802 research outputs found

    Autoimmunity in Vitiligo

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    Detection of Tyrosinase Autoantibodies in Patients With Vitiligo Using 35S-Labeled Recombinant Human Tyrosinase in a Radioimmunoassay

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    Tyrosinase antibodies recently have been reported to occur frequently in patients with vitligo. We describe the detection of tyrosinase antibodies in vitiligo patients using in vitro 35S-labeled human tyrosinase in a radioimmunoassay. Of 46 vitiligo sera examined in the assay, five (10.9%) were found to be positive for tyrosinase antibodies. In contrast, 20 control sera and sera from 10 patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis were negative. Four of the sera positive in the radioimmunoassay were also positive in an ELISA using mushroom tyrosinase as antigen. Absorption studies indicated that pre-incubation with mushroom tyrosinase absorbed out the immunoreactivity of the positive sera in the radioimmunoassay, suggesting cross-reactivity, but this absorption was never complete, indicating that there are tyrosinase antibodies in human sera that do not react with the mushroom protein. There was no obvious association between the presence of tyrosinase antibodies and the age of the patients (range: 22–62 y), their duration of disease (range: 5–20 y), or the type of vitiligo (one segmental, one symmetricallperiorificial, three symmetrical), although the three patients with the highest antibody levels also had an associated autoimmune disorder (one with Graves' disease; two with autoimmune hypothyroidism). The results confirm that tyrosinase autoantibodies are present in the sera of vitiligo patients but at a low frequency. The technique described is sensitive and quantitative and allows the detection of confirmational epitopes. It will be useful in longitudinal studies to determine the relation between the clinical features of vitiligo and tyrosinase antibody levels

    Autoantigens in Vitiligo Identified by the Serological Selection of a Phage-Displayed Melanocyte cDNA Expression Library

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    Vitiligo is an acquired idiopathic hypomelanotic disorder characterized by circumscribed depigmented macules resulting from the loss of cutaneous melanocytes. Although the exact cause of vitiligo remains obscure, autoimmunity may play a role in the development of the disease. The present study was undertaken to investigate the applicability of phage display technology to identify B-cell autoantigens in vitiligo. A melanocyte cDNA phage display library was subjected to rounds of enrichment with vitiligo patient IgG. Subsequently, enriched IgG-binding peptides representing putative autoantigens were identified by sequencing their encoding cDNAs. Radioimmunoassays were used to confirm the immunoreactivity of vitiligo patient (n=61) and control (n=28) sera to several of the putative autoantigens. Non-segmental vitiligo patient sera (n=53) were positive for antibody (Ab) reactivity to gamma-enolase (8%); alpha-enolase (9%); heat-shock protein 90 (13%); osteopontin (4%); ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (15%); translation-initiation factor 2 (6%); and GTP-binding protein, Rab38 (15%). Ab reactivity to at least one of the previously unknown autoantigens was detected in 51% of patients with non-segmental vitiligo. In contrast, Ab reactivity in a group of patients with segmental vitiligo (n=8) was not demonstrated. Overall, the study indicated that the targets of autoantibodies in vitiligo patients can be revealed by employing the methodology of phage display

    Environmental requirements for three sea pen species: relevance to distribution and conservation

