10 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kualitas Air Hasil Paparan Larvasida Hayati Kulit Kayu Gemor (Nothaphoebe coriacea K.)

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    Biolarvacide derived from local plant extract can be used as a vector breaker for diseases caused by mosquitoes. One of plants used as biolarvacide was gemor bark. The use of gemor bark as a biolarvacide had caused a high mortality for mosquitoes, but had lowered the quality of water exposed by this larvacide. The objective of this research was to study a method to improve water quality exposed to biolarvacide of gemor bark extract. This research used experimental methods with 5 treatments and 3 replications, while the research design was using a completely randomized design. The treatment used in this research was purification using flannel fabric, cotton fabric; adding PAC (Poly Aluminium Chloride) 10 mL, PAC 30 mL, and PAC 50 mL. The dose of biolarvacide extract used was 1600 ppm. Parameters measure were pH and turbidity. Research results showed that averages pH in G1; G2; G3; G4; and G5 were 5.67; 5.67; 7.27; 7.12; and 7.02, respectively. While the turbidities in G1; G2; G3; G4; and G5 were 471 NTU; 414.33 NTU; 8.67 NTU; 2.82 NTU; and 1.22 NTU, respectively. Based on Regulation of Health Ministery of Indonesia No. 32 year 2017 about Quality Standard of Environmental Health and Water Health Requirements for Hygiene Sanitation, Swimming Pool, Solus Per Aqua, and Public Bath, and Further Analyses, then G4 treatment can be used as alternative treatment for purification of water exposed by gemor bark larvacide

    Dekomposisi Serasah dan Keanekaragaman Makrofauna Tanah pada Hutan Tanaman Industri Nyawai (Ficus variegate. Blume)

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    Penggunaan jenis-jenis tanaman cepat tumbuh diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kayu. Meski demikian, informasi mengenai kesuburan tanah kerena penanaman jenis tersebut masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan data dan informasi mengenai produksi, laju dekomposisi serasah serta keragaman makrofauna tanah pada Hutan Tanaman Industri nyawai (Ficus variegate Blume) dengan tiga kelas umur yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Penentuan plot sampel dilakukan secara purposive dengan pertimbangan keterwakilan umur. Variabel yang diamati meliputi jumlah produksi serasah, laju dekomposisi serasah, serta makrofauna tanah menggunakan dua cara yaitu monolith atau pengambilan contoh tanah (PCT) untuk makrofauna tanah yang berada di dalam tanah, serta penggunaan perangkap sumuran (PSM) untuk makrofauna yang berada di permukaan tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada tegakan umur 6 tahun memiliki laju dekomposisi serasah terbaik karena sebanyak 48,31% serasah terdekomposisi dengan laju 11%. Pada kelas umur ini keragaman makrofauna juga memiliki nilai tertinggi yaitu 1,08 meskipun masih berada dalam kategori rendah.Kata kunci: dekomposisi; kesuburan tanah; makrofauna; nyawai; serasah Litter Decomposition and Diversity of Soil Macrofauna on Industrial Plantation Forest of NyawaiAbstractThe use of fast-growing tree species is necessary to meet the demand of timber. However, the information with regard the fertility of the soil for planting of these species is still limited. This study aimed to obtain data and information on the litter production and its rate of decomposition as well as soil macrofauna diversity on Industrial Plantation Forest of nyawai (Ficus variegate. Blume) with three different age classes. This study used a quantitative method. Sample plots were determined purposively with consideration of the representation of age. The observed variables included the amount of production of litter, decomposition rate of litter, and soil macrofauna using two methods, i.e. monolith or soil sampling (PCT) for soil macrofauna underground the soil and trap wells (PSM) for macrofauna on soil surface. The results showed in the 6-year-old stands showed the best litter ecomposition rates, since 48.31% of litter was decomposed at a rate of 11%. At this age class, diversity of macrofauna also has the highest score as 1.08, although that value was still in the low category.

    Formulation and physical stability of syrup containing gaharu (Aquilaria microcarpa Baill.) leaves extract

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    One of natural ingredients that has potential as herbal medicines is the leaves of agarwood-producing plants.  Opportunities for the development of agarwood-producing plants (Aquilaria microcrocarpa Baill.) as medicinal plants are still wide open. Ethanol extract of Aquilaria microcarpa Baill folium extract was made in the form of syrup preparations to facilitate use. This study aimed to formulate Gaharu folium extract into syrup preparations. The syrup preparations were made into 3 formulas with variations in the concentration of sorbitol as a sweetener, namely 60%; 63% and 65%. The three formulas were then evaluated including organoleptic test, viscosity test, pH test, homogeneity test and specific gravity test. The hedonic test was also carried out to determine which formula was the most preferred. The evaluation results showed that all syrup formulas met a good range of syrup requirements. From the results of the analysis of the preference test data, it could be concluded that all formulas had a level of acceptance that was not significantly different, but formula 2 had the highest total hedonic score compared to other formulas. Formula 2 also had the appropriate pH, viscosity and specific gravity as a syrup


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    Mangrove is a unique ecosystem that has complex biotic and abiotic components. Soil and water microorganisms have function as decomposer in mangrove forest ecosystem. This paper studies the soil and water microorganisms' diversity, their potential, function in ecosystem and their role as environmental parameters in mangrove area of Teluk Kelumpang, Selat Laut and Selat Sebuku Natural Reserve (Kelautku Natural Reserve). Data of soil and water microorganisms were recorded from soil and water samplings then analyzed in the laboratory. Results show that benthos in Selat Sebuku figure the highest diversity index. Anadara granosa is one of the common benthos found in Selat Sebuku. In contrary the phytoplankton in Selat Sebuku is the lowest value compared to the other two locations, due to the settlements in the locations and it was suspected that Selat Sebuku has a relatively larger wave exposure than the two other locations. In addition, input of organic matters from the settlements in Teluk Kelumpang and Selat Laut is also effected by the growth of phytoplankton. Cyanophyta found in Teluk Kelumpang and Selat Laut was genera of Oscillatoria that showed high tolerance genera to the environment conditions

