16 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Performance of Inpatient Nurses at Malahayati Islamic Hospital Medan

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    Nurse performance can significantly impact the quality of healthcare services in hospitals, meaning that low nurse performance can affect patient trust, satisfaction, and ultimately, the quality of life and well-being of the community. One factor influencing nurse performance in hospitals is job satisfaction. Job satisfaction reflects employees' feelings towards their jobs. Thus, this study aims to describe the relationship between job satisfaction and nurse performance. The research uses a cross-sectional study design with a sample size of 77 inpatient nurses at Malahayati Islamic Hospital in Medan, employing total sampling techniques. The research instruments include the Job Satisfaction Survey developed by Spector (1994) and the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ) developed by Koopmans et al. (2014). Data analysis was conducted using univariate and bivariate analysis with the chi-square test. The results showed that the majority of nurses' job satisfaction fell into the optimal category (71.4%) and the majority of nurse performance was categorized as good (63.6%). There is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and the performance of inpatient nurses at Malahayati Islamic Hospital in Medan, with a p-value of 0.000 (P value <0.05)

    Factors Influencing Smoking Habits Among Adolescents in Tegal Rejo Village, Medan Perjuangan District

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    Smoking behavior among adolescents is a particular issue that requires serious attention. Adolescents tend to be more vulnerable to the influence of their surroundings, including peers and social media, which can affect their decisions regarding smoking. This study aims to explore the factors related to smoking behavior among adolescents in Indonesia. Using quantitative methods, univariate and bivariate analyses were conducted on data from 271 respondents. The findings indicate a significant relationship between individual knowledge about the dangers of smoking, individual attitudes toward smoking, social media exposure to content about the dangers of smoking, and the level of self-efficacy with smoking behavior among adolescents. These results support the importance of understanding and managing these factors in efforts to prevent and control smoking among adolescents. Strategies that include enhancing knowledge, supportive attitudes, managing social media exposure, and strengthening self-efficacy can be effective steps in reducing the prevalence of smoking behavior in the adolescent population. In this context, evidence-based approaches, such as those proposed by Lawrence Green's Theory of Behavior Change, can serve as a foundation for designing more effective interventions. Collaboration among various parties, including the government, educational institutions, and the general community, is necessary to create a supportive environment to change smoking behavior and improve adolescent health overall

    Evaluation of The Coverage of The Covid-19 Vaccine and The Contribution of Patriarchal Culture in Influence it on Nias Island

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    The President targets that by the end of 2021, the number of people vaccinated will be 70%. Meanwhile, in October 2021, the target for achieving dose 1 had only reached 43.13%. The implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination in Indonesia, especially in several outer islands of Sumatra, still faces several obstacles in the community. These obstacles include difficult storage and distribution of vaccines in island areas far from the provincial center. This research aims to evaluate the coverage achievement figures, the Covid-19 vaccine and the contribution of Partiarchy culture in Nias Island. This research is a mixed methods research with explanatory sequential design. The sampling for quantitative research using the categorical proposition formula were 338 samples and for qualitative research were 22 informant. Thus, the total number of people studied in this reasearch was 410 people over 15 years of age who permanently live on Nias Island, North Sumatra. Data collection in this research is primary data by questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Data anlaysis for quantitative data was carried out in 2 ways, namely univariate and bivariate (chi-square) analysis. Meanwhile, analysis for qualitative data uses content analysis. The research results showed that the coverage rate of the Covid-19 vaccine on Nias Island in this study was lower than reported in the Indonesian Ministry of Health data with details of dose 1 (87.9%), dose 2 (75%), and dose 3 (16.2%). The contribution of Partiarchy culture to the acceptance of the Covid-19 vaccine on Nias Island is in the form of families who are extremely partiarchy having a greater chance of not getting the vaccine than those who are normally Partiarchy. If a father (from a patriarchal family) does not want the vaccine, the whole family will follow the father's decision even if there are differences in the opinions of other family members, and vice versa. Recommendations from the results of this research are to increase the coverage rate of the Covid-19 vaccine, requiring special attention and approaches to radical partyararchy families. Keywords : Covid-19 Vaccine, Patriarchy cultur

    Pengaruh Kadar Gula Darah terhadap Hipertensi di RSUD Rantauprapat

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    Background: T2DM is a background for other diseases, one of which is hypertension. Hypertension can be triggered from T2DM through the mechanism of insulin resistance which then causes hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidemia, and hyperglycemia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of blood sugar levels on hypertension in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at RSUD Rantauprapat.Methods: Quantitative research with an analytic cross-sectional approach conducted in December 2022-June 2023. There were 205 respondents aged 20-79 years who were taken through simple random sampling. Using data collection sheet instruments. With the analysis used is Univariate, bivariate (Chi-square), and Confounding Mantel Haenszel.Results: Chi-square analysis states that blood sugar levels are significantly associated with hypertension with OR 10.800 (95%CI: 5.410-21.560). Where the confounding analysis of Mantel Haenszel age, gender and occupation are confounding factors that affect blood sugar levels and hypertension with risk difference (OR>10%).Conclusion: The study states that there is an influence between blood sugar levels and hypertension. The government is expected to provide education to change the patient's unhealthy lifestyle so as not to lead to other complications

    Overview of the Incidence of Scabies Factors in the Work Area of the Public Health Center Tanjung Medan, Kampung Rakyat District

