579 research outputs found

    The Widget Effect: Our National Failure to Acknowledge and Act on Differences in Teacher Effectiveness

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    Examines flaws in evaluations of teacher effectiveness that lead districts to allow poor performance to go unaddressed. Recommends a comprehensive system, to be used accountably and integrated with human capital policies, and efficient dismissal policies

    Timing Measurements of the Relativistic Binary Pulsar PSR B1913+16

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    We present results of more than three decades of timing measurements of the first known binary pulsar, PSR B1913+16. Like most other pulsars, its rotational behavior over such long time scales is significantly affected by small-scale irregularities not explicitly accounted for in a deterministic model. Nevertheless, the physically important astrometric, spin, and orbital parameters are well determined and well decoupled from the timing noise. We have determined a significant result for proper motion, μα=−1.43±0.13\mu_{\alpha} = -1.43\pm0.13, μδ=−0.70±0.13\mu_{\delta}=-0.70\pm0.13 mas yr−1^{-1}. The pulsar exhibited a small timing glitch in May 2003, with Δf/f=3.7×10−11{\Delta f}/f=3.7\times10^{-11}, and a smaller timing peculiarity in mid-1992. A relativistic solution for orbital parameters yields improved mass estimates for the pulsar and its companion, m_1=1.4398\pm0.0002 \ M_{\sun} and m_2=1.3886\pm0.0002 \ M_{\sun}. The system's orbital period has been decreasing at a rate 0.997±0.0020.997\pm0.002 times that predicted as a result of gravitational radiation damping in general relativity. As we have shown before, this result provides conclusive evidence for the existence of gravitational radiation as predicted by Einstein's theory.Comment: Published in APJ, 722, 1030 (2010

    Criminal Justice Information Sharing: A Legal Primer for Criminal Practitioners in California

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    California criminal justice agencies need access to data in order to provide security, health care treatment, and appropriate programming, as well as to coordinate these activities with other agencies. By the same token, outside agencies—whether criminal, social service, or non-governmental—could often do their jobs more effectively with access to information generated or retained within particular criminal justice agencies. Criminal justice realignment under AB 109 has only heightened the need for inter-agency data sharing and cooperation, yet there continue to be misunderstandings about the legal framework surrounding information exchange.This Article aims to provide a basic, practical background on the legal rules relevant to information exchange, highlighting under what circumstances—and with whom—criminal justice agencies may share, must share, or must not share their information. The Article’s basic conclusion is that criminal justice data sharing is enabled by the existing legal regime

    Constructing Science

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    An examination of children's causal reasoning capacities and how those capacities serve as the foundation of their scientific thinking. Young children have remarkable capacities for causal reasoning, which are part of the foundation of their scientific thinking abilities. In Constructing Science, Deena Weisberg and David Sobel trace the ways that young children's sophisticated causal reasoning abilities combine with other cognitive, metacognitive, and social factors to develop into a more mature set of scientific thinking abilities. Conceptualizing scientific thinking as the suite of skills that allows people to generate hypotheses, solve problems, and explain aspects of the world, Weisberg and Sobel argue that understanding how this capacity develops can offer insights into how we can become a more scientifically literate society. Investigating the development of causal reasoning and how it sets the stage for scientific thinking in the elementary school years and beyond, Weisberg and Sobel outline a framework for understanding how children represent and learn causal knowledge and identify key variables that differ between causal reasoning and scientific thinking. They present empirical studies suggesting ways to bridge the gap between causal reasoning and scientific thinking, focusing on two factors: contextualization and metacognitive thinking abilities. Finally, they examine children's explicit understanding of such concepts as science, learning, play, and teaching

    Use of cranial characters in taxonomy of the Minnesota wolf (\u3ci\u3eCanis\u3c/i\u3e sp.)

