11 research outputs found

    Identificación de nuevos componentes del divisoma de Corynebacterineae mediante una estrategia proteómica de marcado por proximidad en las células vivas

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    La división celular bacteriana es un proceso dirigido por el divisoma, un complejo macromolecular cuyo ensamblaje comienza con la polimerización de la proteína FtsZ en el sitio de división. FtsZ participa en el posterior reclutamiento de otras proteínas del divisoma, que en el caso de Escherichia coli y Bacillus subtilis han sido en identificadas y caracterizadas. Sin embargo, el suborden Corynebacterineae (que incluye importantes patógenos humanos) carece de homólogos reconocibles para muchas de estas proteínas de división celular. Este trabajo se centra en descifrar la arquitectura molecular del divisoma en este grupo de bacterias. Para ello, desarrollamos y optimizamos una estrategia proteómica basada en la biotinilación por proximidad para estudiar el divisoma de Corynebacterium glutamicum. Generamos una cepa que expresa FtsZ fusionada a una ascorbato peroxidasa ingenierizada (APEX2). APEX2 cataliza la oxidación de fenol biotina en presencia de H2O2 dando lugar a un radical que reacciona con aminoácidos de proteínas cercanas. Esto nos permitió marcar el entorno proteómico de FtsZ en la célula viva para su purificación e identificación por Espectrometría de Masa. Obtuvimos así una lista de 159 proteínas, la cual fue filtrada utilizando criterios proteómicos y un exhaustivo análisis bibliográfico para seleccionar candidatos a validar. Se expresaron en C. glutamicum los candidatos fusionados a mNeon para evaluar su localización subcelular. Con esto pudimos identificar 6 proteínas sin función asignada previamente que localizan en el septo, como promitentes nuevos integrantes del divisoma. Futuros estudios permitirán la caracterización de estas proteínas y su rol en la división celular de Corynebacterineae.Agencia Nacinal de Investigación e Innovació

    Eukaryotic-like gephyrin and cognate membrane receptor coordinate corynebacterial cell division and polar elongation

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    The order Corynebacteriales includes major industrial and pathogenic Actinobacteria such as Corynebacterium glutamicum or Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These bacteria have multi-layered cell walls composed of the mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex and a polar growth mode, thus requiring tight coordination between the septal divisome, organized around the tubulin-like protein FtsZ, and the polar elongasome, assembled around the coiled-coil protein Wag31. Here, using C. glutamicum, we report the discovery of two divisome members: a gephyrin-like repurposed molybdotransferase (Glp) and its membrane receptor (GlpR). Our results show how cell cycle progression requires interplay between Glp/GlpR, FtsZ and Wag31, showcasing a crucial crosstalk between the divisome and elongasome machineries that might be targeted for anti-mycobacterial drug discovery. Further, our work reveals that Corynebacteriales have evolved a protein scaffold to control cell division and morphogenesis, similar to the gephyrin/GlyR system that mediates synaptic signalling in higher eukaryotes through network organization of membrane receptors and the microtubule cytoskeleton.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e InnovaciónECOS-Sud France-Uruguay U20B02FOCEM-COF 03/11Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR-18-CE11-0017/ANR-21-CE11-000

    Population genomics and antimicrobial resistance in Corynebacterium diphtheriae

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    Background: Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the agent of diphtheria, is a genetically diverse bacterial species. Although antimicrobial resistance has emerged against several drugs including first-line penicillin, the genomic determinants and population dynamics of resistance are largely unknown for this neglected human pathogen. Methods: Here, we analyzed the associations of antimicrobial susceptibility phenotypes, diphtheria toxin production, and genomic features in C. diphtheriae. We used 247 strains collected over several decades in multiple world regions, including the 163 clinical isolates collected prospectively from 2008 to 2017 in France mainland and overseas territories. Results: Phylogenetic analysis revealed multiple deep-branching sublineages, grouped into a Mitis lineage strongly associated with diphtheria toxin production and a largely toxin gene-negative Gravis lineage with few toxin-producing isolates including the 1990s ex-Soviet Union outbreak strain. The distribution of susceptibility phenotypes allowed proposing ecological cutoffs for most of the 19 agents tested, thereby defining acquired antimicrobial resistance. Penicillin resistance was found in 17.2% of prospective isolates. Seventeen (10.4%) prospective isolates were multidrug-resistant (≥ 3 antimicrobial categories), including four isolates resistant to penicillin and macrolides. Homologous recombination was frequent (r/m = 5), and horizontal gene transfer contributed to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in multiple sublineages. Genome-wide association mapping uncovered genetic factors of resistance, including an accessory penicillin-binding protein (PBP2m) located in diverse genomic contexts. Gene pbp2m is widespread in other Corynebacterium species, and its expression in C. glutamicum demonstrated its effect against several beta-lactams. A novel 73-kb C. diphtheriae multiresistance plasmid was discovered. Conclusions: This work uncovers the dynamics of antimicrobial resistance in C. diphtheriae in the context of phylogenetic structure, biovar, and diphtheria toxin production and provides a blueprint to analyze re-emerging diphtheria

