21,244 research outputs found

    Small World Graphs by the iterated "My Friends are Your Friends'' Principle

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    We study graphs obtained by successive creation and destruction of edges into small neighborhoods of the vertices. Starting with a circle graph of large diameter we obtain small world graphs with logarithmic diameter, high clustering coefficients and a fat tail distribution for the degree. Only local edge formation processes are involved and no preferential attachment was used. Furthermore we found an interesting phase transition with respect to the initial conditions.Comment: Latex, 12 pages with 10 figure

    Functional centrality in graphs

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    In this paper we introduce the functional centrality as a generalization of the subgraph centrality. We propose a general method for characterizing nodes in the graph according to the number of closed walks starting and ending at the node. Closed walks are appropriately weighted according to the topological features that we need to measure

    The lowest singlet-triplet excitation energy of BN: a converged coupled cluster perspective

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    The notoriously small X3Πa1Σ+X ^3\Pi-a ^1\Sigma^+ excitation energy of the BN diatomic has been calculated using high-order coupled cluster methods. Convergence has been established in both the 1-particle basis set and the coupled cluster expansion. Explicit inclusion of connected quadruple excitations T^4\hat{T}_4 is required for even semiquantitative agreement with the limit value, while connected quintuple excitations T^5\hat{T}_5 still have an effect of about 60 cm1^{-1}. Still higher excitations only account for about 10 cm1^{-1}. Inclusion of inner-shell correlation further reduces TeT_e by about 60 cm1^{-1} at the CCSDT, and 85 cm1^{-1} at the CCSDTQ level. Our best estimate, TeT_e=183±\pm40 cm1^{-1}, is in excellent agreement with earlier calculations and experiment, albeit with a smaller (and conservative) uncertainty. The dissociation energy of BN(X3ΠX ^3\Pi) is DeD_e=105.74±\pm0.16 kcal/mol and D0D_0=103.57±\pm0.16 kcal/mol.Comment: J. Chem. Phys., in pres

    Thermodynamic limit of the first-order phase transition in the Kuramoto model

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    In the Kuramoto model, a uniform distribution of the natural frequencies leads to a first-order (i.e., discontinuous) phase transition from incoherence to synchronization, at the critical coupling parameter KcK_c. We obtain the asymptotic dependence of the order parameter above criticality: rrc(KKc)2/3r-r_c \propto (K-K_c)^{2/3}. For a finite population, we demonstrate that the population size NN may be included into a self-consistency equation relating rr and KK in the synchronized state. We analyze the convergence to the thermodynamic limit of two alternative schemes to set the natural frequencies. Other frequency distributions different from the uniform one are also considered.Comment: 6 page

    Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Short Recurring Bursts of the magnetars SGR 1806-20 and SGR 1900+14 Observed With RXTE

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    Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in the giant flares of magnetars are of particular interest due to their potential to open up a window into the neutron star interior via neutron star asteroseismology. However, only three giant flares have been observed. We therefore make use of the much larger data set of shorter, less energetic recurrent bursts. Here, we report on a search for QPOs in a large data set of bursts from the two most burst-active magnetars, SGR 1806-20 and SGR 1900+14, observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). We find a single detection in an averaged periodogram comprising 30 bursts from SGR 1806-20, with a frequency of 57 Hz and a width of 5 Hz, remarkably similar to a giant flare QPO observed from SGR 1900+14. This QPO fits naturally within the framework of global magneto-elastic torsional oscillations employed to explain the giant flare QPOs. Additionally, we uncover a limit on the applicability of Fourier analysis for light curves with low background count rates and strong variability on short timescales. In this regime, standard Fourier methodology and more sophisticated Fourier analyses fail in equal parts by yielding an unacceptably large number of false positive detections. This problem is not straightforward to solve in the Fourier domain. Instead, we show how simulations of light curves can offer a viable solution for QPO searches in these light curves.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ; 12 pages, 7 figures; code + instructions at https://github.com/dhuppenkothen/MagnetarQPOSearchPaper ; associated data products at http://figshare.com/articles/SGR_1900_14_RXTE_Data/1184101 (SGR 1900+14) and http://figshare.com/articles/SGR_1806_20_Bursts_RXTE_data_set/1184427 (SGR 1806-20

