180 research outputs found


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    Rebranding dan promosi laundry sepatu Sneaklin di Kota Bandung ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan laundry sepatu Sneaklin kepada masyarkat Kota Bandung yang belum mengenal dan mengetahui keberadaan Sneaklin, masyarakat di kalangan muda dan keluarga perlu mengetahui laundry sepatu ini bagi yang tidak memiliki waktu dan awam dalam pencucian sepatu. dengan dibuatnya rebranding dan promosi ini diharapkan masyarakat mengenali dan menggunakan jasa usaha laundry sepatu ini. Kata kunci : rebranding, promosi, laundry se

    PERANCANGAN MEDIA PROMOSI PARIWISATA KABUPATEN BEKASI Aninda Puri Utami 126010039.Waska Warta dan Erna Nurmalinda

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    Kabupaten Bekasi adalah sebuah kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang pusat pemerintahannya berada di Cikarang. Kabupaten Bekasi terdiri dari 23 kecamatan dengan jumlah penduduk kurang lebih 1,9 juta jiwa. Perekonomian di Kabupaten Bekasi ditopang oleh sektor industri dengan banyaknya kawasan industri sehingga Kabupaten Bekasi lebih dikenal dengan kawasan industri yang panas dan penuh polusi. Kabupaten Bekasi dianggap tidak memiliki daya tarik wisata sama sekali. Masyarakat Kabupaten Bekasi lebih memilih untuk berlibur di luar kota seperti Bandung, Jakarta, dan lain-lain. Sayangnya belum banyak yang mengetahui bahwa Kabupaten Bekasi memiliki potensi pariwisata yang beragam seperti kawasan bahari Muara Gembong, Danau Cibeureum, Taman Buaya Indonesia Jaya, dan Gedung Juang. Tujuan dari disusunnya penelitian ini adalah membantu masyarakat Kabupaten Bekasi untuk lebih mengenal dan mencintai segala potensi yang dimiliki oleh daerahnya sendiri sehingga dapat memajukan potensi pariwisata yang ada. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan menyelidiki pengumpulan informasi untuk menguji hipotesis atau menjawab pertanyaan yang menyangkut dengan keadaan yang sedang berlangsung saat ini. Kesimpulan secara umum adalah membuat media promosi pariwisata Kabupaten Bekasi yang dapat memberi informasi kepada masyarakat tentang sisi lain dari Kabupaten Bekasi yang nyatanya memiliki potensi pariwisata yang menarik, sehingga Kabupaten Bekasi lebih menarik karena memiliki dua sisi berlainan yang saling melengkapi yaitu kawasan industri dan tempat wisata

    Fe- and Cu-complex formation with artificial ligands investigated by ultra-high resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS): Implications for natural metal-organic complex studies

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    In recent years, electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) has been increasingly used to complement the bulk determination of metal-ligand equilibria, for example via competitive ligand exchange-adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (CLE-ACSV). However, ESI-MS speciation analyses may be impacted by instrumental artifacts such as reduction reactions, fragmentation, and adduct formation at the ESI source, changes in the ionization efficiencies of the detected species in relation to sample matrix, and peak overlaps in response to increasing sample complexity. In our study, equilibria of the known artificial ligands citrate, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 1-nitroso-2-naphthol (NN), and salicylaldoxime (SA) with iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) were investigated by ultra-high resolution ESI-MS, Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS), under a variety of sample matrix and ionization settings. The acquired mass spectra were compared with metal-ligand equilibrium data from the literature as well as an adapted speciation model. Overall, the mass spectra produced representative species mentioned in previous reports and predicted by the speciation calculations, such as Fe(Cit), Cu(Cit)2, Fe(EDTA), Cu(EDTA), Fe(NN)3, and Cu(SA)2. The analyses furthermore revealed new species which had been hypothesized but not measured directly using other methods, for example ternary complexes of citrate with Fe and Cu, Cu(SA) monomers, and the dimer Fe(SA)2. Finally, parallel measurements of a Cu+SA calibration series and a Cu+SA+EDTA competition series indicated that FT-ICR-MS can produce linear responses and low detection limits analogous to those of ACSV. We propose that ultra-high resolution FT-ICR-MS can be used as a representative tool to study interactions of trace metals with artificial as well as natural, unknown ligands at the molecular level

    The Role of Teachers in Improving Competency Standards for Graduates of SMPN 129 Jakarta Students

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    National education standards are the minimum criteria that must be met in the implementation of education. national education standards include content standards, process standards, graduate competency standards, educator and education staff standards, infrastructure standards, management standards, financing standards, assessment standards. The purpose of this study is to reveal efforts to improve graduate competency standards by teachers and other parties. This research uses descriptive qualitative. The research was conducted on December 12 2022 at SMPN 129 Jakarta. The results of the study show that the KL Standards of SMPN 129 Jakarta related to Spirituality, mastery of Science and Technology, and further education can be fulfilled by the teacher's role in developing each national standard and implementing programs outside of class hours