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    The aim is to determine the environmental requirements, estimate the extent of suitable habitat for three sea pen species, and assess the implications for marine protected areas (MPAs). The sea pen Funiculina quadrangularis and the habitat associated with two further sea pen species, Virgularia mirabilis and Pennatula phosphorea, are of key conservation importance and are recommended for protection within MPAs. This study models their potential distributions using the MAXimum ENTropy algorithm and assesses these in relation to five possible marine protected areas (pMPAs) proposed for Scottish waters. Metrics relevant to assessing the efficacy of MPAs are also presented. Four environmental variables of prime importance for predicting the presence of all three species of sea pen were identified: mud, minimum salinity, depth, and gravel. The habitat suitability index increased with mud content. The modelled distribution of F. quadrangularis indicated a deeper distribution than V. mirabilis or P. phosphorea and was not present in sediment with gravel content above 30%. Pennatula phosphorea had the smallest area of suitable habitat, while V. mirabilis had the largest. The percentage predicted suitable area for each species that was encompassed by the five pMPAs ranged from 11% for F. quadrangularis to 15% for P. phosphorea. Some of the largest areas predicted as suitable for F. quadrangularis lay outside the pMPAs. The model results indicated differences in the environmental requirements of the three species of sea pen that can be linked to the autecology of each species. Patch sizes, calculated from a binary output of the model, were used to estimate the degree of habitat fragmentation, thereby giving a partial assessment of the adequacy criterion for these pMPAs. The results suggest that potential MPAs within the study area cover sizeable areas of potential sea pen habitat. However, further areas suitable for F. quadrangularis could be considered

    The Transcription Factors SOX9 and SOX10 Are Vitiligo Autoantigens in Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome Type I

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    Vitiligo is common in the hereditary disorder autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type I (APS I). Patients with APS I are known to have high titer autoantibodies directed against various tissue-specific antigens. Using sera from APS I patients for immunoscreening of a cDNA library from human scalp, we identified the transcription factors SOX9 and SOX10 as novel autoantigens related to this syndrome. Immunoreactivity against SOX9 was found in 14 (15%) and against SOX10 in 20 (22%) of the 91 APS I sera studied. All patients reacting with SOX9 displayed reactivity against SOX10, suggesting shared epitopes. Among the 19 patients with vitiligo, 12 (63%) were positive for SOX10 (p0.0001). Furthermore, three of 93 sera from patients with vitiligo unrelated to APS I showed strong reactivity against SOX10, which may indicate a more general role of SOX10 as an autoantigen in vitiligo

    The perseverance of Pacioli's goods inventory accounting system

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    This paper details sources of the 'undoubtedly strange' (Yamey, 1994a, p.119) system of goods inventory records described in Pacioli’s 1494 bookkeeping treatise and traces the longevity and widespread use of this early perpetual inventory recording (EPIR) system in English language texts. By doing so and contrasting this system with the bookkeeping treatment of modern texts, it is shown that the EPIR system persisted as the dominant form of goods inventory accounting for between 400 and 500 years and that the reasons for its demise are worthy of further consideration and research

    Variant of TYR and Autoimmunity Susceptibility Loci in Generalized Vitiligo.

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    BACKGROUND Generalized vitiligo is an autoimmune disease characterized by melanocyte loss, which results in patchy depigmentation of skin and hair, and is associated with an elevated risk of other autoimmune diseases. METHODS To identify generalized vitiligo susceptibility loci, we conducted a genomewide association study. We genotyped 579,146 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 1514 patients with generalized vitiligo who were of European-derived white (CEU) ancestry and compared the genotypes with publicly available control genotypes from 2813 CEU persons. We then tested 50 SNPs in two replication sets, one comprising 677 independent CEU patients and 1106 CEU controls and the other comprising 183 CEU simplex trios with generalized vitiligo and 332 CEU multiplex families. RESULTS We detected significant associations between generalized vitiligo and SNPs at several loci previously associated with other autoimmune diseases. These included genes encoding major-histocompatibility-complex class I molecules (P=9.05×10−23) and class II molecules (P=4.50×10−34), PTPN22 (P=1.31×10−7), LPP (P=1.01×10−11), IL2RA (P=2.78×10−9), UBASH3A (P=1.26×10−9), and C1QTNF6 (P=2.21×10−16). We also detected associations between generalized vitiligo and SNPs in two additional immune-related loci, RERE (P=7.07×10−15) and GZMB (P=3.44×10−8), and in a locus containing TYR (P=1.60×10−18), encoding tyrosinase. CONCLUSIONS We observed associations between generalized vitiligo and markers implicating multiple genes, some associated with other autoimmune diseases and one (TYR) that may mediate target-cell specificity and indicate a mutually exclusive relationship between susceptibility to vitiligo and susceptibility to melanoma
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