1,481 research outputs found

    Wilhelm Hofmann

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    Nachruf der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Vorgetragen in der Sitzung am 18.12.196

    Extracting the Groupwise Core Structural Connectivity Network: Bridging Statistical and Graph-Theoretical Approaches

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    Finding the common structural brain connectivity network for a given population is an open problem, crucial for current neuro-science. Recent evidence suggests there's a tightly connected network shared between humans. Obtaining this network will, among many advantages , allow us to focus cognitive and clinical analyses on common connections, thus increasing their statistical power. In turn, knowledge about the common network will facilitate novel analyses to understand the structure-function relationship in the brain. In this work, we present a new algorithm for computing the core structural connectivity network of a subject sample combining graph theory and statistics. Our algorithm works in accordance with novel evidence on brain topology. We analyze the problem theoretically and prove its complexity. Using 309 subjects, we show its advantages when used as a feature selection for connectivity analysis on populations, outperforming the current approaches

    MySQL extension automatic porting to PDO for PHP migration and security improvement

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    In software management, the upgrade of programming languages may introduce critical issues. This is the case of PHP, the fifth version of which is going towards the end of the support. The new release improves on different aspects, but removes the old deprecated MySQL extensions, and supports only the newer library of functions for the connection to the databases. The software systems already in place need to be renewed to be compliant with respect to the new language version. The conversion of the source code, to be safe against injection attacks, should involve also the transformation of the query code. The purpose of this work is the design of specific tool that automatically applies the required transformation yielding to a precise and efficient conversion procedure. The tool has been applied to different projects to provide evidence of its effectiveness

    The Influence of High-Temperature Creep on the Ultrasonic Velocity in Alloy 800H

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    The occurrence of creep damage limits the lifetime of component that are exposed to stresses at temperatures higher than approximately half the melting temperature. Such conditions are generally met by a lot of structural components especially in power plants (pipes, turbines, etc.). According to conventional safety rules critical parts are usually exchanged long before any failure has to be expected. This procedure is based on statistics drawn from material tests by standardized methods rather than on the actual state of the component concerned. During the last years an increasing need can be stated to develop NDE methods for the detection of early damage stages in order to improve the reliability and safety of components. Basically, techniques are required which are sensitive to either small strains or, better, to small concentrations of micropores and microcracks, respectively. With regard to in-field applications, only replica techniques are used successfully for that purpose up to now [1,2]. These metallographic techniques are restricted to surfaces where appropriate spots have to be selected and to be prepared carefully. In this work the influence of creep damage on the ultrasonic velocity has been investigated on a representative high-temperature alloy for tube components, i. e., Alloy 800 H (X10 NiCrAlTi 32 20)

    On the Structure of the Fusion Ideal

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    We prove that there is a finite level-independent bound on the number of relations defining the fusion ring of positive energy representations of the loop group of a simple, simply connected Lie group. As an illustration, we compute the fusion ring of G2G_2 at all levels

    Uso da farinha de minhoca como alimento para pós-larvas de tilápia.

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    Foi avaliada a influência da substituição da farinha de peixe pela farinha de minhoca (Eisenia foetida) no crescimento de pós-larvas de tilápia nilótica (Oreochromis niloticus). A farinha de peixe, que correspondeu a 50% da proteína da dieta, foi substituída pela farinha de minhoca nos seguintes níveis: 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% e 100%. Os peixes foram alimentados à vontade, quatro vezes ao dia, sendo pesados e medidos aos 21 e 41 dias de experimentação. O delineamento experimental foi o completamente casualizado, com quatro repetições por tratamento e 20 peixes por unidade experimental. Os dados coletados foram analisados pela ANOVA, sendo as médias posteriormente classificadas pelo teste de Tukey (5%). Após 21 dias, não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos. Entretanto, aos 41 dias houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos e os animais com o nível de substituição de 20% apresentaram os maiores pesos e taxas de crescimento específico, e os animais com o nível de substituição de 100% os menores. Durante o período experimental não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos em relação à sobrevivência dos animais. Os resultados mostram que baixos níveis de substituição da farinha de peixe (20%) melhoram o crescimento dos animais e que a substituição total da farinha de peixe pela farinha de minhoca é prejudicial ao desenvolvimento dos peixes, mas não afeta a sua sobrevivência.bitstream/item/37405/1/BP45.pd

    Equivariant singularity theory with distinguished parameters: Two case studies of resonant Hamiltonian systems

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    We consider Hamiltonian systems near equilibrium that can be (formally) reduced to one degree of freedom. Spatio-temporal symmetries play a key role. The planar reduction is studied by equivariant singularity theory with distinguished parameters. The method is illustrated on the conservative spring-pendulum system near resonance, where it leads to integrable approximations of the iso-energetic Poincaré map. The novelty of our approach is that we obtain information on the whole dynamics, regarding the (quasi-) periodic solutions, the global configuration of their invariant manifolds, and bifurcations of these.

    Singularities of equidistants and global centre symmetry sets of Lagrangian submanifolds

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    We define the Global Centre Symmetry set (GCS) of a smooth closed m-dimensional submanifold M of R^n, n2mn \leq 2m, which is an affinely invariant generalization of the centre of a k-sphere in R^{k+1}. The GCS includes both the centre symmetry set defined by Janeczko and the Wigner caustic defined by Berry. We develop a new method for studying generic singularities of the GCS which is suited to the case when M is lagrangian in R^{2m} with canonical symplectic form. The definition of the GCS, which slightly generalizes one by Giblin and Zakalyukin, is based on the notion of affine equidistants, so, we first study singularities of affine equidistants of Lagrangian submanifolds, classifying all the stable ones. Then, we classify the affine-Lagrangian stable singularities of the GCS of Lagrangian submanifolds and show that, already for smooth closed convex curves in R^2, many singularities of the GCS which are affine stable are not affine-Lagrangian stable.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Construction of wedge-local nets of observables through Longo-Witten endomorphisms. II

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    In the first part, we have constructed several families of interacting wedge-local nets of von Neumann algebras. In particular, there has been discovered a family of models based on the endomorphisms of the U(1)-current algebra of Longo-Witten. In this second part, we further investigate endomorphisms and interacting models. The key ingredient is the free massless fermionic net, which contains the U(1)-current net as the fixed point subnet with respect to the U(1) gauge action. Through the restriction to the subnet, we construct a new family of Longo-Witten endomorphisms on the U(1)-current net and accordingly interacting wedge-local nets in two-dimensional spacetime. The U(1)-current net admits the structure of particle numbers and the S-matrices of the models constructed here do mix the spaces with different particle numbers of the bosonic Fock space.Comment: 33 pages, 1 tikz figure. The final version is available under Open Access. CC-B

    Microstructural characterization of AISI 431 martensitic stainless steel laser-deposited coatings

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    High cooling rates during laser cladding of stainless steels may alter the microstructure and phase constitution of the claddings and consequently change their functional properties. In this research, solidification structures and solid state phase transformation products in single and multi layer AISI 431 martensitic stainless steel coatings deposited by laser cladding at different processing speeds are investigated by optical microscopy, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), orientation imaging microscopy (OIM), ternary phase diagram, Schaeffler and TTT diagrams. The results of this study show how partitionless solidification and higher solidification rates alter the microstructure and phase constitution of martensitic stainless steel laser deposited coatings. In addition, it is shown that while different cladding speeds have no effect on austenite–martensite orientation relationship in the coatings, increasing the cladding speed has resulted in a reduction of hardness in deposited coatings which is in contrast to the common idea about obtaining higher hardness values at higher cladding speeds.