689 research outputs found

    Validating the Gambling Functional Assessment-Revised in a Sample of Probable Problem/Disordered Gamblers

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    The Gambling Functional Assessment-Revised (GFA-R) was designed to measure whether the respondent’s gambling is maintained by positive reinforcement or escape. However, it has only been administered in samples dominated by nonproblem gamblers. One hundred five adult participants who scored three or more on the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) completed the GFA-R and the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI). Confirmatory factor analyses showed that a 15-item GFA-R demonstrated a sound factor structure. The internal consistency of the GFA-R subscales was good to excellent for both probable problem and disordered gamblers. Participants scored significantly higher on gambling for positive reinforcement than as an escape. However, probable disordered gamblers endorsed gambling as an escape significantly more than probable problem gamblers. Gambling as an escape, but not for positive reinforcement, was also a significant predictor of participants’ PGSI scores independent of their SOGS scores. The results suggest that the GFA-R may be a valid and useful measure for both researchers and practitioners. The results also highlight the prominent role gambling as an escape plays in problem and disordered gambling

    Do Cognitive Fallacies Predict Behavior When NonPathological Gamblers Play Slot Machines and Video Poker?

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    A popular notion found in the research literature is that gambling, and gambling problems, are associated with illogical beliefs. The present study investigated whether peoples’ subscription to cognitive fallacies related to gambling would be significant predictors of their actual gambling behavior. Twenty participants completed several questionnaires designed to assess cognitive fallacies related to gambling and then had the opportunity to gamble money on video poker and a slot machine. Results showed that faulty beliefs were seldom significant predictors of actual gambling behavior. In the lone instance in which such beliefs predicted gambling, the predictive relationship was in the opposite direction as suggested by the literature (i.e., fallacious beliefs were associated with less gambling). The present results therefore question the idea that cognitive fallacies lead to problem and/or pathological gambling


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    Many studies have investigated how individuals discount delayed outcomes, but few, if any, have explicitly studied whether gender differences exist in discounting. The present study employed a university sample to complete a delay-discounting task that included the commodities of cigarettes, money (two amounts), the ideal body image, and the perfect mate. Significant gender differences were observed in discounting 100,000andidealbodyimage,withfemalesdisplayingagreaterdegreeofdiscountingthanmales.Factoranalysesonthemeasuresofdelaydiscountingacrossthedifferentcommoditiesyieldedasimilarfactorstructurebetweengenders,suggestingthatalthoughthegendersmaysometimesdifferinhowtheydiscountparticularconsequences,thesedifferencesarelikelylinkedtostate,nottrait,variables.Keywords:Delaydiscounting;Genderdifferences;Money,BodyImage,Factoranalysis;CollegesampleMuitosestudosinvestigaramcomoindivıˊduosdepreciampagamentosatrasados,maspoucos,sealgueˊmofez,estudaramexplicitamenteseexistemdiferenc\casdege^neronadepreciac\ca~o.Opresenteestudosolicitouaumaamostradeuniversidadeparacompletarumatarefadedepreciac\ca~o,queincluibenscomocigarrros,doisvaloresemdinheiro,imagemcorporalidealeoparperfeito.Diferenc\casdege^nerosignificativasforamobservadasparaadepreciac\ca~odeUS100,000 and ideal body image, with females displaying a greater degree of discounting than males. Factor analyses on the measures of delay discounting across the different commodities yielded a similar factor structure between genders, suggesting that although the genders may sometimes differ in how they discount particular consequences, these differences are likely linked to state, not trait, variables.Keywords: Delay discounting; Gender differences; Money, Body Image, Factor analysis; College sampleMuitos estudos investigaram como indivíduos depreciam pagamentos atrasados, mas poucos, se alguém o fez, estudaram explicitamente se existem diferenças de gênero na depreciação. O presente estudo solicitou a uma amostra de universidade para completar uma tarefa de depreciação, que inclui bens como cigarrros, dois valores em dinheiro, imagem corporal ideal e o par perfeito. Diferenças de gênero significativas foram observadas para a depreciação de US100,00 e imagem corporal ideal, com as mulheres exibindo um maior grau de depreciação do que os homens. A análise fatorial das medidas de depreciação com atraso entre os diferentes bens resultou em uma estrutura similar de fatores entre os gêneros, sugerindo que ainda que os gêneros possam às vezes diferir em como eles depreciam consequências específicas, essas diferenças estão ligadas a variáveis de estado, não de traço.Palavras-chave: Depreciação por atraso; Diferenças de gênero; Dinheiro, Imagem corporal, Análise fatorial; Amostra de universitário

    The Relationship Between Reported Frequency of Gambling and Rate of Discounting Different Commodities Using a Fill-In-The-Blank Procedure

