180 research outputs found

    Synthetical engineering of supramolecular properties of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

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    Consequences of the multipatient use of a single-patient capillary blood sampling device (CBSD)

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    Introduction/objectives: Multipatient use of a single-patient CBSD occurred inan outpatient clinic during 4 to 16 months before itsnotification. We looked for transmission of blood-bornepathogens among exposed patients.Methods: Exposed patients underwent serology testing for HBV,HCV and HIV. Patients with isolated anti-HBc receivedone dose of hepatitis B vaccine to look for a memoryimmune response. Possible transmissions were investigatedby mapping visits and sequencing of the viral genomeif needed.Results: Of 280 exposed patients, 9 had died without suspicionof blood-borne infection, 3 could not be tested, and 5declined investigations. Among the 263 (93%) testedpatients, 218 (83%) had negative results. We confirmeda known history of HCV infection in 6 patients (1 coinfectedby HIV), and also identified resolved HBVinfection in 37 patients, of whom 18 were alreadyknown. 2 patients were found to have a previouslyunknown HCV infection. According to the time elapsedfrom the closest previous visit of a HCV-infected potentialsource patient, we could rule out nosocomial transmissionin one case (14 weeks) but not in the other (1day). In the latter, however, transmission was deemedvery unlikely by 2 reference centers based on thesequences of the E1 and HVR1 regions of the virus.Conclusion: We did not identify any transmission of blood-bornepathogens in 263 patients exposed to a single-patientCBSD, despite the presence of potential source cases.Change of needle and disinfection of the device betweenpatients may have contributed to this outcome.Although we cannot exclude transmission of HBV, previousacquisition in endemic countries is a more likelyexplanation in this multi-national population

    Subgroup Economic Analysis for Glioblastoma in a Health Resource-Limited Setting

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this research was to evaluate the economic outcomes of radiotherapy (RT), temozolomide (TMZ) and nitrosourea (NT) strategies for glioblastoma patients with different prognostic factors. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A Markov model was developed to track monthly patient transitions. Transition probabilities and utilities were derived primarily from published reports. Costs were estimated from the perspective of the Chinese healthcare system. The survival data with different prognostic factors were simulated using Weibull survival models. Costs over a 5-year period and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) were estimated. Probabilistic sensitivity and one-way analyses were performed. The baseline analysis in the overall cohort showed that the TMZ strategy increased the cost and QALY relative to the RT strategy by 25,328.4and0.29,respectively;andtheTMZstrategyincreasedthecostandQALYrelativetotheNTstrategyby25,328.4 and 0.29, respectively; and the TMZ strategy increased the cost and QALY relative to the NT strategy by 23,906.5 and 0.25, respectively. Therefore, the incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) per additional QALY of the TMZ strategy, relative to the RT strategy and the NT strategy, amounts to 87,940.6and87,940.6 and 94,968.3, respectively. Subgroups with more favorable prognostic factors achieved more health benefits with improved ICERs. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses confirmed that the TMZ strategy was not cost-effective. In general, the results were most sensitive to the cost of TMZ, which indicates that better outcomes could be achieved by decreasing the cost of TMZ. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In health resource-limited settings, TMZ is not a cost-effective option for glioblastoma patients. Selecting patients with more favorable prognostic factors increases the likelihood of cost-effectiveness

    Pathophysiological classification of chronic rhinosinusitis

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    BACKGROUND: Recent consensus statements demonstrate the breadth of the chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) differential diagnosis. However, the classification and mechanisms of different CRS phenotypes remains problematic. METHOD: Statistical patterns of subjective and objective findings were assessed by retrospective chart review. RESULTS: CRS patients were readily divided into those with (50/99) and without (49/99) polyposis. Aspirin sensitivity was limited to 17/50 polyp subjects. They had peripheral blood eosinophilia and small airways obstruction. Allergy skin tests were positive in 71% of the remaining polyp subjects. IgE was<10 IU/ml in 8/38 polyp and 20/45 nonpolyp subjects (p = 0.015, Fisher's Exact test). CT scans of the CRS without polyp group showed sinus mucosal thickening (probable glandular hypertrophy) in 28/49, and nasal osteomeatal disease in 21/49. Immunoglobulin isotype deficiencies were more prevalent in nonpolyp than polyp subjects (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: CRS subjects were retrospectively classified in to 4 categories using the algorithm of (1) polyp vs. nonpolyp disease, (2) aspirin sensitivity in polyposis, and (3) sinus mucosal thickening vs. nasal osteomeatal disease (CT scan extent of disease) for nonpolypoid subjects. We propose that the pathogenic mechanisms responsible for polyposis, aspirin sensitivity, humoral immunodeficiency, glandular hypertrophy, eosinophilia and atopy are primary mechanisms underlying these CRS phenotypes. The influence of microbial disease and other factors remain to be examined in this framework. We predict that future clinical studies and treatment decisions will be more logical when these interactive disease mechanisms are used to stratify CRS patients

