8,554 research outputs found

    Wireless recording of the calls of Rousettus aegyptiacus and their reproduction using electrostatic transducers

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    Bats are capable of imaging their surroundings in great detail using echolocation. To apply similar methods to human engineering systems requires the capability to measure and recreate the signals used, and to understand the processing applied to returning echoes. In this work, the emitted and reflected echolocation signals of Rousettus aegyptiacus are recorded while the bat is in flight, using a wireless sensor mounted on the bat. The sensor is designed to replicate the acoustic gain control which bats are known to use, applying a gain to returning echoes that is dependent on the incurred time delay. Employing this technique allows emitted and reflected echolocation calls, which have a wide dynamic range, to be recorded. The recorded echoes demonstrate the complexity of environment reconstruction using echolocation. The sensor is also used to make accurate recordings of the emitted calls, and these calls are recreated in the laboratory using custom-built wideband electrostatic transducers, allied with a spectral equalization technique. This technique is further demonstrated by recreating multi-harmonic bioinspired FM chirps. The ability to record and accurately synthesize echolocation calls enables the exploitation of biological signals in human engineering systems for sonar, materials characterization and imaging

    Failure mechanisms of laminates transversely loaded by bolt push-through

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    Stiffened composite panels proposed for fuselage and wing design utilize a variety of stiffener-to-skin attachment concepts including mechanical fasteners. The attachment concept is an important factor influencing the panel's strength and can govern its performance following local damage. Mechanical fasteners can be an effective method for preventing stiffener-skin separation. One potential failure mode for bolted panels occurs when the bolts pull through the stiffener attachment flange or skin. The resulting loss of support by the skin to the stiffener and by the stiffener to the skin can result in local buckling and subsequent panel collapse. The characteristic failure modes associated with bolt push-through failure are described and the results of a parametric study of the effects that different material systems, boundary conditions, and laminates have on the forces and displacements required to cause damage and bolt pushthrough failure are presented


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    A core-periphery, multiregional, input-output model of western Oregon is used to estimate impacts of periphery timber harvest reductions resulting from listing of an endangered species. Under the most probable scenario, 31,620 total jobs would be lost in the two regions. Fourteen percent of this impact is absorbed in the core (Metro) region. Forty percent of periphery and 80% of Metro jobs lost are from service sectors, a result of important core-periphery trade in central place services. Explicit inclusion of unemployment benefits for displaced workers reduces employment loss estimates by 12% to 14%.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Functional profiles of orphan membrane transporters in the life cycle of the malaria parasite

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    Assigning function to orphan membrane transport proteins and prioritizing candidates for detailed biochemical characterization remain fundamental challenges and are particularly important for medically relevant pathogens, such as malaria parasites. Here we present a comprehensive genetic analysis of 35 orphan transport proteins of Plasmodium berghei during its life cycle in mice and Anopheles mosquitoes. Six genes, including four candidate aminophospholipid transporters, are refractory to gene deletion, indicative of essential functions. We generate and phenotypically characterize 29 mutant strains with deletions of individual transporter genes. Whereas seven genes appear to be dispensable under the experimental conditions tested, deletion of any of the 22 other genes leads to specific defects in life cycle progression in vivo and/or host transition. Our study provides growing support for a potential link between heavy metal homeostasis and host switching and reveals potential targets for rational design of new intervention strategies against malaria


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    Most studies of a state’'s economic base count as “"basic”" only the “"traditional"” exports of goods, federal spending, and business investment. “"Nontraditional”" elements of the economic base (including exports of services, federal transfers to state/local governments and households, and extraregional property income) are typically ignored. We construct a social accounting matrix (SAM) for Oregon and estimate Oregon’'s economic base accounting for both traditional and nontraditional elements. Almost 20% of Oregon’'s jobs depend on extraregional income to households (including government transfers and outside property income), 11% depend on lumber and wood and paper products, and 8% depend on agriculture.Agribusiness,

    Functional outcome of patients with spinal cord injury: rehabilitation outcome study

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    Objective: To increase our knowledge of neurological recovery and functional outcome of patients with spinal cord injuries in order to make more successful rehabilitation programmes based on realistic goals.Design: Descriptive analysis of data gathered in an information system.Setting: Rehabilitation centre in The Netherlands with special department for patients with spinal cord injuries.Subjects: Fifty-five patients with traumatic spinal cord lesions admitted to the rehabilitation centre from 1988 to 1994. Main outcome measures: The functional improvement was presented in terms of progress in independence in nine daily activity skills. Independence was rated on a four-point scale.Results: From admission to discharge, lesions in 100% of patients with tetraplegia and 96% of patients with paraplegia remained complete. Significant progress in independence was made in self-care, ambulation and bladder and bowel care. Differences were found in the extent of functional improvement between subgroups of patients with different levels and extent of lesion. Contrary to expectations based on theoretical models, patients with complete paraplegia did not achieve maximal independence in self-care. Independent walking was only attained by patients with incomplete lesions. Regarding outcome of bladder and bowel care, poor results were found, especially the independence in defaecation and toilet transfers.Conclusions: The results of this study provided more insight into the functional outcome of a group of patients with traumatic spinal cord injury. More research is needed to evaluate the rehabilitation programmes for these patients

