48 research outputs found

    Dietary Exercise as a Novel Strategy for the Prevention and Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome: Effects on Skeletal Muscle Function

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    A sedentary lifestyle can cause metabolic syndrome to develop. Metabolic syndrome is associated with metabolic function in the skeletal muscle, a major consumer of nutrients. Dietary exercise, along with an adequate diet, is reported to be one of the major preventive therapies for metabolic syndrome; exercise improves the metabolic capacity of muscles and prevents the loss of muscle mass. Epidemiological studies have shown that physical activity reduces the risk of various common diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer; it also helps in reducing visceral adipose tissue. In addition, laboratory studies have demonstrated the mechanisms underlying the benefits of single-bout and regular exercise. Exercise regulates the expression/activity of proteins associated with metabolic and anabolic signaling in muscle, leading to a change in phenotype. The extent of these changes depends on the intensity, the duration, and the frequency of the exercise. The effect of exercise is also partly due to a decrease in inflammation, which has been shown to be closely related to the development of various diseases. Furthermore, it has been suggested that several phytochemicals contained in natural foods can improve nutrient metabolism and prevent protein degradation in the muscle

    State-dependent activity dynamics of hypothalamic stress effector neurons

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    The stress response necessitates an immediate boost in vital physiological functions from their homeostatic operation to an elevated emergency response. However, the neural mechanisms underlying this state-dependent change remain largely unknown. Using a combination of in vivo and ex vivo electrophysiology with computational modeling, we report that corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), the effector neurons of hormonal stress response, rapidly transition between distinct activity states through recurrent inhibition. Specifically, in vivo optrode recording shows that under non-stress conditions, CRHPVN neurons often fire with rhythmic brief bursts (RB), which, somewhat counterintuitively, constrains firing rate due to long (~2 s) interburst intervals. Stressful stimuli rapidly switch RB to continuous single spiking (SS), permitting a large increase in firing rate. A spiking network model shows that recurrent inhibition can control this activity-state switch, and more broadly the gain of spiking responses to excitatory inputs. In biological CRHPVN neurons ex vivo, the injection of whole-cell currents derived from our computational model recreates the in vivo-like switch between RB and SS, providing direct evidence that physiologically relevant network inputs enable state-dependent computation in single neurons. Together, we present a novel mechanism for state-dependent activity dynamics in CRHPVN neurons

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    Additional file 1. Example of waveform recordings and Fourier amplitude spectra

    Efficacy of glutathione for the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: an open-label, single-arm, multicenter, pilot study

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    Background: Glutathione plays crucial roles in the detoxification and antioxidant systems of cells and has been used to treat acute poisoning and chronic liver diseases by intravenous injection. This is a first study examining the therapeutic effects of oral administration of glutathione in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Methods: The study was an open label, single arm, multicenter, pilot trial. Thirty-four NAFLD patients diagnosed using ultrasonography were prospectively evaluated. All patients first underwent intervention to improve their lifestyle habits (diet and exercise) for 3 months, followed by treatment with glutathione (300 mg/day) for 4 months. We evaluated their clinical parameters before and after glutathione treatment. We also quantified liver fat and fibrosis using vibration-controlled transient elastography. The primary outcome of the study was the change in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. Results: Twenty-nine patients finished the protocol. ALT levels significantly decreased following treatment with glutathione for 4 months. In addition, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids, and ferritin levels also decreased with glutathione treatment. Following dichotomization of ALT responders based on a median 12.9% decrease from baseline, we found that ALT responders were younger in age and did not have severe diabetes compared with ALT non-responders. The controlled attenuation parameter also decreased in ALT responders. Conclusions: This pilot study demonstrates the potential therapeutic effects of oral administration of glutathione in practical dose for patients with NAFLD. Large-scale clinical trials are needed to verify its efficacy. Trial registration: UMIN000011118 (date of registration: July 4, 2013)

    Exercise and functional foods

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    Appropriate nutrition is an essential prerequisite for effective improvement of athletic performance, conditioning, recovery from fatigue after exercise, and avoidance of injury. Nutritional supplements containing carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals have been widely used in various sporting fields to provide a boost to the recommended daily allowance. In addition, several natural food components have been found to show physiological effects, and some of them are considered to be useful for promoting exercise performance or for prevention of injury. However, these foods should only be used when there is clear scientific evidence and with understanding of the physiological changes caused by exercise. This article describes various "functional foods" that have been reported to be effective for improving exercise performance or health promotion, along with the relevant physiological changes that occur during exercise