    Migraine headaches in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): Comparison of two prospective cross-sectional studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Headaches are more frequent in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) than healthy control (HC) subjects. The 2004 International Headache Society (IHS) criteria were used to define CFS headache phenotypes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Subjects in Cohort 1 (HC = 368; CFS = 203) completed questionnaires about many diverse symptoms by giving nominal (yes/no) answers. Cohort 2 (HC = 21; CFS = 67) had more focused evaluations. They scored symptom severities on 0 to 4 anchored ordinal scales, and had structured headache evaluations. All subjects had history and physical examinations; assessments for exclusion criteria; questionnaires about CFS related symptoms (0 to 4 scale), Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI) and Medical Outcome Survey Short Form 36 (MOS SF-36).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Demographics, trends for the number of diffuse "functional" symptoms present, and severity of CFS case designation criteria symptoms were equivalent between CFS subjects in Cohorts 1 and 2. HC had significantly fewer symptoms, lower MFI and higher SF-36 domain scores than CFS in both cohorts. Migraine headaches were found in 84%, and tension-type headaches in 81% of Cohort 2 CFS. This compared to 5% and 45%, respectively, in HC. The CFS group had migraine without aura (60%; MO; CFS+MO), with aura (24%; CFS+MA), tension headaches only (12%), or no headaches (4%). Co-morbid tension and migraine headaches were found in 67% of CFS. CFS+MA had higher severity scores than CFS+MO for the sum of scores for poor memory, dizziness, balance, and numbness ("Neuro-construct", p = 0.002) and perceived heart rhythm disturbances, palpitations and noncardiac chest pain ("Cardio-construct"; p = 0.045, t-tests after Bonferroni corrections). CFS+MO subjects had lower pressure-induced pain thresholds (2.36 kg [1.95-2.78; 95% C.I.] n = 40) and a higher prevalence of fibromyalgia (47%; 1990 criteria) compared to HC (5.23 kg [3.95-6.52] n = 20; and 0%, respectively). Sumatriptan was beneficial for 13 out of 14 newly diagnosed CFS migraine subjects.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CFS subjects had higher prevalences of MO and MA than HC, suggesting that mechanisms of migraine pathogenesis such as central sensitization may contribute to CFS pathophysiology.</p> <p>Clinical Trial Registration</p> <p>Georgetown University IRB # 2006-481</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00810329">NCT00810329</a></p

    Photorespiratory 2-phosphoglycolate metabolism and photoreduction of O2 cooperate in high-light acclimation of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803

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    In cyanobacteria, photorespiratory 2-phosphoglycolate (2PG) metabolism is mediated by three different routes, including one route involving the glycine decarboxylase complex (Gcv). It has been suggested that, in addition to conversion of 2PG into non-toxic intermediates, this pathway is important for acclimation to high-light. The photoreduction of O2 (Mehler reaction), which is mediated by two flavoproteins Flv1 and Flv3 in cyanobacteria, dissipates excess reductants under high-light by the four electron-reduction of oxygen to water. Single and double mutants defective in these processes were constructed to investigate the relation between photorespiratory 2PG-metabolism and the photoreduction of O2 in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The single mutants Δflv1, Δflv3, and ΔgcvT, as well as the double mutant Δflv1/ΔgcvT, were completely segregated but not the double mutant Δflv3/ΔgcvT, suggesting that the T-protein subunit of the Gcv (GcvT) and Flv3 proteins cooperate in an essential process. This assumption is supported by the following results: (1) The mutant Δflv3/ΔgcvT showed a considerable longer lag phase and sometimes bleached after shifts from slow (low light, air CO2) to rapid (standard light, 5% CO2) growing conditions. (2) Photoinhibition experiments indicated a decreased ability of the mutant Δflv3/ΔgcvT to cope with high-light. (3) Fluorescence measurements showed that the photosynthetic electron chain is reduced in this mutant. Our data suggest that the photorespiratory 2PG-metabolism and the photoreduction of O2, particularly that catalyzed by Flv3, cooperate during acclimation to high-light stress in cyanobacteria

