8,199 research outputs found

    "It's the Same Old Song": Draconian Counter-Terrorism Laws and the Deja Vu of Indigenous Australians

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    Over the course of the past four years, the Australian government's legislative response to the terrorist attacks in New York 11 September 2001 has been controversial. Central to the legislative response package has been the Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2002 (Cth) and the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2003 (Cth) which has been scrutinised by many sectors of the Australian community for the way in which it impinges upon the fundamental human rights of all Australians such as freedom of speech, freedom of movement and freedom of association

    Experiences of people living with HIV and people living close to them of a comprehensive HIV stigma reduction community intervention in an urban and a rural setting

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    HIV stigma remains high globally. Although there is a selection of HIV stigma reduction interventions discussed in the literature, there is a paucity of research about the effectiveness of these interventions. This study aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the experiences of people living with HIV (PLWH) and people living close to them from six designated groups during and after having undergone a comprehensive HIV stigma reduction community intervention in both an urban and a rural setting. Attention was focused on their expressedĀ  experiences of the workshop and projects executed. A qualitative interpretive description approach was used. PLWH as participants were selected through purposive voluntary sampling and through snowball sampling for the people living close to them. Recruitment was from both urban and rural settings in the North West Province, South Africa. Data collection was via in-depth interviews with 23 PLWH and 60 people living close to them from specific designated groups. The data were thematically analysed through manual open coding. The results from the urban and rural settings were pooled, as there were no noteworthy differences in the themes between them. The results indicated that there was an increase in knowledge in all the groups, as well as experiences of enhanced relationships and of being equipped with leadership skills in order to go out into the community and being part of HIV stigma reduction actions. The intervention in its comprehensive nature was found to have been successful and promising for future use in reducing HIV stigma.Keywords: community, comprehensive, HIV, intervention, stigmaLa stigmatisation lieĀ“e au VIH est reĀ“pandue dans le monde. Bien que la documentation sur le sujet aborde un ensemble dā€™interventions en faveur de sa reĀ“duction, les recherches sur lā€™efficaciteĀ“ de telles interventions restent limiteĀ“es. Cette eĀ“tude vise donc a` mieux comprendre lā€™expeĀ“rience des personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) et de leur entourage dans six groupes seĀ“lectionneĀ“s pendant et apre`s une intervention communautaire globale de reĀ“duction de la stigmatisation lieĀ“e au VIH, en milieu urbain et rural. Lā€™on a accordeĀ“ une attentionĀ  particulie`re aux expeĀ“riences partageĀ“es sur lā€™atelier et les projets entrepris. Une approche de description qualitative et interpreĀ“tative a eĀ“teĀ“ adopteĀ“e. Les PVVIH participantes ont eĀ“teĀ“ seĀ“lectionneĀ“es graĖ†ce a` un eĀ“chantillonnage dirigeĀ“ et volontaire, et un eĀ“chantillon boule de neige pour lā€™entourage. Les personnes recruteĀ“es provenaient de milieux urbains et ruraux de la province du Nord-Ouest, Afrique du Sud. La collecte de donneĀ“es sā€™est faite par des entretiens approfondis avec 23 PVVIH et 60 personnes de leur entourage, toutes issues de groupes speĀ“cifiques deĀ“signeĀ“s. Les donneĀ“es ont eĀ“teĀ“ analyseĀ“es theĀ“matiquement par codageĀ  ouvert et manuel. Les reĀ“sultats des milieux urbains et ruraux ont ensuite eĀ“teĀ“ regroupeĀ“s car il ne semblait pas y avoir de diffeĀ“rence remarquable entre les the`mes souleveĀ“s dans les deux milieux. Dans tous lesĀ  groupes, les reĀ“sultats indiquaient un accroissement des connaissances, de lā€™ameĀ“lioration des relations, et des compeĀ“tences de leadership pour prendre part a` la vie communautaire et participer aux activiteĀ“s de reĀ“duction de la stigmatisation. La reĀ“ussite de la nature globale de lā€™intervention est prometteuse pour les activiteĀ“sĀ  futures de reĀ“duction de la stigmatisation du VIH.Mots-cleĀ“s: communauteĀ“, global(e), VIH, intervention, stigmatisatio

