523 research outputs found

    Valuation of aircraft noise by time of day: a comparison of two approaches

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    This paper reports an innovative application of stated preference techniques to derive values of aircraft noise by time of day and day of week. Revealed preference techniques cannot provide such segmentations which would clearly be of use in policy development especially relating to airport operations. Given the lack of research on this issue the work reported here is highly experimental. Two stated preference experiments were designed. The first focussed on a single time period whilst the second asked respondents to trade between time periods. Both approaches yielded results that are plausible and mutually consistent in terms of relative values by time period. We conclude that stated preference techniques are particularly useful in this context where the use of aggregated values may lead to non-optimal policy decisions

    State of the art transparency: lessons from Europe and North America

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    This Special Issue of the Journal of Risk Research was initiated to increase the evidence base supporting critical understanding of the use and impacts of transparency as a policy tool in risk management and regulation in Europe and North America. The lead research articles and perspectives were initially presented at a two-day workshop supported by the Journal of Risk Research and its publisher Taylor and Francis, which took place in Lavandou, Provence, 19th - 20th June 2014. In this editorial we introduce the motivations for the special issue and offer a brief summary of the contribution of each article highlighting key intersections and points of concurrenc

    Standard electrode potentials involving radicals in aqueous solution: inorganic radicals

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    Inorganic radicals, such as superoxide and hydroxyl, play an important role in biology. Their tendency to oxidize or to reduce other compounds has been studied by pulse radiolysis; electrode potentials can be derived when equilibrium is established with a well-known reference compound. An IUPAC Task Group has evaluated the literature and produced the recommended standard electrode potentials for such couples as (O2/O2·-), (HO·, H+/H2O), (O3/O3·-), (Cl2/Cl2·-), (Br2·-/2Br-), (NO2·/NO2-), and (CO3·-/CO32-

    Using passenger personas to design technological innovation for the rail industry

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    Research with end users can contribute to the design of technologies such as intelligent transport systems. However, it is important to use methods that can facilitate the uptake of research outcomes by the industry. This paper presents the use of passenger personas as part of the process of developing new technologies for the rail industry in the UK. Personas represent archetypal users and can facilitate the understanding of user behaviours, needs, motivations, characteristics and limitations. We aggregated existing knowledge and complemented it with bespoke data collection to understand passengers’ perceptions about the rail system. The study design focused on current user experiences and also where technology can improve these experiences. A set of four personas was produced in order to illustrate who the users of the train systems are as well as their characteristics. This knowledge informed the requirements of innovative technologies that can enhance user experiences during rail travel

    Introducing willingness-to-pay for noise changes into transport appraisal: an application of benefit transfer.

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    Numerous research studies have elicited willingness-to-pay values for transport-related noise, however, in many industrialised countries including the UK, noise costs and benefits are still not incorporated into appraisals for most transport projects and policy changes (Odgaard et al, 2005; Grant-Muller et al, 2001). This paper describes the actions recently taken in the UK to address this issue, comprising: primary research based on the city of Birmingham; an international review of willingness-to-pay evidence; development of values using benefit transfers over time and locations; and integration with appraisal methods. Amongst the main findings are: that the willingness-to-pay estimates derived for the UK are broadly comparable with those used in appraisal elsewhere in Europe; that there is a case for a lower threshold at 1 45dB(A)Leq,18hr1 rather than the more conventional 55dB(A); and that values per dB(A) increase with the noise level above this threshold. There are significant issues over the valuation of rail versus road noise, the neglect of non-residential noise and the valuation of high noise levels in different countries. Conclusions are drawn regarding the feasibility of noise valuation based on benefit transfers in the UK and elsewhere, and future research needs in this field are discussed

    Extension of Yeast Chronological Lifespan by Methylamine

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    Background: Chronological aging of yeast cells is commonly used as a model for aging of human post-mitotic cells. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown on glucose in the presence of ammonium sulphate is mainly used in yeast aging research. We have analyzed chronological aging of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha grown at conditions that require primary peroxisome metabolism for growth. Methodology/Principal Findings: The chronological lifespan of H. polymorpha is strongly enhanced when cells are grown on methanol or ethanol, metabolized by peroxisome enzymes, relative to growth on glucose that does not require peroxisomes. The short lifespan of H. polymorpha on glucose is mainly due to medium acidification, whereas most likely ROS do not play an important role. Growth of cells on methanol/methylamine instead of methanol/ammonium sulphate resulted in further lifespan enhancement. This was unrelated to medium acidification. We show that oxidation of methylamine by peroxisomal amine oxidase at carbon starvation conditions is responsible for lifespan extension. The methylamine oxidation product formaldehyde is further oxidized resulting in NADH generation, which contributes to increased ATP generation and reduction of ROS levels in the stationary phase. Conclusion/Significance: We conclude that primary peroxisome metabolism enhanced chronological lifespan of H. polymorpha. Moreover, the possibility to generate NADH at carbon starvation conditions by an organic nitrogen source supports further extension of the lifespan of the cell. Consequently, the interpretation of CLS analyses in yeast should include possible effects on the energy status of the cell.

