1,468 research outputs found

    Tumors d'hipòfisi : factors determinants per a l'èxit postquirúrgic

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    Abans de l'operació d'un tumor d'hipòfisi, hi ha tres factors que permeten identificar els pacients que tindran més probabilitats de curar-se després de la cirurgia: El tamany, el tipus de secreció del tumor i l'experiència dels neurocirurgians. Un grup de doctors de l'Hospital de Sant Pau ha arribat a aquesta conclusió després d'estudiar 289 pacients amb tumors hipofisiaris operats a aquest centre pels dos mateixos neurocirurgians desde 1982 fins al 2001.Antes de la operación de un tumor de hipófisis, existen tres factores que permiten identificar a los pacientes que tendrán más probabilidades de curarse después de la cirugía: El tamaño, el tipo de secreción del tumor y la experiencia de los neurocirujanos. Un grupo de doctores del Hospital de Sant Pau ha llegado a esta conclusión después de estudiar 289 pacientes con tumores de hipófisis operados en este centro por los dos mismos neurocirujanos desde 1982 hasta 2001

    Effect of Age Structure on the Outcome of Viral Epizootics in Field Populations of Imported Cabbageworm (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)

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    The effect of larval age on the progress of epizootics of a granulosis virus was examined in field populations of imported cabbageworm, Artogeia rapae (L.), in 1985 and 1986. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to follow the progress of disease in three larval age classes beginning 2-3 d after treatment. On virus-treated cabbage, late second and early third instars were more liable to infection than were first and final instars. In laboratory experiments, potted cabbage plants were treated with virus in the same way that field plots had been, and leaves were fed to three age classes of larvae at three temperatures for 18-23 h. Fewer larvae developed disease when given access to leaves at 16°C than at 22 or 28°C. Fewer first instars became infected than third and fifth instars. Third instars were most likely to become infected at all temperatures. The data suggest that virus should be directed at second and third instars rather than at larvae at hatchin

    The Application of the Community Psychology Practice Competencies for Community Consulting Practice in the U.S.

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    This article describes many of the competencies used for consulting with communities in the United States. It includes a description of each competency, how each is used, and tips for developing them. The article begins with a definition of community psychology consulting and how it is different from business or other forms of consulting. The different levels of competence and the interdisciplinary nature of the competencies needed for working in communities are discussed. The article maintains that all community psychology consultants need expertise in foundational competencies such as sociocultural and cross- cultural competence and commitment to improving public welfare and social and racial justice. The extent to which community psychology consultants need expertise in other competencies, such as community program development and management, community and social change, and community research, depends upon the type of consulting practice they will have. There is considerable overlap in competencies required for community psychology practice and those required for social work, public health, public administration, and other fields. Therefore, community psychologists interested in pursuing a career in community consulting might take courses or get additional training in other fields

    The Application of the Community Psychology Practice Competencies for Community Consulting Practice in the U.S.

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    This article describes many of the competencies used for consulting with communities in the United States. It includes a description of each competency, how each is used, and tips for developing them. The article begins with a definition of community psychology consulting and how it is different from business or other forms of consulting. The different levels of competence and the interdisciplinary nature of the competencies needed for working in communities are discussed. The article maintains that all community psychology consultants need expertise in foundational competencies such as sociocultural and cross- cultural competence and commitment to improving public welfare and social and racial justice. The extent to which community psychology consultants need expertise in other competencies, such as community program development and management, community and social change, and community research, depends upon the type of consulting practice they will have. There is considerable overlap in competencies required for community psychology practice and those required for social work, public health, public administration, and other fields. Therefore, community psychologists interested in pursuing a career in community consulting might take courses or get additional training in other fields

