738 research outputs found

    Portal de Periódicos da CAPES: análise do uso na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de ProduçãoA pós-graduação brasileira, com a mudança ocorrida no Programa de Aquisição de Periódicos - PAAP, a partir de 1998 sofreu um grande impacto, primeiramente com o corte no orçamento e conseqüente redução de títulos assinados e na seqüência com a substituição das assinaturas de periódicos impressos pelos periódicos eletrônicos. Esta dissertação, caracterizada como um estudo exploratório, descritivo e avaliativo, a partir de uma pesquisa qualitativa analisa o comportamento dos alunos e professores de pós-graduação da UFSC frente à estas mudanças. Apresenta fundamentação teórica caracterizando a biblioteca universitária como unidade de informação e um panorama das Bibliotecas Universitárias brasileiras, tratando ainda da evolução histórica da tecnologia da informação e suas conseqüências no meio acadêmico e nas bibliotecas universitárias. Caracteriza a pós-graduação no contexto da UFSC, seu histórico e oferta em 2003, bem como, caracteriza ainda, o PAAP e o Portal de Periódicos CAPES. A metodologia empregada foi a técnica de coleta de dados, observação, análise documental, pesquisa bibliográfica e aplicação de um questionário. Conclui que as mudanças introduzidas no PAAP revolucionaram a forma de acesso à informação científica e tecnológica, apresentando um cenário positivo na aceitação e uso de novas tecnologias. A pesquisa evidenciou resistência inicial ao novo modelo do PAAP e mostrou que uma parcela considerável de usuários desconhecem os recursos disponíveis no Portal de Periódicos e indica que a biblioteca ainda é imprescindível para a realização das pesquisas apontando para a importância para o papel de mediação do bibliotecário. O objetivo proposto foi alcançado e possibilitou o desenvolvimento de um estudo de caso na UFSC, em relação ao uso do Portal de Periódicos da CAPES que pode servir de subsídio para implementação de melhorias na divulgação e capacitação de usuários e contribuir com o estabelecimento de políticas públicas para as bibliotecas universitárias e para o acesso a informação científica e tecnológica

    Integration und transnationale Orientierung: Alevitische Vereine in Deutschland

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    Schmerzerkrankungen immer noch stark von beruflicher Tätigkeit abhängig: Analysen zur gesundheitlichen Ungleichheit bei Erwerbstätigen

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    Ein wichtiges Merkmal für die Gliederung moderner Gesellschaften ist der ausgeübte Beruf, der die Zugehörigkeit zu einer sozialen Klasse bestimmt. Es ist hinlänglich bekannt, dass sich der Gesundheitszustand nach Klassenzugehörigkeit unterscheidet. In diesem Beitrag beschreiben wir, wie sich dieser Zusammenhang über die Zeit für junge Erwerbstätige verändert hat. Insbesondere beachten wir dabei die Rolle von Belastungen aus der ausgeübten Berufstätigkeit für die soziale Ungleichheit hinsichtlich selbstberichteter körperlicher Beschwerden. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass die Unterschiede zumindest bei berufsnahen Beschwerden weiterhin deutlich der Trennungslinie in manuelle und nichtmanuelle Berufe folgen, wie sie in sozialen Klassenschemata abgebildet wird, nicht aber in vielen anderen Maßen für die soziale Position. Zudem bleibt die Ungleichheit entlang dieser Trennlinie über den Zeitraum von 1999 bis 2012 verhältnismäßig konstant. Arbeitsstressoren können zwar die Ungleichheit gut erklären, weit weniger allerdings den Anstieg der Beschwerden über die Zeit, und sie tragen nicht systematisch zu einer Veränderung der sozialen Ungleichheit über die Zeit bei

    Past, Present, and Future of Japanese Encephalitis

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    JE is increasing in some areas (due to population growth and intensified rice irrigation) but declining in others

    Impact demagnetization of the Martian crust: Current knowledge and future directions

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    The paleomagnetism of the Martian crust has important implications for the history of the dynamo, the intensity of the ancient magnetic field, and the composition of the crust. Modification of crustal magnetization by impact cratering is evident from the observed lack of a measurable crustal field (at spacecraft altitude) within the youngest large impact basins (e.g., Hellas, Argyre and Isidis). It is hoped that comparisons of the magnetic intensity over impact structures, forward modeling of subsurface magnetization, and experimental results of pressure-induced demagnetization of rocks and minerals will provide constraints on the primary magnetic mineralogy in the Martian crust. Such an effort requires: (i) accurate knowledge of the spatial distribution of the shock pressures around impact basins, (ii) crustal magnetic intensity maps of adequate resolution over impact structures, and (iii) determination of demagnetization properties for individual rocks and minerals under compression. In this work, we evaluate the current understanding of these three conditions and compile the available experimental pressure demagnetization data on samples bearing (titano-) magnetite, (titano-) hematite, and pyrrhotite. We find that all samples demagnetize substantially at pressures of a few GPa and that the available data support significant modification of the crustal magnetic field from both large and small impact events. However, the amount of demagnetization with applied pressure does not vary significantly among the possible carrier phases. Therefore, the presence of individual mineral phases on Mars cannot be determined from azimuthally averaged demagnetization profiles over impact basins at present. The identification of magnetic mineralogy on Mars will require more data on pressure demagnetization of thermoremanent magnetization and forward modeling of the crustal field subject to a range of plausible initial field and demagnetization patterns.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NNG04GD17G)United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NNX07AQ69G)United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NNX06AD14G

