1,133 research outputs found

    Reproducibility, reliability and validity of measurements obtained from Cecile3 digital models

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    The aim of this study was to determine the reproducibility, reliability and validity of measurements in digital models compared to plaster models. Fifteen pairs of plaster models were obtained from orthodontic patients with permanent dentition before treatment. These were digitized to be evaluated with the program Cécile3 v2.554.2 beta. Two examiners measured three times the mesiodistal width of all the teeth present, intercanine, interpremolar and intermolar distances, overjet and overbite. The plaster models were measured using a digital vernier. The t-Student test for paired samples and interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were used for statistical analysis. The ICC of the digital models were 0.84 ± 0.15 (intra-examiner) and 0.80 ± 0.19 (inter-examiner). The average mean difference of the digital models was 0.23 ± 0.14 and 0.24 ± 0.11 for each examiner, respectively. When the two types of measurements were compared, the values obtained from the digital models were lower than those obtained from the plaster models (p < 0.05), although the differences were considered clinically insignificant (differences < 0.1 mm). The Cécile digital models are a clinically acceptable alternative for use in Orthodontics

    Imunoterapia específica com venenos de Hymenoptera: revisão sistemática

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The only effective treatment for patients who have severe reactions after Hymenoptera stings is venom immunotherapy. The aim of this study was to review the literature to assess the effects of venom immunotherapy among patients presenting severe reactions after Hymenoptera stings. DESIGN AND SETTING: Randomized controlled trials in the worldwide literature were reviewed. The manuscript was produced in the Discipline of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Universidade de São Paulo (USP). METHODS: Randomized controlled trials involving venom immunotherapy versus placebo or only patient follow-up were evaluated. The risk of systemic reactions after specific immunotherapy was evaluated by calculating odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: 2,273 abstracts were identified by the keywords search. Only four studies were included in this review. The chi-square test for heterogeneity showed that two studies were homogeneous and could be included in a meta-analysis. By combining the two studies, the odds ratio became significant: 0.29 (0.10-0.87). However, analysis on the severity of the reactions after immunotherapy showed that the benefits may not be so significant because the reactions were mostly similar to or milder than the original reaction. CONCLUSIONS: Specific immunotherapy should be recommended for adults and children with moderate to severe reactions, but there is no need to prescribe it for children with skin reactions alone, especially if the exposure is very sporadic. On the other hand, the risk-benefit relation should always be assessed in each case.CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: O único tratamento eficaz para pacientes que têm reações graves após ferroada de Hymenoptera é a imunoterapia com veneno. O objetivo deste estudo foi rever a literatura para avaliar os efeitos da imunoterapia com veneno em pacientes com reações graves após ferroada de Hymenoptera. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Foram revisados na literatura mundial ensaios clínicos controlados e aleatórios. O manuscrito foi realizado na Disciplina de Alergia e Imunologia Clínica, Universidade de São Paulo (USP). MÉTODOS: Ensaios clínicos controlados e aleatórios envolvendo imunoterapia com veneno de Hymenoptera versus placebo ou apenas acompanhamento dos pacientes foram avaliados. Realizada imunoterapia específica, o risco de reações sistêmicas foi avaliado através de cálculo do "odds ratio" e intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: 2.273 resumos foram identificados na busca pelas palavras chave. Apenas quatro estudos foram incluídos nesta revisão. O teste qui-quadrado de heterogeneidade mostrou que dois estudos foram homogêneos e puderam ser incluídos na metanálise. Ao combinar os dois estudos, o "odds ratio" passou a ser significativo: 0.29 (0.10-0.87). Entretanto, ao analisar a gravidade das reações ocorridas após a imunoterapia, observou-se que os benefícios podem não ser tão relevantes, pois as reações foram, na grande maioria, ou mais leves ou semelhantes à reação original. CONCLUSÕES: A imunoterapia específica deve ser recomendada para adultos e crianças com reações moderadas a graves, porém não há necessidade de prescrevê-la para as crianças apenas com reações cutâneas, especialmente se a exposição é muito esporádica. No outro lado, a relação risco-benefício deve ser sempre avaliada em cada caso

    Dating volcanic ash and pumice stones from volcano El Misti, Peru, by thermoluminescence

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    El Misti is one of active volcanos in Peru, and known because it is located close to an important city of Arequipa, at about 17 km. There has been in the past several eruptions and the volcano is covered with lava, ash, etc. from such eruptions. The edifice is composed of a stratotocone called Misti 1, two stratocones designated Misti 2 and Misti 3 and a summit cone Misti 4. In this work samples from Misti 3 have been collected for TL dating. In the past charcol has been used for radiocarbon measurements and found age varying from 25000 to 35000 years. The TL dating produces ages between 28700 and 32300 years

    Costo de la hipertensión arterial pulmonar en el Perú: Cost of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Peru