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    The present study had 302 participants complete temporal-discounting tasks pertaining to five different commodities using the “fill-in-the-blank” method. These data were analyzed using two different equations, and the resulting rates of discounting were correlated with participants’ self-reported frequency of gambling. The discounting data were not entirely consistent with other published data. Statistically significant correlations between discounting and gambling frequency were observed, but varied depending on the type of discounting analysis that was employed and were not always in the same direction as past researc

    Assessing Awareness and Competence of Best Practices in Synchronous Online Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Clemson Cooperative Extension Professionals

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    Traditional delivery of Extension programming changed overnight in March 2020, when the COVID-19 outbreak forced switching traditional methods to virtual delivery. Extension professionals across South Carolina quickly adapted to online delivery. Concerns over instructor preparedness to use online tools, including functions to assure accessibility, did arise. Findings from this non-experimental, descriptive research study suggested Extension professionals used online tools (primarily Zoom). The majority were not comfortable using many of the features that would enhance instruction, including polling, file transfer, and live-streaming media platforms. Additionally, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint skills to assure accessibility for clientele were lacking

    Long-term antigen exposure irreversibly modifies metabolic requirements for T cell function

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    Energy metabolism is essential for T cell function. However, how persistent antigenic stimulation affects T cell metabolism is unknown. Here, we report that long-term in vivo antigenic exposure induced a specific deficit in numerous metabolic enzymes. Accordingly, T cells exhibited low basal glycolytic flux and limited respiratory capacity. Strikingly, blockade of inhibitory receptor PD-1 stimulated the production of IFNγ in chronic T cells, but failed to shift their metabolism towards aerobic glycolysis, as observed in effector T cells. Instead, chronic T cells appeared to rely on oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and fatty acid oxidation (FAO) to produce ATP for IFNγ synthesis. Check-point blockade, however, increased mitochondrial production of superoxide and reduced viability and effector function. Thus, in the absence of a glycolytic switch, PD-1-mediated inhibition appears essential for limiting oxidative metabolism linked to effector function in chronic T cells, thereby promoting survival and functional fitness.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Genetic Interaction between Mfrp and Adipor1 Mutations Affect Retinal Disease Phenotypes

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    Adipor1tm1Dgen and Mfrprd6 mutant mice share similar eye disease characteristics. Previously, studies established a functional relationship of ADIPOR1 and MFRP proteins in maintaining retinal lipidome homeostasis and visual function. However, the independent and/or interactive contribution of both genes to similar disease phenotypes, including fundus spots, decreased axial length, and photoreceptor degeneration has yet to be examined. We performed a gene-interaction study where homozygous Adipor1tm1Dgen and Mfrprd6 mice were bred together and the resulting doubly heterozygous F1 offspring were intercrossed to produce 210 F2 progeny. Four-month-old mice from all nine genotypic combinations obtained in the F2 generation were assessed for white spots by fundus photo documentation, for axial length by caliper measurements, and for photoreceptor degeneration by histology. Two-way factorial ANOVA was performed to study individual as well as gene interaction effects on each phenotype. Here, we report the first observation of reduced axial length in Adipor1tmlDgen homozygotes. We show that while Adipor1 and Mfrp interact to affect spotting and degeneration, they act independently to control axial length, highlighting the complex functional association between these two genes. Further examination of the molecular basis of this interaction may help in uncovering mechanisms by which these genes perturb ocular homeostasis

    Search for dinucleon decay into pions at Super-Kamiokande

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    A search for dinucleon decay into pions with the Super-Kamiokande detector has been performed with an exposure of 282.1 kiloton-years. Dinucleon decay is a process that violates baryon number by two units. We present the first search for dinucleon decay to pions in a large water Cherenkov detector. The modes 16^{16}O(pp)(pp) \rightarrow 14^{14}Cπ+π+\pi^{+}\pi^{+}, 16^{16}O(pn)(pn) \rightarrow 14^{14}Nπ+π0\pi^{+}\pi^{0}, and 16^{16}O(nn)(nn) \rightarrow 14^{14}Oπ0π0\pi^{0}\pi^{0} are investigated. No significant excess in the Super-Kamiokande data has been found, so a lower limit on the lifetime of the process per oxygen nucleus is determined. These limits are: τppπ+π+>7.22×1031\tau_{pp\rightarrow\pi^{+}\pi^{+}} > 7.22 \times 10^{31} years, τpnπ+π0>1.70×1032\tau_{pn\rightarrow\pi^{+}\pi^{0}} > 1.70 \times 10^{32} years, and τnnπ0π0>4.04×1032\tau_{nn\rightarrow\pi^{0}\pi^{0}} > 4.04 \times 10^{32} years. The lower limits on each mode are about two orders of magnitude better than previous limits from searches for dinucleon decay in iron.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review D on March 30, 201