11 research outputs found

    Entwicklung und technische Integration einer Bewertungsmethodik zur Ermittlung von Mitarbeiterbelastungen in Kommissioniersystemen (ErgoKom)

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    Ziel des Forschungsprojekts ErgoKom war die Entwicklung einer Methodik zur aufwandsarmen Bewertung der tatsächlich vorliegenden Mitarbeiterbelastung unter Berücksichtigung der speziellen Anforderungen der Kommissionierung. Durch die Integration und Implementierung technischer Hilfsmittel, wie Motion Capturing und industrieller Sensoren, wird eine automatisierte, fortlaufende Belastungserfassung, Risikobewertung und Visualisierung ermöglicht. Zudem wird erläutert, wie differenzierte Arbeitsgestaltungsmaßnahmen zur Neuplanung ergonomisch günstiger sowie zur Optimierung bestehender Kommissioniersysteme abgeleitet werden können. Die Anwendung der Methodik ermöglicht die Reduktion langfristiger gesundheitlicher Schädigungen im Kontext der aufgrund des demographischen Wandels veränderten Größe und Zusammensetzung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials

    A high-throughput effector screen identifies a novel small molecule scaffold for inhibition of ten-eleven translocation dioxygenase 2

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    Ten-eleven translocation dioxygenases (TETs) are the erasers of 5-methylcytosine (mC), the central epigenetic regulator of mammalian DNA. TETs convert mC to three oxidized derivatives with unique physicochemical properties and inherent regulatory potential, and it initializes active demethylation by the base excision repair pathway. Potent small molecule inhibitors would be useful tools to study TET functions by conditional control. To facilitate the discovery of such tools, we here report a high-throughput screening pipeline and its application to screen and validate 31.5k compounds for inhibition of TET2. Using a homogenous fluorescence assay, we discover a novel quinoline-based scaffold that we further validate with an orthogonal semi-high throughput MALDI-MS assay for direct monitoring of substrate turnover. Structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies involving >20 derivatives of this scaffold led to the identification of optimized inhibitors, and together with computational studies suggested a plausible model for its mode of action

    Las obsesiones antes de Freud: historia y clínica

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    Assessing the mixture effects in in vitro bioassays of chemicals occurring in small agricultural streams during rain events

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    Rain events may impact the chemical pollution burden in rivers. Forty-four small streams in Germany were profiled during several rain events for the presence of 395 chemicals and five types of mixture effects in in vitro bioassays (cytotoxicity; activation of the estrogen, aryl hydrocarbon, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors; and oxidative stress response). While these streams were selected to cover a wide range of agricultural impacts, in addition to the expected pesticides, wastewater-derived chemicals and chemicals typical for street runoff were detected. The unexpectedly high estrogenic effects in many samples indicated the impact by wastewater or overflow of combined sewer systems. The 128 water samples exhibited a high diversity of chemical and effect patterns, even for different rain events at the same site. The detected 290 chemicals explained only a small fraction

    Insight into Targeting Exon20 Insertion Mutations of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor with Wild Type-Sparing Inhibitors

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    Despite the clinical efficacy of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors, a subset of patients with non-small cell lung cancer displays insertion mutations in exon20 in EGFR and Her2 with limited treatment options. Here, we present the development and characterization of the novel covalent inhibitors LDC8201 and LDC0496 based on a 1H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridine scaffold. They exhibited intense inhibitory potency toward EGFR and Her2 exon20 insertion mutations as well as selectivity over wild type EGFR and within the kinome. Complex crystal structures with the inhibitors and biochemical and cellular on-target activity document their favorable binding characteristics. Ultimately, we observed tumor shrinkage in mice engrafted with patient-derived EGFR-H773_V774insNPH mutant cells during treatment with LDC8201. Together, these results highlight the potential of covalent pyrrolopyridines as inhibitors to target exon20 insertion mutations

    The lowland stream monitoring dataset (KgM, Kleingewässer-Monitoring) 2018, 2019

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    Plant protection products in the environment are partly responsible for the progressive loss of biodiversity. The mostly insufficient ecological status of surface waters is often explained by habitat degradation and excessive nutrient input. But what role do plant protection products play in this context? The Kleingewässermonitoring (KgM) project provides a worldwide unique quantitative assessment of the impact of pesticides from diffuse agricultural sources on small and medium-sized streams. The dataset comprises 124 monitoring stream sections all over Germany covering a wide pollution gradient where consistent measurements were carried out in 2018 and 2019 during the major pesticide application period from April to July. These measurements include event-driven sampling to record surface rainfall-induced short-term peak concentrations in addition to regular grab sampling of pesticides and a wide range of other pollutants resulting in more than 1,000 water samples. All further relevant anthropogenic and environmental parameters reigning ecological stream quality were recorded comprehensively (morphological and stream bed structure, temperature, flow velocity, dissolved oxygen, pH, catchment land use, stream profile). The dataset also contains effect monitoring data featuring sampled invertebrate communities and bioassay analyses of water samples. The data enables an assessment of pesticide exposure and related effects as well as the analysis of complex causal relationships in streams