    When Politics Trump Science: The Erosion of Science-Based Regulation

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    Science is science and facts are facts. My administration will ensure that there will be total [scientific] transparency and accountability without political bias.” That was the promise made in September 2016 by then-candidate Donald Trump when asked how he would protect federal scientists from political interference in their work. Since taking office, however, President Trump has led a concerted effort to undermine federal scientific research, particularly in areas where research findings contradict his own views or undermine the basis of his deregulatory agenda. That effort is documented in the Silencing Science Tracker, an online database that records anti-science actions taken by the federal government. Drawing on three-and-a-half years of tracker data, this Comment analyzesthe Trump Administration’s evolving war on science and shows how it is changing the way federal agencies perform, use, and communicate scientific research. We focus primarily on climate science, which has been the subject of particularly fierce attacks under President Trump, though he has also targeted other areas. His actions could have long-lasting consequences, damaging the role of science in regulation for years to come

    When Politics Trump Science: The Erosion of Science-Based Regulation

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    "Science is science and facts are facts. My administration will ensure that there will be total [scientific] transparency and accountability without political bias.” That was the promise made in September 2016 by then-candidate Donald Trump when asked how he would protect federal scientists from political interference in their work. Since taking office, however, President Trump has led a concerted effort to undermine federal scientific research, particularly in areas where research findings contradict his own views or undermine the basis of his deregulatory agenda. That effort is documented in the Silencing Science Tracker, an online database that records anti-science actions taken by the federal government. Drawing on three-and-a-half years of tracker data, this Comment analyzes the Trump Administration’s evolving war on science and shows how it is changing the way federal agencies perform, use, and communicate scientific research. We focus primarily on climate science, which has been the subject of particularly fierce attacks under President Trump, though he has also targeted other areas. His actions could have long-lasting consequences, damaging the role of science in regulation for years to come

    The association between hysterectomy and ovarian cancer risk: A population-based record-linkage study

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    Background: Recent studies have called into question the long-held belief that hysterectomy without oophorectomy protects against ovarian cancer. This population-based longitudinal record-linkage study aimed to explore this relationship, overall and by age at hysterectomy, time period, surgery type, and indication for hysterectomy. Methods: We followed the female adult Western Australian population (837 942 women) across a 27-year period using linked electoral, hospital, births, deaths, and cancer records. Surgery dates were determined from hospital records, and ovarian cancer diagnoses (n¼1640) were ascertained from cancer registry records.We used Cox regression to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association between hysterectomy and ovarian cancer incidence. Results: Hysterectomy without oophorectomy (n¼78 594) was not associated with risk of invasive ovarian cancer overall (HR ¼ 0.98, 95% CI ¼ 0.85 to 1.11) or with the most common serous subtype (HR ¼ 1.05, 95% CI ¼ 0.89 to 1.23). Estimates did not vary statistically significantly by age at procedure, time period, or surgical approach. However, among women with endometriosis (5.8%) or with fibroids (5.7%), hysterectomy was associated with substantially decreased ovarian cancer risk overall (HR ¼ 0.17, 95% CI ¼ 0.12 to 0.24, and HR ¼ 0.27, 95% CI ¼ 0.20 to 0.36, respectively) and across all subtypes. Conclusions: Our results suggest that for most women, having a hysterectomy with ovarian conservation is not likely to substantially alter their risk of developing ovarian cancer. However, our results, if confirmed, suggest that ovarian cancer risk reduction could be considered as a possible benefit of hysterectomy when making decisions about surgical management of endometriosis or fibroids

    Acromegàlia : test sobre el seu impacte en la qualitat de vida

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    L'acromegàlia, denominada també popularment gegantisme, és una malaltia que causa un creixement anormal en algunes parts i òrgans del cos. Per valorar-ne l'impacte sobre la qualitat de vida de les persones que la pateixen, especialistes de diferents hospitals espanyols han desenvolupat un senzill test: l'AcroQol.La acromegalia, también denominada popularmente gigantismo, es una enfermedad que causa un crecimiento anormal en algunas partes y órganos del cuerpo. Para valorar su impacto sobre la calidad de vida de las personas que la padecen, especialistas de diferentes hospitales españoles han desarrollado un sencillo test, denominado AcroQol