    Lessons from development: A role for asymmetric stem cell division in cancer

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    AbstractAsymmetric stem cell division has emerged as a major regulatory mechanism for physiologic control of stem cell numbers. Reinvigoration of the cancer stem cell theory suggests that tumorigenesis may be regulated by maintaining the balance between asymmetric and symmetric cell division. Therefore, mutations affecting this balance could result in aberrant expansion of stem cells. Although a number of molecules have been implicated in regulation of asymmetric stem cell division, here, we highlight known tumor suppressors with established roles in this process. While a subset of these tumor suppressors were originally defined in developmental contexts, recent investigations reveal they are also lost or mutated in human cancers. Mutations in tumor suppressors involved in asymmetric stem cell division provide mechanisms by which cancer stem cells can hyperproliferate and offer an intriguing new focus for understanding cancer biology. Our discussion of this emerging research area derives insight from a frontier area of basic science and links these discoveries to human tumorigenesis. This highlights an important new focus for understanding the mechanism underlying expansion of cancer stem cells in driving tumorigenesis

    Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of South American species and populations of Hypochaeris (Asteraceae)

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    One hundred and thirty-seven new chromosome counts are reported from 104 populations of 26 native South American taxa of Hypochaeris (Asteraceae, Lactuceae), together with two invasive Mediterranean species: H. glabra and H. radicata. First reports are provided for seven taxa (H. alba, H. cf. eremophila, H. caespitosa, H. hookeri, H. parodii, H. patagonica and H. pinnatifida) and one new ploidy level is reported (diploid for H. incana, so far known only as a tetraploid). Including the results of this study, the chromosomes of 39 of the c. 50 Hypochaeris species known from the New World have now been counted. Most species are diploid with 2n = 2x = 8 and have bimodal, asymmetrical karyotypes. Tetraploidy (2n = 4x = 16) is reported here for the first time in H. caespitosa. Infra-specific polyploidy (probably autopolyploidy) is reported in H. incana and H. taraxacoides, both cases including infra-populational cytotype mixtures (2x and 4x). Polyploidy is now known from eight South American Hypochaeris species (c. 16%). Basic karyotype analyses allow the placement of the newly counted taxa into previously proposed but slightly modified groupings and provide the framework for further molecular cytogenetic analyses. The reported findings suggest that chromosomal change in South American Hypochaeris, in contrast to Old World species, has not involved aneuploidy, but polyploidy and/or more subtle changes in chromosome length, perhaps via satellite DNA amplification/deletion or activity of retroelements, and rDNA reorganization.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A Sport-Based Intervention to Increase Uptake of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Among Adolescent Male Students: Results From the MCUTS 2 Cluster-Randomized Trial in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

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    BACKGROUND: Mathematical models suggest that 570,000 HIV infections could be averted between 2011 and 2025 in Zimbabwe if the country reaches 80% voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) coverage among 15- to 49-year-old male subjects. Yet national coverage remains well below this target, and there is a need to evaluate interventions to increase the uptake. METHODS: A cluster-randomized trial was conducted to assess the effectiveness of Make-The-Cut-Plus (MTC+), a single, 60-minute, sport-based intervention to increase VMMC uptake targeting secondary school boys (14-20 years). Twenty-six schools in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, were randomized to either receive MTC+ at the start (intervention) or end (control) of a 4-month period (March to June 2014). VMMC uptake over these 4 months was measured via probabilistic matching of participants in the trial database (n = 1226 male participants; age, 14-20 years; median age, 16.2 years) and the registers in Bulawayo's 2 free VMMC clinics (n = 5713), using 8 identifying variables. RESULTS: There was strong evidence that the MTC+ intervention increased the odds of VMMC uptake by approximately 2.5 fold (odds ratio = 2.53; 95% confidence interval, 1.21 to 5.30). Restricting to participants who did not report being already circumcised at baseline, MTC+ increased VMMC uptake by 7.6% (12.2% vs 4.6%, odds ratio = 2.65; 95% confidence interval, 1.19 to 5.86). Sensitivity analyses related to the probabilistic matching did not change these findings substantively. The number of participants who would need to be exposed to the demand creation intervention to yield one additional VMMC client was 22.7 (or 13.2 reporting not already being circumcised). This translated to approximately US dollar 49 per additional VMMC client. CONCLUSIONS: The MTC+ intervention was an effective and cost-effective strategy for increasing VMMC uptake among school-going adolescent male subjects in Bulawayo

    The Sea Peoples, from Cuneiform Tablets to Carbon Dating

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    The 13th century BC witnessed the zenith of the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean civilizations which declined at the end of the Bronze Age, ∼3200 years ago. Weakening of this ancient flourishing Mediterranean world shifted the political and economic centres of gravity away from the Levant towards Classical Greece and Rome, and led, in the long term, to the emergence of the modern western civilizations. Textual evidence from cuneiform tablets and Egyptian reliefs from the New Kingdom relate that seafaring tribes, the Sea Peoples, were the final catalyst that put the fall of cities and states in motion. However, the lack of a stratified radiocarbon-based archaeology for the Sea People event has led to a floating historical chronology derived from a variety of sources spanning dispersed areas. Here, we report a stratified radiocarbon-based archaeology with anchor points in ancient epigraphic-literary sources, Hittite-Levantine-Egyptian kings and astronomical observations to precisely date the Sea People event. By confronting historical and science-based archaeology, we establish an absolute age range of 1192–1190 BC for terminal destructions and cultural collapse in the northern Levant. This radiocarbon-based archaeology has far-reaching implications for the wider Mediterranean, where an elaborate network of international relations and commercial activities are intertwined with the history of civilizations