487 research outputs found

    Sex Differences in Sleep Duration among Older Adults with Self-Reported Diagnosis of Arthritis: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009-2012

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    Objective. Sleep is restorative, essential, and benefcial to health. Prevalences of some diseases have been associated with sleep duration. Tere are few studies in the literature on the relationship of sleep duration and arthritis stratifed by sex in older adults. Te purpose of this research is to investigate sleep duration among older adults in the United States who have self-reported diagnosis of arthritis. Methods. A cross-sectional study design was used. Te data source was the National Health and Nutrition Examination 2009-2010 and 2011-2012. Self-reported diagnosis of arthritis and sleep duration were the variables of interest. Results. Tere were 4,888 participants, aged 50 years and above, of whom 41.6% self-reported having a diagnosis of arthritis, and 60.6% were female. Of the people who had a self-reported diagnosis of arthritis, 15.2% reported sleeping 2-5 hours as compared with 10.9% of the people who did not have a self-reported diagnosis of arthritis (� = .0004). In bivariate analysis of self-reported diagnosis of arthritis and sleep stratifed by sex, there were signifcantly more people with self-reported diagnosis of arthritis who slept 2-5 hours for both women (� = 0.0192) and men (� = 0.0231). Te overall relationship remained signifcant in adjusted overall logistic regression comparing for self-reported diagnosis of arthritis for 2-5 hours of sleep (with 6-7 hours of sleep as the reference) (odds ratio: 1.35 [95% CI: 1.08, 1.70; � = 0.0103]); however, when the data were stratifed by sex, the association failed to reach signifcance. Conclusion. In this analysis of noninstitutionalized older adults in the United States, the prevalence of a self-reported diagnosis of arthritis was associ

    Dental Student Skills in Matching Radiographs for Forensic Identification and in Forensic Knowledge

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    Purpose and Objectives. Dental and dental hygiene curricula must meet the core competencies established by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation. As a result, there is limited time to expose students to the research and knowledge associated with additional important topics, such as dental forensics. The purpose of this research is to assess dental forensic knowledge and dental forensic radiographic skills of dental students. Methods. Ten radiographs of extracted permanent maxillary molars were exposed. One of the teeth was heat-altered to 600°F (315.6°C) for 15 minutes and then was radiographed. The 11 radiographs were presented to 152 dental students who were asked to match the radiograph of the heat-altered tooth to the original radiograph of that tooth. Students were also asked to respond to a 10-question survey about dental forensic knowledge. Results. Most (92.1%) students matched the heat-altered tooth’s radiograph with the original radiograph. Five survey questions had at least 70% of the respondents with correct responses. There were no statistically significant differences by dental class status or sex. Conclusion. Although dental students were competent in matching radiographs, there remains a need for more knowledge about dental forensics

    STING-dependent recognition of cyclic di-AMP mediates type I interferon responses during Chlamydia trachomatis infection.

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    UnlabelledSTING (stimulator of interferon [IFN] genes) initiates type I IFN responses in mammalian cells through the detection of microbial nucleic acids. The membrane-bound obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis induces a STING-dependent type I IFN response in infected cells, yet the IFN-inducing ligand remains unknown. In this report, we provide evidence that Chlamydia synthesizes cyclic di-AMP (c-di-AMP), a nucleic acid metabolite not previously identified in Gram-negative bacteria, and that this metabolite is a prominent ligand for STING-mediated activation of IFN responses during infection. We used primary mouse lung fibroblasts and HEK293T cells to compare IFN-β responses to Chlamydia infection, c-di-AMP, and other type I IFN-inducing stimuli. Chlamydia infection and c-di-AMP treatment induced type I IFN responses in cells expressing STING but not in cells expressing STING variants that cannot sense cyclic dinucleotides but still respond to cytoplasmic DNA. The failure to induce a type I IFN response to Chlamydia and c-di-AMP correlated with the inability of STING to relocalize from the endoplasmic reticulum to cytoplasmic punctate signaling complexes required for IFN activation. We conclude that Chlamydia induces STING-mediated IFN responses through the detection of c-di-AMP in the host cell cytosol and propose that c-di-AMP is the ligand predominantly responsible for inducing such a response in Chlamydia-infected cells.ImportanceThis study shows that the Gram-negative obligate pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis, a major cause of pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility, synthesizes cyclic di-AMP (c-di-AMP), a nucleic acid metabolite that thus far has been described only in Gram-positive bacteria. We further provide evidence that the host cell employs an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localized cytoplasmic sensor, STING (stimulator of interferon [IFN] genes), to detect c-di-AMP synthesized by Chlamydia and induce a protective IFN response. This detection occurs even though Chlamydia is confined to a membrane-bound vacuole. This raises the possibility that the ER, an organelle that innervates the entire cytoplasm, is equipped with pattern recognition receptors that can directly survey membrane-bound pathogen-containing vacuoles for leaking microbe-specific metabolites to mount type I IFN responses required to control microbial infections