    Novel mechanistic insights into physiological signaling pathways mediated by mycobacterial Ser/Thr protein kinases

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    International audienceProtein phosphorylation is known to be one of the keystones of signal sensing and transduction in all living organisms. Once thought to be essentially confined to the eukaryotic kingdoms, reversible phosphorylation on serine, threonine and tyrosine residues, has now been shown to play a major role in many prokaryotes, where the number of Ser/Thr protein kinases (STPKs) equals or even exceeds that of two component systems. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the etiological agent of tuberculosis, is one of the most studied organisms for the role of STPK-mediated signaling in bacteria. Driven by the interest and tractability of these enzymes as potential therapeutic targets, extensive studies revealed the remarkable conservation of protein kinases and their cognate phosphatases across evolution, and their involvement in bacterial physiology and virulence. Here, we present an overview of the current knowledge of mycobacterial STPKs structures and kinase activation mechanisms, and we then focus on PknB and PknG, two well-characterized STPKs that are essential for the intracellular survival of the bacillus. We summarize the mechanistic evidence that links PknB to the regulation of peptidoglycan synthesis in cell division and morphogenesis, and the major findings that establishes PknG as a master regulator of central carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Two decades after the discovery of STPKs in M. tuberculosis, the emerging landscape of O-phosphosignaling is starting to unveil how eukaryotic-like kinases can be engaged in unique, non-eukaryotic-like, signaling mechanisms in mycobacteria

    Bacterial kinesin light chain (Bklc) links the Btub cytoskeleton to membranes

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    International audienceBacterial kinesin light chain is a TPR domain-containing protein encoded by the bklc gene, which co-localizes with the bacterial tubulin (btub) genes in a conserved operon in Prosthecobacter. Btub heterodimers show high structural homology with eukaryotic tubulin and assemble into head-to-tail protofilaments. Intriguingly, Bklc is homologous to the light chain of the microtubule motor kinesin and could thus represent an additional eukaryotic-like cytoskeletal element in bacteria. Using biochemical characterization as well as cryo-electron tomography we show here that Bklc interacts specifically with Btub protofilaments, as well as lipid vesicles and could thus play a role in anchoring the Btub filaments to the membrane protrusions in Prosthecobacter where they specifically localize in vivo. This work sheds new light into possible ways in which the microtubule cytoskeleton may have evolved linking precursors of microtubules to the membrane via the kinesin moiety that in today's eukaryotic cytoskeleton links vesicle-packaged cargo to microtubules

    A novel nuclease is the executing part of a bacterial plasmid defense system

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    Cells are continuously facing the risk of taking up foreign DNA that can compromise genomic and cellular integrity. Therefore, bacteria are in a constant arms race with mobile genetic elements such as phages, transposons and plasmids. They have developed several active strategies against invading DNA molecules that can be seen as a bacterial ‘innate immune system’. Anti-phage systems are usually organized in ‘defense islands’ and can consist of restriction-modification (R-M) systems, CRISPR-Cas, and abortive infection (Abi) systems. Despite recent advances in the field, much less is known about plasmid defense systems. We have recently identified the MksBEFG system in Corynebacterium glutamicum as a novel plasmid defense system which comprises homologues of the condensin system MukFEB. Here, we investigated the molecular arrangement of the MksBEFG complex. Importantly, we identified MksG as a novel nuclease that degrades plasmid DNA and is, thus, the executing part of the system. The crystal structure of MksG revealed a dimeric assembly through its DUF2220 C-terminal domains. This domain is homologous to the TOPRIM domain of the topoisomerase II family of enzymes and contains the corresponding divalent ion binding site that is essential for DNA cleavage in topoisomerases, explaining the in vitro nuclease activity of MksG. We further show that the MksBEF subunits exhibit an ATPase cycle similar to MukBEF in vitro and we reason that this reaction cycle, in combination with the nuclease activity provided by MksG, allows for processive degradation of invading plasmids. Super-resolution localization microscopy revealed that the Mks system is spatially regulated via to the polar scaffold protein DivIVA. Introduction of plasmids increases the diffusion rate and alters the localization of MksG, indicating an activation of the system in vivo

