48 research outputs found

    Phase Transition in Conformally Induced Gravity with Torsion

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    We have considered the quantum behavior of a conformally induced gravity in the minimal Riemann-Cartan space. The regularized one-loop effective potential considering the quantum fluctuations of the dilaton and the torsion fields in the Coleman-Weinberg sector gives a sensible phase transition for an inflationary phase in De Sitter space. For this effective potential, we have analyzed the semi-classical equation of motion of the dilaton field in the slow-rolling regime.Comment: 7pages, no figur

    Effective Chiral Lagrangian from Dual Resonance Models

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    Parameters of the effective chiral lagrangian (EChL) of orders O(p4)O(p^4) and O(p6)O(p^6) are extracted from low--energy behaviour of dual resonance models for ππ \pi\pi and πK\pi K scattering amplitudes. Dual resonance models are considered to be good candidates for the resonance spectrum and for hadronic scattering amplitudes in the large NcN_c limit of QCD. We discuss dual resonance models in the presence of spontaneous and explicit chiral symmetry breaking. Obtained parameters of the EChL are used to estimate chiral corrections up to the sixth order to various low--energy characteristics of ππ\pi\pi and πK\pi K scattering amplitudes.Comment: 32 pages, the references list is updated, comparison with chiral quark model is done in more detail

    Can Theta/N Dependence for Gluodynamics be Compatible with 2 pi Periodicity in Theta ?

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    In a number of field theoretical models the vacuum angle \theta enters physics in the combination \theta/N, where N stands generically for the number of colors or flavors, in an apparent contradiction with the expected 2 \pi periodicity in \theta. We argue that a resolution of this puzzle is related to the existence of a number of different \theta dependent sectors in a finite volume formulation, which can not be seen in the naive thermodynamic limit V -> \infty. It is shown that, when the limit V -> \infty is properly defined, physics is always 2 \pi periodic in \theta for any integer, and even rational, values of N, with vacuum doubling at certain values of \theta. We demonstrate this phenomenon in both the multi-flavor Schwinger model with the bosonization technique, and four-dimensional gluodynamics with the effective Lagrangian method. The proposed mechanism works for an arbitrary gauge group.Comment: minor changes in the discussion, a few references are adde

    On the Detection of a Scalar Stochastic Background of Gravitational Waves

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    In the near future we will witness the coming to a full operational regime of laser interferometers and resonant mass detectors of spherical shape. In this work we study the sensitivity of pairs of such gravitational wave detectors to a scalar stochastic background of gravitational waves. Our computations are carried out both for minimal and non minimal coupling of the scalar fields.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Chiral Lagrangian with confinement from the QCD Lagrangian

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    An effective Lagrangian for the light quark in the field of a static source is derived systematically using the exact field correlator expansion. The lowest Gaussian term is bosonized using nonlocal colorless bosonic fields and a general structure of effective chiral Lagrangian is obtained containing all set of fields. The new and crucial result is that the condensation of scalar isoscalar field which is a usual onset of chiral symmetry breaking and is constant in space-time, assumes here the form of the confining string and contributes to the confining potential, while the rest bosonic fields describe mesons with the q\bar q quark structure and pseudoscalars play the role of Nambu-Goldstone fields. Using derivative expansion the effective chiral Lagrangian is deduced containing both confinement and chiral effects for heavy-light mesons. The pseudovector quark coupling constant is computed to be exactly unity in the local limit,in agreement with earlier large N_c arguments.Comment: LaTeX2e, 17 page

    3D MHD Coronal Oscillations About a Magnetic Null Point: Application of WKB Theory

