7,474 research outputs found

    Defoliation responses of different grapevine cultivars to postharvest ethephon treatments

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    The defoliation responses of several grapevine cultivars to postharvest ethephon sprays at 0, 500, 2000, 5000 ppm were observed. Sprays were applied at the beginning of October to vines of Barbera, Carignane, Emerald Seedless, Ribier, Ruby Seedless, Thompson Seedless and Flame Tokay cultivars.The most effective concentration was 5000 ppm. The defoliation response varied greatly among the varieties. Barbera and Carignane were almost completely defoliated 20-30 d after treatment, whereas Flame Tokay showed no response. However, high concentrations of ethephon resulted in a considerable delay in shoot development the following spring.Défoliation induite en différents cépages par un traitement avec de l'éthéphon après la vendangeLa défoliation causée par des traitements d'éthephon (0, 500, 2000, 5000 ppm) a été étudiée sur différents cépages (V. vinifera).Les applications ont été faites le 10 octobre sur les cépages à raisin de table et de cuve ci-après: Barbera, Carignane; Emerald Seedless, Ribier, Ruby Seedless, Thompson Seedless et Flame Tokay. La concentration de 5000 ppm se révéla la plus efficace. La défoliation des plantes traitées a été très différente selon les cépages: Barbera et Carignane par exemple ont été presque complètement privés des feuilles après 20-30 d du traitement, tandis que le Flame Tokay ne donna qu'une très faible réponse.Il faut signaler en tout cas que les concentrations les plus fortes d'éthéphon ont causé un retard considerable dans le débourrement du printemps suivant

    Effect of application of naphthaleneacetic acid on berry thinning of Carignane grapes

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    Application of NAA on Carignane grapes at 70 % calyptra fall reduced berryset and weight per cluster. Crop yield per vine was decreased both by application of NAA at bloom at 10 and 25 ppm and at 2 weeks after bloom at 25 ppm. °Brix was usually increased by NAA applied at bloom or 2 weeks after bloom. However, total titratable acidity did not change as a result of NAA in any of the treatments. The looseness of clusters treated at the bloom stage tended to increase with higher levels of NAA. NAA has not been cleared for use on grapes as a thinning agent in the United States by the Environmental Protection Agency.Einfluß der Naphthylessigsäure-Behandlung auf das Ausdünnen der Trauben bei der Rebsorte CarignaneWurden die Infloreszenzen der Sorte Carignane mit NES behandelt, wenn 70 % der Calyptren abgefallen waren, so waren sowohl der Beerenansatz als auch das Gewicht je Traube herabgesetzt. Der Traubenertrag je Rebe war bei Anwendung von 10 und 25 ppm NES zur Blütezeit und ebenso bei Behandlung mit 25 ppm NES 2 Wochen nach der Blüte verringert. Die gesamte titrierbare Säure war jedoch bei keiner Variante verändert. Die durch NES-Anwendung in der Blühphase erzielte Lockerbeerigkeit der Trauben verstärkte sich durch höhere Konzentrationen. Das Umweltschutzamt der USA hat über die Zulassung von NES als Ausdünnungsmittel noch nicht entschieden

    Skylab floating ice experiment

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Coupling of the aircraft data with the ground truth observations proved to be highly successful with interesting results being obtained with IR and SLAR passive microwave techniques, and standard photography. Of particular interest were the results of the PMIS system which operated at 10.69 GHz with both vertical and horizontal polarizations. This was the first time that dual polarized images were obtained from floating ice. In both sea and lake ice, it was possible to distinguish a wide variety of thin ice types because of their large differences in brightness temperatures. It was found that the higher brightness temperature was invariably obtained in the vertically polarized mode, and as the age of the ice increases the brightness temperature increases in both polarizations. Associated with this change in age, the difference in temperature was observed as the different polarizations decreased. It appears that the horizontally polarized data is the most sensitive to variations in ice type for both fresh water and sea ice. The study also showed the great amount of information on ice surface roughness and deformation patterns that can be obtained from X-band SLAR observations

    Measurement of Physical Activity with Wrist-Worn ActiGraph GT3X+ in Older Women

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(7): 1538-1553, 2022. Higher wear compliance has been seen with wrist placed accelerometers versus hip placed. Performance of wrist placed ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometer (GT3X+, ActiGraph LLC, Pensacola, FL) in assessing physical activity (PA) remains unclear. PURPOSE: This study examined GT3X+’s performance in measuring PA energy expenditure (PAEE) and classifying PA intensity in older women. METHODS: Women [n = 89, age = 65.6 (4.3)] wore GT3X+ and SenseWear Armband Mini (SWAM, BodyMedia Inc. Pittsburgh, PA) for 2 weeks. Concurrently, doubly labeled water (DLW) determined total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). Resting energy expenditure (REE) was determined by Indirect Calorimetry. Data was processed using manufacturer-provided software. Bivariate correlations, Intra Class Correlations, and Bland-Altman plots were performed to evaluate agreement between GT3X+ and criterion measures for sedentary time, light and moderate-to-vigorous PA (determined by SWAM) and PAEE (determined by SWAM and by DLW and REE). Epoch-by-epoch analysis evaluated discrepancy and agreement of PA intensity classification between GT3X+ and SWAM. RESULTS: For PAEE, GT3X+ showed moderate correlations with criterion measures (r = 0.413, 0.400 with SWAM; r = 0.564, 0.501 with DLW and REE), but Bland-Altman plots showed large variability. When estimating time spent in PA intensity, GT3X+ underestimated sedentary time and overestimated PA intensity compared to SWAM. During epoch-by-epoch analysis, GT3X+ misclassified light intensity PA as moderate-to-vigorous PA 72% of the time. Counts per minute showed strong correlations with criterion measures (r = 0.68, 0.625 for SWAM and DLW and REE respectively). CONCLUSION: Current equations and cut points do not provide accurate measures of PA with wrist-worn GT3X+ in older women

