4 research outputs found
Strategi Bersaing Jasa Non Klasifikasi pada PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to compete formulating global strategy PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) in non-classification marine services business (independent assurance) in Indonesia that includes three business sector such as marine, industry, and energy. The methodology used the analytical descriptive method with techniques SWOT analysis. The number of population as many as 5.248 companies, the target population was the BKI non-classification customers (non-klas) or independent assurance in all three business sector susch as marine, industry, and energy. The determination of the total sample using Slovin formulas with the levels of trust 95 % obtained the total sample as many as 400 respondents. The research results showed that based on a position map of non-classification services business, BKI was on strategic rapid growth. BKI increased the number of a new job, increased new consumer on the non-classification services (independent assurance) in all business sectors, and focused on the type of non-classification service business certain having the the highest value income for BKI
Studi Kekuatan Puncak Struktur Crane Pedestal FPSO Belakan Akibat Interaksi Gerakan Dinamis Cargo pada Crane
Crane pedestal merupakan sarana penunjang aktivitas operasional FPSO Belanak dimana dalam operasinya memperoleh pengaruh signifikan dari beban lingkungan (gelombang dan angin) serta operasionalnya. Konstruksi crane terutama pada crane pedestal haruslah kuat menahan beban-beban yang terjadi sampai dengan pada kondisi ekstrem, karena scantling crane pedestal merupakan tumpuan struktur crane, serta tersambung dengan hull FPSO. Oleh karena hal tersebut, kekuatan puncak atau ultimate strength dari scantling crane pedestal harus dapat ditentukan guna memperoleh prediksi kegagalan akhir atau ultimate failure. Dalam penelitian ini, kekuatan puncak scantling crane pedestal dikaji secara deterministik dengan perangkat lunak ANSYS, sedangkan keandalan dikaji secara probabilistik dengan simulasi Monte Carlo. Pemodelan beban dinamis FPSO akibat gelombang diselesaikan dengan perangkat lunak MOSES dimana titik tinjau analisa dinamis terletak pada centre of gravity (COG) crane pedestal dan crane mengangkat cargo dengan massa sebesar 50 ton serta posisi crane boom tegak lurus hull FPSO. Dari hasil analisa deterministik, nilai tegangan kombinasi ketiga beban ekstrem tersebut adalah sebesar 48.66 Mpa, pada kondisi ini struktur tidak mengalami kegagalan (Pf=0) dengan K=1, sehingga struktur dalam keadaan aman. Karena nilai tegangan maksimum < UTS, maka dilakukan perkalian interval beban hingga nilai tegangan maksimum melebihi nilai UTS. Berdasarkan data material struktur (UTS = 400 MPa), didapatkan keandalan global sebesar K=0.4454 dengan Pf=0.5546, sedangkan berdasarkan pertimbangan desain yaitu berdasarkan basic utilization factor 0.8 x 400 MPa = 320 MPa didapatkan keandalan global K=0.0874 dengan Pf=0.9126. dan untuk nilai keandalan daerah kritis didapatkan sebesar K=0.1014 dengan Pf=0.8964
Considering that teenagers in the future will be the next generation, the future must be approved. Tri Dharma of higher education related to Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM), which refers to the responsibilities of teachers including transferring, transforming, and using knowledge from within the campus for the community. Based on this, Bunda Mulia University conducted PKM activities by raising the topic " Kompetensi di Dunia Realitas setelah Lulus SMA". The participation of the study participants was adjusted to the topic Tunas Indonesia School students. The method used in this PKM is an ice breaking session, sharing of material, role playing as a practical tool for participants as well as question and answer sessions so that two-way communication can be used. In summary, life goals, self-development, the importance of soft skills in achieving our goals, and success in the world of work. Each session is twenty minutes long. In the future, the activity of PKM is expected to be held again, of course with more diverse topics and bring benefits.
Keywords: competence, graduated high school, PKM, life goals
Fires, Smoke Exposure, and Public Health: An Integrative Framework to Maximize Health Benefits From Peatland Restoration
Emissions of particulate matter from fires associated with land management practices in Indonesia contribute to regional air pollution and mortality. We assess the public health benefits in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore from policies to reduce fires by integrating information on fire emissions, atmospheric transport patterns, and population exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5). We use adjoint sensitivities to relate fire emissions to PM2.5 for a range of meteorological conditions and find that a Business-As-Usual scenario of land use change leads, on average, to 36,000 excess deaths per year into the foreseeable future (the next several decades) across the region. These deaths are largely preventable with fire reduction strategies, such as blocking fires in peatlands, industrial concessions, or protected areas, which reduce the health burden by 66, 45, and 14%, respectively. The effectiveness of these different strategies in mitigating human health impacts depends on the location of fires relative to the population distribution. For example, protecting peatlands through eliminating all fires on such lands would prevent on average 24,000 excess deaths per year into the foreseeable future across the region because, in addition to storing large amounts of fuel, many peatlands are located directly upwind of densely populated areas. We also demonstrate how this framework can be used to prioritize restoration locations for the Indonesian Peatland Restoration Agency based on their ability to reduce pollution exposure and health burden. This scientific framework is publicly available through an online decision support tool that allows stakeholders to readily determine the public health benefits of different land management strategies