    Improving energy research practices: guidance for transparency, reproducibility and quality

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    Energy use is of crucial importance for the global challenge of climate change, and also is an essential part of daily life. Hence, research on energy needs to be robust and valid. Other scientific disciplines have experienced a reproducibility crisis, i.e. existing findings could not be reproduced in new studies. The ā€˜TReQā€™ approach is recommended to improve research practices in the energy field and arrive at greater transparency, reproducibility and quality. A highly adaptable suite of tools is presented that can be applied to energy research approaches across this multidisciplinary and fast-changing field. In particular, the following tools are introduced ā€“ preregistration of studies, making data and code publicly available, using preprints, and employing reporting guidelines ā€“ to heighten the standard of research practices within the energy field. The wider adoption of these tools can facilitate greater trust in the findings of research used to inform evidence-based policy and practice in the energy field

    Operationalizing Complex Causes: A Pragmatic View of Mediation

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    We examine the problem of causal response estimation for complex objects (e.g., text, images, genomics). In this setting, classical \emph{atomic} interventions are often not available (e.g., changes to characters, pixels, DNA base-pairs). Instead, we only have access to indirect or \emph{crude} interventions (e.g., enrolling in a writing program, modifying a scene, applying a gene therapy). In this work, we formalize this problem and provide an initial solution. Given a collection of candidate mediators, we propose (a) a two-step method for predicting the causal responses of crude interventions; and (b) a testing procedure to identify mediators of crude interventions. We demonstrate, on a range of simulated and real-world-inspired examples, that our approach allows us to efficiently estimate the effect of crude interventions with limited data from new treatment regimes

    Further variability of the compact radio nebula of P Cygni

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    Skinner et al. presented two high-resolution 6-cm (5 GHz) images of the B-supergiant star P Cygni. These show the observed morphology and flux densities to have changed over the intervening month. Following on from this, we present a series of seven high-resolution 6-cm images (including re-reductions of the two from Skinner et al.). These confirm that radio emission from the inner 400 mas of the wind is inhomogeneous, consisting usually of several separated bright spots, and that the total and peak flux densities and the observed morphology vary over all time-scales sampled. We suggest that recombination in cooling clumps of gas which will decrease the radio emission, followed by the appearance of other ionized clumps, could explain such rapid changes, but detailed models must await further observations

    A validated severity score for haemorrhoids as an essential prerequisite for future haemorrhoid trials.

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    BACKGROUND: There is a lack of standardised outcomes for haemorrhoidal disease making comparison between trials difficult. A need for a very well validated severity score is essential to facilitate meta-analysis of comparative studies, enabling evidence-based clinical practice. METHODS: The Hubble trial provides a large cohort of patients with haemorrhoidal disease randomised to rubber band ligation (RBL) or haemorrhoidal artery ligation. The haemorrhoid severity score (HSS) was collected on each patient at baseline, 6Ā weeks and 1Ā year after intervention. This allows for the responsiveness of the HSS instrument to be examined and compared with a more specific instrument, the Vaizey incontinence score (also collected). Responsiveness was tested using four methods (effect size, standardised response means (SRM), significance of change, and responsiveness statistic). RESULTS: The four tests of responsiveness demonstrated that the HSS was more responsive to changes in the patient's health status following both of the interventions compared to the Vaizey questionnaire. For example, between baseline and 6Ā weeks, the RBL intervention effect size scores and SRM calculations indicated a non-significant small amount of change (0.20 and 0.16 respectively). However, using the HSS, the effect size and SRM demonstrated a large magnitude of change (1.12 and 1.01, respectively) which was significant. Similar results were observed at 1Ā year. Significance of change scores and the index of responsiveness were also higher for the HSS questionnaire than the Vaizey across both treatment modalities. CONCLUSIONS: The HSS is a highly responsive tool for the detection of changes in haemorrhoid symptoms. It should form an essential patient-reported outcome tool for future studies on haemorrhoidal disease
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