1,080 research outputs found

    Archaeological and Geological Test Excavations at Site 41HM61, Hamilton County, Texas

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    ᆳchaeological testing at 41HM61 to determine if thatsite is eligible for inclusion in the National Registerof Historic Places (NRHP). The site, which is located in northern Hamilton County, Texas, would beaffected by replacement of the current U.S. Highway281 bridge over the Leon River. ᆳᆳogists had previously examined the bridge locationthrough a series of 14 backhoe trenches in the searchfor buried cultural remains. Although such remainswere found, it was uncertain at the time whether theywere in situ or had been eroded out of several known sites located just upstream and then transporteddownriver to the bridge location. CEI was contracted by TxDOT to revisit the site and conduct the NRHPtesting. Work was conducted under the direction of Mr. Richard A. Weinstein, Principal Investigator.ᆳᆳᆳgist for the fieldwork, while Dr. Jon C. Lohse servedas Project Archeologist throughout the analysis andwriting phases. Dr. Charles D. Frederick served as Geoarchaeologist. CEI reopened and expanded three of the earlier TxDOT trenches (equaling ca. 14 linear meters),excavated eight new trenches (for a total of 98 additional linear meters), and then dug six 50-by-50-cmor 1-by-1-m witness columns and five block excavaᆳ AbstrAct tions, the latter each of varying size and consisting ofa series of contiguous 1-by-1-m units. The witness columns and block excavations were hand-dug usinga combination of shovels and trowels and resulted in the removal of 14.05 cubic meters of soil. Over 30 features were identified and several were examined in detail by the hand excavations, including concentrations of ash and charcoal and clusters of fire- cracked rocks and mussel shells. Twenty-six samples of charcoal, organic sediment, mussel shell, bone, and floral remains were radiocarbon dated, resulting in a remarkably concise understanding of the different site occupations which span from the latter part of the Middle Archaic period ᆳᆳods (ca. 2460 B.C. to A.D. 1600). Through analysisof the remains associated with each recognized occuᆳᆳᆳᆳnal material, plus selected samples of floral material, freshwater mussel shells, and snails, it is possible topiece together a fine-grained picture of hunter-gatherer subsistence through time, along with changes in ᆳᆳᆳᆳsistence strategies and living conditions. Overall, site 41HM61 is considered eligible for inclusion in the NRHP. It also is considered eligible for status as aState Antiquities Landmark

    The Homestead of James Taylor White II: Historical, Archaeological, and Geophysical Investigations at Two Proposed Safety Rest Areas, Interstate Highway (IH) 10, Chambers County, Texas

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    Personnel from Coastal Environments, Inc. (CEI), Moore Archeological Consulting, Inc. (MAC), and the University of Mississippi conducted archaeological and geophysical investigations at the locations of two proposed safety rest areas on opposite sides of Interstate Highway (IH) 10 in Chambers County, Texas. The research was carried out from late August 2006 until late February 2007, under contract to the Environmental Affairs Division of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). MAC archaeologists had previously examined the two rest area tracts in 2001. Their research indicated that the north tract contained a late-nineteenth- through early-twentieth-century cemetery, identified as the Broussard Cemetery site (41CH370). Buried within the cemetery are the remains of several members of the locally prominent White family and relatives. The south tract included the remains of a below-ground cistern that likely marked the location of the main house associated with the homestead and ranch of James Taylor White II. It was estimated that this house location, labeled the White Family Cistern site (41CH371), was occupied from ca. 1854 until sometime in the early 1900s. The field investigations examined three specific areas within the two tracts: (1) A small 20-by-45-m area situated about 10 m north of the Broussard Cemetery site where a truck-entrance road is to be built. It was considered possible that unmarked graves located outside the cemetery proper might be present in that area. (2) A 40-by-40-m area within the south tract where MAC personnel had located a piece of whiteware during their earlier investigations. It was thought that a possible outbuilding related to the White homestead might be present in that area. (3) A 110-by-115-m area in the south tract where the main house and most of the White family occupation occurred. The area in the north tract was examined by ground-penetrating radar, resistivity surveys and mechanical stripping of anomalies recognized by the geophysical research. The small square area in the south tract was examined by systematic shovel tests. The large area in the south tract was investigated by systematic shovel tests, a metal detector survey, a geophysical search that included magnetometer and electromagnetic susceptibility surveys, a limited ground-truth assessment of selected anomalies that had been identified by the geophysical surveys, mechanical stripping of other anomalies recognized by the geophysical research, plus the controlled excavation of a few small units in locations where the stripping uncovered potential cultural features. Overall, the various investigations identified the location, orientation, and dimensions of the White family house and its associated kitchen, a rich sheet midden situated to the rear of the house, and several possible outbuildings located to the sides of the structure. Numerous artifacts indicative of the period of suspected occupation were collected, including hundreds of pieces of metal, ceramic fragments, and glass. A few animal bones and plant remains also were obtained. Although the present study did not call for a detailed analysis of these items, such should prove useful in the future. Given these results, it is clear that site 41CH371 is eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Additional archaeological investigations at selected portions of the site are recommended, along with further archival and historical research. Accordingly, construction of the rest area in the south tract should be delayed until the recommended investigations are completed. The small area examined in the north tract near site 41CH370 failed to yield any evidence of burials. Since the cemetery itself will be avoided during construction, no further archaeological work is considered necessary in the north tract. Thus, construction of the rest area within the north tract may proceed as planned