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    Based on health profile data in the work area of the Tanjung Medan Community Health Center, Kampung Rakyat District, South Labuhanbatu (June 2019-June 2020), the number of cases of scabies sufferers was 352 cases. The areas where people living with scabies disease are prone to frequent flooding when it rains, because people live along rivers and are also densely populated, so this has resulted in a high number of cases of scabies.This study was conducted to determine the description of the incidence of scabies in the working area of PUSKESMAS Tanjung Medan, Kecamatan Kampung Rakyat.This study uses qualitative methods. The research informants were selected by using purposive sampling method. The criteria for the informants in this study were people who had or are currently suffering from scabies skin disease. Data were collected by in-depth interviews.The results showed the factors that influence the incidence of scabies such as personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, nutritional status, symptoms of scabies experienced, and health services at PUSKESMAS. In the aspect of personal hygiene, it is known how the informants' daily activities in carrying out personal hygiene. The personal hygiene of the community and, the environmental sanitation around the place where the community lives is still not good. It is also known that a poor diet has made supporting factors for the development of scabies continue to occur, in the community, so that people continue to experience symptoms such as itching and the appearance of red spots on the skin

    Implementasi Administrasi Pendidikan di MIS Al-Mustafawiyyah Medan

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    Every aspect of life has its own rules and ways of doing it. Many things were initially done with the administration. Administration itself is something that is very important in an effort to achieve goals which in it contains the process of planning, organizing, managing up to assessment or evaluation. Likewise education, being something that everyone needs, education must have good administration so that everything goes well. Educational administration is the first step in building an educational institution which has the goal of creating superior generations in the future. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type at MIS Al-Mustafawiyyah Medan. The results of this study indicate that the education administration at MIS Al-Mustafawiyyah Medan carries out educational administration which includes planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating carried out in schools. The things that are done at the beginning as a strategy are to carry out administration according to education in accordance with what has been planned both in terms of time and in terms of each jobdecs for each teaching staff and education staff. Because in the implementation of this education administration requires all the roles that exist in the school. Setiap aspek dalam kehidupan mempunyai aturan dan cara tersendiri untuk bagaimana mengerjakannya. Banyak hal juga yang awalnya dilakukan dengan administrasi. Administrasi sendiri adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting dalam usaha untuk mencapai tujuan yang didalamya mengandung proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengelolaan sampai dengan penilaian atau evaluasi. Begitu juga pendidikan, menjadi hal yang dibutuhkan semua orang menjadikan pendidikan harus mempunyai administrasi yang baik agar semua berjalan dengan baik. Administrasi pendidikan merupakan langkah awal dalam membangun sebuah lembaga pendidikan yang mana mempunyai tujuan menciptakan generasi-generasi unggul di masa depan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasusdi MIS Al-Mustafawiyyah Medan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwaadministrasi pendidikan yang ada di MIS Al-Mustafawiyyah Medan melaksanakan administrasi pendidikan yang mencakup perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi yang dilakukan di sekolah. Hal-hal yang dilakukan diawal sebagai strategi adalah melakukan administrasi sesuai pendidikan sesuai dengan apa yang telah direncanakan baik dari segi waktu dan dari segi masing-masing jobdecs untuk masing-masing tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan. Karena pada pelaksanaannya administrasi pendidikan ini memerlukan semua peran yang ada di sekolah

    Analisis Kebijakan Pendidikan Full Day School di SMP IT Nurul Ilmi

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    Implementation of a full day at school is a new policy that applies full time study to learning activities at SMP IT Nurul Ilmi. Education is dynamic, always carrying out reforms to catch up with developed countries in education at SMP IT Nurul Ilmi. However, this certainly requires careful preparation to minimize conflict. The community's concern arises because the presence of full schools is feared to damage the existing order, such as the teaching of SMP IT Nurul Ilmi. Of course this will have an impact on empowering the community and children. This study will discuss in more detail the formulation of product policies and the issues of implementing a full-time public education system. The method used is literature review, so that education administration cannot be separated from education policy because the two work in synergy with each other. Likewise, education and politics cannot be separated. Both are important for the same goal of advancing the country. Education goals, directions, values ​​and budgets are not necessarily the result of political agreement. Pelaksanaan full day di sekolah merupakan kebijakan baru yang menerapkan full time study di terhadap aktivitas belajar di SMP IT Nurul Ilmi. Pendidikan bersifat dinamis, selalu melakukan reformasi untuk mengejar ketertinggalan negara-negara maju dalam pendidikan di SMP IT Nurul Ilmi. Namun, hal ini tentunya membutuhkan persiapan yang matang untuk meminimalisir terjadinya konflik. Kekhawatiran masyarakat muncul karena keberadaan sekolah penuh dikhawatirkan dapat merusak tatanan yang sudah ada, seperti pengajaran SMP IT Nurul Ilmi. Tentunya hal ini akan berdampak pada pemberdayaan masyarakat dan anak. Dalam kajian ini akan dibahas lebih detail tentang perumusan kebijakan produk dan isu-isu pelaksanaan sistem pendidikan umum purna waktu. Metode yang digunakan adalah literature review, sehingga administrasi pendidikan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kebijakan pendidikan karena keduanya saling bersinergi. Demikian pula, pendidikan dan politik tidak dapat dipisahkan. Keduanya penting untuk tujuan yang sama memajukan negara. Tujuan, arah, nilai-nilai, dan anggaran pendidikan tidak serta merta merupakan hasil kesepakatan politik