99 research outputs found

    Konflik Lahan di Desa Senama Nenek Kecamatan Tapung Hulu Kabupaten Kampar (Kasus Konflik Tenurial)

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    This research is motivated by ulayat land or customary land belonging to villagers of Senama Nenek village controlled by PTP.N V to become oil palm plantation. The problems that arise from this research are what factors are behind the occurrence of village land conflicts Senama grandmother and how to solve the land conflict. Informant research as much as 6 (six) people that is R as informant 1 as well as key informant or key informant, ARC, SM.N, FR, M and F. This research was conducted in Senama Nenek village Tapung Hulu sub district of Kampar regency, the reason the writer choose Senama Nenek village because in Senama Nenek village there is a conflict of struggle for ulayat land and until now there has been no settlement. Data analysis technique used by using triangulation technique that is writer analyze data starting from field observation, looking for initial data, process data and make conclusion. Based on the above approach, found there are factors behind the occurrence of land conflicts that is, differences in cultural background, differences of individual or group interests, changes in value in society, efforts to solve land conflicts in Senama Nenek village with the results of research that is the negotiation between the villagers of Senama Nenek and PTP.NV which resulted in the decision that PTP.NV should find a replacement land of 2,800 Ha, mediating by holding meetings between the Senama Nenek Community and the Company mediated by the DPD, Ombudsman, Komnas HAM and the Government Area. Conciliation is by accelerating the realization of the agreement, and Arbitration is by involving a third party to resolve land conflicts in Senama Nenek village

    Bias And Power: Appraisal In Media Discourse (Keberpihakan dan Kuasa: Penaksiran dalam Wacana Media)

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    The objects of research are media discourses, three articles from a website of English language newspaper in Indonesia, The Jakarta Globe, talking about presidential election 2014. They are Personalities Set to Trump Party Loyalties in Indonesian Presidential Election, Golkar Riven by Presidential Candidacy, and SBY Silence May Speak a Thousand. They compare Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla to Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa. In this case, appraisal exists. There is a relation between bias and power which are situational contexts. Thus, the frameworks of power and bias are used in sorting the data. Then, related to Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), verbal processes seem dominant because of the sources selection to indicate appraisal event. In this research, SFL and its development, appraisal, work in coding the data into tabulation. Then, a critical stance is needed to reveal the power, dominance, and bias found in the three chosen news articles. Hence, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) serves as the approach used

    Training Development of Archived Materials Based on Local Potentials in the Framework of the Development Program of Students Assisted Social Education Laboratory (Labsosdik) at SMK in Malang

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    Teaching material is information, and text tools needed instructor/lecturer/teacher to review the planning and implementation of learning. Teaching materials are any materials used to assist/lecturers/teachers/instructors in teaching and learning activities in class. The material in question can be written material or material not written. (National Center for Vocational Education Research Ltd/National Center for Competency Based Training). Teaching materials is a set of systematically arranged material either in writing or not so as to create the environment/ atmosphere that allows students/student/subject teaching to learning. Development refers to the three priorities of community development in health, education, and economic development program which is a target schools or the Laboratory of Social and Education (Labsosdik). SMK Kepanjen is one of the target area labsosdik Malang Department of Education directed the development of the area of education. For that from April to October 2011, held the steps community service activities related to the field of education, namely ”Development of Teaching Material Archival Training Based Local Potential” for vocational school teachers, with the theme ”TRAINING DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVED MATERIALS BASED ON LOCAL POTENTIALS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF STUDENTS ASSISTED SOCIAL EDUCATION LABORATORY (LABSOSDIK) AT SMK IN MALANG”. Activities focused on archival education to support the development of local potentials in the form of archival training and preparation of archival materials for teachers training SMK.Kegiatan is motivated by the premise that, the subjects of Filing is one of the subjects in the curriculum of vocational kesekolahan. Filing in vocational subjects are often overlooked by the classroom teacher because of the limited ability of teachers to creativity in teaching, making learning Archival theory revolves around the perfunctory explanation. Local potential associated with the potential of the local area, especially areas containing the wisdom of Filing and contains human values such as teamwork, sportsmanship, and kreativitas.Tujuan of training activities is to help teachers solve the problem of the difficulty of teaching materials on the subjects of Filing. This event was attended by teachers who have an interest to teach at his school Archives. Through this training vocational teachers are expected to have the ability to explore different types of activities Filing, Filing for teaching materials that can be taught in their respective schools., So that it can help the development of the region as a destination by presenting a variety of educational activities in vocational setempat.Kegiatan Filing is being carried out in collaboration determining achievement of the ISO in vocational activities, resulting in a synergy of learning mutual empowerment.   Keywords: Teaching materials, Filing, Local Potential, Labsosdi

    Aktivitas Protease Dan Gambaran Histologi Ginjal Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus) Pasca Induksi Cyclosporine-a