    On Deusons or Deuteronlike Meson-Meson Bound States

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    The systematics of deuteronlike two-meson bound states, {\it deusons}, is discussed. Previous arguments that many of the present non-qqˉq\bar q states are such states are elaborated including, in particular, the tensor potential. For pseudoscalar states the important observation is made that the centrifugal barrier from the P-wave can be overcome by the 1/r21/r^2 and 1/r31/r^3 terms of the tensor potential. In the heavy meson sector one-pion exchange alone is strong enough to form at least deuteron-like BBˉB\bar B^* and BBˉB^*\bar B^* composites bound by approximately 50 MeV, while DDˉD\bar D^* and DDˉD^*\bar D^* states are expected near the threshold.Comment: Invited talk at the Hadron93 International Conf. on Hadron Spectroscopy, Como, Italy 22.-25.6. 1993. 5 pages in LATEX HU-SEFT R 1993-13

    Historical, Archaeological, and Geophysical Investigations at Two Proposed Safety Rest Areas, Interstate Highway (IH) 10, Chambers County, Texas

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    Personnel from Coastal Environments, Inc. (CEI), Moore Archeological Consulting, Inc. (MAC), and the University of Mississippi conducted archaeological and geophysical investigations at the locations of two proposed safety rest areas on opposite sides of Interstate Highway (IH) 10 in Chambers County, Texas. The research was carried out from late August 2006 until late February 2007, under contract to the Environmental Affairs Division of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). MAC archaeologists had previously examined the two rest area tracts in 2001. Their research indicated that the north tract contained a latenineteenth- through early-twentieth-century cemetery, identified as the Broussard Cemetery site (41CH370). Buried within the cemetery are the remains of several members of the locally prominent White family and relatives. The south tract included the remains of a below-ground cistern that likely marked the location of the main house associated with the homestead and ranch of James Taylor White II. It was estimated that this house location, labeled the White Family Cistern site (41CH371), was occupied from ca. 1854 until sometime in the early 1900s. The field investigations examined three specific areas within the two tracts: (1) A small 20-by-45-m area situated about 10 m north of the Broussard Cemetery site where a truck-entrance road is to be built. It was considered possible that unmarked graves located outside the cemetery proper might be present in that area. (2) A 40-by-40-m area within the south tract where MAC personnel had located a piece of whiteware during their earlier investigations. It was thought that a possible outbuilding related to the White homestead might be present in that area. (3) A 110-by-115-m area in the south tract where the main house and most of the White family occupation occurred. The area in the north tract was examined by ground-penetrating radar, resistivity surveys and mechanical stripping of anomalies recognized by the geophysical research. The small square area in the south tract was examined by systematic shovel tests. The large area in the south tract was investigated by systematic shovel tests, a metal detector survey, a geophysical search that included magnetometer and electromagnetic susceptibility surveys, a limited ground-truth assessment of selected anomalies that had been identified by the geophysical surveys, mechanical stripping of other anomalies recognized by the geophysical research, plus the controlled excavation of a few small units in locations where the stripping uncovered potential cultural features. Overall, the various investigations identified the location, orientation, and dimensions of the White family house and its associated kitchen, a rich sheet midden situated to the rear of the house, and several possible outbuildings located to the sides of the structure. Numerous artifacts indicative of the period of suspected occupation were collected, including hundreds of pieces of metal, ceramic fragments, and glass. A few animal bones and plant remains also were obtained. Although the present study did not call for a detailed analysis of these items, such should prove useful in the future. Given these results, it is clear that site 41CH371 is eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Additional archaeological investigations at selected portions of the site are recommended, along with further archival and historical research. Accordingly, construction of the rest area in the south tract should be delayed until the recommended investigations are completed. The small area examined in the north tract near site 41CH370 failed to yield any evidence of burials. Since the cemetery itself will be avoided during construction, no further archaeological work is considered necessary in the north tract. Thus, construction of the rest area within the north tract may proceed as planned

