27,370 research outputs found

    Evidence for defect-mediated tunneling in hexagonal boron nitride-based junctions

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    We investigate tunneling in metal-insulator-metal junctions employing few atomic layers of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) as the insulating barrier. While the low-bias tunnel resistance increases nearly exponentially with barrier thickness, subtle features are seen in the current-voltage curves, indicating marked influence of the intrinsic defects present in the hBN insulator on the tunneling transport. In particular, single electron charging events are observed, which are more evident in thicker-barrier devices where direct tunneling is substantially low. Furthermore, we find that annealing the devices modifies the defect states and hence the tunneling signatures.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Roles of Critical Valence Fluctuations in Ce- and Yb-Based Heavy Fermion Metals

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    The roles of critical valence fluctuations of Ce and Yb are discussed as a key origin of several anomalies observed in Ce- and Yb-based heavy fermion systems. Recent development of the theory has revealed that a magnetic field is an efficient control parameter to induce the critical end point of the first-order valence transition. Metamagnetism and non-Fermi liquid behavior caused by this mechanism are discussed by comparing favorably with CeIrIn5, YbAgCu4, and YbIr2Zn20. The interplay of the magnetic order and valence fluctuations offers a key concept for understanding Ce- and Yb-based systems. It is shown that suppression of the magnetic order by enhanced valence fluctuations gives rise to the coincidence of the magnetic-transition point and valence-crossover point at absolute zero as a function of pressure or magnetic field. The interplay is shown to resolve the outstanding puzzle in CeRhIn5 in a unified way. The broader applicability of this newly clarified mechanism is discussed by surveying promising materials such as YbAuCu4, beta-YbAlB4, and YbRh2Si2.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, invited paper in special issue on strongly correlated electron system

    How Rare Are Extraterrestrial Civilizations and When Did They Emerge?

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    It is shown that, contrary to an existing claim, the near equality between the lifetime of the sun and the timescale of biological evolution on earth does not necessarily imply that extraterrestrial civilizations are exceedingly rare. Furthermore, on the basis of simple assumptions it is demonstrated that a near equality between these two timescales may be the most probable relation. A calculation of the cosmic history of carbon production which is based on the recently determined history of the star formation rate suggests that the most likely time for intelligent civilizations to emerge in the universe, was when the universe was already older then about 10 billion years (for an assumed current age of about 13 billion years).Comment: 11 pages (including 2 figures), accepted for publication in Astrophys. Journa

    Contact-less characterizations of encapsulated graphene p-n junctions

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    Accessing intrinsic properties of a graphene device can be hindered by the influence of contact electrodes. Here, we capacitively couple graphene devices to superconducting resonant circuits and observe clear changes in the resonance- frequency and -widths originating from the internal charge dynamics of graphene. This allows us to extract the density of states and charge relaxation resistance in graphene p-n junctions without the need of electrical contacts. The presented characterizations pave a fast, sensitive and non-invasive measurement of graphene nanocircuits.Comment: 4 figures, supplementary information on reques

    Constraints on Association of Single-pulse Gamma-ray Bursts and Supernovae

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    We explore the hypothesis, similar to one recently suggested by Bloom and colleagues, that some nearby supernovae are associated with smooth, single-pulse gamma-ray bursts, possibly having no emission above ~ 300 keV. We examine BATSE bursts with durations longer than 2 s, fitting those which can be visually characterized as single-pulse events with a lognormal pulse model. The fraction of events that can be reliably ascertained to be temporally and spectrally similar to the exemplar, GRB 980425 - possibly associated with SN 1998bw - is 4/1573 or 0.25%. This fraction could be as high as 8/1573 (0.5%) if the dimmest bursts are included. Approximately 2% of bursts are morphologically similar to GRB 980425 but have emission above ~ 300 keV. A search of supernova catalogs containing 630 detections during BATSE's lifetime reveals only one burst (GRB 980425) within a 3-month time window and within the total 3-sigma BATSE error radius that could be associated with a type Ib/c supernova. There is no tendency for any subset of single-pulse GRBs to fall near the Supergalactic Plane, whereas SNe of type Ib/c do show this tendency. Economy of hypotheses leads us to conclude that nearby supernovae generally are not related to smooth, single-pulse gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Superconducting Gap Function in Antiferromagnetic Heavy-Fermion UPd_2Al_3 Probed by Angle Resolved Magnetothermal Transport Measurements

