205 research outputs found

    A conserved U-rich RNA region implicated in regulation of translation in Plasmodium female gametocytes.

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    Translational repression (TR) plays an important role in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression and embryonic development in metazoans. TR also regulates the expression of a subset of the cytoplasmic mRNA population during development of fertilized female gametes of the unicellular malaria parasite, Plasmodium spp. which results in the formation of a polar and motile form, the ookinete. We report the conserved and sex-specific regulatory role of either the 3’- or 5’-UTR of a subset of translationally repressed mRNA species as shown by almost complete inhibition of expression of a GFP reporter protein in the female gametocyte. A U-rich, TR-associated element, identified previously in the 3’-UTR of TR-associated transcripts, played an essential role in mediating TR and a similar region could be found in the 5’-UTR shown in this study to be active in TR. The silencing effect of this 5’-UTR was shown to be independent of its position relative to its ORF, as transposition to a location 3’ of the ORF did not affect TR. These results demonstrate for the first time in a unicellular organism that the 5’ or the 3’-UTR of TR-associated transcripts play an important and conserved role in mediating TR in female gametocytes

    Trends in Competition and Profitability in the Banking Industry: A Basic Framework

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    This paper brings to the forefront the assumptions that we make when focusing on a particular type of explanation for bank profitability. We evaluate a broad field of research by introducing a general framework for a profit maximizing bank and demonstrate how different types of models can be fitted into this framework. Next, we present an overview of the current major trends in European banking and relate them to each model’s assumptions, thereby shedding light on the relevance, timeliness and shelf life of the different models. This way, we arrive at a set of recommendations for a future research agenda. We advocate a more prominent role for output prices, and suggest a modification of the intermediation approach. We also suggest ways to more clearly distinguish between market power and efficiency, and explain why we need time-dependent models. Finally, we propose the application of existing models to different size classes and sub-markets. Throughout we emphasize the benefits from applying several, complementary models to overcome the identification problems that we observe in individual models.

    Salivary gland-specific <i>P. berghei</i> reporter lines enable rapid evaluation of tissue-specific sporozoite loads in mosquitoes

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    Malaria is a life-threatening human infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Levels of the salivary gland sporozoites (sgs), the only mosquito stage infectious to a mammalian host, represent an important cumulative index of &lt;i&gt;Plasmodium&lt;/i&gt; development within a mosquito. However, current techniques of sgs quantification are laborious and imprecise. Here, transgenic &lt;i&gt;P. berghei&lt;/i&gt; reporter lines that produce the green fluorescent protein fused to luciferase (GFP-LUC) specifically in sgs were generated, verified and characterised. Fluorescence microscopy confirmed the sgs stage specificity of expression of the reporter gene. The luciferase activity of the reporter lines was then exploited to establish a simple and fast biochemical assay to evaluate sgs loads in whole mosquitoes. Using this assay we successfully identified differences in sgs loads in mosquitoes silenced for genes that display opposing effects on &lt;i&gt;P. berghei&lt;/i&gt; ookinete/oocyst development. It offers a new powerful tool to study infectivity of &lt;i&gt;P. berghei&lt;/i&gt; to the mosquito, including analysis of vector-parasite interactions and evaluation of transmission-blocking vaccines

    Metabolic responses to arsenite in rice seedlings that differed in grain arsenic concentration

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    © Crop Science Society of America. Arsenic (As) occurs naturally in the environment, and is present in all edible and nonedible plant tissues. Plants have multiple mechanisms to prevent plant injury by heavy metals such as As. These same mechanisms could be used to reduce accumulation of As in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grains. From previous study of 1765 international rice accessions, specific accessions were identified as having exceptionally high grain As concentrations (grain As accumulators) and others low grain As (grain As excluders). This study investigated As uptake, transport, and metabolism in six previously identified lines to determine which physiological responses, if any, were associated with accumulation or exclusion of As in grains. Hydroponically grown seedlings were treated with 0 (controls) or 100 mM arsenite [As(III)], and then whole seedlings were analyzed for concentrations of As plus key compounds involved in heavy metal metabolism. Both grain accumulators and grain excluders actively concentrated As within their roots, and both groups had 10-fold higher As concentrations in roots than leaves. In response to As(III), roots of both grain excluders and grain accumulators increased in cysteine and phytochelatin (PC) production, which suggests PC sequestration of As. In contrast, only grain excluders doubled in leaf glutathione (GSH) concentration by 72 h after As(III) addition. Because PC concentrations remained constant in leaves, it appears that the additional leaf GSH in the grain excluders was not used to produce more PC but may instead be forming As-GSH adducts, which also aid in As sequestration

    Sagittarius II, Draco II and Laevens 3: Three New Milky Way Satellites Discovered in the Pan-STARRS 1 3 Survey

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    We present the discovery of three new Milky Way satellites from our search for compact stellar overdensities in the photometric catalog of the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System 1 (Pan-STARRS 1, or PS1) 3π survey. The first satellite, Laevens 3, is located at a heliocentric distance of d = 67 ± 3 kpc. With a total magnitude of MV = −4.4 ± 0.3 and a half-light radius of rh = 7 ± 2 pc, its properties resemble those of outer halo globular clusters. The second system, Draco II/Laevens 4, is a closer and fainter satellite (d ~ 20 kpc, MV = −2.9 ± 0.8), whose uncertain size (rh=19−6+8  pc{r}_{h}={19}_{-6}^{+8}\;\mathrm{pc}) renders its classification difficult without kinematic information; it could either be a faint and extended globular cluster or a faint and compact dwarf galaxy. The third satellite, Sagittarius II/Laevens 5 (Sgr II), has an ambiguous nature, as it is either the most compact dwarf galaxy or the most extended globular cluster in its luminosity range (rh=37−8+9  pc{r}_{h}={37}_{-8}^{+9}\;\mathrm{pc} and MV = −5.2 ± 0.4). At a heliocentric distance of 67 ± 5 kpc, this satellite lies intriguingly close to the expected location of the trailing arm of the Sagittarius stellar stream behind the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr dSph). If confirmed through spectroscopic follow up, this connection would locate this part of the trailing arm of the Sagittarius stellar stream that has so far gone undetected. It would further suggest that Sgr II was brought into the Milky Way halo as a satellite of the Sgr dSph
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