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    Protease adalah enzim yang dapat menghidrolisis ikatan peptida pada protein. Aktivitas protease merupakan kemampuan enzim protease untuk memecah protein. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas protease dan gambaran histologi pada ginjal tikus (Rattus norvegicus) pasca induksi Cyclosporine-A (CsA). Ginjal yang digunakan berasal dari dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok tikus kontrol dan tikus induksi CsA dengan dosis 3 mg/kg per berat badan tikus. Aktivitas protease diukur untuk Spektrofototometri UV dan gambaran histologi dengan metode pewarnaan HE (Hematoksilin-Eosin). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata aktivitas protease tikus pasca induksi CsA meningkat yaitu 0,181±0,005 dan pasca induksi CsA 0,283±0,009 µmol/mL.menit. Pada gambaran histologi menunjukkan adanya perbedaan sel epitel antara tikus kontrol dan tikus induksi CsA. Inti sel pada tikus induksi CsA meruncing dibandingkan dengan tikus control karena mengalami fibrosis

    Peranan Penggunaan Alat Bantu dalam Metode Pembagian Visual terhadap Keseragaman Bobot Puyer Lamivudin Dosis Kecil untuk Terapi Anak dengan Hiv/aids

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    Terapi dengan Antiretroviral (ARV) atau dikenal dengan Antiretroviral Terapi (ART) digunakan untuk terapi pada pasien dengan HIV/AIDS baik pasien anak-anak maupun dewasa (WHO, 2009). Salah satu ARV yang sering digunakan untuk terapi pada pasien HIV/AIDS pediatri adalah lamivudin. Pemberian obat pada pasien anak masih banyak diresepkan oleh dokter dalam bentuk sediaan puyer. Cara pembagian puyer yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah secara visual, dikarenakan lebih cepat dan praktis. Namun, pembagian secara visual memungkinkan terjadinya variasi dalam bobot dan kandungan puyer terkait keterbatasan dalam kemampuan pengamatan secara visual, ketelitian, ketrampilan, serta waktu dalam menyiapkan sediaan puyer. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan alat bantu dalam metode pembagian visual terhadap keseragaman bobot puyer. Metode : Dilakukan pembagian serbuk menggunakan metode pembagian secara visual dengan menggunakan alat bantu untuk mendapatkan puyer Lamivudin dosis kecil (50 mg) sebanyak 60 bungkus. Selanjutnya dilakukan penentuan keseragaman bobot puyer yang mengacu pada persyaratan Farmakope Indonesia Edisi III. Hasil : Pada penelitian ini diperoleh hasil keseragaman bobot yang memenuhi persyaratan Farmakope Indonesia Edisi III. Hasil pengujian dengan menggunakan alat bantu menunjukkan dari 60 bungkus puyer yang diuji, hanya 1 bungkus serbuk yang menyimpang lebih besar dari 10% bobot rata-rata namun penyimpangannya tidak lebih dari 15% dari bobot rata-rata. Kesimpulan : Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat bantu memudahkan dalam penyiapan obat dalam sediaan puyer Lamivudin dosis kecil (50 mg) dan hasil penentuan keseragaman bobot puyer memenuhi persyaratan Farmakope Indonesia Edisi III

    An adaptive delayed acknowledgment strategy to improve TCP performance in multi-hop wireless networks.

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    In multi-hop wireless networks, transmission control protocol (TCP) suffers from performance deterioration due to poor wireless channel characteristics. Earlier studies have shown that the small TCP acknowledgments consume as much wireless resources as the long TCP data packets. Moreover, generating an acknowledgment (ACK) for each incoming data packet reduces the performance of TCP. The main factor affecting TCP performance in multi-hop wireless networks is the contention and collision between ACK and data packets that share the same path. Thus, lowering the number of ACKs using the delayed acknowledgment option defined in IETF RFC 1122 will improve TCP performance. However, large cumulative ACKs will induce packet loss due to retransmission time-out at the sender side of TCP. Motivated by this understanding, we propose a new TCP receiver with an adaptive delayed ACK strategy to improve TCP performance in multi-hop wireless networks. Extensive simulations have been done to prove and evaluate our strategy over different topologies. The simulation results demonstrate that our strategy can improve TCP performance significantly

    The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Performance with Real Manipulation as a Moderating Variable

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    This study aimed to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of real manipulation practices on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and further examined the impact of real manipulation on relationship between CSR and the financial performance of companies in the future. 27 companies listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange during the years 2006 - 2008 were selected as sample for this study. Data were collected by purposive sampling method and statistical method used for analysis was ordinary least square regression. The study provided empirical evidence that companies engaged in the practice of real manipulation had no influence on CSR activities. The results showed that the higher level of real manipulation on operation cash flow leads to negative effect on the relationship between CSR and financial performance