    Innovations in earthquake risk reduction for resilience: Recent advances and challenges

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    The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (SFDRR) highlights the importance of scientific research, supporting the ‘availability and application of science and technology to decision making’ in disaster risk reduction (DRR). Science and technology can play a crucial role in the world’s ability to reduce casualties, physical damage, and interruption to critical infrastructure due to natural hazards and their complex interactions. The SFDRR encourages better access to technological innovations combined with increased DRR investments in developing cost-effective approaches and tackling global challenges. To this aim, it is essential to link multi- and interdisciplinary research and technological innovations with policy and engineering/DRR practice. To share knowledge and promote discussion on recent advances, challenges, and future directions on ‘Innovations in Earthquake Risk Reduction for Resilience’, a group of experts from academia and industry met in London, UK, in July 2019. The workshop focused on both cutting-edge ‘soft’ (e.g., novel modelling methods/frameworks, early warning systems, disaster financing and parametric insurance) and ‘hard’ (e.g., novel structural systems/devices for new structures and retrofitting of existing structures, sensors) risk-reduction strategies for the enhancement of structural and infrastructural earthquake safety and resilience. The workshop highlighted emerging trends and lessons from recent earthquake events and pinpointed critical issues for future research and policy interventions. This paper summarises some of the key aspects identified and discussed during the workshop to inform other researchers worldwide and extend the conversation to a broader audience, with the ultimate aim of driving change in how seismic risk is quantified and mitigated

    Freight distribution performance indicators for service quality planning in large transportation networks

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    This paper studies the use of performance indicators in routing problems to estimate how transportation cost is affected by the quality of service offered. The quality of service is assumed to be directly dependent on the size of the time windows. Smaller time windows mean better service. Three performance indicators are introduced. These indicators are calculated directly from the data without the need of a solution method. The introduced indicators are based mainly on a "request compatibility", which describes whether two visits can be scheduled consecutively in a route. Other two indicators are introduced, which get their values from a greedy constructive heuristic. After introducing the indicators, the correlation between indicators and transportation cost is examined. It is concluded that the indicators give a good first estimation on the transportation cost incurred when providing a certain quality of service. These indicators can be calculated easily in one of the first planning steps without the need of a sophisticated solution tool. The contribution of the paper is the introduction of a simple set of performance indicators that can be used to estimate the transportation cost of a routing problem with time window

    A multi-modal network approach to model public transport accessibility impacts of bicycle-train integration policies

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    In the Netherlands, the bicycle plays an important in station access and, to a lesser extent, in station egress. There is however fairly little knowledge in the potential effects of bicycle-train integration policies. The aim of this paper is to examine the impacts of bicycle-train integration policies on train ridership and job accessibility for public transport users.MethodsWe extended the Dutch National Transport Model (NVM) by implementing a detailed bicycle network linked to the public transport network, access/egress mode combinations and station specific access and egress penalties by mode and station type derived from a stated choice survey. Furthermore, the effects of several bicycletrain integration policy scenarios were examined for a case study for Randstad South, in the Netherlands, comprising a dense train network with 54 train stations.ConclusionsOur analysis shows that improving the quality of bicycle routes and parking can substantially increase train ridership and potential job accessibility for train users. Large and medium stations are more sensitive to improvements in bicycle-train integration policies, while small stations are more sensitive to improvements in the train level of service

    International meta-analysis of stated preference studies of transportation noise nuisance

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11116-014-9527-4This paper reports the first meta-analysis and most extensive review of stated preference studies of transportation noise nuisance. The meta-analysis is based on a newly compiled data set of 258 values from 49 studies and 23 countries and spanning more than 40 years. Contrast this with the most extensive meta-analysis of the more conventional hedonic pricing approach which includes 53 noise valuations. Moreover, the sample compares favourably with the 444 observations from the very first meta-analysis of the value of travel time savings which is by far the most widely examined parameter in transport planning. A particularly significant finding of the study is that the intertemporal income elasticity is close to one, somewhat larger than the cross-sectional income elasticity typically obtained from individual studies. This demonstrates the importance of distinguishing the effects of 2 income variations that occur over time, which tend to drive policy, from variations across individuals at one point in time, and such findings are typical of those observed in other markets. Importantly, the values derived are transferable across countries and may be used to benchmark existing evidence and provide values in contexts where none exist. Other key results are that values for aircraft noise exceed those for other modes, whilst those exposed to higher noise levels and those who are highly annoyed also have higher values in line with expectations. A wide range of design effects were tested but few were significant and these included the consumer surplus measure, the representation of noise and the context