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    Lembaga pendidikan berkeharusan melakukan inovasi agar eksistensinya selalu terjaga dan bertumbuh sehat melalui kemampuan daya saing tinggi. Inovasi tidak hanya pada aspek yang secara langsung berkaitan dengan pembelajaran, namun pada perangkat atau fungsi tertentu dalam institusi/organisasi yang berkontribusi pada meningkatnya kualitas layanan pendidikan. Salah satu di antaranya adalah pada fungsi hubungan masyarakat (humas) pendidikan yang sekarang ini umum yang telah dilembagakan secara formal. Fungsi utama humas pendidikan adalah mengupayakan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap penyelenggaraan pendididikan suatu lembaga secara optimum. Fakta dan opini yang berkembang sejak beberapa tahun terakhir ini adalah keyakinan bahwa ada keterkaitan antara invovasi pendidikan dan humas pendidikan, namun selalu ada kendala yang muncul dalam inovasi yang intinya adalah perubahan dan pembaruan dalam pendidikan, namun pelaksanaan humas pendidikan merupakan keniscayaan untuk dikembangkan

    Implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the Implementation of Education Quality Control in Information Engineering Study Program

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    The main key to quality education management is how to carry out good and quality education to give birth to a generation of people who have potential, abilities, talents that grow and develop in all areas of life so that they are able to compete globally. For the implementation of quality education (quality), quality organizational management is also needed, one of which is by implementing Total Quality Management. Efforts to standardize quality and guarantee the implementation of higher education must meet quality standards in an effort to maintain and improve the quality of education nationally. In general, the definition of quality assurance in higher education is: The process of establishing and fulfilling education quality standards consistently and continuously so that customers get satisfaction. The process to ensure that the quality of graduates is in accordance with the specified/promised competencies so that quality can be consistently maintained and continuously improved

    The Leadership Style of the Program Chair in Improving the Performance of Lectures and Its Relevance to the Quality of Education: A Case Study of the Informatics Engineering Program at ITB Swadharma

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    This research examines the significance of effective leadership and job performance in achieving organizational or company goals. The research focuses on the leadership style adopted by the head of the information technology engineering study program in improving the performance of lecturers and its relevance to the quality of education in the program. This research holds important value in providing recommendations to decision-makers in educational quality improvement programs to face increasing competition in the higher education industry. This section highlights the importance of effective leadership and job performance in motivating and guiding employees to achieve organizational goals and their impact on the quality of education. Good leadership can involve various aspects, such as providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating organizational members to work effectively. The factors that support educational quality in the implementation model of Total Quality Management include: 1) leadership, 2) customer-focused approach, 3) organizational climate, 4) problem-solving teams, 5) meaningful data, 6) scientific methods and tools, and 7) education and training. The data sources used in this research include: 1) secondary data from internal and external evaluation reports, 2) questionnaires to measure the perceptions of students and lecturers, 3) interviews with the head of the study program, lecturers, students, and alumni, 4) policy documents and strategic plans, and 5) statistical data on the performance of lecturers and students

    Management Effectiveness of Educators and Education Personnel

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    Educator management and education personnel are activities that must be carried out from educators and education personnel entering the educational organization to stopping through the process of HR planning, recruitment, selection, placement, compensation, awards, education and development training, and dismissal. Education and education management must absolutely be applied by the principal in order to utilize Human Resources effectively efficiently to achieve optimal results. The purpose of this study is to know and describe the planning, organizing, and supervision of educators and education personnel. The research approach with qualitative methods, the research was carried out from February to April 2023 at SMAN 18 North Jakarta with the results of the study showing that in general the planning, organization and supervision  carried out by employee management at SMAN 18 North Jakarta have been carried out effectively, namely by compiling and implementing work programs from each apparatus or each education staff,  Then divide the duties of each education staff according to the abilities they hav

    Science Learning Management to Improve Student Learning Outcomes

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    To improve learning outcomes in educational institutions, it is necessary to apply learning management, which is part of education management. Because educational management is a set of interrelated processes in achieving the goals of an educational institution. Based on the management theory of preliminary studies to improve student learning outcomes, educational institutions must apply the concept of learning management to educational institutions. This research will be carried out at MTS N 16 Ciamis, MTs Alhuda Sadananya, Ciamis Regency and MTs S Mujahidin, Tasikmalaya Regency on science learning management in an effort to improve learning outcomes. Natural Science learning management as an effort to improve student learning outcomes in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 16 Ciamis Regency, Madrasah Tsanawiyah Alhuda Sadanaya Ciamis Regency and Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mujahidin Sukaratu, Tasikmalaya Regency. Implement natural science learning management through management stages, namely science learning planning, organizing, implementing, as well as monitoring and evaluation

    Management of Educational Facilities and Infrastructure in Improving Excellent Graduates at SMK Proklamasi Karawang

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    Advances in knowledge and technology make schools have to adapt to changes in zama. Facilities and infrastructure are important in supporting the learning process that can create graduates from schools to become excellent graduates. Excellent graduates are expected to be in accordance with the needs of the industrial world or the needs of society in general. One of the effectiveness of learning activities in SMK is the field of facilities and infrastructure. This study aims to determine the management of educational facilities and infrastructure at SMK Proklamasi Tanjungmekar Karawang in improving superior graduates. This research uses qualitative methods with a phenomonological approach, with the research location at SMK Proklamasi Tanjungmekar Karawang. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The data analysis technique that researchers use is data reduction, then presenting data and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the research conducted, the management of educational facilities and infrastructure at SMK Proklamasi Tanjungmekar Karawang was obtained as follows. 1) the planning process of facilities and infrastructure implemented at SMK Proklamasi is in accordance with the established SOP, 2) the process of organizing facilities and infrastructure has been carried out in accordance with the job description well, 3) the implementation of facilities and infrastructure is running well, 4) the process of supervising facilities and infrastructure is running wel
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