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    Minnesota wolves (Canis sp.) sometimes are reported to have affinity to a small, narrow-skulled eastern form (Canis lupus lycaon Schreber, 1775) and sometimes to a larger, broader western form (Canis lupus nubilus Say, 1823). We found that pre-1950 Minnesota wolf skulls were similar in size to those of wolves from southeastern Ontario and smaller than those of western wolves. However, Minnesota wolf skulls during 1970–1976 showed a shift to the larger, western form. Although Minnesota skull measurements after 1976 were unavailable, rostral ratios from 1969 through 1999 were consistent with hybridization between the smaller eastern wolf and the western form. Our findings help resolve the different taxonomic interpretations of Minnesota skull morphology and are consistent with molecular evidence of recent hybridization or intergradation of the two forms of wolves in Minnesota. Together these data indicate that eastern- and western-type wolves historically mixed and hybridized in Minnesota and continue to do so. Our findings are relevant to a recent government proposal to delist wolves from the endangered species list in Minnesota and surrounding states. On associe les loups (Canis sp.) du Minnesota quelquefois avec une forme de l’est de petite taille et à crâne étroit (Canis lupus lycaon Schreber, 1775) et d’autres fois à une forme de l’ouest (Canis lupus nubilus Say, 1823) plus grande et à crâne plus large. Nous observons que les crânes de loups du Minnesota récoltés avant 1950 sont de taille semblable à ceux de loups du sud-est de l’Ontario et plus petits que ceux des loups de l’ouest. Cependant, les crânes de loups du Minnesota durant la période de 1970–1976 montrent un déplacement de taille vers la forme plus grande de l’ouest. Bien qu’aucune mesure de crânes du Minnesota ne soit disponible après 1976, les rapports des rostres de 1969 jusqu’à la fin de 1999 sont compatibles avec une hybridation entre le loup plus petit de l’est et la forme de l’ouest. Nos données aident à résoudre les différences d’interprétation taxonomique de la morphologie des crânes du Minnesota et concordent avec les preuves moléculaires d’une hybridation récente ou d’une intégration des deux formes de loups du Minnesota. Conjointement, ces données indiquent que les loups des types est et ouest se sont mêlés et hybridés dans le passé au Minnesota et continuent de le faire. Nos résultats sont pertinents compte tenu d’une proposition gouvernementale récente de retirer les loups de la liste des espèces en péril au Minnesota et dans les états adjacents

    Can Combining Academic and Career-Technical Education Improve High School Outcomes in California?

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    Assesses strategies for improving high school graduation rates by combining college preparatory coursework with career-technical education, and discusses results and practical challenges. Includes profiles of career academies with combined curricula

    Highly Reduced Forsterite and Enstatite from Stardust Track 61: Implications for Radial Transport of E Asteroid Material

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    The Stardust Mission returned a large fraction of high-temperature, crystalline material that was radially transported from the inner solar system to the Kuiper Belt [1,2]. The mineralogical diversity found in this single cometary collection points to an even greater number of source materials than most primitive chondrites. In particular, the type II olivine found in Wild 2 includes the three distinct Fe/Mn ratios found in the matrix and chondrules of carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) and unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOCs) [3]. We also find that low-Ca pyroxene is quite variable (approximately Fs3-29) and is usually indistinguishable from CC, UOC, and EH3 pyroxene as well. However, occasional olivine and pyroxene compositions are found in Wild 2 that are inconsistent with chondrites. The Stardust track 61 terminal particle (TP) is one such example and is the focus of this study. It s highly reduced forsterite and enstatite is consistent only with that in Aubrites, in which FeO is essentially absent from these phases (less than approximately 0.1 wt.% FeO) [4]

    Composition of the L5 Mars Trojans: Neighbors, not Siblings

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    Mars is the only terrestrial planet known to have Tro jan (co-orbiting) asteroids, with a confirmed population of at least 4 objects. The origin of these objects is not known; while several have orbits that are stable on solar-system timescales, work by Rivkin et al. (2003) showed they have compositions that suggest separate origins from one another. We have obtained infrared (0.8-2.5 micron) spectroscopy of the two largest L5 Mars Tro jans, and confirm and extend the results of Rivkin et al. (2003). We suggest that the differentiated angrite meteorites are good spectral analogs for 5261 Eureka, the largest Mars Trojan. Meteorite analogs for 101429 1998 VF31 are more varied and include primitive achondrites and mesosiderites.Comment: 14 manuscript pages, 1 table, 6 figures. To be published in Icarus. See companion paper 0709.1921 by Trilling et a
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