166 research outputs found

    Exploration of Ideological and Political Education in the Course of “Biopharmaceutical Testing and Testing Technology” under the Post Pandemic Situation

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    Motivated by curriculum reform and the traditional theoretical teaching content system of drug analysis and testing, we will strengthen experimental teaching in accordance with enterprise needs of vocational colleges. And then, under the direction of content and task driven, we will build an ACQUIN quality certification system for the Biopharmaceutical Testing and Testing Technology course to strengthen students’ independent participation, pique their interest in learning, and cultivate high-quality skilled talents who are capable of doing things and being good person, by thoroughly examining the ideological and political components of the course

    Genetic dissection of rice grain shape using a recombinant inbred line population derived from two contrasting parents and fine mapping a pleiotropic quantitative trait locus qGL7

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The three-dimensional shape of grain, measured as grain length, width, and thickness (GL, GW, and GT), is one of the most important components of grain appearance in rice. Determining the genetic basis of variations in grain shape could facilitate efficient improvements in grain appearance. In this study, an F<sub>7:8 </sub>recombinant inbred line population (RIL) derived from a cross between <it>indica </it>and <it>japonica </it>cultivars (Nanyangzhan and Chuan7) contrasting in grain size was used for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping. A genetic linkage map was constructed with 164 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The major aim of this study was to detect a QTL for grain shape and to fine map a minor QTL, <it>qGL7</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four QTLs for GL were detected on chromosomes 3 and 7, and 10 QTLs for GW and 9 QTLs for GT were identified on chromosomes 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 10, respectively. A total of 28 QTLs were identified, of which several are reported for the first time; four major QTLs and six minor QTLs for grain shape were also commonly detected in both years. The minor QTL, <it>qGL7</it>, exhibited pleiotropic effects on GL, GW, GT, 1000-grain weight (TGW), and spikelets per panicle (SPP) and was further validated in a near isogenic F<sub>2 </sub>population (NIL-F<sub>2</sub>). Finally, <it>qGL7 </it>was narrowed down to an interval between InDel marker RID711 and SSR marker RM6389, covering a 258-kb region in the Nipponbare genome, and cosegregated with InDel markers RID710 and RID76.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Materials with very different phenotypes were used to develop mapping populations to detect QTLs because of their complex genetic background. Progeny tests proved that the minor QTL, <it>qGL7</it>, could display a single mendelian characteristic. Therefore, we suggested that minor QTLs for traits with high heritability could be isolated using a map-based cloning strategy in a large NIL-F<sub>2 </sub>population. In addition, combinations of different QTLs produced diverse grain shapes, which provide the ability to breed more varieties of rice to satisfy consumer preferences.</p

    Novel Reassortant Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N5) Viruses in Domestic Ducks, China

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    In China, domestic ducks and wild birds often share the same water, in which influenza viruses replicate preferentially. Isolation of 2 novel reassortant highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N5) viruses from apparently healthy domestic ducks highlights the role of these ducks as reassortment vessels. Such new subtypes of influenza viruses may pose a pandemic threat

    Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism attenuates vascular apoptosis and injury via rescuing protein kinase B activation

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    This article may also be found at the publisher's website at http://hyper.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/53/2/158?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&fulltext=habibi&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&resourcetype=HWCITEmerging evidence indicates that mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) blockade reduces the risk of cardiovascular events beyond those predicted by its blood pressure-lowering actions; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. To investigate whether protection elicited by MR blockade is through attenuation of vascular apoptosis and injury, independently of blood pressure lowering, we administered a low dose of the MR antagonist spironolactone or vehicle for 21 days to hypertensive transgenic Ren2 rats with elevated plasma aldosterone levels. Although Ren2 rats developed higher systolic blood pressures compared with Sprague-Dawley littermates, low-dose spironolactone treatment did not reduce systolic blood pressure compared with untreated Ren2 rats. Ren2 rats exhibited vascular injury as evidenced by increased apoptosis, hemidesmosome-like structure loss, mitochondrial abnormalities, and lipid accumulation compared with Sprague-Dawley rats, and these abnormalities were attenuated by MR antagonism. Protein kinase B activation is critical to vascular homeostasis via regulation of cell survival and expression of apoptotic genes. Protein kinase B serine473 phosphorylation was impaired in Ren2 aortas and restored with MR antagonism. In vivo MR antagonist treatment promoted antiapoptotic effects by increasing phosphorylation of BAD serine136 and expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, decreasing cytochrome c release and BAD expression, and suppressing caspase-3 activation. Furthermore, MR antagonism substantially reduced the elevated NADPH oxidase activity and lipid peroxidation, expression of angiotensin II, angiotensin type 1 receptor, and MR in Ren2 vasculature. These results demonstrate that MR antagonism protects the vasculature from aldosterone-induced vascular apoptosis and structural injury via rescuing protein kinase B activation, independent of blood pressure effects

