1,289 research outputs found

    Do Athermal Amorphous Solids Exist?

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    We study the elastic theory of amorphous solids made of particles with finite range interactions in the thermodynamic limit. For the elastic theory to exist one requires all the elastic coefficients, linear and nonlinear, to attain a finite thermodynamic limit. We show that for such systems the existence of non-affine mechanical responses results in anomalous fluctuations of all the nonlinear coefficients of the elastic theory. While the shear modulus exists, the first nonlinear coefficient B_2 has anomalous fluctuations and the second nonlinear coefficient B_3 and all the higher order coefficients (which are non-zero by symmetry) diverge in the thermodynamic limit. These results put a question mark on the existence of elasticity (or solidity) of amorphous solids at finite strains, even at zero temperature. We discuss the physical meaning of these results and propose that in these systems elasticity can never be decoupled from plasticity: the nonlinear response must be very substantially plastic.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Spectral Perturbation and Reconstructability of Complex Networks

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    In recent years, many network perturbation techniques, such as topological perturbations and service perturbations, were employed to study and improve the robustness of complex networks. However, there is no general way to evaluate the network robustness. In this paper, we propose a new global measure for a network, the reconstructability coefficient {\theta}, defined as the maximum number of eigenvalues that can be removed, subject to the condition that the adjacency matrix can be reconstructed exactly. Our main finding is that a linear scaling law, E[{\theta}]=aN, seems universal, in that it holds for all networks that we have studied.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Restricted connections among distinguished players support cooperation

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    We study the evolution of cooperation within the spatial prisoner's dilemma game on a square lattice where a fraction of players μ\mu can spread their strategy more easily than the rest due to a predetermined larger teaching capability. In addition, players characterized with the larger teaching capability are allowed to temporarily link with distant opponents of the same kind with probability pp, thus introducing shortcut connections among the distinguished. We show that these additional temporary connections are able to sustain cooperation throughout the whole range of the temptation to defect. Remarkably, we observe that as the temptation to defect increases the optimal μ\mu decreases, and moreover, only minute values of pp warrant the best promotion of cooperation. Our study thus indicates that influential individuals must be few and sparsely connected in order for cooperation to thrive in a defection prone environment.Comment: 6 two-column pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Renormalization group theory for finite-size scaling in extreme statistics

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    We present a renormalization group (RG) approach to explain universal features of extreme statistics, applied here to independent, identically distributed variables. The outlines of the theory have been described in a previous Letter, the main result being that finite-size shape corrections to the limit distribution can be obtained from a linearization of the RG transformation near a fixed point, leading to the computation of stable perturbations as eigenfunctions. Here we show details of the RG theory which exhibit remarkable similarities to the RG known in statistical physics. Besides the fixed points explaining universality, and the least stable eigendirections accounting for convergence rates and shape corrections, the similarities include marginally stable perturbations which turn out to be generic for the Fisher-Tippett-Gumbel class. Distribution functions containing unstable perturbations are also considered. We find that, after a transitory divergence, they return to the universal fixed line at the same or at a different point depending on the type of perturbation.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Impact of aging on the evolution of cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game

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    Aging is always present, tailoring our interactions with others and postulating a finite lifespan during which we are able to exercise them. We consider the prisoner's dilemma game on a square lattice, and examine how quenched age distributions and different aging protocols influence the evolution of cooperation when taking the life experience and knowledge accumulation into account as time passes. In agreement with previous studies, we find that a quenched assignment of age to players, introducing heterogeneity to the game, substantially promotes cooperative behavior. Introduction of aging and subsequent death as a coevolutionary process may act detrimental on cooperation but enhances it efficiently if the offspring of individuals that have successfully passed their strategy is considered newborn. We study resulting age distributions of players, and show that the heterogeneity is vital yet insufficient for explaining the observed differences in cooperator abundance on the spatial grid. The unexpected increment of cooperation levels can be explained by a dynamical effect that has a highly selective impact on the propagation of cooperator and defector states.Comment: 7 two-column pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Experimental analysis of lateral impact on planar brittle material

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    The fragmentation of alumina and glass plates due to lateral impact is studied. A few hundred plates have been fragmented at different impact velocities and the produced fragments are analyzed. The method employed in this work allows one to investigate some geometrical properties of the fragments, besides the traditional size distribution usually studied in former experiments. We found that, although both materials exhibit qualitative similar fragment size distribution function, their geometrical properties appear to be quite different. A schematic model for two-dimensional fragmentation is also presented and its predictions are compared to our experimental results. The comparison suggests that the analysis of the fragments' geometrical properties constitutes a more stringent test of the theoretical models' assumptions than the size distribution

    Role of disorder in the size-scaling of material strength

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    We study the sample size dependence of the strength of disordered materials with a flaw, by numerical simulations of lattice models for fracture. We find a crossover between a regime controlled by the fluctuations due to disorder and another controlled by stress-concentrations, ruled by continuum fracture mechanics. The results are formulated in terms of a scaling law involving a statistical fracture process zone. Its existence and scaling properties are only revealed by sampling over many configurations of the disorder. The scaling law is in good agreement with experimental results obtained from notched paper samples.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure

    Discrete element modelling of rock communition in a cone crusher using a bonded particle model

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    It is known that discrete element method modelling (DEM) of rock size reduction can be achieved by two approaches: the population balance model (PBM) and the bonded particle model (BPM). However, only PBM has been successfully used in DEM modelling cone crusher in the literature. The aim of this paper is to explore the feasibility of using the BPM to represent the size reduction of rock experienced within the cone crusher chamber. The feed rock particles were represented by isotropic dense random packing agglomerates. The simulation results were compared with the PBM simulation results, and it was shown that the BPM cone crusher model was able to satisfactorily replicate the performance of a cone crusher as well and it can provide more accurate prediction of the percentage of the fine products. In addition, the novel contribution here is that the rock feed material comprises particles of realistic shapes which break into more realistically shaped fragments compared with the fragments with defined shapes in the PBM model

    Extreme value statistics and return intervals in long-range correlated uniform deviates

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    We study extremal statistics and return intervals in stationary long-range correlated sequences for which the underlying probability density function is bounded and uniform. The extremal statistics we consider e.g., maximum relative to minimum are such that the reference point from which the maximum is measured is itself a random quantity. We analytically calculate the limiting distributions for independent and identically distributed random variables, and use these as a reference point for correlated cases. The distributions are different from that of the maximum itself i.e., a Weibull distribution, reflecting the fact that the distribution of the reference point either dominates over or convolves with the distribution of the maximum. The functional form of the limiting distributions is unaffected by correlations, although the convergence is slower. We show that our findings can be directly generalized to a wide class of stochastic processes. We also analyze return interval distributions, and compare them to recent conjectures of their functional form

    Cooperation enhanced by inhomogeneous activity of teaching for evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma games

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    Evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma games with quenched inhomogeneities in the spatial dynamical rules are considered. The players following one of the two pure strategies (cooperation or defection) are distributed on a two-dimensional lattice. The rate of strategy adoption from a randomly chosen neighbors are controlled by the payoff difference and a two-value pre-factor ww characterizing the players whom the strategy learned from. The reduced teaching activity of players is distributed randomly with concentrations ν\nu at the beginning and fixed further on. Numerical and analytical calculations are performed to study the concentration of cooperators as a function of ww and ν\nu for different noise levels and connectivity structures. Significant increase of cooperation is found within a wide range of parameters for this dynamics. The results highlight the importance of asymmetry characterizing the exchange of master-follower role during the strategy adoptions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, corrected typo