    Effectiveness and safety of long-term treatment with sulfonylureas in patients with neonatal diabetes due to KCNJ11 mutations: an international cohort study

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    Background: KCNJ11 mutations cause permanent neonatal diabetes through pancreatic ATP-sensitive potassium channel activation. 90% of patients successfully transfer from insulin to oral sulfonylureas with excellent initial glycaemic control; however, whether this control is maintained in the long term is unclear. Sulfonylurea failure is seen in about 44% of people with type 2 diabetes after 5 years of treatment. Therefore, we did a 10-year multicentre follow-up study of a large international cohort of patients with KCNJ11 permanent neonatal diabetes to address the key questions relating to long-term efficacy and safety of sulfonylureas in these patients. Methods: In this multicentre, international cohort study, all patients diagnosed with KCNJ11 permanent neonatal diabetes at five laboratories in Exeter (UK), Rome (Italy), Bergen (Norway), Paris (France), and Krakow (Poland), who transferred from insulin to oral sulfonylureas before Nov 30, 2006, were eligible for inclusion. Clinicians collected clinical characteristics and annual data relating to glycaemic control, sulfonylurea dose, severe hypoglycaemia, side-effects, diabetes complications, and growth. The main outcomes of interest were sulfonylurea failure, defined as permanent reintroduction of daily insulin, and metabolic control, specifically HbA1c and sulfonylurea dose. Neurological features associated with KCNJ11 permanent neonatal diabetes were also assessed. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02624817. Findings: 90 patients were identified as being eligible for inclusion and 81 were enrolled in the study and provided long-term (>5·5 years cut-off) outcome data. Median follow-up duration for the whole cohort was 10·2 years (IQR 9·3–10·8). At most recent follow-up (between Dec 1, 2012, and Oct 4, 2016), 75 (93%) of 81 participants remained on sulfonylurea therapy alone. Excellent glycaemic control was maintained for patients for whom we had paired data on HbA1c and sulfonylurea at all time points (ie, pre-transfer [for HbA1c], year 1, and most recent follow-up; n=64)—median HbA1c was 8·1% (IQR 7·2–9·2; 65·0 mmol/mol [55·2–77·1]) before transfer to sulfonylureas, 5·9% (5·4–6·5; 41·0 mmol/mol [35·5–47·5]; p<0·0001 vs pre-transfer) at 1 year, and 6·4% (5·9–7·3; 46·4 mmol/mol [41·0–56·3]; p<0·0001 vs year 1) at most recent follow-up (median 10·3 years [IQR 9·2–10·9]). In the same patients, median sulfonylurea dose at 1 year was 0·30 mg/kg per day (0·14–0·53) and at most recent follow-up visit was 0·23 mg/kg per day (0·12–0·41; p=0·03). No reports of severe hypoglycaemia were recorded in 809 patient-years of follow-up for the whole cohort (n=81). 11 (14%) patients reported mild, transient side-effects, but did not need to stop sulfonylurea therapy. Seven (9%) patients had microvascular complications; these patients had been taking insulin longer than those without complications (median age at transfer to sulfonylureas 20·5 years [IQR 10·5–24·0] vs 4·1 years [1·3–10·2]; p=0·0005). Initial improvement was noted following transfer to sulfonylureas in 18 (47%) of 38 patients with CNS features. After long-term therapy with sulfonylureas, CNS features were seen in 52 (64%) of 81 patients. Interpretation: High-dose sulfonylurea therapy is an appropriate treatment for patients with KCNJ11 permanent neonatal diabetes from diagnosis. This therapy is safe and highly effective, maintaining excellent glycaemic control for at least 10 years. Funding: Wellcome Trust, Diabetes UK, Royal Society, European Research Council, Norwegian Research Council, Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Foundation, Western Norway Regional Health Authority, Southern and Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, Italian Ministry of Health, Aide aux Jeunes Diabetiques, Societe Francophone du Diabete, Ipsen, Slovak Research and Development Agency, and Research and Development Operational Programme funded by the European Regional Development Fund