    Potensi Simpanan Karbon pada Beberapa Tipologi Hutan Rawa Gambut di Kalimantan Tengah

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    Akurasi pendugaan simpanan karbon hutan rawa gambut dapat ditingkatkan melalui pengukuran masing-masing gudang/sumber karbon dan berbagai macam tipologi hutannya. Pengukuran tersebut berkaitan dengan besarnya kandungan dan fraksi simpanan karbon pada masing-masing gudang karbon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kandungan dan potensi simpanan karbon pada masing-masing gudang karbon di tipologi gambut. Pengukuran simpanan karbon dilakukan pada lima gudang karbon yakni vegetasi (tingkat permudaan pohon), serasah, tumbuhan bawah, nekromasa dan tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan karbon adalah 50% dari berat kering biomassa. Kandungan karbon tidak dipengaruhi oleh gudang karbon dan tipologi gambut. Pada tanah gambut, kedalaman gambut mempengaruhi besarnya kandungan karbon sehingga besarnya faktor konversi harus memperhatikan kedalaman masing-masing tipologi gambut. Potensi simpanan karbon terbesar pada tipologi hutan sekunder dengan kedalaman gambut antara 3-3,5 m sebesar 3.722,08 Mg/ha sedangkan potensi simpanan karbon terendah pada tipologi semak belukar dengan kedalaman gambut 3-3,5 m sebesar 2243,49 Mg/ha. Pada hutan gambut, gudang karbon tanah menyumbang >95% dari simpanan karbon total. Gudang karbon nekromasa memberikan sumbangan simpanan karbon terkecil. Fraksi simpanan karbon pada masing-masing gudang karbon berturut-turut adalah tanah> vegetasi> serasah> tumbuhan bawah> nekromasa.Carbon Stocks Potential of Peatland Forests Typologies in Central KalimantanAbstractAccuracy of carbon stocks estimation can be enhanced by measuring each carbon pools in various forest peatland typologies. The carbon stocks measurement is associated with the amount of contents and fractions of carbon stocks. The research objectives were to obtain the information of carbon contents and carbon stocks potentials in each carbon pool in the peat typologies. Carbon stocks measurement was conducted in five carbon pools which were: vegetation (tree stages), litter, understory, necromass, and soil. The results showed that the carbon contents reached more than 50% of its dry weight. The carbon contents were not affected by the carbon pools and peat typologies. In the soil carbon pools, peat depth affected the amount of carbon content so that the magnitude of the conversion factor should concentrate to the depth of each peat typology. The greatest potential of carbon stocks was found in the secondary forest (3,733.08 Mg/ha) with the peat depths between 3-3.5 m, while the lowest potential of carbon stocks found in the bush typology (2243.49 Mg/ha) with the peat depths between 3-3.5 m. In the peat typology, soil carbon stocks contributed more than 95% of total carbon stocks whereas necromass carbon stocks contributed the smallest amount of carbon. The fractions of carbon stocks in each carbon pools were soil> vegetation> litter> understorey> necromass, respectively

    Sifat Fisikokimia dan Kandungan Mikronutrien pada Madu Kelulut (Heterotrigona Itama) dengan Warna Berbeda

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    Madu merupakan salah satu hasil hutan non kayu yang sarat manfaat. Madu populer sebagai suplemen penjaga kesehatan dan stamina tubuh. Terdapat banyak jenis lebah yang dapat menghasilkan madu, salah satunya adalah lebah kelulut spesies Heterotrigona itama. Berbeda dengan madu yang banyak dijumpai di pasaran, madu kelulut memiliki cita rasa lebih masam dan lebih tinggi kadar airnya. Beberapa konsumen diketahui memiliki preferensi tertentu terhadap produk madu kelulut. Sebagian konsumen cenderung memilih madu dengan warna terang. Kebalikannya, sebagian lebih memilih madu dengan warna gelap. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah warna menentukan kualitas madu yang mencakup sifat fisikokimia dan kandungan mikronutrisi. Analisis fisikomia dan proksimat dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan madu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan madu kelulut berwarna gelap memiliki kandungan gula pereduksi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang berwarna terang. Selain itu, hasil analisis proksimat juga menunjukkan bahwa madu kelulut dengan warna yang berbeda memiliki kandungan nutrisi dan mikronutrisi yang berbeda pula. Adanya hasil penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan informasi kepada konsumen dalam pengambilan keputusan saat membeli madu kelulut

    Restoration of Degraded Tropical Peatland in Indonesia: A Review

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    Tropical peatlands are fragile ecosystems with an important role in conserving biodiversity, water quality and availability, preventing floods, soil intrusion, erosion and sedimentation, and providing a livelihood for people. However, due to illegal logging, fire and conversion into other land use, the peatlands in Indonesia are under serious threat. Efforts to restore Indonesia’s tropical peatlands have been accelerated by the establishment of the Peatland Restoration Agency in early 2016. The restoration action policy includes the rewetting, revegetation and revitalisation of local livelihood (known as the 3Rs). This paper summarises the regulatory, institutional and planning aspects of peatland restoration, in addition to the implementation of the 3Rs in Indonesia, including failures, success stories, and the criteria and indicators for the success of peatland restoration