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    Introduction:&nbsp;Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a low prevalence condition for which there is very little information in Peru. Several studies indicate that it is associated with elevated costs for health systems in the world.&nbsp;Objective:&nbsp;To establish the economic burden of PAH in the Peruvian context.&nbsp;Methods:&nbsp;Information on the use of health resources was collected through consultations with clinical experts and key opinion leaders. Cost data was obtained from two tariff manuals and from the Observatory of Pharmaceutical Products (DIGEMID).&nbsp;Results:&nbsp;Expert consultations indicated that about 68% of the patients were in an intermediate stage of the disease and that the use of sequential combination therapy is predominant in FC III and FC IV stages, compared to earlier stages. The annual cost of PAH treatment in Peru was 14,842USD,wherethemaincostdriverwasdrugs(81.72 14,842 USD, where the main cost driver was drugs (81.72%), followed by diagnosis (8.96%) and outpatient follow-up (5.75%).&nbsp;Conclusions:&nbsp;Information on pulmonary arterial hypertension in Peru is critical for decision makers, due to the high economic impact that the disease entails. Moreover, studies in this therapeutic area are relevant for the dissemination of knowledge of the disease to different health professionals.Introducción:&nbsp;La hipertensión arterial pulmonar (HAP) es una condición de baja prevalencia para la que existe muy poca información en el Perú. Diversos estudios indican que genera costos importantes para los sistemas de salud en el mundo.&nbsp;Objetivo:&nbsp;Establecer la carga económica de la HAP en el contexto peruano.&nbsp;Métodos:&nbsp;La información de uso de recursos en salud se recolectó por medio de consultas a expertos clínicos y líderes de opinión. La información de costos fue obtenida de dos manuales tarifarios y del Observatorio de Productos farmacéuticos.&nbsp;Resultados:&nbsp;Los expertos indicaron que alrededor del 68% de los pacientes se encontraban en un estadio intermedio de la enfermedad y que el uso de terapia combinada secuencial es predominante en los estados FC III y FC IV, en comparación con estadios más tempranos. El costo de tratamiento anual de la HAP en el Perú fue de 14.842 USD (S/ 25.885), donde el principal rubro fueron los medicamentos (81,72%), seguido del diagnóstico (8,96%) y seguimiento ambulatorio (5,75%).&nbsp;Conclusión:&nbsp;La información sobre la hipertensión arterial pulmonar en el Perú es crítica para los tomadores de decisión, debido al alto impacto económico que conlleva. Más aún, estudios en esta área terapéutica son relevantes para la difusión del conocimiento de la enfermedad a los diferentes profesionales de la salud


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    Ainda não se sabe se a correlação amostral constitui fator restritivo à utilização de algum método de co-estimativa. Por isso, este artigo visa analisar as variações que ocorrem nos resultados de diferentes métodos de co-estimativa à medida que o coeficiente de correlação entre as variáveis primária e secundária diminui. Para isso, cokrigagem ordinária, cokrigagem ordinária colocalizada e krigagem com deriva externa com e sem correção do efeito de suavização foram aplicadas a cinco conjuntos de dados apresentando diferentes correlações entre a variável primária e a secundária. Todos os métodos tornaram-se menos eficientes à medida que o coeficiente de correlação entre as variáveis diminuiu. Em todos os casos, a cokrigagem ordinária colocalizada apresentou resultados com melhor precisão local e preservação da correlação inicial entre as variáveis. Porém, se o objetivo do estudo também for reproduzir o histograma amostral, a krigagem com deriva externa com correção do efeito de suavização constitui melhor alternativa para conjuntos de dados com alta correlação. Por fim, a utilização da cokrigagem ordinária deve se restringir aos casos em que as variáveis são altamente correlacionadas e escassamente amostradas. Palavras-chave: co-estimativas; coeficiente de correlação; geoestatística multivariada; krigagem com deriva externa; correção do efeito de suavização

    Thermoluminescence and defect centers in synthetic diopside

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    MgCaSi2O6 polycrystal was synthesized by the devitrification method. The dosimetric characteristics by TL of this prepared polycrystal was investigated. This material exhibits TL peaks at 115, 160, 210, 260 and 280 °C. The dosimetric peak occurs at 260 °C with a well defined glow curve structure. This peak shows a linear dose response. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies have been carried out to identify the defect centers responsible for the TL peaks. Two defect centers in the region of g = 2.0 are found. One of the centers (center I) with a g factor equal to 2.0085 is identified as O− -ion and relates with the observed high temperature 250 and 300 °C TL peaks. Additional defect centers with g = 2.0012 (center II) and 1.982 (center III) are due to F+- centers (electron trapped at an oxygen vacancy). Center II and III correlate with the TL peaks at 160 °C and 106 °C, respectively.Campus Arequip

    Theoretical investigation of hydrogen storage in metal-intercalated graphitic materials

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    We have used first-principles methods to investigate how metal atoms dispersed in the interlayer space of graphitic materials affect their hydrogen-binding properties. We have considered ideal stage-one metal-intercalated graphites of various compositions as representative model systems. Our calculations suggest that alkaline earth metals can significantly enhance the hydrogen storage properties: for example, Be and Mg atoms would act as binding sites of three or four hydrogen molecules, with binding energies per H2_2 in the 0.2--0.7 eV range, as required for applications. We also find that alkali and transition metals are not as effective in enhancing the storage capacity.Comment: 11 pages with 4 figures embedded. More information at http://www.icmab.es/dmmis/leem/jorge

    Graphene growth on h-BN by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    The growth of single layer graphene nanometer size domains by solid carbon source molecular beam epitaxy on hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) flakes is demonstrated. Formation of single-layer graphene is clearly apparent in Raman spectra which display sharp optical phonon bands. Atomic-force microscope images and Raman maps reveal that the graphene grown depends on the surface morphology of the h-BN substrates. The growth is governed by the high mobility of the carbon atoms on the h-BN surface, in a manner that is consistent with van der Waals epitaxy. The successful growth of graphene layers depends on the substrate temperature, but is independent of the incident flux of carbon atoms.Comment: Solid State Communications, 201