and solid state physics semiannual status reports no. 1, 2, and 3, period ending 28 feb. 1963

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    Spectroscopic instruments for vacuum ultraviolet radiation stud

    Vacuum ultraviolet radiation and solid state physics Semiannual status report no. 7, period ending 31 Aug. 1965

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    Vacuum ultraviolet radiation and solid state physics - optical constants for barium and silver surfaces and thin film

    Instrumentation problems in the vacuum ultraviolet below 1000 angstroms

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    Improved techniques for solving inherent instrumentation problems in vacuum ultraviolet below 1000 Angstrom

    The nonlinear heat equation involving highly singular initial values and new blowup and life span results

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    In this paper we prove local existence of solutions to the nonlinear heat equation ut=Δu+auαu,  t(0,T),  x=(x1,,xN)RN,  a=±1,  α>0;u_t = \Delta u +a |u|^\alpha u, \; t\in(0,T),\; x=(x_1,\,\cdots,\, x_N)\in {\mathbb R}^N,\; a = \pm 1,\; \alpha>0; with initial value u(0)Lloc1(RN{0})u(0)\in L^1_{\rm{loc}}\left({\mathbb R}^N\setminus\{0\}\right), anti-symmetric with respect to x1,  x2,  ,  xmx_1,\; x_2,\; \cdots,\; x_m and u(0)C(1)m12m(xγ)|u(0)|\leq C(-1)^m\partial_{1}\partial_{2}\cdot \cdot \cdot \partial_{m}(|x|^{-\gamma}) for x1>0,  ,  xm>0,x_1>0,\; \cdots,\; x_m>0, where C>0C>0 is a constant, m{1,  2,  ,  N},m\in \{1,\; 2,\; \cdots,\; N\}, 0<γ<N0<\gamma<N and 0<α<2/(γ+m).0<\alpha<2/(\gamma+m). This gives a local existence result with highly singular initial values. As an application, for a=1,a=1, we establish new blowup criteria for 0<α2/(γ+m)0<\alpha\leq 2/(\gamma+m), including the case m=0.m=0. Moreover, if (N4)α<2,(N-4)\alpha<2, we prove the existence of initial values u0=λf,u_0 = \lambda f, for which the resulting solution blows up in finite time Tmax(λf),T_{\max}(\lambda f), if λ>0\lambda>0 is sufficiently small. We also construct blowing up solutions with initial data λnf\lambda_n f such that λn[(1αγ+m2)1]Tmax(λnf)\lambda_n^{[({1\over \alpha}-{\gamma+m\over 2})^{-1}]}T_{\max}(\lambda_n f) has different finite limits along different sequences λn0\lambda_n\to 0. Our result extends the known "small lambda" blow up results for new values of α\alpha and a new class of initial data.Comment: Submitte

    Standing waves of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    We prove the existence of nontrivial standing wave solutions of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation ϕt=eiθΔϕ+eiγϕαϕ\phi_t = e^{i\theta} \Delta \phi + e^{i\gamma} |\phi |^\alpha \phi with periodic boundary conditions. Our result includes all values of θ\theta and γ\gamma for which cosθcosγ>0\cos \theta \cos \gamma >0, but requires that α>0\alpha >0 be sufficiently small

    Sign-changing self-similar solutions of the nonlinear heat equation with positive initial value

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    We consider the nonlinear heat equation utΔu=uαuu_t - \Delta u = |u|^\alpha u on RN{\mathbb R}^N, where α>0\alpha >0 and N1N\ge 1. We prove that in the range 000 0, there exist infinitely many sign-changing, self-similar solutions to the Cauchy problem with initial value u0(x)=μx2αu_0 (x)= \mu |x|^{-\frac {2} {\alpha }}. The construction is based on the analysis of the related inverted profile equation. In particular, we construct (sign-changing) self-similar solutions for positive initial values for which it is known that there does not exist any local, nonnegative solution

    A Fujita-type blowup result and low energy scattering for a nonlinear Schr\"o\-din\-ger equation

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    In this paper we consider the nonlinear Schr\"o\-din\-ger equation iut+Δu+κuαu=0i u_t +\Delta u +\kappa |u|^\alpha u=0. We prove that if α<2N\alpha <\frac {2} {N} and κ<0\Im \kappa <0, then every nontrivial H1H^1-solution blows up in finite or infinite time. In the case α>2N\alpha >\frac {2} {N} and κC\kappa \in {\mathbb C}, we improve the existing low energy scattering results in dimensions N7N\ge 7. More precisely, we prove that if 8N+N2+16N<α4N \frac {8} {N + \sqrt{ N^2 +16N }} < \alpha \le \frac {4} {N} , then small data give rise to global, scattering solutions in H1H^1