    A method for predicting full scale buffet response with rigid wind tunnel model fluctuating pressure data. Volume 1: Prediction method development and assessment

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    The method requires unsteady aerodynamic forces, natural airplane modes, and the measured pressure data as input. A gust response computer program is used to calculate buffet response due to the forcing function posed by the measured pressure data. By calculating both symmetric and antisymmetric solutions, upper and lower bounds on full-scale buffet response are formed. Comparisons of predictions with flight test results are made and the effects of horizontal tail loads and static aeroelasticity are shown. Discussions are also presented on the effects of primary wing torsion modes, chordwise and spanwise phase angles, and altitude

    Neutron star glitches have a substantial minimum size

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    Glitches are sudden spin-up events that punctuate the steady spin down of pulsars and are thought to be due to the presence of a superfluid component within neutron stars. The precise glitch mechanism and its trigger, however, remain unknown. The size of glitches is a key diagnostic for models of the underlying physics. While the largest glitches have long been taken into account by theoretical models, it has always been assumed that the minimum size lay below the detectability limit of the measurements. In this paper we define general glitch detectability limits and use them on 29 years of daily observations of the Crab pulsar, carried out at Jodrell Bank Observatory. We find that all glitches lie well above the detectability limits and by using an automated method to search for small events we are able to uncover the full glitch size distribution, with no biases. Contrary to the prediction of most models, the distribution presents a rapid decrease of the number of glitches below ~0.05 μ\muHz. This substantial minimum size indicates that a glitch must involve the motion of at least several billion superfluid vortices and provides an extra observable which can greatly help the identification of the trigger mechanism. Our study also shows that glitches are clearly separated from all the other rotation irregularities. This supports the idea that the origin of glitches is different to that of timing noise, which comprises the unmodelled random fluctuations in the rotation rates of pulsars.Comment: 8 pages; 4 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Spread of Opinions and Proportional Voting

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    Election results are determined by numerous social factors that affect the formation of opinion of the voters, including the network of interactions between them and the dynamics of opinion influence. In this work we study the result of proportional elections using an opinion dynamics model similar to simple opinion spreading over a complex network. Erdos-Renyi, Barabasi-Albert, regular lattices and randomly augmented lattices are considered as models of the underlying social networks. The model reproduces the power law behavior of number of candidates with a given number of votes found in real elections with the correct slope, a cutoff for larger number of votes and a plateau for small number of votes. It is found that the small world property of the underlying network is fundamental for the emergence of the power law regime.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Spreading and shortest paths in systems with sparse long-range connections

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    Spreading according to simple rules (e.g. of fire or diseases), and shortest-path distances are studied on d-dimensional systems with a small density p per site of long-range connections (``Small-World'' lattices). The volume V(t) covered by the spreading quantity on an infinite system is exactly calculated in all dimensions. We find that V(t) grows initially as t^d/d for t>t^*$, generalizing a previous result in one dimension. Using the properties of V(t), the average shortest-path distance \ell(r) can be calculated as a function of Euclidean distance r. It is found that \ell(r) = r for r<r_c=(2p \Gamma_d (d-1)!)^{-1/d} log(2p \Gamma_d L^d), and \ell(r) = r_c for r>r_c. The characteristic length r_c, which governs the behavior of shortest-path lengths, diverges with system size for all p>0. Therefore the mean separation s \sim p^{-1/d} between shortcut-ends is not a relevant internal length-scale for shortest-path lengths. We notice however that the globally averaged shortest-path length, divided by L, is a function of L/s only.Comment: 4 pages, 1 eps fig. Uses psfi