    P-glycoprotein, but not multidrug resistance protein 4, plays a role in the systemic clearance of irinotecan and SN-38 in mice

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    The ATP-binding cassette transporters P-glycoprotein (ABCB1, MDR1) and multidrug resistance protein 4 (MRP4) efflux irinotecan and its active metabolite SN-38 in vitro, and thus may contribute to system clearance of these compounds. Mdr1a/b(-/-), Mrp4(-/-), and wild-type mice were administered 20 or 40 mg/kg irinotecan, and plasma samples were collected for 6 hours. Irinotecan and SN-38 lactone and carboxylate were quantitated and data were analyzed with nonlinear mixed-effects modeling. Mdr1a/b genotype was a significant covariate for the clearance of both irinotecan lactone and SN-38 lactone. Exposures to irinotecan lactone and SN-38 lactone after a 40 mg/kg dose were 1.6-fold higher in Mdr1a/b(-/-) mice compared to wild-type mice. Plasma concentrations of irinotecan lactone, irinotecan carboxylate, and SN-38 lactone in Mrp4(-/-) mice were similar to the wild-type controls. These results suggest that P-gp plays a role in irinotecan and SN-38 elimination, but Mrp4 does not affect irinotecan or SN-38 plasma pharmacokinetics.Fil: Tagen, Michael. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Zhuang, Yanli. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Zhang, Fan. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Harstead, K. Elaine. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Shen, Jun. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Schaiquevich, Paula Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Fraga, Charles H.. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Panetta, John C.. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Waters, Christopher M.. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Stewart, Clinton F.. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; Estados Unido

    Space Environment Effects on Silicone Seal Materials

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    A docking system is being developed by the NASA to support future space missions. It is expected to use redundant elastomer seals to help contain cabin air during dockings between two spacecraft. The sealing surfaces are exposed to the space environment when vehicles are not docked. In space, the seals will be exposed to temperatures between 125 to -75 C, vacuum, atomic oxygen, particle and ultraviolet radiation, and micrometeoroid and orbital debris (MMOD). Silicone rubber is the only class of space flight-qualified elastomeric seal material that functions across the expected temperature range. NASA Glenn has tested three silicone elastomers for such seal applications: two provided by Parker (S0899-50 and S0383-70) and one from Esterline (ELA-SA-401). The effects of atomic oxygen (AO), UV and electron particle radiation, and vacuum on the properties of these three elastomers were examined. Critical seal properties such as leakage, adhesion, and compression set were measured before and after simulated space exposures. The S0899-50 silicone was determined to be inadequate for extended space seal applications due to high adhesion and intolerance to UV, but both S0383-70 and ELA-SA-401 seals were adequate

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as skin carcinogens:Comparison of benzo [a]pyrene, dibenzo[def,p]chrysene and three environmental mixtures in the FVB/N mouse

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    The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), was compared to dibenzo[def,p]chrysene (DBC) and combinations of three environmental PAH mixtures (coal tar, diesel particulate and cigarette smoke condensate) using a two stage, FVB/N mouse skin tumor model. DBC (4 nmol) was most potent, reaching 100% tumor incidence with a shorter latency to tumor formation, less than 20 weeks of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) promotion compared to all other treatments. Multiplicity was 4 times greater than BaP (400 nmol). Both PAHs produced primarily papillomas followed by squamous cell carcinoma and carcinoma in situ. Diesel particulate extract (1 mg SRM 1650b; mix 1) did not differ from toluene controls and failed to elicit a carcinogenic response. Addition of coal tar extract (1 mg SRM 1597a; mix 2) produced a response similar to BaP. Further addition of 2 mg of cigarette smoke condensate (mix 3) did not alter the response with mix 2. PAH-DNA adducts measured in epidermis 12 h post initiation and analyzed by (32)P post- labeling, did not correlate with tumor incidence. PAH- dependent alteration in transcriptome of skin 12 h post initiation was assessed by microarray. Principal component analysis (sum of all treatments) of the 922 significantly altered genes (p<0.05), showed DBC and BaP to cluster distinct from PAH mixtures and each other. BaP and mixtures up-regulated phase 1 and 2 metabolizing enzymes while DBC did not. The carcinogenicity with DBC and two of the mixtures was much greater than would be predicted based on published Relative Potency Factors (RPFs)

