30 research outputs found

    Complete Streets Policies

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    Det norske dagligvaremarkedet : relasjoner mellom detaljist og produsent

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    Målet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke hvilke strategier dagligvarekjedene i Norge bruker i relasjon til sine leverandører. De siste 15-20 årene har det skjedd dramatiske endringer i det norske dagligvaremarkedet, som har ført til en maktforskyvning fra produsentleddet til detaljistleddet. Detaljistleddet preges i dag av fire store kjeder, men også på produsentleddet finner man sterk konsentrasjon. For å svare på problemstillingen vår har vi valgt å fokusere på NorgesGruppen og Coop, som per i dag er de to største dagligvarekjedene i Norge. For å få innspill fra produsentsiden har vi valgt Gilde og SPIS, som representerer henholdsvis en stor og en mindre leverandør. Vi har valgt å skille mellom konkurransebaserte relasjoner og samarbeidsbaserte relasjoner, og i tillegg har vi hatt fokus på makt og forhandlinger da dette er viktige elementer i dagligvarekjedenes relasjoner til sine leverandører. Det er ingen tvil om detaljistene er i besittelse av stor makt, men også blant leverandørene finner man at dette er tilfelle. Det er altså i stor grad snakk om gjensidig makt. De små leverandørene er også i besittelse av makt, gjennom å være et alternativ til enkelte av de større leverandørene. Aktørene i dagligvarebransjen bruker mye tid og ressurser på forhandlinger, og de årlige høstforhandlingene omtales som ”høstjakten”. Forhandlingsprosessene er i hovedtrekk like, selv om det er noen variasjoner blant aktørene i forhold til hvilke dimensjoner som vektlegges. Under strategier blant de konkurransebaserte relasjonene inngår innføring av private merker og betaling for hylleplass. Vi fant både likheter og forskjeller i oppfatninger blant aktørene om hvorvidt dette brukes for å hente ut bedre betingelser hos leverandørene. Under samarbeid har vi lagt stor vekt på transaksjonskostnadsteori. Vi fant også her både likheter og forskjeller blant aktørene når det gjelder i hvilken grad de satser på samarbeid. Det kan virke som detaljistene først og fremst ønsker samarbeid med de største leverandørene, selv om man også ser eksempler på samarbeid med mindre leverandører. En påstand av at maktforskyvingen i bransjen ikke har vært ubetinget negativ, at man kan forvente en utvikling i retning av en mer løpende forhandlingsprosess og at det er rom for enda mer samarbeid i bransjen er implikasjoner for det vi har funnet ut som kan nevnes

    Antimicrobial polyethylene through melt compounding with quaternary ammonium salts

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    Selected mono- and bicationic quats were compounded with polyethylene. The physicochemical surface properties, leaching behavior, and antibacterial activity of such modified samples were investigated. Contact angle measurements and fluorescein binding assays showed the presence of quaternary ammonium groups at the surface. After storing the samples in 50°C warm water for 30 days, several were still antimicrobially active. No correlation between the number of exposed N+ head groups after leaching and the antibacterial activity was observed. There is however a qualitative correlation of the antibacterial activity with the contact angles and surface concentrations of N+ before leaching/storing in warm water

    Sex-Specific Cut-Off Values for Low Skeletal Muscle Mass to Identify Patients at Risk for Treatment-Related Adverse Events in Head and Neck Cancer

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    A low skeletal muscle index (SMI), defined with cut-off values, is a promising predictor for adverse events (AEs) in head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) patients. The aim was to generate sex-specific SMI cut-off values based on AE to diagnose low SMI and to analyse the relationship between low SMI and AEs in HNSCC patients. In this present study, HNSCC patients were prospectively included in a large oncological data-biobank and SMI was retrospectively measured using baseline neck scans. In total, 193 patients were included and were stratified according to treatment modality: (chemo-)radiotherapy ((C)RT) (n = 135) and surgery (n = 61). AE endpoints were based on the occurrence of clinically relevant toxicities (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events grade ≥ III) and postoperative complications (Clavien–Dindo Classification grade ≥ II). Sex-specific SMI cut-off values were generated with receiver operating characteristic curves, based on the AE endpoints. The relationship of the baseline characteristics and AEs was analysed with logistic regression analysis, with AEs as the endpoint. Multivariable logistic analysis showed that low SMI (OR 3.33, 95%CI 1.41–7.85) and tumour stage (OR 3.45, 95%CI 1.28–9.29) were significantly and independently associated to (C)RT toxicity. Low SMI was not related to postoperative complications. To conclude, sex-specific SMI cut-off values, were generated based on the occurrence of AEs. Low SMI and tumour stage were independently related to (C)RT toxicity in HNSCC patients

    Extensive Copy-Number Variation of Young Genes across Stickleback Populations

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    MM received funding from the Max Planck innovation funds for this project. PGDF was supported by a Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant (proposal nr 270891). CE was supported by German Science Foundation grants (DFG, EI 841/4-1 and EI 841/6-1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Resources to Help you Implement a Complete Streets Policty

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    Extended and Fully Automated Newborn Screening Method for Mass Spectrometry Detection

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    A new and fully automated newborn screening method for mass spectrometry was introduced in this paper. Pathological relevant amino acids, acylcarnitines, and certain steroids are detected within 4 min per sample. Each sample is treated in an automated and standardized workflow, where a mixture of deuterated internal standards is sprayed onto the sample before extraction. All compounds showed good linearity, and intra- and inter-day variation lies within the acceptance criteria (except for aspartic acid). The described workflow decreases analysis cost and labor while improving the sample traceability towards good laboratory practice

    Implementing the INTERGROWTH-21st gestational dating and fetal and newborn growth standards in peri-urban Nairobi, Kenya: Provider experiences, uptake and clinical decision-making.

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    BackgroundPerinatal and newborn complications are major risk factors for unfavorable fetal and neonatal outcomes. Gestational dating and growth monitoring can be instrumental in the identification and management of high-risk pregnancies and births. The INTERGROWTH-21st Project developed the first global standards for gestational dating and fetal and newborn growth monitoring, supplying a toolkit for clinicians. This study aimed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of the first known implementation study of these standards in a low resource setting.MethodsThe study was performed in two 12-month phases from March 2016 to March 2018 at Jacaranda Health, a private maternity hospital in peri-urban Nairobi, Kenya. In-depth interviews, focus group discussions and a provider survey were utilized to evaluate providers' experiences during implementation. Client chart data, for pregnant women attending antenatal care and/or delivering at Jacaranda Health along with their newborns, were captured to assess uptake and effect of the standards on clinical decision-making.ResultsFacility-level support and provider buy-in proved to be critical factors driving the success of implementing the standards. However, additional support was needed to strengthen capacity to conduct and interpret ultrasounds and maintain motivation among providers. We observed a significant increase in the uptake of obstetric ultrasounds, particularly gestational dating, during the implementation of the standards. Although no significant changes were detected in the identification of high-risk pregnancies, referrals and deliveries by Cesarean section during implementation, we did observe a significant reduction in inductions for post-date. No significant barriers were reported regarding the use of the newborn standards. Over 80% of providers advocated for the standards to remain in place with some enhancements related mainly to training, advocacy and procurement.ConclusionsThe findings are timely with increasing global adoption of the standards and the challenging and multi-faceted nature of translating new, evidence-based guidelines into routine clinical practice