    Calibration Uncertainty for Advanced LIGO's First and Second Observing Runs

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    Calibration of the Advanced LIGO detectors is the quantification of the detectors' response to gravitational waves. Gravitational waves incident on the detectors cause phase shifts in the interferometer laser light which are read out as intensity fluctuations at the detector output. Understanding this detector response to gravitational waves is crucial to producing accurate and precise gravitational wave strain data. Estimates of binary black hole and neutron star parameters and tests of general relativity require well-calibrated data, as miscalibrations will lead to biased results. We describe the method of producing calibration uncertainty estimates for both LIGO detectors in the first and second observing runs.Comment: 15 pages, 21 figures, LIGO DCC P160013


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    The aim of this study was to prospectively determine non-contact injury incidence and mechanisms among U.S. amateur women’s Rugby-7s. Non-contact injuries occurred frequently among the U.S. women population (26.5/1000ph; 29% of all injuries; n=167). The incidence of non-contact injuries occurred at similar rates among backs (58%, 23.9/1000ph, CI:19.1-29.6) and forwards (42%, 19.3/1000ph, CI:14.4-25.3; RR:1.04, p=0.816). Non-contact injuries resulted in 58.4 mean days absence from play. This study demonstrates a greater proportion of match injuries among U.S. amateur women Rugby-7 participants were related to non-contact mechanism when compared to International women participants. Therefore, U.S. women Rugby-7 players would benefit from prevention programs to minimize non-contact injury risks

    Groupoids, Loop Spaces and Quantization of 2-Plectic Manifolds

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    We describe the quantization of 2-plectic manifolds as they arise in the context of the quantum geometry of M-branes and non-geometric flux compactifications of closed string theory. We review the groupoid approach to quantizing Poisson manifolds in detail, and then extend it to the loop spaces of 2-plectic manifolds, which are naturally symplectic manifolds. In particular, we discuss the groupoid quantization of the loop spaces of R^3, T^3 and S^3, and derive some interesting implications which match physical expectations from string theory and M-theory.Comment: 71 pages, v2: references adde

    Ferromagnetic phase transition and Bose-Einstein condensation in spinor Bose gases

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    Phase transitions in spinor Bose gases with ferromagnetic (FM) couplings are studied via mean-field theory. We show that an infinitesimal value of the coupling can induce a FM phase transition at a finite temperature always above the critical temperature of Bose-Einstein condensation. This contrasts sharply with the case of Fermi gases, in which the Stoner coupling IsI_s can not lead to a FM phase transition unless it is larger than a threshold value I0I_0. The FM coupling also increases the critical temperatures of both the ferromagnetic transition and the Bose-Einstein condensation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure


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    The purpose of the study was to identify the rates and causes of contact injuries in U.S. women’s Rugby-7s tournament players (2010-2015) and present guidelines for injury prevention to reduce the risk of injury in this emerging female contact-sport athlete. Data were captured using the Rugby Injury Survey & Evaluation (RISE) methodology. Contact injuries were frequent over the study period (direct=56%; indirect=38%, unknown=6%). Contact injuries overall were similar among positions (


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    The aim of this study was to prospectively report non-contact injury incidence and causes in U.S. men’s Rugby-7s players (n=446) over 2010-2015, using the Rugby Injury Survey & Evaluation (RISE) methodology. Non-contact injuries (time-loss 25%; medical attention 75%) had higher rates among backs (62%; 28.4/1000ph) than forwards (38%; 23.2/1000ph; RR:1.22; p=0.05). Non-contact injuries resulted in an average of 48.7days (d) absence from sport (classic non-contact 48.1d; other non-contact 77.0d). Acute injuries (85%) were most common during attempts to elude a tackle (31%) and in running/open play (48% overall; from 35% in 2010, 41% in 2011, 52% in 2012, 43% in 2013, 46% in 2014, 70% in 2015). Most non-contact injuries (44%) occurred during the first two tournament matches. These results provide much needed data on Rugby-7s, impacting emerging countries