278 research outputs found

    Report on Intubation of the Larynx.

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    Conformational changes of calmodulin upon Ca2+ binding studied with a microfluidic mixer

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    A microfluidic mixer is applied to study the kinetics of calmodulin conformational changes upon Ca2+ binding. The device facilitates rapid, uniform mixing by decoupling hydrodynamic focusing from diffusive mixing and accesses time scales of tens of microseconds. The mixer is used in conjunction with multiphoton microscopy to examine the fast Ca2+-induced transitions of acrylodan-labeled calmodulin. We find that the kinetic rates of the conformational changes in two homologous globular domains differ by more than an order of magnitude. The characteristic time constants are ≈490 μs for the transitions in the C-terminal domain and ≈20 ms for those in the N-terminal domain of the protein. We discuss possible mechanisms for the two distinct events and the biological role of the stable intermediate, half-saturated calmodulin

    Remodeling of the Postsynaptic Density: A Macromolecular Signaling Complex

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    Cellular dynamic simulator: an event driven molecular simulation environment for cellular physiology.

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    In this paper, we present the Cellular Dynamic Simulator (CDS) for simulating diffusion and chemical reactions within crowded molecular environments. CDS is based on a novel event driven algorithm specifically designed for precise calculation of the timing of collisions, reactions and other events for each individual molecule in the environment. Generic mesh based compartments allow the creation / importation of very simple or detailed cellular structures that exist in a 3D environment. Multiple levels of compartments and static obstacles can be used to create a dense environment to mimic cellular boundaries and the intracellular space. The CDS algorithm takes into account volume exclusion and molecular crowding that may impact signaling cascades in small sub-cellular compartments such as dendritic spines. With the CDS, we can simulate simple enzyme reactions; aggregation, channel transport, as well as highly complicated chemical reaction networks of both freely diffusing and membrane bound multi-protein complexes. Components of the CDS are generally defined such that the simulator can be applied to a wide range of environments in terms of scale and level of detail. Through an initialization GUI, a simple simulation environment can be created and populated within minutes yet is powerful enough to design complex 3D cellular architecture. The initialization tool allows visual confirmation of the environment construction prior to execution by the simulator. This paper describes the CDS algorithm, design implementation, and provides an overview of the types of features available and the utility of those features are highlighted in demonstrations

    Macromolecular Crowding and Size Effects on Probe Microviscosity

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    Development of biologically relevant crowding solutions necessitates improved understanding of how the relative size and density of mobile obstacles affect probe diffusion. Both the crowding density and relative size of each co-solute in a mixture will contribute to the measured microviscosity as assessed by altered translational mobility. Using multiphoton fluorescent correlation spectroscopy, this study addresses how excluded volume of dextran polymers from 10 to 500 kDa affect microviscosity quantified by measurements of calmodulin labeled with green fluorescent protein as the diffusing probe. Autocorrelation functions were fit using both a multiple-component model with maximum entropy method (MEMFCS) and an anomalous model. Anomalous diffusion was not detected, but fits of the data with the multiple-component model revealed separable modes of diffusion. When the dominant mode of diffusion from the MEMFCS analysis was used, we observed that increased excluded volume slows probe mobility as a simple exponential with crowder concentration. This behavior can be modeled with a single parameter, β, which depends on the dextran size composition. Two additional modes of diffusion were observed using MEMFCS and were interpreted as unique microviscosities. The fast mode corresponded to unhindered free diffusion as in buffer, whereas the slower agreed well with the bulk viscosity. At 10% crowder concentration, one finds a microviscosity approximately three times that of water, which mimics that reported for intracellular viscosity

    Structural Plasticity within the Postsynaptic Density

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    The postsynaptic density (PSD) is a large protein complex that clusters neurotransmitter receptors at the synapse and organizes the intracellular signaling molecules responsible for altering the efficiency of synaptic transmission – termed synaptic plasticity. We propose that synapses from different parts of the brain place unique demands on the process of synaptic transmission and that the structure and composition of the PSD play a role in providing these distinctive properties. To begin to address this question, PSDs were isolated from adult rat cerebella, hippocampi and cortices, three brain areas amenable to straightforward isolation that contain unique distributions of neuronal cell types. Electron-tomography (ET) was used to visualize the fine morphology of the isolated PSDs and calculate total protein occupancy within the PSD structure. Immunogold labeling was utilized to quantify protein composition and distribution of key signaling and scaffold molecules. Although the mean surface area did not significantly differ between PSD types, the PSD thickness, as measured from Cryo ET reconstructions, differed significantly between PSD types. Labeling densities for PSD-95 and αCaMKII were found to differ dramatically among the PSD types, while all regions had moderate to high labeling for βCaMKII, illustrating the importance of βCaMKII to the PSD structure. PSD-95, a scaffold protein, was absent from a fraction of cerebellar PSDs, unlike hippocampal and cortical PSDs, showing that protein composition varies between PSD types. Ripley's K function analysis of immunogold labeled PSDs showed that PSD-95 was clustered in cerebellar PSDs, unlike other PSD types, suggesting a different function for PSD-95 in cerebellar PSDs. In contrast, βCaMKII was found to have similar non-random organization in all PSD types. These results support the idea that the composition and structure of the PSD are modified to achieve the specific synaptic functions required of each brain region

    Role of the N- and C-lobes of calmodulin in the activation of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II.

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    Understanding the principles of calmodulin (CaM) activation of target enzymes will help delineate how this seemingly simple molecule can play such a complex role in transducing Ca (2+)-signals to a variety of downstream pathways. In the work reported here, we use biochemical and biophysical tools and a panel of CaM constructs to examine the lobe specific interactions between CaM and CaMKII necessary for the activation and autophosphorylation of the enzyme. Interestingly, the N-terminal lobe of CaM by itself was able to partially activate and allow autophosphorylation of CaMKII while the C-terminal lobe was inactive. When used together, CaMN and CaMC produced maximal CaMKII activation and autophosphorylation. Moreover, CaMNN and CaMCC (chimeras of the two N- or C-terminal lobes) both activated the kinase but with greater K act than for wtCaM. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments showed the same rank order of affinities of wtCaM \u3e CaMNN \u3e CaMCC as those determined in the activity assay and that the CaM to CaMKII subunit binding ratio was 1:1. Together, our results lead to a proposed sequential mechanism to describe the activation pathway of CaMKII led by binding of the N-lobe followed by the C-lobe. This mechanism contrasts the typical sequential binding mode of CaM with other CaM-dependent enzymes, where the C-lobe of CaM binds first. The consequence of such lobe specific binding mechanisms is discussed in relation to the differential rates of Ca (2+)-binding to each lobe of CaM during intracellular Ca (2+) oscillations