15 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Angka stunting pada balita di wilayah Puskesmas Tugu, Kota Depok, menjadi keprihatinan karena dampak jangka panjangnya terhadap pertumbuhan anak. Dalam upaya mengatasi ini, kami bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik kepada ibu hamil, ibu balita, dan kader terkait pencegahan stunting. Kami bermaksud meningkatkan kesadaran dan pengetahuan masyarakat terkait stunting melalui pendekatan edukasi. Dengan kerja sama antara Dosen dan Mahasiswa dari Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat, kami melaksanakan kegiatan penyuluhan yang melibatkan 35 peserta dari berbagai kelompok termasuk kader, ibu hamil, dan ibu balita. Materi disampaikan melalui ceramah, dibantu dengan distribusi leaflet. Evaluasi dilakukan melalui pre-test dan post-test untuk mengukur peningkatan pengetahuan, serta melalui monitoring perubahan perilaku. Peserta menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan rata-rata sebesar 30% setelah mengikuti edukasi. Diagram perbandingan pre-test dan post-test menggambarkan peningkatan ini. Pendekatan edukasi berhasil membantu mereka memahami stunting dan praktik gizi. Keberhasilan ini bukan hanya sekadar lancarnya kegiatan, tetapi juga peningkatan nyata dalam pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat terkait stunting dan perawatan anak.Abstract: The prevalence of stunting among toddlers in the working area of Tugu Primary Health Center, Depok City, raises concerns due to its long-term impact on children's growth. In an effort to address this issue, our aim is to provide better understanding to pregnant women, mothers of toddlers, and community health workers (cadres) regarding stunting prevention. We intend to enhance awareness and knowledge within the community about stunting through educational approaches. Collaborating between faculty members and students from the Public Health Department, we conducted educational sessions involving 35 participants from diverse groups. The material was conveyed through lectures, supported by leaflet distribution. Evaluation was carried out using pre-test and post-test assessments to measure knowledge improvement, alongside behavior monitoring. Participants demonstrated an average knowledge increase of 30% after attending the education. A comparative diagram of pre-test and post-test results illustrates this improvement. The educational approach successfully facilitated understanding of stunting and nutritional practices. The achievement is not only reflected in the smooth implementation of activities but also in the substantial enhancement of knowledge and understanding within the community regarding stunting and child care


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    Kualitas layanan kesehatan memainkan peran penting dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dan harapan pasien, termasuk standar layanan kesehatan yang optimal dan sumber daya yang dapat diakses. Pasien menuntut layanan kesehatan yang unggul dan berkualitas tinggi yang menghasilkan kepercayaan dan perlindungan yang mengarah pada kunjungan berulang ke rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki dampak kualitas layanan terhadap loyalitas pasien di rumah sakit melalui metode tinjauan sistematis. Penulis melakukan pencarian literatur menggunakan basis data Google Scholar dan SAGE, termasuk artikel akses terbuka dengan teks lengkap, relevansi, International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), dan diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia dari tahun 2019 hingga 2022. Temuan penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kualitas layanan secara signifikan mempengaruhi loyalitas pasien, dengan setidaknya lima dimensi kualitas layanan yang terkait dengan loyalitas, yaitu keandalan, jaminan, daya tanggap, bukti fisik, dan empati. Analisis terhadap tujuh artikel menunjukkan bahwa layanan kesehatan yang berkualitas tinggi dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pasien, yang mengarah pada dampak positif pada loyalitas pasien. Dimensi kualitas layanan sangat penting bagi rumah sakit untuk memahami dan menerapkannya untuk menumbuhkan loyalitas pasien dan kunjungan ulang. Penelitian ini meninjau perlunya rumah sakit untuk fokus dalam memberikan layanan kesehatan berkualitas tinggi yang memenuhi harapan dan kebutuhan pasien. Dengan demikian, rumah sakit dapat meningkatkan loyalitas pasien dan menghasilkan manfaat jangka panjang bagi pasien dan penyedia layanan kesehatan

    The implementation of HTA in medicine pricing and reimbursement policies in Indonesia:Insights from multiple stakeholders

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to identify the barriers and facilitators to improve the use of health technology assessment (HTA) for the selection of medicines listed in the e-Catalogue and the national formulary in Indonesia. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect qualitative data. Purposive sampling was used to recruit the stakeholders consisting of policymakers, a pharmaceutical industry representative, healthcare providers, and patients. The data were analyzed using directed content analysis and following the COnsolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative studies (COREQ). RESULTS: The twenty-five participants interviewed agreed with the use of HTA for supporting the e-Catalogue and the national formulary and perceived the advantages of HTA implementation outweighed the disadvantages. Barriers mentioned were a lack of capability of local human resources, financial incentives, a clear framework and insufficient data. Strategies suggested to overcome the barriers were establishing (inter)national networks to build up capacity, setting up departments of HTA in several universities in Indonesia, and introducing a clear HTA framework. Facilitators mentioned were the ambition to achieve universal health coverage, the presence of legal frameworks to implement HTA in the e-Catalogue and the national formulary, and the demands for appropriate medicine policies. CONCLUSIONS: Several barriers are currently hampering broad implementation of HTA in medicine pricing and reimbursement policy in Indonesia. Solutions to these issues appear feasible and important facilitators exist

