40 research outputs found

    Criminalization of Polygamy in Canada: Historical, Legal and Sociological Analysis

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    The Canadian Criminal Code criminalizes the act of polygamy pursuant to s.290, and bigamy (another act which is similar to polygamy) pursuant to s.293 under the assumption that such practices have an adverse impact on women and children. However, the history of the criminalization of polygamy in Canada suggests that it was enacted deliberately to marginalize a particular minority group. This paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter I discusses the historical background of polygamy and indicates that the criminalization of polygamy in Canada was an adoption of the American legal approach to Mormonism. Chapter II analyzes the provisions of the Canadian Criminal Code and demonstrates that the criminalization of polygamy significantly limits the rights and freedoms of individuals that are protected under the Charter. It also argues that the limitation of those rights and freedoms are so severe that they cannot be justified in a free and democratic society. Chapter III discusses the social aspects of the criminalization of polygamy. It describes how prohibition on polygamy creates an adverse impact on the society and promotes inequality and discrimination in the name of equality. Chapter IV provides a summary of the benefits that can be achieved if polygamy is legalized in Canada

    Predictors of glucose control in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Results of a cross-sectional study in Khartoum, Sudan

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    © 2018 Zainab Taha, Zeinab Eltoum, Sidiga Washi. BACKGROUND: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a rapidly growing problem in Sudan as well as other African countries. Children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes have previously been found to have poor glycemic control. Strict glycemic control reduces the incidence and progression of chronic complications. AIM: This study aimed to identify the factors associated with glycemic control among children and adolescents. METHODS: The study was a health-centre based descriptive cross-sectional study. Data on socioeconomic, demographic, disease history, and diabetes-specific variables was obtained. Glycemic control was assessed by measuring glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C). Linear regression analysis was done to determine factors associated with glycemic control. RESULTS: One hundred Sudanese children with T1DM aged from (1-18) years were recruited for the study (63 % females). Most of the study children (80%) had high random blood glucose levels. Less than half (40%) suffered from the presence of glucose in their urine and one-quarter of them have urine ketones. Also, Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) level of the study children showed that more than three-quarters (76%) had poor glycemic control. It was found that there is no relationship between nutritional status and glycemic control. However, there is a relationship between socioeconomic status and glycemic control (P = 0.025) CONCLUSION: To improve metabolic control, more frequent BGM should be encouraged among children and adolescents with T1DM. Emphasis needs to be put on providing families with children with diabetes with the medical, financial and social support for better control of their diabetes

    Obesity, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Amongst British and Saudi Youth: A Cross-Cultural Study

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    This study explores differences in weight status, obesity and patterns of physical activity (PA) in relation to gender and age of youth from two culturally, environmentally and geographically diverse countries, the United Kingdom (UK) and Saudi Arabia (SA). A total of 2,290 males and females (15–17 years) volunteered to participate in this study. Participants completed a validated self-report questionnaire that contained 47 items relating to patterns of PA, sedentary activity and eating habits. The questionnaire allows the calculation of total energy expenditure in metabolic equivalent (MET-min) values per week. Significant differences in percentage of overweight/obese and levels of PA were evident between the youth from the two countries, with males being generally more physically active than females. Additionally, there were significant associations between Body Mass Index (BMI), PA and sedentary behaviors; the youth with higher BMI reported lower levels of PA and higher amounts of sedentary time. These findings highlight the diverse nature of lifestyle of youth living in different geographical areas of the world and the need for further research to explore the socio-cultural factors that impact on the prevalence of obesity and patterns of PA of youth in different populations

    Criminalization of Polygamy in Canada: Historical, Legal and Sociological Analysis

