1,267 research outputs found

    An Algorithmic Test for Diagonalizability of Finite-Dimensional PT-Invariant Systems

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    A non-Hermitean operator does not necessarily have a complete set of eigenstates, contrary to a Hermitean one. An algorithm is presented which allows one to decide whether the eigenstates of a given PT-invariant operator on a finite-dimensional space are complete or not. In other words, the algorithm checks whether a given PT-symmetric matrix is diagonalizable. The procedure neither requires to calculate any single eigenvalue nor any numerical approximation.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Integrability and level crossing manifolds in a quantum Hamiltonian system

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    We consider a two-spin model, represented classically by a nonlinear autonomous Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom and a nontrivial integrability condition, and quantum mechanically by a real symmetric Hamiltonian matrix with blocks of dimensionalities K=l(l+1)/2, l=1,2,... In the six-dimensional (6D) parameter space of this model, classical integrability is satisfied on a 5D hypersurface, and level crossings occur on 4D manifolds that are completely embedded in the integrability hypersurface except for some lower-D sub-manifolds. Under mild assumptions, the classical integrability condition can be reconstructed from a purely quantum mechanical study of level degeneracies in finite-dimensional invariant blocks of the Hamiltonian matrix. Our conclusions are based on rigorous results for K=3 and on numerical results for K=6,10.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Signatures of quantum integrability and nonintegrability in the spectral properties of finite Hamiltonian matrices

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    For a two-spin model which is (classically) integrable on a five-dimensional hypersurface in six-dimensional parameter space and for which level degeneracies occur exclusively (with one known exception) on four-dimensional manifolds embedded in the integrability hypersurface, we investigate the relations between symmetry, integrability, and the assignment of quantum numbers to eigenstates. We calculate quantum invariants in the form of expectation values for selected operators and monitor their dependence on the Hamiltonian parameters along loops within, without, and across the integrability hypersurface in parameter space. We find clear-cut signatures of integrability and nonintegrability in the observed traces of quantum invariants evaluated in finite-dimensional invariant Hilbert subspaces, The results support the notion that quantum integrability depends on the existence of action operators as constituent elements of the Hamiltonian.Comment: 11 page

    A quantum search for zeros of polynomials

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    A quantum mechanical search procedure to determine the real zeros of a polynomial is introduced. It is based on the construction of a spin observable whose eigenvalues coincide with the zeros of the polynomial. Subsequent quantum mechanical measurements of the observable output directly the numerical values of the zeros. Performing the measurements is the only computational resource involved

    Quantum correlation games

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    A new approach to play games quantum mechanically is proposed. We consider two players who perform measurements in an EPR-type setting. The payoff relations are defined as functions of correlations, i.e. without reference to classical or quantum mechanics. Classical bi-matrix games are reproduced if the input states are classical and perfectly anti-correlated, that is, for a classical correlation game. However, for a quantum correlation game, with an entangled singlet state as input, qualitatively different solutions are obtained. For example, the Prisoners' Dilemma acquires a Nash equilibrium if both players apply a mixed strategy. It appears to be conceptually impossible to reproduce the properties of quantum correlation games within the framework of classical games

    PT-symmetry and its spontaneous breakdown explained by anti-linearity

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    The impact of an anti-unitary symmetry on the spectrum of non-Hermitian operators is studied. Wigner's normal form of an anti-unitary operator accounts for the spectral properties of non-Hermitian, PE-symmetric Harniltonians. The occurrence of either single real or complex conjugate pairs of eigenvalues follows from this theory. The corresponding energy eigenstates span either one- or two-dimensional irreducible representations of the symmetry PE. In this framework, the concept of a spontaneously broken PE-symmetry is not needed

    Minimal Informationally Complete Measurements for Pure States

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    We consider measurements, described by a positive-operator-valued measure (POVM), whose outcome probabilities determine an arbitrary pure state of a D-dimensional quantum system. We call such a measurement a pure-state informationally complete (PSI-complete) POVM. We show that a measurement with 2D-1 outcomes cannot be PSI-complete, and then we construct a POVM with 2D outcomes that suffices, thus showing that a minimal PSI-complete POVM has 2D outcomes. We also consider PSI-complete POVMs that have only rank-one POVM elements and construct an example with 3D-2 outcomes, which is a generalization of the tetrahedral measurement for a qubit. The question of the minimal number of elements in a rank-one PSI-complete POVM is left open.Comment: 2 figures, submitted for the Asher Peres festschrif

    Chaos and quantum-nondemolition measurements

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    The problem of chaotic behavior in quantum mechanics is investigated against the background of the theory of quantum-nondemolition (QND) measurements. The analysis is based on two relevant features: The outcomes of a sequence of QND measurements are unambiguously predictable, and these measurements actually can be performed on one single system without perturbing its time evolution. Consequently, QND measurements represent an appropriate framework to analyze the conditions for the occurrence of ‘‘deterministic randomness’’ in quantum systems. The general arguments are illustrated by a discussion of a quantum system with a time evolution that possesses nonvanishing algorithmic complexity

    Reconstruction of the spin state

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    System of 1/2 spin particles is observed repeatedly using Stern-Gerlach apparatuses with rotated orientations. Synthesis of such non-commuting observables is analyzed using maximum likelihood estimation as an example of quantum state reconstruction. Repeated incompatible observations represent a new generalized measurement. This idealized scheme will serve for analysis of future experiments in neutron and quantum optics.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Treading on the cut: Semi inclusive observables at high energy

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    We develop the formalizm for calculating semi inclusive observables at high energy in the JIMWLK/KLWMIJ approach. We consider several examples including diffractive processes, elastic and inclusive over the target degrees of freedom, scattering with fixed total transverse momentum transfer and inclusive gluon production. We discuss evolution of these observables with respect to various rapidity variables involved in their definitions (total rapidity, rapidity gap, width of diffractive interval etc.). We also discuss the dipole model limit of these observables and derive closed simple (as opposed to functional) differential equations in this approximation. We point out that there are some interesting differences between the full JIMWLK/KLWMIJ evolution and the dipole model evolution of diffractive cross section. In particular we show that in the dipole approximation the target does not diffract beyond the valence rapidity interval, consistently with the intuition suggested by the Pomeron fan diagramms. On the other hand such diffractive processes do exist in the full JIMWLK/KLWMIJ approach, albeit suppressed by the factor 1/N_c^2.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures. A few remarks added. To appear in PR