    Moving forward to achieve universal health coverage in Indonesia

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    All the united nations, including Indonesia, have committed to achieving universal health coverage (UHC), as part of the sustainable development goals by 2030. The UHC exists in a country when all society could receive the quality healthcare services they need without suffering financial hardship. At the beginning of 2014, Indonesia launched new national health insurance, Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional-Kartu Indonesia Sehat (JKN-KIS) and officially announced its plan to achieve UHC by 2020. This thesis aims to evaluate the progress of the JKN-KIS towards UHC. Three key challenges i.e, medicines management, health financing system, and the epidemiological situation are discussed in this thesis. Regarding medicine management, the government of Indonesia introduces several new medicine policies to support JKN-KIS. However, these policies have not been fully utilized for achieving UHC because of a lack of harmonization, a lack of evidence-based, and so on could be found more detailed in this thesis. In terms of the health financing system, this thesis identified that the target for reducing out of pocket payment schemes below 20% may be reached by 2024. In the meantime, the target for achieving government schemes 4% of GDP still remains challenging. As regards to the epidemiological situation, an aging population lead to non-communicable disease, especially cardiovascular disease as the largest financial burden on the JKN-KIS program. Our thesis identified that smoking is the existing risk factor that indeed could be intervened. Finally, the conclusion of this thesis is that JKN-KIS is the cornerstone for Indonesia to achieve UHC. However, improving efficiency and raising financial resources for health are the necessity to address the three key challenges

    Assesment of health-related quality of life with patient chronic kidney disease at hasanuddin university hospital

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    Measuring the quality of life can be used as a reference for the success of an action or therapy as well as initial data in formulating the right action for the patient. This study aims to provide an overview of the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure who seek treatment at the Hasanuddin University teaching hospital. The research design used was an observational cross-sectional design with data collection carried out by filling out a questionnaire prospectively. The subjects of the study were chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were selected using a non-random sampling technique by means of total sampling. The patient's quality of life was measured using the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form (KDQOL-SFtm) Indonesian version 1.3 questionnaire. A total of 30 patients were willing to participate in this study. The results of the study on 30 patients with chronic renal failure, there were 7 out of 19 scale/item having a not good, namely burden of kidney disease, work status, sleep, physical functioning, role-physical, pain, and general health. The average value of 19 scale/item shows an average score of> 59.37, which is 63.86 which belongs to the good quality of life category


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    Akses terhadap obat esensial sangat penting dalam mencapai Cakupan Kesehatan Universal (Universal Health Coverage/UHC) di Indonesia. Obat esensial harus tersedia, terjangkau, dan memiliki kualitas yang memadai.  Namun dalam penerapannya masih terdapat banyak kendala yang menghambat tercapainya hal tersebut, seperti rendahnya ketersediaan obat esensial di fasilitas kesehatan, harga obat yang mahal, dan kualitas obat yang tidak terjamin. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini melakukan tinjauan literatur tentang ketersediaan, keterjangkauan, dan kualitas obat esensial di Indonesia dalam mencapai UHC. Metode yang digunakan adalah tinjauan literatur dengan mencari sumber data di database jurnal seperti PubMed dan Google Scholar. Hasil tinjauan literatur menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan, keterjangkauan, dan kualitas obat esensial di Indonesia belum mencapai standar Cakupan Kesehatan Universal, terutama di fasyankes swasta. Hal ini disebabkan oleh rendahnya kebijakan pengendalian harga obat esensial. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan perbaikan dalam hal ketersediaan, keterjangkauan, dan kualitas obat esensial di fasilitas kesehatan di Indonesia agar tercapai Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan, keterjangkauan, dan kualitas obat esensial di Indonesia dalam mencapai UHC, maka peneliti merekomendasikan kerja sama antara pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah dalam meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan, melakukan kajian di daerah dengan pemanfaatan rendah, memperbaiki infrastruktur dan pelayanan kesehatan yang kurang, serta memantau dan menilai secara berkelanjutan

    Terminal Aryl Alkenes and Alkynes as Arylcarboxy Surrogates toward <i>o</i>‑Benzoxylation of 2‑Phenylpyridine Catalyzed by Copper

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    A variety of styrenes and phenylacetylenes serve as excellent arylcarboxy sources in bringing about substrate directed <i>o</i>-benzoxylation of 2-phenylpyridine derivatives catalyzed by Cu­(II) in the presence of TBHP. This reaction proceeds via formation of phenylglyoxal followed by decarbonylation to benzoyl radical/benzaldehyde which acts as the arylcarboxy source