    Independent policy learning: Contextual diffusion of active labour market policies

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    This chapter analyses in which ways diffusion based on interdependent policy learning explains the spread of active labour market policies (ALMP) in the OECD countries. By applying error correction models using multiplicative spatial Prais-Winsten regressions for analyzing the diffusion of ALMPs in 22 OECD countries from 1991–2013, we find evidence of governments adapting labour market policy strategies that have proven successful, that is, perform well in increasing labour market participation in other countries. However, interdependent learning is conditional on the institutional framework: policymakers rather learn from the experience of other countries in the same welfare regime. Even more importantly, the results bear witness to the importance of the European Employment Strategy (EES) as an international coordination framework facilitating policy learning

    Acquired angioedema

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    Acquired angioedema (AAE) is characterized by acquired deficiency of C1 inhibitor (C1-INH), hyperactivation of the classical pathway of human complement and angioedema symptoms mediated by bradykinin released by inappropriate activation of the contact-kinin system. Angioedema recurs at unpredictable intervals, lasts from two to five days and presents with edema of the skin (face, limbs, genitals), severe abdominal pain with edema of the gastrointestinal mucosa, life-threateing edema of the upper respiratory tract and edema of the oral mucosa and of the tongue. AAE recurs in association with various conditions and particularly with different forms of lymphoproliferative disorders. Neutralizing autoantibodies to C1-INH are present in the majority of patients. The therapeutic approach to a patient with AAE should first be aimed to avoid fatalities due to angioedema and then to avoid the disability caused be angioedema recurrences. Acute attacks can be treated with plasma-derived C1-INH, but some patients become non-responsive and in these patients the kallikrein inhibitor ecallantide and the bradykinin receptor antagonist icatibant can be effective. Angioedema prophylaxis is performed using antifibrinolytic agents and attenuated androgens with antifibrinolytic agents providing somewhat better results. Treatment of the associated disease can resolve AAE in some patients

    Overview of medical errors and adverse events

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    Safety is a global concept that encompasses efficiency, security of care, reactivity of caregivers, and satisfaction of patients and relatives. Patient safety has emerged as a major target for healthcare improvement. Quality assurance is a complex task, and patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) are more likely than other hospitalized patients to experience medical errors, due to the complexity of their conditions, need for urgent interventions, and considerable workload fluctuation. Medication errors are the most common medical errors and can induce adverse events. Two approaches are available for evaluating and improving quality-of-care: the room-for-improvement model, in which problems are identified, plans are made to resolve them, and the results of the plans are measured; and the monitoring model, in which quality indicators are defined as relevant to potential problems and then monitored periodically. Indicators that reflect structures, processes, or outcomes have been developed by medical societies. Surveillance of these indicators is organized at the hospital or national level. Using a combination of methods improves the results. Errors are caused by combinations of human factors and system factors, and information must be obtained on how people make errors in the ICU environment. Preventive strategies are more likely to be effective if they rely on a system-based approach, in which organizational flaws are remedied, rather than a human-based approach of encouraging people not to make errors. The development of a safety culture in the ICU is crucial to effective prevention and should occur before the evaluation of safety programs, which are more likely to be effective when they involve bundles of measures

    Smoke with Fire: Financial Crises and the Demand for Parliamentary Oversight in the European Union.

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    The handling of the 2008 financial crisis has reinforced the conviction that the European Union (EU) is undemocratic and that member states are forced to delegate overwhelming power to a supranational technocracy. However, European countries have engaged with this alleged power drift differently, with only a few member states demanding more parliamentary scrutiny of EU institutions. This article develops a political economy explanation for why only some states have enforced mechanisms to monitor the EU more closely. Our theory focuses on the role of the crisis and the impact of fiscal autonomy in countries outside and inside currency arrangements such as the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). We argue that, in the aftermath of a severe economic shock, member states outside the EMU possess more monetary and fiscal resources to handle the crisis. These would then demand oversight of EU decision-making if their fiscal sustainability depends on the Union. By contrast, Eurozone states that need policy changes cannot address the crisis independently or initiate reforms to scrutinize the EU. Hence, we argue that during the heated moments of severe economic downturns, parliaments in Eurozone countries discuss supranational supervision rarely. As these legislatures have nevertheless to give in to the popular demand for EU control, they express support for more EU supervision in the infrequent times of debate. We provide evidence for our theory with a cross-national analysis of EU oversight institutions, and a new original dataset of parliamentary debates during the Eurozone crisis. Our findings highlight the political consequences that financial nosedives have across the diverse membership of a supranational organization