4,580 research outputs found

    How to Generate Four-Fermion Phase Space

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    We present a scheme for integrating the matrix element of an arbitrary e^+e^-\to f_1f_2\bar f_3\bar f_4 process over the complete four-fermion phase space, or its any part, by means of the Monte Carlo technique. The presented algorithm has been successfully implemented in the KORALW Monte Carlo code.Comment: 16 page

    Production of tau tau jj final states at the LHC and the TauSpinner algorithm: the spin-2 case

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    The TauSpinner algorithm is a tool that allows to modify the physics model of the Monte Carlo generated samples due to the changed assumptions of event production dynamics, but without the need of re-generating events. With the help of weights Ď„\tau-lepton production or decay processes can be modified accordingly to a new physics model. In a recent paper a new version TauSpinner ver.2.0.0 has been presented which includes a provision for introducing non-standard states and couplings and study their effects in the vector-boson-fusion processes by exploiting the spin correlations of Ď„\tau-lepton pair decay products in processes where final states include also two hard jets. In the present paper we document how this can be achieved taking as an example the non-standard spin-2 state that couples to Standard Model particles and tree-level matrix elements with complete helicity information included for the parton-parton scattering amplitudes into a Ď„\tau-lepton pair and two outgoing partons. This implementation is prepared as the external (user provided) routine for the TauSpinner algorithm. It exploits amplitudes generated by MadGraph5 and adopted to the TauSpinner algorithm format. Consistency tests of the implemented matrix elements, reweighting algorithm and numerical results for observables sensitive to Ď„\tau polarization are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures; version published in EPJ

    Four-quark final state in W-pair production: Case of signal and background

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    We discuss theoretical predictions for W-pair production and decay at LEP2 and higher energies in a form suitable for comparison with raw data. We present a practical framework for calculating uncertainties of predictions given by the KORALW and grc4f Monte Carlo programs. As an example we use observables in the ssˉccˉs\bar s c\bar c decay channel: the total four-quark (four-jet) cross section and two-quark/jet invariant-mass distribution and cross section, in the case when the other two may escape detection. Effects of QED bremsstrahlung, effective couplings, running W and Z widths, Coulomb interaction and the complete tree level set of diagrams are discussed. We also revisit the question of technical precision of the new version 1.21 of the KORALW Monte Carlo code as well as of version 1.2(26) of the grc4f one. Finally we find predictions of the two programs to have an overall physical uncertainty of 2%. As a side result we show, on the example of an ssˉs\bar s invariant mass distribution, the strong interplay of spin correlations and detector cut-offs in the case of four-fermion final states.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    Next Generation Higgs Bosons: Theory, Constraints and Discovery Prospects at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Particle physics model building within the context of string theory suggests that further copies of the Higgs boson sector may be expected. Concerns regarding tree-level flavor changing neutral currents are easiest to allay if little or no couplings of next generation Higgs bosons are allowed to Standard Model fermions. We detail the resulting general Higgs potential and mass spectroscopy in both a Standard Model extension and a supersymmetric extension. We present the important experimental constraints from meson-meson mixing, loop-induced b→sγb\to s\gamma decays and LEP2 direct production limits. We investigate the energy range of valid perturbation theory of these ideas. In the supersymmetric context we present a class of examples that marginally aids the fine-tuning problem for parameter space where the lightest Higgs boson mass is greater than the Standard Model limit of 114 GeV. Finally, we study collider physics signatures generic to next generation Higgs bosons, with special emphasis on Ah→hhZ→4b+2lAh\to hhZ\to 4b+2l signal events, and describe the capability of discovery at the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: 43 pages, 12 figures; v3: minor corrections, published in Physical Review

    Prospects for Observing an Invisibly Decaying Higgs Boson in the t anti-t H Production at the LHC

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    The prospects for observing an invisibly decaying Higgs boson in the t anti-t H production at LHC are discussed. An isolated lepton, reconstructed hadronic top-quark decay, two identified b-jets and large missing transverse energy are proposed as the final state signature for event selection. Only the Standard Model backgrounds are taken into account. It is shown that the t anti-t Z, t anti-t W, b anti-b Z and b anti-b W backgrounds can individually be suppressed below the signal expectation. The dominant source of background remains the t anti-t production. The key for observability will be an experimental selection which allows further suppression of the contributions from the t anti-t events with one of the top-quarks decaying into a tau lepton. Depending on the details of the final analysis, an excess of the signal events above the Standard Model background of about 10% to 100% can be achieved in the mass range m_H= 100-200 GeV.Comment: Final version as accepted by EPJ

    MC generator TAUOLA: implementation of Resonance Chiral Theory for two and three meson modes. Comparison with experiment

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    We present a partial upgrade of the Monte Carlo event generator TAUOLA with the two and three hadron decay modes using the theoretical models based on Resonance Chiral Theory. These modes account for 88% of total hadronic width of the tau meson. First results of the model parameters have been obtained using BaBar data for three pion mode.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, contribution to the Proceedings of the QCD@Work12 Conferenc

    Theoretical inputs and errors in the new hadronic currents in TAUOLA

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    The new hadronic currents implemented in the TAUOLA library are obtained in the unified and consistent framework of Resonance Chiral Theory: a Lagrangian approach in which the resonances exchanged in the hadronic tau decays are active degrees of freedom included in a way that reproduces the low-energy results of Chiral Perturbation Theory. The short-distance QCD constraints on the imaginary part of the spin-one correlators yield relations among the couplings that render the theory predictive. In this communication, the obtaining of the two- and three-meson form factors is sketched. One of the criticisms to our framework is that the error may be as large as 1/3, since it is a realization of the large-N_C limit of QCD in a meson theory. A number of arguments are given which disfavor that claim pointing to smaller errors, which would explain the phenomenological success of our description in these decays. Finally, other minor sources of error and current improvements of the code are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, contribution to the Proceedings of the QCD@Work12 Conferenc

    Spin effects in tau-lepton pair production at LHC

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    Question of the proper incorporation of spin effects in tau lepton decays is often of importance. In present work, case of the Z/gamma to tau+ tau- production mechanism is studied in detail. As an example, the effects due to the spin correlations on the potential for the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) Higgs searches in the tau tau decay channel at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are discussed. For these processes, the Standard Model Z/gamma to tau tau -pair production is a dominant background. The spin effects in high energy physics reactions, can be implemented up to certain approximation, independently of the algorithm and matrix elements used by the production program. Information stored on every generated event can be sufficient. The algorithm based on such approximation is documented. Question of the theoretical uncertaintity is discussed only partly.Comment: latex 19 pages, 22 PostScript figures. Corrections of published version (mainly language) include

    Coherent Exclusive Exponentiation for Precision Monte Carlo Calculations of Fermion Pair Production / Precision Predictions for (Un)stable W+W- Pairs

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    We present the new Coherent Exclusive Exponentiation (CEEX), in comparison to the older Exclusive Exponentiation (EEX) and the semi-analytical Inclusive Exponentiation (IEX), for the process e+e- -> f-bar f + n(gamma), f=mu,tau,d,u,s,c,b, with validity for centre of mass energies from tau lepton threshold to 1 TeV. We analyse 2f numerical results at the Z-peak, 189 GeV and 500 GeV. We also present precision calculations of the signal processes e+e- -> 4f in which the double resonant W+W- intermediate state occurs using our YFSWW3-1.14 MC. Sample 4f Monte Carlo data are explicitly illustrated in comparison to the literature at LEP2 energies. These comparisons show that a TU for the signal process cross section of 0.4 percent is valid for the LEP2 200 GeV energy. LC energy results are also shown.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Presented at ICHEP200
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