    Regulation of glutamate metabolism by protein kinases in mycobacteria

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    International audienceProtein kinase G of Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been implicated in virulence and in regulation of glutamate metabolism. Here we show that this kinase undergoes a pattern of autophosphorylation that is distinct from that of other M. tuberculosis protein kinases characterized to date and we identify GarA as a substrate for phosphorylation by PknG. Autophosphorylation of PknG has little effect on kinase activity but promotes binding to GarA, an interaction that is also detected in living mycobacteria. PknG phosphorylates GarA at threonine 21, adjacent to the residue phosphorylated by PknB (T22), and these two phosphorylation events are mutually exclusive. Like the homologue OdhI from Corynebacterium glutamicum, the unphosphorylated form of GarA is shown to inhibit alpha-ketoglutarate decarboxylase in the TCA cycle. Additionally GarA is found to bind and modulate the activity of a large NAD(+)-specific glutamate dehydrogenase with an unusually low affinity for glutamate. Previous reports of a defect in glutamate metabolism caused by pknG deletion may thus be explained by the effect of unphosphorylated GarA on these two enzyme activities, which may also contribute to the attenuation of virulence

    FtsEX-independent control of RipA-mediated cell separation in Corynebacteriales

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    International audienceThe bacterial cell wall is a multi-layered mesh, whose major component is peptidoglycan (PG), a sugar polymer cross-linked by short peptide stems. During cell division, a careful balance of PG synthesis and degradation, precisely coordinated both in time and space, is necessary to prevent uncontrolled destruction of the cell wall. In Corynebacteriales, the D,L endopeptidase RipA has emerged as a major PG hydrolase for cell separation, and RipA defaults have major implications for virulence of the human pathogens Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Corynebacterium diphtheriae . However, the precise mechanisms by which RipA mediates cell separation remain elusive. Here we report phylogenetic, biochemical, and structural analysis of the Corynebacterium glutamicum homologue of RipA, Cg1735. The crystal structures of full-length Cg1735 in two different crystal forms revealed the C-terminal NlpC/P60 catalytic domain obtruded by its N-terminal conserved coiled-coil domain, which locks the enzyme in an autoinhibited state. We show that this autoinhibition is relieved by the extracellular core domain of the transmembrane septal protein Cg1604. The crystal structure of Cg1604 revealed a (β/α) protein with an overall topology similar to that of receiver domains from response regulator proteins. The atomic model of the Cg1735–Cg1604 complex, based on bioinformatical and mutational analysis, indicates that a conserved, distal-membrane helical insertion in Cg1604 is responsible for Cg1735 activation. The reported data provide important insights into how intracellular cell division signal(s), yet to be identified, control PG hydrolysis during RipA-mediated cell separation in Corynebacteriales

    Essential dynamic interdependence of FtsZ and SepF for Z-ring and septum formation in Corynebacterium glutamicum

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    International audienceThe mechanisms of Z-ring assembly and regulation in bacteria are poorly understood, particularly in non-model organisms. Actinobacteria, a large bacterial phylum that includes the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, lack the canonical FtsZ-membrane anchors and Z-ring regulators described for E. coli. Here we investigate the physiological function of Cor-ynebacterium glutamicum SepF, the only cell division-associated protein from Actinobacteria known to interact with the conserved C-terminal tail of FtsZ. We show an essential interdependence of FtsZ and SepF for formation of a functional Z-ring in C. glutamicum. The crystal structure of the SepF-FtsZ complex reveals a hydrophobic FtsZ-binding pocket, which defines the SepF homodimer as the functional unit, and suggests a reversible oligomerization interface. FtsZ filaments and lipid membranes have opposing effects on SepF polymerization, indicating that SepF has multiple roles at the cell division site, involving FtsZ bundling, Z-ring tethering and membrane reshaping activities that are needed for proper Z-ring assembly and function

    3D structures of the Plasmodium vivax subtilisin-like drug target SUB1 reveal conformational changes to accommodate a substrate-derived α-ketoamide inhibitor

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    International audienceThe constant selection and propagation of multi-resistant Plasmodium sp. parasites require the identification of new antimalarial candidates involved in as-yet untargeted metabolic pathways. Subtilisin-like protease 1 (SUB1) belongs to a new generation of drug targets because it plays a crucial role during egress of the parasite from infected host cells at different stages of its life cycle. SUB1 is characterized by an unusual pro-region that tightly interacts with its cognate catalytic domain, thus precluding 3D structural analysis of enzyme–inhibitor complexes. In the present study, to overcome this limitation, stringent ionic conditions and controlled proteolysis of recombinant full-length P. vivax SUB1 were used to obtain crystals of an active and stable catalytic domain (PvS1 Cat ) without a pro-region. High-resolution 3D structures of PvS1 Cat , alone and in complex with an α-ketoamide substrate-derived inhibitor (MAM-117), showed that, as expected, the catalytic serine of SUB1 formed a covalent bond with the α-keto group of the inhibitor. A network of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions stabilized the complex, including at the P1′ and P2′ positions of the inhibitor, although P′ residues are usually less important in defining the substrate specificity of subtilisins. Moreover, when associated with a substrate-derived peptidomimetic inhibitor, the catalytic groove of SUB1 underwent significant structural changes, particularly in its S4 pocket. These findings pave the way for future strategies for the design of optimized SUB1-specific inhibitors that may define a novel class of antimalarial candidates