    Attenuation of NADPH Oxidase Activation and Glomerular Filtration Barrier Remodeling With Statin Treatment

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    Activation of reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase by angiotensin II is integral to the formation of oxidative stress in the vasculature and the kidney. 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibition is associated with reductions of oxidative stress in the vasculature and kidney and associated decreases in albuminuria. Effects of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibition on oxidative stress in the kidney and filtration barrier integrity are poorly understood. To investigate, we used transgenic TG(mRen2)27(Ren2) rats, which harbor the mouse renin transgene and renin-angiotensin system activation, and an immortalized murine podocyte cell line. We treated young, male Ren2 and Sprague-Dawley rats with rosuvastatin (20 mg/kg IP) or placebo for 21 days. Compared with controls, we observed increases in systolic blood pressure, albuminuria, renal NADPH oxidase activity, and 3-nitrotryosine staining, with reductions in the rosuvastatin-treated Ren2. Structural changes on light and transmission electron microscopy, consistent with periarteriolar fibrosis and podocyte foot-process effacement, were attenuated with statin treatment. Nephrin expression was diminished in the Ren2 kidney and trended to normalize with statin treatment. Angiotensin II- dependent increases in podocyte NADPH oxidase activity and subunit expression (NOX2, NOX4, Rac, and p22phox) and reactive oxygen species generation were decreased after in vitro statin treatment. These data support a role for increased NADPH oxidase activity and subunit expression with resultant reactive oxygen species formation in the kidney and podocyte. Furthermore, statin attenuation of NADPH oxidase activation and reactive oxygen species formation in the kidney/podocyte seems to play roles in the abrogation of oxidative stress-induced filtration barrier injury and consequent albuminuria

    Development of multiphysics coupling system for nuclear fuel rod with COMSOL and RMC

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    Coupling fuel performance and neutronics can help improve the prediction accuracy of fuel rod behavior, which is important for fuel design and performance evaluation. A fuel rod multiphysics coupled system was developed with multiphysics software COMSOL and 3D Monte Carlo neutron transport code RMC. The fuel performance analysis module was built on top of COMSOL with the ability to simulate the fuel behavior in two-dimensional axisymmetric (2D-RZ) or three-dimensional (3D) mode. RMC was innovatively wrapped as a component of COMSOL to communicate with the fuel performance analysis module. The data transferring and the coupling process was maintained using COMSOL’s functionality. Two-way coupling was achieved by mapping power distribution and fast neutron flux fields from RMC to COMSOL and the temperature and coolant density fields from COMSOL to RMC. A fuel rod pin lattice was modeled to demonstrate the coupling. Results show that the calculated power and temperature distributions are reasonable. Considering the flexibility of the coupled system, it can be applied to the performance evaluation of new fuel design

    FungalTraits:A user-friendly traits database of fungi and fungus-like stramenopiles

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    The cryptic lifestyle of most fungi necessitates molecular identification of the guild in environmental studies. Over the past decades, rapid development and affordability of molecular tools have tremendously improved insights of the fungal diversity in all ecosystems and habitats. Yet, in spite of the progress of molecular methods, knowledge about functional properties of the fungal taxa is vague and interpretation of environmental studies in an ecologically meaningful manner remains challenging. In order to facilitate functional assignments and ecological interpretation of environmental studies we introduce a user friendly traits and character database FungalTraits operating at genus and species hypothesis levels. Combining the information from previous efforts such as FUNGuild and Fun(Fun) together with involvement of expert knowledge, we reannotated 10,210 and 151 fungal and Stramenopila genera, respectively. This resulted in a stand-alone spreadsheet dataset covering 17 lifestyle related traits of fungal and Stramenopila genera, designed for rapid functional assignments of environmental studies. In order to assign the trait states to fungal species hypotheses, the scientific community of experts manually categorised and assigned available trait information to 697,413 fungal ITS sequences. On the basis of those sequences we were able to summarise trait and host information into 92,623 fungal species hypotheses at 1% dissimilarity threshold