    ショウガク 1ネンセイ ニオケル ヨウチエン シュッシンシャ ト ホイクショ シュッシンシャ ノ エイヨウ セッシュ ジョウキョウ ノ ヒカク

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    京都市内の一小学校の1年生120名を対象者に, 6月の休日および平日各1日に摂取した全食品の摂食量の記録を保護者に依頼し, 回答のあった男子41名, 女子47名, 計88名(73.3%)の栄養素および食品群別摂取量を出身別に比較検討した。その結果, 幼稚園出身者が保育所出身者より有意に高値を示したのは, 男子の果実類摂取量, 女子の脂質摂取量, 脂肪エネルギー比率であった。その他の項目では出身別に有意な差は認めなかった。全体において, 推定平均必要量以下の者の割合は, カルシウムは男子56.1%, 女子55.3%, 鉄は男子29.3%, 女子27.7%, ビタミンCは男子34.1%, 女子31.9%, 脂肪エネルギー比率が30%以上の割合は男子61.0%, 女子63.8%, 食塩6g以上の割合は男子78.0%, 女子68.1%と高かった。これより, 小学1年生において出身別の差は少ないこと, カルシウム, 鉄の不足者割合が高く, 脂質及び食塩の摂取量が目標量を超える者の割合が多い可能性が示唆された

    ショクジ セッシュ キジュン 2010ネンバン ニ ヨル カンリ エイヨウシ ヨウセイ カテイ ノ ジョシ ガクセイ ノ エイヨウ シンタイ カツドウ ヒョウカ

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional status of women university students in the third-grade of a registered dietitian training course, based on the Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese(2010). We initially selected 46 students, and obtained valid responses from 41 students(89.1%). We performed body measurements, blood tests, a dietary weighing method for 3 days, and the measurement of physical activity by the accelerometer. In regard to the physique and blood test of the subjects, 24.4% were underweight, 4.9% were obese and 20.0% were anemic. The dietary weighing method showed that the rate of women who took vitamin C below the estimated average requirement was 90.0%, that of folic acid, iron and calcium were 41.0%, 83.0%, and 68.0% respectively. While the rate of salt intake greater than the dietary goal (7.5g/day)was 36.5%, the rate of fat energy ratio greater than the dietary goal(30%)was 31.7%. The average number of steps per day was 8,907 ± 2,293. These results showed that there was an overall insufficient intake of total energy, vitamins, and minerals, indicating that further nutritional management for the women students is required

    Importance of pH Homeostasis in Metabolic Health and Diseases: Crucial Role of Membrane Proton Transport

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    Protons dissociated from organic acids in cells are partly buffered. If not, they are transported to the extracellular fluid through the plasma membrane and buffered in circulation or excreted in urine and expiration gas. Several transporters including monocarboxylate transporters and Na+/H+ exchanger play an important role in uptake and output of protons across plasma membranes in cells of metabolic tissues including skeletal muscle and the liver. They also contribute to maintenance of the physiological pH of body fluid. Therefore, impairment of these transporters causes dysfunction of cells, diseases, and a decrease in physical performance associated with abnormal pH. Additionally, it is known that fluid pH in the interstitial space of metabolic tissues is easily changed due to little pH buffering capacitance in interstitial fluids and a reduction in the interstitial fluid pH may mediate the onset of insulin resistance unlike blood containing pH buffers such as Hb (hemoglobin) and albumin. In contrast, habitual exercise and dietary intervention regulate expression/activity of transporters and maintain body fluid pH, which could partly explain the positive effect of healthy lifestyle on disease prognosis

    Skeletal muscle: novel and intriguing characteristics as a secretory organ

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    Growing evidence has shown that skeletal muscle secretes several bioactive proteins from within the cell into extracellular fluid. The secretion of several proteins, whose levels increase in response to exercise, can regulate the functions of several organs via autocrine and paracrine actions, and mediate exercise-induced benefits such as metabolic improvement, anti-inflammation, and muscle building; this is known as the myokine theory. In addition, we found a novel muscle-secreted protein, secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC), a secreted matricellular glycoprotein. The muscle-secreted protein SPARC can support underlying mechanisms of epidemiological studies that suggest that regular exercise can prevent the incidence of colon cancer. Many different types of studies have suggested that many other proteins secreted from muscle have yet to be identified. In addition to the proteins, non-coding small RNA in exosome and metabolites which generate in process of nutrients metabolism with muscle contraction are also suggested to be secretory bioactive factors. These secretory factors may be biomarkers that reflect muscular function and beneficial adaptation achieved by exercise training, and could estimate adequate condition of exercise to obtain its beneficial effects