    Investigation of pulsed laser induced dewetting in nanoscopic metal films

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    Hydrodynamic pattern formation (PF) and dewetting resulting from pulsed laser induced melting of nanoscopic metal films have been used to create spatially ordered metal nanoparticle arrays with monomodal size distribution on SiO_{\text{2}}/Si substrates. PF was investigated for film thickness h\leq7 nm < laser absorption depth \sim11 nm and different sets of laser parameters, including energy density E and the irradiation time, as measured by the number of pulses n. PF was only observed to occur for E\geq E_{m}, where E_{m} denotes the h-dependent threshold energy required to melt the film. Even at such small length scales, theoretical predictions for E_{m} obtained from a continuum-level lumped parameter heat transfer model for the film temperature, coupled with the 1-D transient heat equation for the substrate phase, were consistent with experimental observations provided that the thickness dependence of the reflectivity of the metal-substrate bilayer was incorporated into the analysis. The spacing between the nanoparticles and the particle diameter were found to increase as h^{2} and h^{5/3} respectively, which is consistent with the predictions of the thin film hydrodynamic (TFH) dewetting theory. These results suggest that fast thermal processing can lead to novel pattern formation, including quenching of a wide range of length scales and morphologies.Comment: 36 pages, 11 figures, 1 tabl

    T Helper 1 and T Helper 2 Cells Are Pathogenic in an Antigen-specific Model of Colitis

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    Dysregulated T cell responses to enteric bacteria have been implicated as a common mechanism underlying pathogenesis in rodent models of colitis. However, the bacterial species and T cell specificities that induce disease have been poorly defined. We have developed a model system in which target antigen, bacterial host, and corresponding T cell specificity are defined. OVA-specific T cells from DO11.RAG-2−/− TCR transgenic mice were transferred into RAG-2−/− recipients whose intestinal tracts were colonized with OVA-expressing or control Escherichia coli. Transfer of antigen-naive DO11.RAG-2−/− T cells into recipients colonized with OVA-E. coli resulted in enhanced intestinal recruitment and cell cycling of OVA-specific T cells; however, there was no development of disease. In contrast, transfer of polarized T helper (Th) 1 and Th2 populations resulted in severe wasting and colitis in recipients colonized with OVA-expressing but not control E. coli. The histopathologic features of disease induced by Th1 and Th2 transfers were distinct, but disease severity was comparable. Induction of disease by both Th1 and Th2 transfers was dependent on bacterially associated OVA. These results establish that a single bacterially associated antigen can drive the progression of colitis mediated by both Th1 and Th2 cells and provide a new model for understanding the immunoregulatory interactions between T cells responsive to gut floral antigens

    Nonlinear collective nuclear motion

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    For each real number Λ\Lambda a Lie algebra of nonlinear vector fields on three dimensional Euclidean space is reported. Although each algebra is mathematically isomorphic to gl(3,R)gl(3,{\bf R}), only the Λ=0\Lambda=0 vector fields correspond to the usual generators of the general linear group. The Λ<0\Lambda < 0 vector fields integrate to a nonstandard action of the general linear group; the Λ>0\Lambda >0 case integrates to a local Lie semigroup. For each Λ\Lambda, a family of surfaces is identified that is invariant with respect to the group or semigroup action. For positive Λ\Lambda the surfaces describe fissioning nuclei with a neck, while negative Λ\Lambda surfaces correspond to exotic bubble nuclei. Collective models for neck and bubble nuclei are given by irreducible unitary representations of a fifteen dimensional semidirect sum spectrum generating algebra gcm(3)gcm(3) spanned by its nonlinear gl(3,R)gl(3,{\bf R}) subalgebra plus an abelian nonlinear inertia tensor subalgebra.Comment: 13 pages plus two figures(available by fax from authors by request

    Fidelity amplitude of the scattering matrix in microwave cavities

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    The concept of fidelity decay is discussed from the point of view of the scattering matrix, and the scattering fidelity is introduced as the parametric cross-correlation of a given S-matrix element, taken in the time domain, normalized by the corresponding autocorrelation function. We show that for chaotic systems, this quantity represents the usual fidelity amplitude, if appropriate ensemble and/or energy averages are taken. We present a microwave experiment where the scattering fidelity is measured for an ensemble of chaotic systems. The results are in excellent agreement with random matrix theory for the standard fidelity amplitude. The only parameter, namely the perturbation strength could be determined independently from level dynamics of the system, thus providing a parameter free agreement between theory and experiment
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