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    The Canadian Criminal Code criminalizes the act of polygamy pursuant to s.290, and bigamy (another act which is similar to polygamy) pursuant to s.293 under the assumption that such practices have an adverse impact on women and children. However, the history of the criminalization of polygamy in Canada suggests that it was enacted deliberately to marginalize a particular minority group. This paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter I discusses the historical background of polygamy and indicates that the criminalization of polygamy in Canada was an adoption of the American legal approach to Mormonism. Chapter II analyzes the provisions of the Canadian Criminal Code and demonstrates that the criminalization of polygamy significantly limits the rights and freedoms of individuals that are protected under the Charter. It also argues that the limitation of those rights and freedoms are so severe that they cannot be justified in a free and democratic society. Chapter III discusses the social aspects of the criminalization of polygamy. It describes how prohibition on polygamy creates an adverse impact on the society and promotes inequality and discrimination in the name of equality. Chapter IV provides a summary of the benefits that can be achieved if polygamy is legalized in Canada

    The interrelationships among nutritional status, living environment, and school performance of first through third grade primary school children living in low socioeconomic areas in Khartoum, Sudan

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the interrelations among and between indicators of nutritional status, living environment, and school performance of first through third grade primary school children living in low socioeconomic areas in Khartoum, Sudan. Subjects were 198 first through third grade males and females enrolled in six primary schools in three urban, low socioeconomic areas of Khartoum. An interview form was developed to obtain information from the subjects' mothers or female guardians regarding demographic and living environment information, food behavior patterns, and common illnesses of their children. At school, anthropometric characteristics (weight and height) were measured, and school attendance and performance data were obtained;Most subjects came from large families but lived in small homes. Most parents had less than a high school education. The majority of fathers had relatively low-paying jobs and almost all of the mothers did not work outside the home. Most homes had piped water, electricity, television, and radios, but garbage removal services were not available to all the families. The children typically ate three meals and one or more snacks daily and consumed a variety of food items. Most children had had from two to five illnesses during the present school year, and illness was the major cause of absences from school. Anthropometric data indicated poor growth among this group of children. School records showed that a majority had first enrolled in school after age seven, but ranked in the top half of their class academically. Absenteeism averaged 2-4% of the present year's school days. The children of mothers with higher educational achievement tended to perform better in school and to have lower absenteeism rates. Lower absenteeism was also associated with higher weight-for-height percentiles, fewer illnesses, and higher language scores. Girls scored significantly higher in math and language than boys.</p


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    In response to the escalating challenge posed by the addictive algorithms of social media platforms, "Project Dopamine" introduces a sophisticated intervention designed to disrupt the entrenched patterns of digital addiction prevalent among its users. Utilizing a blend of advanced gaze diversion techniques and cognitive behavioral insights, the extension aims to counteract the compelling visual and interactive cues that drive compulsive media consumption. At the heart of its implementation lies a precisely engineered approach, focusing on the accurate identification and disabling of psychologically researched triggers through refined algorithmic techniques, effectively weakening the platform’s psychological hold on users. This initiative is grounded in a rigorous empirical framework, where the impact of these interventions is quantitatively assessed through a study correlating extension usage with a marked reduction in digital engagement. Through this pinpointed approach, "Project Dopamine" addresses the critical issue of digital over consumption, offering a technically and psychologically informed solution to enhance digital well-being


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan visioner terhadap kreativitas karyawan dengan knowledge sharing sebagai pemediasi. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT. Krafthaus Indonesia dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 31 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data Penelitian menggunakan kuesioner online dengan total 18 item pernyataan. Alat analisis yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah analisis uji regresi linier sederhana dan uji regresi berganda. Berdasarkan pada hasil dari analisis regresi sederhana menunjukan kepemimpinan visioner berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kreativitas karyawan. Kepemimpinan visioner berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing berpengaruh postif dan signifikan terhadap kreativitas karyawan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi berganda kepemimpinan visioner menjadi tidak signifikan terhadap kreativitas karyawan ketika variabel knowledge sharing (variabel mediasi) dimasukan, hal ini menunjukan knowledge sharing memediasi penuh pengaruh kepemimpinan visioner terhadap kreativitas karyawan