    A Mid-Infrared Imaging Survey of Proto-Planetary Nebula Candidates

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    We present the data from a mid-infrared imaging survey of 66 proto-planetary nebula candidates using two mid-IR cameras (MIRAC2 and Berkcam) at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility and the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope. The goal of this survey is to determine the size, flux, and morphology of the mid-IR emission regions, which sample the inner regions of the circumstellar dust shells of proto-planetary nebulae. We imaged these proto-planetary nebulae with narrow-band filters (Δλ/λ10\Delta\lambda / \lambda \sim 10%) at wavelengths of notable dust features. With our typical angular resolution of 1\arcsec, we resolve 17 sources, find 48 objects unresolved, and do not detect 1 source. For several sources, we checked optical and infrared associations and positions of the sources. In table format, we list the size and flux measurements for all the detected objects and show figures of all the resolved sources. Images for all the detected objects are available on line in FITS format from the Astronomy Digital Image Library at the National Center for Supercomputing Application. The proto-planetary nebula candidate sample includes, in addition to the predominant proto-planetary nebulae, extreme asymptotic giant branch stars, young planetary nebulae, a supergiant, and a luminous blue variable. We find that dust shells which are cooler (T150\rm T \sim 150 K) and brighter in the infrared are more easily resolved. Eleven of the seventeen resolved sources are extended and fall into one of two types of mid-IR morphological classes: core/elliptical or toroidal. Core/elliptical structures show unresolved cores with lower surface brightness elliptical nebulae. Toroidal structures show limb-brightened peaks suggesting equatorial density enhancements. We argue that core/ellipticals have denser dust shells than toroidals.Comment: 32 pages, 5 tables, 2 e/ps figures (fig3 is available through ADIL [see text]), to be published in ApJS May 1999 issu

    A clinical prediction model for long-term functional outcome after traumatic spinal cord injury based on acute clinical and imaging factors.

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    To improve clinicians\u27 ability to predict outcome after spinal cord injury (SCI) and to help classify patients within clinical trials, we have created a novel prediction model relating acute clinical and imaging information to functional outcome at 1 year. Data were obtained from two large prospective SCI datasets. Functional independence measure (FIM) motor score at 1 year follow-up was the primary outcome, and functional independence (score ≥ 6 for each FIM motor item) was the secondary outcome. A linear regression model was created with the primary outcome modeled relative to clinical and imaging predictors obtained within 3 days of injury. A logistic model was then created using the dichotomized secondary outcome and the same predictor variables. Model validation was performed using a bootstrap resampling procedure. Of 729 patients, 376 met the inclusion criteria. The mean FIM motor score at 1 year was 62.9 (±28.6). Better functional status was predicted by less severe initial American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Impairment Scale grade, and by an ASIA motor score \u3e50 at admission. In contrast, older age and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signal characteristics consistent with spinal cord edema or hemorrhage predicted worse functional outcome. The linear model predicting FIM motor score demonstrated an R-square of 0.52 in the original dataset, and 0.52 (95% CI 0.52,0.53) across the 200 bootstraps. Functional independence was achieved by 148 patients (39.4%). For the logistic model, the area under the curve was 0.93 in the original dataset, and 0.92 (95% CI 0.92,0.93) across the bootstraps, indicating excellent predictive discrimination. These models will have important clinical impact to guide decision making and to counsel patients and families

    Characteristics of Elastomer Seals Exposed to Space Environments

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    A universal docking and berthing system is being developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to support all future space exploration missions to low-Earth orbit (LEO), to the Moon, and to Mars. The Low Impact Docking System (LIDS) is being designed to operate using a seal-on-seal configuration in numerous space environments, each having unique exposures to temperature, solar radiation, reactive elements, debris, and mission duration. As the LIDS seal is likely to be manufactured from an elastomeric material, performance evaluation of elastomers after exposure to atomic oxygen (AO) and ultraviolet radiation (UV) was conducted, of which the work presented herein was a part. Each of the three candidate silicone elastomer compounds investigated, including Esterline ELA-SA-401, and Parker Hannifin S0383-70 and S0899-50, was characterized as a low outgassing compound, per ASTM E595, having percent total mass loss (TML) less than 1.0 percent and collected volatile condensable materials (CVCM) less than 0.1 percent. Each compound was compatible with the LIDS operating environment of -50 to 50 C. The seal characteristics presented include compression set, elastomer-to-elastomer adhesion, and o-ring leakage rate. The ELA-SA-401 compound had the lowest variation in compression set with temperature. The S0383-70 compound exhibited the lowest compression set after exposure to AO and UV. The adhesion for all of the compounds was significantly reduced after exposure to AO and was further decreased after exposure to AO and UV. The leakage rates of o-ring specimens showed modest increases after exposure to AO. The leakage rates after exposure to AO and UV were increased by factors of up to 600 when compared to specimens in the as-received condition