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    The superconducting gap structure of heavy fermion UPd_2Al_3, in which unconventional superconductivity coexists with antiferromagnetic (AF) order with atomic size local moments, was investigated by the thermal conductivity measurements in a magnetic field rotating in various directions relative to the crystal axes. The results provide strong evidence that the gap function \Delta(k) has a single line node orthogonal to the c-axis located at the AF Brillouin zone boundary, while \Delta(k) is isotropic within the basal plane. The determined nodal structure is compatible with the resonance peak in the dynamical susceptibility observed in neutron inelastic scattering experiments. Based on these results, we conclude that the superconducting pairing function of UPd_2Al_3 is most likely to be d-wave with a form \Delta(k)=\Delta_0 cos(k_zc)Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Determination of S17(0) from published data

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    The experimental landscape for the 7Be+p radiative capture reaction is rapidly changing as new high precision data become available. We present an evaluation of existing data, detailing the treatment of systematic errors and discrepancies, and show how they constrain the astrophysical S factor (S17), independent of any nuclear structure model. With theoretical models robustly determining the behavior of the sub-threshold pole, the extrapolation error can be reduced and a constraint placed on the slope of S17. Using only radiative capture data, we find S17(0) = 20.7 +/- 0.6 (stat) +/- 1.0 (syst) eV b if data sets are completely independent, while if data sets are completely correlated we find S17(0) = 21.4 +/- 0.5 (stat) +/- 1.4 (syst) eV b. The truth likely lies somewhere in between these two limits. Although we employ a formalism capable of treating discrepant data, we note that the central value of the S factor is dominated by the recent high precision data of Junghans et al., which imply a substantially higher value than other radiative capture and indirect measurements. Therefore we conclude that further progress will require new high precision data with a detailed error budget.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure published versio

    Phase Diagram of Spinless Fermions on an Anisotropic Triangular Lattice at Half-filling

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    The strong coupling phase diagram of the spinless fermions on the anisotropic triangular lattice at half-filling is presented. The geometry of inter-site Coulomb interactions rules the phase diagram. Unconventional charge ordered phases are detected which are the recently reported pinball liquid and the striped chains. Both are induced by the quantum dynamics out of classical disordered states and afford extremely correlated metallic states and the particular domain wall-type of excitations, respectively. The disorder once killed by the quantum effect revives at the finite temperature, which is discussed in the terms of the organic θ\theta-ET2X_2X.Comment: 4pages 6figure

    Origin of the excitonic recombinations in hexagonal boron nitride by spatially resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy

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    The excitonic recombinations in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) are investigated with spatially resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy in the UV range. Cathodoluminescence images of an individual hBN crystallite reveals that the 215 nm free excitonic line is quite homogeneously emitted along the crystallite whereas the 220 nm and 227 nm excitonic emissions are located in specific regions of the crystallite. Transmission electron microscopy images show that these regions contain a high density of crystalline defects. This suggests that both the 220 nm and 227 nm emissions are produced by the recombination of excitons bound to structural defects

    Microscopic Study of Slablike and Rodlike Nuclei: Quantum Molecular Dynamics Approach

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    Structure of cold dense matter at subnuclear densities is investigated by quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) simulations. We succeeded in showing that the phases with slab-like and rod-like nuclei etc. can be formed dynamically from hot uniform nuclear matter without any assumptions on nuclear shape. We also observe intermediate phases, which has complicated nuclear shapes. Geometrical structures of matter are analyzed with Minkowski functionals, and it is found out that intermediate phases can be characterized as ones with negative Euler characteristic. Our result suggests the existence of these kinds of phases in addition to the simple ``pasta'' phases in neutron star crusts.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, RevTex4; to be published in Phys. Rev. C Rapid Communication (accepted version
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