4,245 research outputs found

    Transporter gene acquisition and innovation in the evolution of Microsporidia intracellular parasites.

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    The acquisition of genes by horizontal transfer can impart entirely new biological functions and provide an important route to major evolutionary innovation. Here we have used ancient gene reconstruction and functional assays to investigate the impact of a single horizontally transferred nucleotide transporter into the common ancestor of the Microsporidia, a major radiation of intracellular parasites of animals and humans. We show that this transporter provided early microsporidians with the ability to steal host ATP and to become energy parasites. Gene duplication enabled the diversification of nucleotide transporter function to transport new substrates, including GTP and NAD+, and to evolve the proton-energized net import of nucleotides for nucleic acid biosynthesis, growth and replication. These innovations have allowed the loss of pathways for mitochondrial and cytosolic energy generation and nucleotide biosynthesis that are otherwise essential for free-living eukaryotes, resulting in the highly unusual and reduced cells and genomes of contemporary Microsporidia

    Properties of the Galactic population of cataclysmic variables in hard X-rays

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    We measure the spatial distribution and hard X-ray luminosity function of cataclysmic variables (CVs) using the INTEGRAL all-sky survey in the 17-60 keV energy band. The vast majority of the INTEGRAL detected CVs are intermediate polars with luminosities in the range 10^{32}-10^{34} erg/sec. The scale height of the Galactic disk population of CVs is found to be 130{+90}{-50} pc. The CV luminosity function measured with INTEGRAL in hard X-rays is compatible with that previously determined at lower energies (3--20 keV) using a largely independent sample of sources detected by RXTE (located at |b|>10deg as opposed to the INTEGRAL sample, strongly concentrated to the Galactic plane). The cumulative 17-60 keV luminosity density of CVs per unit stellar mass is found to be (1.3+/-0.3)x10^{27} erg/sec/Msun and is thus comparable to that of low-mass X-ray binaries in this energy band. Therefore, faint but numerous CVs are expected to provide an important contribution to the cumulative hard X-ray emission of galaxies.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to A&

    The Galactic Plane at faint X-ray fluxes - I: Properties and characteristics of the X-ray source population

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    We investigate the serendipitous X-ray source population revealed in XMM-Newton observations targeted in the Galactic Plane within the region 315<l<45 and |b|<2.5 deg. Our study focuses on a sample of 2204 X-ray sources at intermediate to faint fluxes, which were detected in a total of 116 XMM fields and are listed in the 2XMMi catalogue. We characterise each source as spectrally soft or hard on the basis of whether the bulk of the recorded counts have energies below or above 2 keV and find that the sample divides roughly equally (56%:44%) into these soft and hard categories. The X-ray spectral form underlying the soft sources may be represented as either a power-law continuum with Gamma~2.5 or a thermal spectrum with kT~0.5 keV, with N_H ranging from 10^{20-22} cm^{-2}. For the hard sources, a significantly harder continuum form is likely, i.e., Gamma~1 with N_H=10^{22-24} cm^{-2}. For ~50% of the hard sources, the inferred column density is commensurate with the total Galactic line-of-sight value; many of these sources will be located at significant distances across the Galaxy implying a hard band luminosity L_X>10^{32} erg/s, whereas some will be extragalactic interlopers. >90% of the soft sources have potential NIR (2MASS and/or UKIDSS) counterparts inside their error circles, consistent with the dominant soft X-ray source population being relatively nearby coronally-active stars. These stellar counterparts are generally brighter than J=16, a brightness cutoff which corresponds to the saturation of the X-ray coronal emission at L_X=10^{-3} L_{bol}. In contrast, the success rate in finding likely IR counterparts to the hard X-ray sample is no more than ~15% down to J=16 and ~25% down to J=20, set against a rapidly rising chance coincidence rate. The make-up of the hard X-ray source population, in terms of the known classes of accreting and non-accreting systems, remains uncertain.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Communication platform for disaster response

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    Is Context-aware Reasoning = Case-based Reasoning?

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the similarities and differences and then argue for the potential synergies between two methodologies, namely Context-aware Reasoning and Case-based Reasoning, that are amongst the tools which can be used for intelligent environment (IE) system development. Through a case study supported by a review of the literature, we argue that context awareness and case based reasoning are not equal and are complementary methodologies to solve a domain specific problem, rather, the IE development paradigm must build a cooperation between these two approaches to overcome the individual drawbacks and to maximise the success of the IE systems
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