    Copper-transporting ATPase is important for malaria parasite fertility

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    Homeostasis of the trace element copper is essential to all eukaryotic life. Copper serves as a cofactor in metalloenzymes and catalyses electron transfer reactions as well as the generation of potentially toxic reactive oxygen species. Here, we describe the functional characterization of an evolutionarily highly conserved, predicted copper-transporting P-type ATPase (CuTP) in the murine malaria model parasite Plasmodium berghei. Live imaging of a parasite line expressing a fluorescently tagged CuTP demonstrated that CuTP is predominantly located in vesicular bodies of the parasite. A P. berghei loss-of-function mutant line was readily obtained and showed no apparent defect in in vivo blood stage growth. Parasite transmission through the mosquito vector was severely affected, but not entirely abolished. We show that male and female gametocytes are abundant in cutp− parasites, but activation of male microgametes and exflagellation were strongly impaired. This specific defect could be mimicked by addition of the copper chelator neocuproine to wild-type gametocytes. A cross-fertilization assay demonstrated that female fertility was also severely abrogated. In conclusion, we provide experimental genetic and pharmacological evidence that a healthy copper homeostasis is critical to malaria parasite fertility of both genders of gametocyte and, hence, to transmission to the mosquito vector

    Stream Fusion, to Completeness

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    Stream processing is mainstream (again): Widely-used stream libraries are now available for virtually all modern OO and functional languages, from Java to C# to Scala to OCaml to Haskell. Yet expressivity and performance are still lacking. For instance, the popular, well-optimized Java 8 streams do not support the zip operator and are still an order of magnitude slower than hand-written loops. We present the first approach that represents the full generality of stream processing and eliminates overheads, via the use of staging. It is based on an unusually rich semantic model of stream interaction. We support any combination of zipping, nesting (or flat-mapping), sub-ranging, filtering, mapping-of finite or infinite streams. Our model captures idiosyncrasies that a programmer uses in optimizing stream pipelines, such as rate differences and the choice of a "for" vs. "while" loops. Our approach delivers hand-written-like code, but automatically. It explicitly avoids the reliance on black-box optimizers and sufficiently-smart compilers, offering highest, guaranteed and portable performance. Our approach relies on high-level concepts that are then readily mapped into an implementation. Accordingly, we have two distinct implementations: an OCaml stream library, staged via MetaOCaml, and a Scala library for the JVM, staged via LMS. In both cases, we derive libraries richer and simultaneously many tens of times faster than past work. We greatly exceed in performance the standard stream libraries available in Java, Scala and OCaml, including the well-optimized Java 8 streams

    The effects of dust evolution on disks in the mid-IR

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    In this paper, we couple together the dust evolution code two-pop-py with the thermochemical disk modelling code ProDiMo. We create a series of thermochemical disk models that simulate the evolution of dust over time from 0.018 Myr to 10 Myr, including the radial drift, growth, and settling of dust grains. We examine the effects of this dust evolution on the mid-infrared gas emission, focussing on the mid-infrared spectral lines of C2H2, CO2, HCN, NH3, OH, and H2O that are readily observable with Spitzer and the upcoming E-ELT and JWST. The addition of dust evolution acts to increase line fluxes by reducing the population of small dust grains. We find that the spectral lines of all species except C2H2 respond strongly to dust evolution, with line fluxes increasing by more than an order of magnitude across the model series as the density of small dust grains decreases over time. The C2H2 line fluxes are extremely low due to a lack of abundance in the infrared line-emitting regions, despite C2H2 being commonly detected with Spitzer, suggesting that warm chemistry in the inner disk may need further investigation. Finally, we find that the CO2 flux densities increase more rapidly than the other species as the dust disk evolves. This suggests that the flux ratios of CO2 to other species may be lower in disks with less-evolved dust populations.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted in A&

    The composition and size distribution of the dust in the coma of comet Hale-Bopp

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    We discuss the composition and size distribution of the dust in the coma of comet Hale-Bopp. We do this by fitting simultaneously the infrared emission spectrum measured by the infrared space observatory (ISO) and the measured degree of linear polarization of scattered light at various phase angles and 12 different wavelengths. The effects of particle shape on the modeled optical properties of the dust grains are taken into account. We constrain our fit by forcing the abundances of the major rock forming chemical elements to be solar. The infrared spectrum at long wavelengths reveals that large grains are needed in order to fit the spectral slope. The size and shape distribution we employ allows us to estimate the sizes of the crystalline silicates. The ratios of the strength of various forsterite features show that the crystalline silicate grains in Hale-Bopp must be submicron sized. We exclude the presence of large crystalline silicate grains in the coma. Because of this lack of large crystalline grains combined with the fact that we do need large amorphous grains to fit the emission spectrum at long wavelengths, we need only approximately 4% of crystalline silicates by mass. After correcting for possible hidden crystalline material included in large amorphous grains, our best estimate of the total mass fraction of crystalline material is approximately 7.5%, significantly lower than deduced in previous studies in which the typical derived crystallinity is 20-30%. The implications of this on the possible origin and evolution of the comet are discussed. The crystallinity we observe in Hale-Bopp is consistent with the production of crystalline silicates in the inner solar system by thermal annealing and subsequent radial mixing to the comet forming region.Comment: Accepted for publication in Icaru