16,303 research outputs found
A measurement of the cosmic ray elements C to Fe in the two energy intervals 0.5-2.0 GeV/n and 20-60 GeV/n
The study of the cosmic ray abundances beyond 20 GeV/n provides additional information on the propagation and containment of the cosmic rays in the galaxy. Since the average amount of interstellar material traversed by cosmic rays decreases as its energy increases, the source composition undergoes less distortion in this higher energy region. However, data over a wide energy range is necessary to study propagation parameters. Some measurements of some of the primary cosmic ray abundance ratios at both low (near 2 GeV/n) and high (above 20 GeV/n) energy are given and compared to the predictions of the leaky box mode. In particular, the integrated values (above 23.7 GeV/n) for the more abundant cosmic ray elements in the interval C through Fe and the differential flux for carbon, oxygen, and the Ne, Mg, Si group are presented. Limited statistics prevented the inclusion of the odd Z elements
Mean-field solution of the small-world network model
The small-world network model is a simple model of the structure of social
networks, which simultaneously possesses characteristics of both regular
lattices and random graphs. The model consists of a one-dimensional lattice
with a low density of shortcuts added between randomly selected pairs of
points. These shortcuts greatly reduce the typical path length between any two
points on the lattice. We present a mean-field solution for the average path
length and for the distribution of path lengths in the model. This solution is
exact in the limit of large system size and either large or small number of
shortcuts.Comment: 14 pages, 2 postscript figure
Evolutionary Dynamics on Small-Order Graphs
Abstract. We study the stochastic birth-death model for structured finite populations popularized by Lieberman et al. [Lieberman, E., Hauert, C., Nowak, M.A., 2005. Evolutionary dynamics on graphs. Nature 433, 312-316]. We consider all possible connected undirected graphs of orders three through eight. For each graph, using the Monte Carlo Markov Chain simulations, we determine the fixation probability of a mutant introduced at every possible vertex. We show that the fixation probability depends on the vertex and on the graph. A randomly placed mutant has the highest chances of fixation in a star graph, closely followed by star-like graphs. The fixation probability was lowest for regular and almost regular graphs. We also find that within a fixed graph, the fixation probability of a mutant has a negative correlation with the degree of the starting vertex. 1
Evaluation of be-38 percent al alloy final report, 27 jun. 1964 - 28 feb. 1965
Mechanical properties, microstructural features, and general metallurgical quality of beryllium- aluminum allo
Enhancing complex-network synchronization
Heterogeneity in the degree (connectivity) distribution has been shown to
suppress synchronization in networks of symmetrically coupled oscillators with
uniform coupling strength (unweighted coupling). Here we uncover a condition
for enhanced synchronization in directed networks with weighted coupling. We
show that, in the optimum regime, synchronizability is solely determined by the
average degree and does not depend on the system size and the details of the
degree distribution. In scale-free networks, where the average degree may
increase with heterogeneity, synchronizability is drastically enhanced and may
become positively correlated with heterogeneity, while the overall cost
involved in the network coupling is significantly reduced as compared to the
case of unweighted coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Community Aliveness: Discovering Interaction Decay Patterns in Online Social Communities
Online Social Communities (OSCs) provide a medium for connecting people,
sharing news, eliciting information, and finding jobs, among others. The
dynamics of the interaction among the members of OSCs is not always growth
dynamics. Instead, a or dynamics often
happens, which makes an OSC obsolete. Understanding the behavior and the
characteristics of the members of an inactive community help to sustain the
growth dynamics of these communities and, possibly, prevents them from being
out of service. In this work, we provide two prediction models for predicting
the interaction decay of community members, namely: a Simple Threshold Model
(STM) and a supervised machine learning classification framework. We conducted
evaluation experiments for our prediction models supported by a of decayed communities extracted from the StackExchange platform. The
results of the experiments revealed that it is possible, with satisfactory
prediction performance in terms of the F1-score and the accuracy, to predict
the decay of the activity of the members of these communities using
network-based attributes and network-exogenous attributes of the members. The
upper bound of the prediction performance of the methods we used is and
for the F1-score and the accuracy, respectively. These results indicate
that network-based attributes are correlated with the activity of the members
and that we can find decay patterns in terms of these attributes. The results
also showed that the structure of the decayed communities can be used to
support the alive communities by discovering inactive members.Comment: pre-print for the 4th European Network Intelligence Conference -
11-12 September 2017 Duisburg, German
Asymptotic behavior of the Kleinberg model
We study Kleinberg navigation (the search of a target in a d-dimensional
lattice, where each site is connected to one other random site at distance r,
with probability proportional to r^{-a}) by means of an exact master equation
for the process. We show that the asymptotic scaling behavior for the delivery
time T to a target at distance L scales as (ln L)^2 when a=d, and otherwise as
L^x, with x=(d-a)/(d+1-a) for ad+1. These
values of x exceed the rigorous lower-bounds established by Kleinberg. We also
address the situation where there is a finite probability for the message to
get lost along its way and find short delivery times (conditioned upon arrival)
for a wide range of a's
Small-worlds: How and why
We investigate small-world networks from the point of view of their origin.
While the characteristics of small-world networks are now fairly well
understood, there is as yet no work on what drives the emergence of such a
network architecture. In situations such as neural or transportation networks,
where a physical distance between the nodes of the network exists, we study
whether the small-world topology arises as a consequence of a tradeoff between
maximal connectivity and minimal wiring. Using simulated annealing, we study
the properties of a randomly rewired network as the relative tradeoff between
wiring and connectivity is varied. When the network seeks to minimize wiring, a
regular graph results. At the other extreme, when connectivity is maximized, a
near random network is obtained. In the intermediate regime, a small-world
network is formed. However, unlike the model of Watts and Strogatz (Nature {\bf
393}, 440 (1998)), we find an alternate route to small-world behaviour through
the formation of hubs, small clusters where one vertex is connected to a large
number of neighbours.Comment: 20 pages, latex, 9 figure
Periodic Neural Activity Induced by Network Complexity
We study a model for neural activity on the small-world topology of Watts and
Strogatz and on the scale-free topology of Barab\'asi and Albert. We find that
the topology of the network connections may spontaneously induce periodic
neural activity, contrasting with chaotic neural activities exhibited by
regular topologies. Periodic activity exists only for relatively small networks
and occurs with higher probability when the rewiring probability is larger. The
average length of the periods increases with the square root of the network
size.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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