7 research outputs found

    Western oceanus procellarum as seen by c1xs on chandrayaan-1

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    We present the analysis of an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) observation of the western part of Oceanus Procellarum on the Moon’s nearside made by the Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer on 10th February 2009. Through forward modelling of the X-ray spectra, we provide estimates of the MgO/SiO2 and Al2O3/SiO2 ratios for seven regions along the flare’s ground track. These results are combined with FeO and TiO2 contents derived from Clementine multispectral reflectance data in order to investigate the compositional diversity of this region of the Moon. The ground track observed consists mainly of low-Ti basaltic units, and the XRF data are largely consistent with this expectation. However, we obtain higher Al2O3/SiO2 ratios for these units than for most basalts in the Apollo sample collection. The widest compositional variation between the different lava flows is in wt% FeO content. A footprint that occurs in a predominantly highland region, immediately to the north of Oceanus Procellarum, has a composition that is consistent with mixing between low-Ti mare basaltic and more feldspathic regoliths. In contrast to some previous studies, we find no evidence for systematic differences in surface composition, as determined through X-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques

    Individual lava flow thicknesses in Oceanus Procellarum and Mare Serenitatis determined from Clementine multispectral data

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    We use multispectral reflectance data from the lunar Clementine mission to investigate the impact ejecta deposits of simple craters in two separate lunar mare basalt regions, one in Oceanus Procellarum and one in Mare Serenitatis. Over 100 impact craters are studied, and for a number of these we observe differences between the TiO2 (and FeO) contents of their ejecta deposits and the lava flow units in which they are located. We demonstrate that, in the majority of cases, these differences cannot plausibly be attributed to uncorrected maturity effects. These observations, coupled with morphometric crater relationships that provide maximum crater excavation depths, allow the investigation of sub-surface lava flow stratigraphy. We provide estimated average thicknesses for a number of lava flow units in the two study regions, ranging from similar to 80 m to similar to 600 m. In the case of the Serenitatis study area, our results are consistent with the presence of sub-surface horizons inferred from recent radar sounding measurements from the JAXA Kaguya spacecraft. The average lava flow thicknesses we obtain are used to make estimates of the average flux of volcanic material in these regions. These are in broad agreement with previous studies, suggesting that the variation in mare basalt types we observe with depth is similar to the lateral variations identified at the surface. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Planetary X-ray fluorescence analogue laboratory experiments and an elemental abundance algorithm for C1XS

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    We have conducted laboratory experiments as an analogue to planetary XRF (X-ray fluorescence) missions in order to investigate the role of changing incidence (and phase) angle geometry and sample grain-size on the intensity of XRF from regolith-like samples. Our data provide evidence of a grain-size effect, where XRF line intensity decreases with increasing sample grain-size, as well as an almost ubiquitous increase in XRF line intensity above incidence angles of ~60°. Data from a lunar regolith simulant are also used to test the accuracy of an XRF abundance algorithm developed at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), which is used to estimate the major element abundance of the lunar surface from C1XS (Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer) XRF data. In ideal situations (i.e., when the input spectrum is well defined and the XRF spectrum has a sufficient signal to noise ratio) the algorithm can recover a known rock composition to within 1.0 elemental wt. % (1 σ)

    Revolutionizing Our Understanding of the Solar System via Sample Return from Mercury

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    Mercury’s Weather-Beaten Surface: Understanding Mercury in the Context of Lunar and Asteroidal Space Weathering Studies

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