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    This paper is a demonstration of how the WKB approximation can be used to help solve the linearised 3D MHD equations. Using Charpit's Method and a Runge-Kutta numerical scheme, we have demonstrated this technique for a potential 3D magnetic null point, B=(x,ϵy(ϵ+1)z){\bf{B}}=(x,\epsilon y -(\epsilon +1)z). Under our cold plasma assumption, we have considered two types of wave propagation: fast magnetoacoustic and Alfv\'en waves. We find that the fast magnetoacoustic wave experiences refraction towards the magnetic null point, and that the effect of this refraction depends upon the Alfv\'en speed profile. The wave, and thus the wave energy, accumulates at the null point. We have found that current build up is exponential and the exponent is dependent upon ϵ\epsilon. Thus, for the fast wave there is preferential heating at the null point. For the Alfv\'en wave, we find that the wave propagates along the fieldlines. For an Alfv\'en wave generated along the fan-plane, the wave accumulates along the spine. For an Alfv\'en wave generated across the spine, the value of ϵ\epsilon determines where the wave accumulation will occur: fan-plane (ϵ=1\epsilon=1), along the xx-axis (0<ϵ<10<\epsilon <1) or along the yy-axis (ϵ>1\epsilon>1). We have shown analytically that currents build up exponentially, leading to preferential heating in these areas. The work described here highlights the importance of understanding the magnetic topology of the coronal magnetic field for the location of wave heating.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    Higgs boson mass limits in perturbative unification theories

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    Motivated in part by recent demonstrations that electroweak unification into a simple group may occur at a low scale, we detail the requirements on the Higgs mass if the unification is to be perturbative. We do this for the Standard Model effective theory, minimal supersymmetry, and next-to-minimal supersymmetry with an additional singlet field. Within the Standard Model framework, we find that perturbative unification with sin2(thetaW)=1/4 occurs at Lambda=3.8 TeV and requires mh<460 GeV, whereas perturbative unification with sin2(thetaW)=3/8 requires mh<200 GeV. In supersymmetry, the presentation of the Higgs mass predictions can be significantly simplified, yet remain meaningful, by using a single supersymmetry breaking parameter Delta_S. We present Higgs mass limits in terms of Delta_S for the minimal supersymmetric model and the next-to-minimal supersymmetric model. We show that in next-to-minimal supersymmetry, the Higgs mass upper limit can be as large as 500 GeV even for moderate supersymmetry masses if the perturbative unification scale is low (e.g., Lambda=10 TeV).Comment: 20 pages, latex, 6 figures, references adde

    The Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term and its renormalisation in softly-broken supersymmetric theories

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    We consider the renormalisation of the Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term in a softly-broken abelian supersymmetric theory, and calculate the associated beta-function through three loops. We show that there exists (at least through three loops) a renormalisation group invariant trajectory for the coefficient of the D-term, corresponding to the conformal anomaly solution for the soft masses and couplings.Comment: 30 pages, Revtex, 15 Figures. Minor changes, and inadvertent omission of author from this abstract correcte

    A Heavy-Light Chiral Quark Model

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    We present a new chiral quark model for mesons involving a heavy and a light (anti-) quark. The model relates various combinations of a quark - meson coupling constant and loop integrals to physical quantities. Then, some quantities may be predicted and some used as input. The extension from other similar models is that the present model includes the lowest order gluon condensate of the order (300 MeV)^4 determined by the mass splitting of the 0^- and the 1^- heavy meson states. Within the model, we find a reasonable description of parameters such as the decay constants f_B and f_D, the Isgur-Wise function and the axial vector coupling g_A in chiral perturbation theory for light and heavy mesons.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figures, RevTex4.

    Supersymmetry on the Run: LHC and Dark Matter

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    Supersymmetry, a new symmetry that relates bosons and fermions in particle physics, still escapes observation. Search for SUSY is one of the main aims of the recently launched Large Hadron Collider. The other possible manifestation of SUSY is the Dark Matter in the Universe. The present lectures contain a brief introduction to supersymmetry in particle physics. The main notions of supersymmetry are introduced. The supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model - the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model - is considered in more detail. Phenomenological features of the MSSM as well as possible experimental signatures of SUSY at the LHC are described. The DM problem and its possible SUSY solution is presented.Comment: Latex, 37 pages, 35 figures. Lectures given at 48 Schladming School on Theoretical Physics, March 201